46 resultados para INCOME WOMEN
Cardiovascular disease (CVD) is the leading cause of mortality in men and women on a global basis. CVD affects men and women equally but evidence suggests that it is neither diagnosed as readily, nor treated as effectively, in women. In Ireland between 2001 and 2005, an average of 2,484 women died each year from ischaemic heart disease (including myocardial infarction (MI)). (2) Yet, women seem largely unaware of their risk of developing cardiovascular disease, retaining the perception that CVD is predominantly a man's disease.
This is a Level 3 project. The partnership have worked together for over 6 years through BCPP projects. They have worked on a number of issues and with a range of groups including young people, older people and more recently carers and farmers. This Level 3 project seeks to build skills and capacity in the area and bring different elements off the project together. For example, advance work with farmers and combine target groups through a range of events. The project focuses on a capacity building programme. At the end of the first year, each group will identify key health issues that they would like to address over years 2 & 3.
Women's Aid responds to urgent need to provide vital support and accommodation to women and children experiencing domestic violence. This is their first BCPP project. It will provide a range of social and health information sessions to women, staff, volunteers and children while supporting the pharmacist to better understand the issues they are facing, developing a referral process and confidential service.
The aim of this research was to investigate the everyday experiences of food on a low income among people in four household types on the island of Ireland (IOI). This research will inform safefood and other stakeholders targeting vulnerable groups. It should influence both policy and practical programmes such as community food initiatives and awareness campaigns.
The aim of this research was to investigate the everyday experiences of food on a low income among people in four household types on the island of Ireland (IOI). This research will inform safefood and other stakeholders targeting vulnerable groups. It should influence both policy and practical programmes such as community food initiatives and awareness campaigns. Why do low-income groups suffer more from diet-related ill health than other groups? Is it because a healthy diet is too expensive? Or what other forces are there at work? safefood commissioned this qualitative research for four different low-income household types to gain a deeper understanding of the dynamics behind food poverty. The research involved a qualitative approach to enable an exploration of the ‘why’ behind the statistics of food poverty. In total, thirteen focus groups were conducted amongst four household types: two parent household with children, single males, single older people and lone parents with children, on IOI in both rural and urban settings.
Ninety-one percent of antenatal clinic attenders and 97% of women having a termination of pregnancy agreed to HIV testing on a named or anonymous basis. HIV period prevalence's for Antenatal clinic attenders, and women having termination of pregnancy tested in Dundee were 0.13% and 0.85% respectively and for antenatal clinic attenders in Edinburgh, 0.26%. For those at "low risk", rates for antenatal clinic attenders and women having termination of pregnancy in Dundee were 0.11% and 0.13%, and for antenatal clinic attenders in Edinburgh, 0.02%. In dundee HIV prevalence among women having a termination of pregnancy (0.85%) was significantly greater (p< 0.001) than that among antenatal clinic attenders (0.13%). The investigation's findings show that HIV undoubtedly is occurring among women at "low risk" and it is clear that a policy of selective voluntary testing of those at "high risk" only, is inadequate for pregnant women living in areas of high prevalence such as Edinburgh and Dundee. Moreover, when studying pregnant populations in such areas there is a need to include those having a termination of pregnancy.This resource was contributed by The National Documentation Centre on Drug Use.
Being a man or a woman has a significant impact on health, as a result of both biological and gender-related differences. The health of women and girls is of particular concern because, in many societies, they are disadvantaged by discrimination rooted in sociocultural factors. For example, women and girls face increased vulnerability to HIV/AIDS. Some of the sociocultural factors that prevent women and girls to benefit from quality health services and attaining the best possible level of health include: * unequal power relationships between men and women; * social norms that decrease education and paid employment opportunities; * an exclusive focus on women’s reproductive roles; and * potential or actual experience of physical, sexual and emotional violence. While poverty is an important barrier to positive health outcomes for both men and women, poverty tends to yield a higher burden on women and girls’ health due to, for example, feeding practices (malnutrition) and use of unsafe cooking fuels (COPD).This resource was contributed by The National Documentation Centre on Drug Use.
Key points• The literature shows general agreement about a correlation between income inequality and health/social problems. • There is less agreement about whether income inequality causes health and social problems independently of other factors, but some rigorous studies have found evidence of this. • The independent effect of income inequality on health/social problems shown in some studies looks small in statistical terms. But these studies cover whole populations, and hence a significant number of lives. • Some research suggests that inequality is particularly harmful beyond a certain threshold. Britain was below this threshold in the 1960s, 1970s and early 1980s, but rose past it in 1986–7 and has settled well above it since 1998–9. If the threshold is significant it could provide a target for policy. • Anxiety about status might explain income inequality’s effect on health and social problems. If so, inequality is harmful because it places people in a hierarchy which increases competition for status, causing stress and leading to poor health and other negative outcomes. • Not all research shows an independent effect of income inequality on health/social problems. Some highlights the role of individual income (poverty/material circumstances), culture/history, ethnicity and welfare state institutions/social policies. • The author concludes that there is a strong case for further research on income inequality and discussion of the policy implications.This resource was contributed by The National Documentation Centre on Drug Use.
The aim of the project is to address an identified need in the community, promoting healthy eating and organic home-gardening practices. Building on the success of a pilot intergenerational project entitled "Through the Years", it became apparent that gardening related activities could be implemented and promoted on a larger scale, reaching the wider community, groups and classes. The project serves as a setting for community education and will be inclusive in helping reduce isolation by providing meeting places for all members of their local communities. Key people being targeted are older people, local families and residents, Limerick Youth Service, After School Clubs, the Garda Youth Diversion Project and the Family Resource Centre. The Limerick Seed to Plate works with gardeners whose primary focus is to develop the gardening projects further. There is a strong educational emphasis to the project and the learning is transferred to participants own homes and lifestyles. Southill has a community café and, where possible, food grown in their garden is showcased and cooked in the centre and café. The Community Food Initiative strengthens the existing healthy eating habits in the community and aims to result in increased long-term health benefits arising from a healthier lifestyle. Communities will benefit from the project which will create employment, build bridges between communities, promote social inclusion and provide a focus for the local areas. Part of theDemonstration Programme 2010-2012 Location Limerick Target Groups At risk youth Children ( 4-12 years) Children (0-4 years) Children (13-18 years) Families Lone parents Low income families Men Migrant, minority ethnic groups Older people Travellers Unemployed Women
Life expectancy by educational attainment is a very important indicator of socio-economic inequalities in health. Based on the available data for a selection of EU Member States and Norway, a systematic relationship between educational attainment and mortality can be observed: at any age, life expectancy is less among persons with the lowest educational attainment and increases with educational level.Large differences in life expectancy by educational attainment can be observed among Member States. Moreover, these differences are more pronounced for men than for women.
ILC-UK recently (31 Aug 2011)��published a report calling for a gendered approach and response to dementia at the national and international level. The report posits that women will disproportionately bear the burden of dementia in terms of numbers, but also impact in the coming years. The ‘feminization of ageing’ is a widely recognised trend and yet hitherto a comprehensive approach to the impact of dementia on women remains largely under explored.Invariably women and men as they age, share many of the same fundamental needs. Yet, as is acknowledged in many parts of the world, older women are particularly vulnerable and are subject to prolonged inequalities experienced since childhood, for example, lower levels of education and a greater risk of poverty. This report assumes a life course approach to the challenge of dementia and women, arguing from a global perspective that women face a ‘triple jeopardy’ as a result of the associated stigma attached to their age, gender and decline in cognitive functions. ILC-UK make a number of recommendations for improving outcomes and interventions for women, which include: 1. Dementia health policies and programmes should incorporate a gender dimension in their design, delivery and evaluation2. Gender should be included as a key health determinant in the promotion and disease prevention of dementia3. Dementia research at the regional, national and international level needs to be disaggregated by gender and age4. Women and men should be equally represented and involved at the micro and macro level of decision-making with regard to the development of health and social care policies and resource allocation as they pertain to dementia5. There is a need for greater interdisciplinary research incorporating the biological and social models of health for men and women to improve health interventions and outcomesDownload the full pdf report here��
This is a study concerned with community based services aimed at smokers living on a low income and/or black and minority ethnic groups.
This is the second paper in a series, Kicking Bad Habits, on how people can be encouraged to adopt healthy behaviour. Looking at interventions targeted specifically at low-income groups, this paper asks which interventions are effective in getting people to quit smoking, eat healthily and exercise. It reveals that the most frequently used techniques are providing information and encouraging people to set goals, which can be particularly effective at changing behaviour in disadvantaged groups.
This guidance aims to support health care staff to provide the optimum care for HIV positive women during pregnancy and delivery within Northern Ireland.
This factsheet provides information and encourages uptake of the whooping cough vaccine for pregnant women. Cases of whooping cough are on the increase - by getting the vaccine while pregnant you can protect your baby.