135 resultados para Illicit Drug-use
This report consists of a number of case histories and taped interviews with drug users in which they speak about their reasons for taking drugs. The author also analyses the drug trafficking scene, which is based on the importation of drugs from London, Northern Ireland, robbery of chemists' shops and forged prescriptions. The author concludes that adequately equipped drug clinics, advisory services and better police precautions all have an important part to play in dealing with the drugs problem. He also concludes the Drug Squad needs to be strengthened and educational programmes about the dangers of drugs need to be introduced into schools.This resource was contributed by The National Documentation Centre on Drug Use.
The Drug Misuse Research Division of the Health Research Board operates the National Drug Treatment Reporting System (NDTRS). The system is used to provide epidemiological information on treated problem drug misuse in Ireland and informs policy makers, researchers and the general public. The NDTRS collates data from participating treatment centres in all Health Board areas, however a gap in information exists in that drug misusers in treatment units within prisons and those treated by General Practitioners are not included. This study aims to determine the feasibility of including these two groups to increase coverage of the NDTRS and outlines preliminary steps for their inclusion.This resource was contributed by The National Documentation Centre on Drug Use.
Inequalities in the physical and psychological health of the first- and second-generation Irish subjects have been well documented. Despite the fact that the Irish alcohol misuser is subject to a number of unhelpful stereotypes, the research concerning alcohol misuse in the Irish is surprisingly sparse. What little exists indicates that Irish alcohol misusers tend to fit the profile of the "chronic alcoholic." Specifically, they tend to be older (45 years +) and to have impaired physical and psychological health. Not surprisingly this is accompanied by poor longitudinal outcomes. Furthermore, alcohol problems worsen as a result of migration (this phenomenon is not restricted to the UK). Alcohol and drug services are now frequently merged, and policy is directed towards the visible young illicit drug user. This paper argues that inadvertently Irish alcohol misusers are discriminated against as a result. Future avenues of research are outlined to provide services and policy makers with data to plan services taking full account of the needs of Irish alcohol misusers.This resource was contributed by The National Documentation Centre on Drug Use.
Patients who have overdosed on drugs commonly present to emergency departments, with only the most severe cases requiring intensive care unit (ICU) admission. Such patients typically survive hospitalisation. We studied their longer term functional outcomes and recovery patterns which have not been well described. All patients admitted to the 18-bed ICU of a university-affiliated teaching hospital following drug overdoses between 1 January 2004 and 31 December 2006 were identified. With ethical approval, we evaluated the functional outcome and recovery patterns of the surviving patients 31 months after presentation, by telephone or personal interview. These were recorded as Glasgow outcome score, Karnofsky performance index and present work status. During the three years studied, 43 patients were identified as being admitted to our ICU because of an overdose. The average age was 34 years, 72% were male and the mean APACHE II score was 16.7. Of these, 32 were discharged from hospital alive. Follow-up data was attained on all of them. At a median of 31 months follow-up, a further eight had died. Of the 24 surviving there were 13 unemployed, seven employed and four in custody. The median Glasgow outcome score of survivors was 4.5, their Karnofsky score 80. Admission to ICU for treatment of overdose is associated with a very high risk of death in both the short- and long-term. While excellent functional recovery is achievable, 16% of survivors were held in custody and 54% unemployed.This resource was contributed by The National Documentation Centre on Drug Use.
This guideline offers best practice advice on the assessment and management of people with psychosis and coexisting substance misuse. Psychosis is a condition that affects a person’s mental state, including their thoughts, mood and behaviour. The symptoms of psychosis are:• hallucinations – hearing voices and sometimes seeing things that are not really there• delusions – having fixed beliefs that are false but which the person believes in completely. Substance misuse is a broad term encompassing, in this guideline, the harmful use of any psychotropic substance, including alcohol and either legal or illicit drugs. Use of such substances is harmful when it has a negative effect on a person’s life, including their physical and mental health, relationships, work, education and finances or leads to offending behaviour.This resource was contributed by The National Documentation Centre on Drug Use.
This study explored the patterns of cocaine use and the lifestyles of users in Northern Ireland with the aim of providing the Department of Health, Social Services and Public Safety (DHSSPS) and treatment service providers with a better understanding of cocaine use in Northern Ireland. This primarily qualitative study was conducted in two phases. In Phase I a â?~Community Assessment Processâ?T was conducted to gain an understanding of the experiences of drug treatment professionals to cocaine use in Northern Ireland. In phase II 40 in-depth interviews were conducted with cocaine users. The study identified two types of cocaine user, these are recreational or socially integrated users and those referred for drug treatment who as a group was socially marginalized users. For the purposes of this study these users will be referred to as either recreational or treatment users. The demographic profiles of each type of user differed in a number of important respects. The recreational users were typically young, educated and anchored to a largely conventional lifestyle and whose pattern of non-work activities involved partying and drug use. Treatment users, on the other hand, generally had low level educational qualifications and were typically unemployed and living on state benefits. A number of the treatment users were either living in a hostel at the time of interview or had experienced homelessness at some time in their life. None of the recreational users reported any experience of homelessness. These distinctions, as well as differences between the groups in terms of their drug use patterns, preferences and practices, strongly suggest that in unravelling the nature of cocaine use and cocaine problems there is a need to look beyond the drug itself.This resource was contributed by The National Documentation Centre on Drug Use.
Dr Van Hout has been invited by the ICASA network and IASP research team [Drs Geurt van de Glind; Trimbos Institute, The Netherlands; Dr Pieter-Jan Carpentier, ICASA; Josep Antoni Ramos-Quiroga, University of Barcelona, Spain, Professor Dr Frances Levin, University of Columbia, New York, USA and Professor Dr. Wim van den Brink, University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands] to undertake the research protocol for Ireland as part of this European study of the prevalence of ADHD in adult patients referred for treatment of addiction problems. The research team at Waterford Institute of Technology, School of Health Sciences will undertake this national study as part of the International Collaboration on ADHD and Substance Abuse [ICASA] â?~International ADHD in Substance Use Disorders Prevalence Studyâ?T [IASP study]. The International Collaboration on ADHD and Substance Abuse [ICASA] will provide Dr Van Hout and her team with full support from ICASA of the measurement instruments available and a central database at the University of Amsterdam, and will undergo training for procedures for data capture from Dr van de Glind, Trimbos Institute, The Netherlands. Eight European countries (Norway, Sweden, the Netherlands, Belgium, France, Spain, Switzerland and Hungary) USA and Australia have already participated in the first phase of the IASP study, which will close in September 2011. Over 2500 Substance Use Disorder [SUD] patients were sampled with approximately 38% scoring positive on the ADHD screener (ASRS). Of these 2500 patients over 1000 patients were evaluated on ADHD, Depression, Bipolar Disorder, Anti-Social Personality and Borderline Personality Disorder. A preliminary estimate of the prevalence of ADHD in SUD treatment seeking patients was recorded at 20 %. The second phase of study [IASP 2011] will commence in September 2011 for countries including Ireland, South Africa, Egypt and Brazil. Dr Van Hout has also been invited to partake in a systematic review paper on the risk factors for development of SUD in children/adolescents with ADHD in collaboration with the ICASA foundation.This resource was contributed by The National Documentation Centre on Drug Use.
Many mental health patients also have substance misuse problems, so mental health service staff need to be skilled to provide simple prevention and treatment interventions, assisted by drug and alcohol specialists. This guidance covers the assessment and clinical management of patients with mental illness being cared for in psychiatric inpatient or day care settings who also use or misuse alcohol and/or illicit or other drugs*. It also covers organisational and management issues to help mental health services manage these patients effectively. The key message is that the assessment and management of drug and alcohol use are core competences required by clinical staff in mental health services. The guidance aims to: â?¢ encourage integration of drug and alcohol expertise and related training into mental health service provision; â?¢ provide ideas and guidance to front-line staff and manages to help them provide the most effective therapeutic environments; â?¢ help mental health services plan action on dual diagnosisâ? .This resource was contributed by The National Documentation Centre on Drug Use.
The National Drugs Strategy 2009-2016 is to tackle the harm caused to individuals, families and communities by problem drug use and alcohol use through the five pillars of supply reduction, prevention, treatment, rehabilitation and research. The progress achieved across the 63 Actions of the National Drugs Strategy by Government Departments and Agencies is reported here. Click here to download PDF 155kb
Results of the National Health and Lifestyle Surveys: SLaN [Survey of Lifestyle, Attitudes and Nutrition] and HBSC [Health Behaviour in School-Aged Children] Two baseline surveys of health related behaviours among adults and schoolgoing young people were carried out across the Republic of Ireland in 1998 and again in 2002. The main aims of these surveys are to: - Produce reliable data of a representative cross-section of the Irish population in order to inform the Department of Health and Children's policy and programme planning. - Maintain a survey protocol which will enable lifestyle factors to be remeasured so that trends can be identified and changes monitored to assist national and regional setting of priorities in health promotion activities. In keeping with the health and lifestyle surveillance system of many European countries a number of related factors were measured in both surveys. These include general health, smoking, use of alcohol and other substances, food and nutrition, exercise and accidents. This work was commissioned by the Health Promotion Unit, Department of Health and Children and carried out at the Centre for Health Promotion Studies, National University of Ireland, Galway.This resource was contributed by The National Documentation Centre on Drug Use.
Two baseline surveys of health related behaviours among adults and school-going young people were carried out across the Republic of Ireland in 1998 and again in 2002. The main aims of these surveys are to: - Produce reliable data of a nationally representative cross-section of the Irish population in order to inform the Department of health and Children's policy and programme planning. - Maintain a survey protocol which will enable lifestyle factors to be re-measured so that trends can be identified and changes monitored to assist national and regional setting of priorities in health promotion activities. This report focuses on these two cross-sectional studies, SLaN (Survey of Lifestyles, Attitudes and Nutrition) adults aged 18+ years and HBSC (health Behaviour in School-aged Children) school-going children aged 10-17 years. In keeping with the health and lifestyle surveillance system of many European countries a number of related factors were measured in both surveys. These include general health, smoking, use of alcohol and other substances, food and nutrition, exercise and accidents. This report presents the findings for the same topics at a regional level with some demographic analysis. It must be noted that the aim of the survey was to establish patterns in health and lifestyle at a national level. The significance therefore of findings at the regional level is to identify potential variations that may merit further investigation. This work was commissioned by the health Promotion Unit, Department of health and Children and carried out at the Centre for health Promotion Studies, national University of Ireland, Galway, and at the Department of Public health Medicine and Epidemiology, Woodview House, Belfield, national University of Ireland, Dublin.This resource was contributed by The National Documentation Centre on Drug Use.
This study investigates the impact of poverty and social exclusion on the food, diet and nutrition of people out-of-home in Dublin. The research involved a food frequency survey carried out with 75 people out of home, qualitative interviews with 12 individuals as well as a self-completion questionnaire administered to 18 food service providers in Dublin city. One of the main findings from the study was that the extent and experience of food poverty among homeless people was not only conditioned by income inadequacy and other socio-economic and cultural determinants, but particularly, by access to accommodation, as well as the quality of that accommodation. The report makes a number of practice and policy recommendations to tackle food poverty and homelessness. The qualitative approaches to food poverty employed for use with this sample of people out-of-home aimed to deal in depth with issues around food consumption. Through drawing a sub-sample from those who participated in the survey research (a process of recapture), the authors sought to expand on the survey questionnaire information on food issues. The themes for the Focus Group Discussions (FGDs) emerged from the analysis of the survey questionnaires and 4 key thematic areas were selected. i) Access to cooking, preparation and storage facilities ii) Access, choice and constraints in food purchase and consumption iii) Access to information about healthy diet, food preparation and storage iv) Expectations, cultures, values and choice concerning eating The qualitative aspect of the research enquiry eventually generated one FGD and seven semi-structured interviews representing the views of a total of 12 persons all of whom had completed the initial survey questionnaire.This resource was contributed by The National Documentation Centre on Drug Use.
Noel Ahern T.D., Minister of State at the Department of Community, Rural and Gaeltacht Affairs with responsibility for the National Drugs Strategy, has announced funding of €1.5m under the Premises Initiative Fund to Finglas Addiction Support Team (FAST). FAST is a community-based initiative funded by the Department of Community, Rural & Gaeltacht Affairs under the National Drugs Strategy through Finglas/Cabra Local Drugs Task Force.This resource was contributed by The National Documentation Centre on Drug Use.
Crosscare (formerly known as the Catholic Social Service Conference CSSC) have been responding to the needs of people on the margins of society since 1941. Currently they employ close to 170 staff with an annual expenditure running towards €11 million. Their range of programmes is diverse and they reach into areas of high need.This resource was contributed by The National Documentation Centre on Drug Use.
A total of 454 methadone users successfully completed treatment programmes aimed at weaning them off the heroin substitute last year - but more than 2,000 others left the state's maintenance programme during the same period for a variety of reasons, new figures have revealed. According to statistics released under the Freedom of Information Act, there were 9,760 methadone users around the country last year, with the majority in the Dublin area. However, over 2,778 clients of the methadone maintenance service left the HSE's central treatment lists during the year. A summary of the reasons reveals that in 1,268 instances, they did so after either being released or committed to prison.This resource was contributed by The National Documentation Centre on Drug Use.