54 resultados para Home garden


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Department of Health and Children Evaluation of Home Care Packages Click here to download PDF 1.6mb


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Public Health England today launches 2 new resources for local authorities on preventing accidents to children and young people in the home and on the road. The reports show whilst the number of children and young people killed or seriously injured continues to fall in England there are still significant numbers of deaths and emergency admissions from preventable causes. On average each year between 2008 to 2012, 525 children and young people under 25 died and there were more than 53,700 admissions to hospital. The reports highlight actions local partners can take to reduce accidents including improving safety for children travelling to and from school and using existing services like health visitors and children’s centres. The Reducing unintentional injuries in and around the home among children under 5 Years and the Reducing unintentional injuries on the roads among children and young people under 25 reports include an analysis of data between 2008 to 2012. Key findings from the reports include: home injuries (under 5 years of age): an average of 62 children died each year between 2008 and 2012 these injuries result in an estimated 40,000 emergency hospital admissions among children of this age each year 5 injury types should be prioritised for the under-fives: choking; suffocation and strangulation; falls; poisoning; burns and scalds; and drowning hospital admission rate for unintentional injuries among the under-fives is 45% higher for children from the most deprived areas compared with children from the least deprived Road traffic injuries (under 25 years of age) there were 2,316 deaths recorded by the police among road users under the age of 25 years, an average of 463 under 25s each year there were 68,657 admissions to hospital as a result of road traffic injuries, an average of 13,731 each year in total there were 322,613 casualties of all severities recorded by the police, an average of 64,523 each year the rate of fatal and serious injuries for 10to 14 year olds was significantly greater for children from the 20% most deprived areas (37 per 100,000) compared with those from the most affluent areas (10 per 100,000)


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Evidence Review 7 - Tackling fuel poverty and cold home-related health problems Briefing 7 - Fuel poverty and cold home-related health problems This pair of documents, commissioned by Public Health England, and written by the UCL Institute of Health Equity, address the health impacts of fuel poverty and cold homes. These documents provide an overview of fuel poverty, describing the evidence linking fuel poverty, cold homes, and poor health outcomes. They examine the scale of the problem across England and trends over time. Evidence shows that living in cold homes is associated with poor health outcomes and an increased risk of morbidity and mortality for all age groups. The documents also provide a brief overview of national policy and sets out the role of local authorities and potential interventions at local level. Fuel poverty is not just about poverty, but also about the quality of England’s housing stock and energy efficiency. The review discusses some of the interventions that have been implemented at the local level to help people on low incomes during cold weather and to address cold home-related health problems. The full evidence review and a shorter summary briefing are available to download above. This document is part of a series. An overview document which provides an introduction to this and other documents in the series, and links to the other topic areas, is available on the ‘Local Action on health inequalities’ project page. A video of Michael Marmot introducing the work is also available on our videos page.


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Evidence Review 1 - Good quality parenting programmes and the home to school transition Briefing 1a - Good Quality Parenting Programmes Briefing 1b - Improving the Home to School Transition This set of documents, commissioned by Public Health England (PHE£0, and written by the UCL Institute of Health Equity, address the effects of parenting and good transition on the health and wellbeing of children aged 0-5. They also provide case studies, and examples of good practice for local areas. Evaluations from the UK and other countries show a positive effect of parenting interventions on outcomes and behaviours that we know are linked to positive health and development outcomes for children. Home to school transition programmes can be effective in improving the outcomes for children from more disadvantaged socio-economic groups more than for children from more advantaged socio-economic groups, although longer term impact on health inequalities can only be inferred because the impact on health has not been studied. The full evidence review and two shorter summary briefings are available to download above. This document is part of a series. An overview document which provides an introduction to this and other documents in the series, and links to the other topic areas, is available on the ‘Local Action on health inequalities’ project page. A video of Michael Marmot introducing the work is also available on our videos page.


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The Donegal Garden G.N.O.M.E.S are a community garden group who grow fruit and vegetables organically. If you are interested in learning or sharing your skills, you are welcome to come along on Thursdays from 11.00am to 1.00pm weekly at the rear of the Bluestack Foundation building, The Glebe, Donegal Town. NB: (The local community bus provides transport at this time) Funding: Part funded by Donegal Local Development Contact: Teresa McDonnell Address: Bluestack Foundation building, The Glebe, Donegal Town County: Donegal Phone number: 074 974028 Email: tirteresa@hotmail.com Website: Partner organisation(s): Mental Health ireland


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WALK operate a Community Garden in Dublin 12 which promotes the growing of fresh fruit, vegetable, salad leaves and flowers which change seasonally. The garden helps create a sense of community and advocates the benefits of growing healthy food, environmental awareness and sustainability. It offers an opportunities for people to take part in hand-on, activity based learning with some formal training offered to local groups and individuals with varying levels of skill and ability. This outdoor space fosters an interest in growing and guides people in learning new skills which can be transferred to their own gardens or allotments. Dublin City Council Initiative Type Community Food Growing Projects Location Dublin 12 Funding Dublin City Council Partner Agencies Dublin City Council Dublin Mainstream Access Project Scoil Colm


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The New Community Garden is a community initiative aiming to promote social inclusion and peoples participation in the community. Initiative Type Community Food Growing Projects Location Galway


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A new community kitchen and community garden are nearing the end of development. The area around the kitchen is designated for the community garden and is being developed this year. Running in conjunction with a school leavers programme, the garden will be an inclusive area for young people with disabilities. The community kitchen is expected to be used by the refugee centre and also local schools. Private fundraising and County Council grants Initiative Type Community Food Centres Community Food Growing Projects Location Tipperary Funding Private fundraising and County Council grants


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Community Health Workers are employed to improve the health and lifestyle of a community through a series of health focused initiatives that build on existing services and facilities. North Lee Community Work Department, HSE South Initiative Type Community Food Growing Projects Location Cork Funding North Lee Community Work Department, HSE South Partner Agencies HSE South North Lee Community Work Department


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In the summer of 2009 a local Men’s group that met in St Helena’s thought that it might be a good idea to sow a wild garden on the site.  Then came the raised beds – 2 were placed in the garden area opposite the front door of the house and as it was winter there was not much happening and they were quickly renamed the ‘coffins’.  This was the start of ‘Daisy Roots’. Dublin City Council provided top soil and water butts.  An Taisce funded the start up phase of the project and now continue to provide funds for insurance and some development work.  At the right hand side of St Helena’s there is, what was the old stable yard of the ‘big house’.  This had been used to house a large ‘lock up container and a porta-cabin.  These have been now removed and this is where the main part of the garden is. Following a conference of Business in the Community Ireland, DX Ltd expressed an interest in getting involved in a local project.  Together DX staff and the volunteers reclaimed the old stables and gave them new roofs and new doors.  Paths were put in between the raised vegetable beds and new raised beds were built.  A seating area was developed.  The garden is now wheelchair accessible and there are wheelchair accessible flowerbeds in the garden also.  The newest projects in the garden are a memorial flowerbed and a propagator. Dublin City Council via Cherry Orchard Regeneration Board Initiative Type Community Food Growing Projects Location Dublin 11 Funding Dublin City Council via Cherry Orchard Regeneration Board Partner Agencies An Taisce Dublin City Council HSE Tolka Area Partnership


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North Tipperary Food Partnership aims to improve access to healthy food and build community and skills through food growing initiatives. `The Garden to Plate` project was set up as part of Nenagh Community Allotments, a voluntary group who lease a site privately containing up to 20 allotments and a communal green house. The North Tipperary VEC Community Education and Back to Education Initiative Projects rent two allotments from NCA offering a certified learning opportunity and generating a space for the wider benefits of learning. The adults engaged are mainly men both recently and long term unemployed with a range of skills and experiences. A small study has been conducted with participants to identify feedback on skills and knowledge gained including those related to health and nutrition. A report is available. North Tipperary Leader Services, VEC Initiative Type Community Food Growing Projects Location Tipperary Funding North Tipperary Leader Services, VEC Partner Agencies NTLS/VEC/HSE/NCA/Council


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he Veg Shed project is a community garden which grows produce which can be enjoyed in the Centre or in the participants’ own accommodation. It provides a social outlet for residents of the Centre and adults (men and women), in the wider community, at risk of social isolation.  Members can take home the produce and some is given to the centre also. We have a meitheal programme in place with the Camphill Community, whereby individuals from there can attend.  It has been very beneficial to have people from different backgrounds and abilities working together.  The programme is currently run every second Monday from 2.30-4.30pm Initiative Type Community Food Growing Projects Location Kilkenny Target Groups Homeless people Funding Agenda 21


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Sustainable organic vegetables, fruit and herb production for distribution to the participants of the community garden. All Age Groups, throughout the Ballymun community Global Action Plan Initiative Type Community Food Growing Projects Location Dublin 11 Funding Global Action Plan Partner Agencies Ballymun Regeneration Ltd.


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Footprints is developing a Transition Community Initiative which will be another distinct area of work within the Healthy Living Project, as part of the group's ongoing endeavours to influence change within the Colin community, tackling health inequalities. The Building a Transition Community Initiative oversees the development of the grounds at Footprints Women's Centre and offers food growing training to local residents who will be encouraged to volunteer in the garden. A local gardener has been hired and oversees the development and training of the volunteers. The project will grow fruit and vegetables within the grounds of Footprints Women's Centre and this produce will be used within the Footprints Catering Services. Any supplies surplus to requirements will be used in schools in the neighbourhood. Skills learned by the volunteers will also be transferred to their gardens at home throughout the Colin neighbourhood. The aim is also to demonstrate how participation in this project will increase and improve the physical activity levels and mental wellbeing of residents. Part of theDemonstration Programme 2010-2012 Initiative Type Community Food Growing Projects Location Antrim Target Groups Women Partner Agencies safefood


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On less than an acre we grow vegetables, herbs and soft fruit, in tunnels and outdoors, organically. We run school gardens and have a community garden group. The Co-op also hosts a weekly community market. Knockvicar Garden offers trainings on site and off, a number of free programmes and (usually free) advisory service. Initiative Type Community Food Growing Projects Location Roscommon Partner Agencies Pobal CSP Website http://www.knockvicargardener.com/