36 resultados para Harm Reduction
This joint PHA/HSCB Hidden Harm Action Plan - Responding to the needs of children born to and living with parental alcohol and drug misuse in Northern Ireland, has been prepared for the DHSSPS in response to the PfA target on Hidden Harm. The plan was approved by DHSSPS in October 2009.
This second annual report from the Northern Ireland Self-Harm Registry presents an analysis of the incidence of self-harm presentations to the 12 Emergency Departments across Northern Ireland.
This report is a summary report of the six-year period between 2007- 2012.
In February 2015 the Public Health Agency (PHA) launched a six year review on the incidence of self-harm in the Western Health & Social Care Trust (WHSCT) area of Northern Ireland (NI). This was the fourth report to emerge from the Northern Ireland (NI) Registry of Self-Harm and the first to report on long-term trends (2007 to 2012).
Public Health Agency Self- Harm Symposium 27 February 2015, Conference Report.
This report presents data on alcohol consumption and related harms in both Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland. The report sets out a framework for considering alcohol availability, under which the current policy landscape is presented as well as evidence from nation and international studies. The report concludes with policy implications and proposals to consolidate North South cooperation.