41 resultados para Community-based child welfare
 Final report of the Strategic Review Working Group chaired by Professor Brian MacCraith (President, DCU) This final report focuses on issues relating to strategic medical workforce planning and career planning and mentoring supports for trainee doctors and makes recommendations. It also addresses specific issues in relation to the specialties of public health medicine, general practice and the community-based aspects of psychiatry.  Download the report here. Â
This is their 3rd BCPP project and this is a Level 3 project. Rural Health Partnership is a community based initiative which assists people to recover from a mental illness. Previous BCPP projects focussed on supporting the needs of women in relation to mental health and more specifically, those experiencing post natal depression through the 2nd BCPP project using a lay health approach. This project seeks to build on this previous work. A very good working relationship has developed between the pharmacist and RHP. A programme of activities that can enhance the skills and knowledge base of the participants will be developed and so will relationships with other services eg GPs, primary care team etc. The project aims to educate the community at large on the issues faced by vulnerable women, with particular emphasis on symptoms of postnatal depression and anxiety.
NHS Warwickshire (NHSW), Warwickshire County Council (WCC) and partners aim to reduce childhood obesity in various ways including through the provision of evidence based structured nine week family based treatment programmes. These programmes will support families with overweight and/or obese children to maintain a healthy weight using a holistic approach. Two types of programmes will run across the county: the first programme will be aimed at families with overweight and/or obese children aged 4-7 and the second programme will be aimed at families with overweight and/or obese children aged 8-13.The target group for participating in this programme is children who are overweight (as defined by > 91st percentile) or obese (as defined by > 98th percentile). Programmes will established and delivered in a variety of venues and times. Objectives: - To deliver evidence based structured family based weight management programmes across Nuneaton, Bedworth and North Warwickshire. - To recruit families with overweight and/or obese children on to programmes, targeting the areas of highest need. - To promote sustained BMI maintenance and reduction amongst overweight (as defined by > 91st percentile) and obese (as defined by < 98th percentile) children and young people aged 4-7 and 8-13. - To support positive changes in behaviour (i.e. healthy eating, physical activity, positive mental well-being) by children and family members in order to achieve and maintain healthy weight over the course of the nine week programme. - To provide families with the information, skills and confidence to maintain healthy lifestyles in the longer term, including personalised exit strategies/sustainability plans for each participant. - To signpost families to community based and leisure services activities which contribute to maintaining a healthy weight. - To evaluate all programmes using the National Obesity Observatory Standard Evaluation Framework (SEF) and to produce a written evaluation report of the programme with recommendations on how to sustain healthy weight among children and families. - To evaluate the programme using validated diet and physical activity tools as recommended by the recent Worcester University (www.ifh.westmidlands.nhs.uk for the Worcester University Report) evaluation. Deliver eight programmes across Nuneaton and Bedworth and eight programmes across North Warwickshire for children aged 4 7 years by December 2012. Deliver eight programmes across Nuneaton and Bedworth and eight programmes across North Warwickshire for children aged 8 - 13 years by December 2012. Deliver a minimum of 32 taster sessions, with at least one prior to each programme start date. Reduce childhood obesity in primary aged children and their families. Improve healthy lifestyles in primary aged children and their families through healthy eating, physical activity and positive mental well-being.
Noel Ahern T.D., Minister of State at the Department of Community, Rural and Gaeltacht Affairs with responsibility for the National Drugs Strategy, has announced funding of €1.5m under the Premises Initiative Fund to Finglas Addiction Support Team (FAST). FAST is a community-based initiative funded by the Department of Community, Rural & Gaeltacht Affairs under the National Drugs Strategy through Finglas/Cabra Local Drugs Task Force.This resource was contributed by The National Documentation Centre on Drug Use.
To investigate the range and utilisation of community based drug prevention services using the Belfast Youth Development Study data, along with in depth interviews and documentary analysis. It is hoped the research will inform local policy.This resource was contributed by The National Documentation Centre on Drug Use.
This report, the first comprehensive review of mental health policy since 'Planning for the Future' was published in 1984, makes a series of recommendations for the mental health services, including the closure of all psychiatric hospitals and re-investment of the resources into a community-based mental health service.This resource was contributed by The National Documentation Centre on Drug Use.
If we create the space in which children and young people can talk openly and in their own language even upon challenging subjects such as sex, then we are likely to learn more from what they tell usâ?T proposes the final UNICEF Ireland report which examines adolescent perspectives on sexual health and behaviour. Key findings in the report included: 63%, and 1 in 5 sixteen year old respondents, reported that they have had sex; 1 in 5 sexually active respondents reported that they did not use a condom the first time that they had sex; 2 in 5 girls who were sexually active reported that they had consumed alcohol before their first sexual experience, compared to 3 in 10 boys; The majority of respondents (54%) reported that they had watched pornography on the internet, and more than one third of the respondents who had watched pornography on the internet believed that it was accurate or educational; Only 1 in 5 respondents reported that they ever speak to their parents about sex. Noting â?~the broad spectrum from which young people living in Ireland draw down information about sexâ?T the UNICEF Ireland report concludes that â?~we must be sure that when a young person is making decisions about their sexual health and behaviour, every opportunity is afforded them in terms of open discussion, understanding, support, information and adviceâ?T Commenting on the Report, Amel Yucef a Youth Health Coordinator at the Base Youth Centre, Ballyfermot said â?oAs the participants in UNICEF Irelandâ?Ts survey have shown, many young people do not feel equipped with the information and support they need to make informed choices about their sexual health. Providing those supports is a priority for us at the Base.â? The Youth Health Programme, that Amel co-ordinates is a HSE funded initiative which was created to respond to the health needs of young people, as identified by the young people of the Dublin 10 area themselves. The Programme delivers community-based and youth-friendly health responses, based upon a harm-reduction model. The Youth Health Programme works towards building the capacity of young people to access health services, while also encouraging those services to deliver in an accessible and youth-friendly way.This resource was contributed by The National Documentation Centre on Drug Use.
he Food Focus Community Food Initiative promotes healthy eating through a variety of co-ordinated, strategic activities that offer people a way to engage in a positive approach to food. It is creating one community, one message about healthy eating and ensure the ability to achieve a healthy diet through building a variety of sustainable, engaging food activities. Food Focus is a set of community based structures dedicated to addressing the risk and instances of food poverty in the Knocknaheeny area and intends to act as a model for similar work across other RAPID/Health Area Zone areas on the North side of Cork. It offers participants the chance to grow their own food, sign up to the food charter, learn about budgeting and planning or volunteer. The Community Food Charter was developed by local people and other stakeholders supported by the Community Dietician and will reflect the kind of food experiences they want for themselves, their families, within projects and public outlets. They are currently developing a large community garden in Knocknaheeny. Contact Person Katherine Harford Phone +353 (0)21 4300135 Address HSE BuildingHarbourview RoadKnocknaheenyCork Email Katherine@nicheonline.ie Website http://www.nicheonline.ie/index.php?pageID=152
Provision of community based Healthy Food Made Easy, Cool Dude and related courses. Based at Birchgrove Community Centre, Birchgrove, Portlaoise. HSE Initiative Type Nutrition Education and Training Programmes Location Laois Offaly Funding HSE Partner Agencies HSE Health Promotion
SĹN 2007: Older People, Loneliness and Social Support to Mental HealthSĹN, the national Survey of Lifestyle, Attitudes and Nutrition, shows that most Irish adults have a reasonably high level of positive mental health. It is the largest national survey on positive and negative mental health and social well-being in the Irish adult population.��One finding highlights the significance of loneliness and social support to mental health. Finding reveal that 14% of respondents reported being often lonely in the last four weeks, with women, older people and respondents in lower social class groups reporting high levels of loneliness. The SĹN report indicates that being widowed and not being in paid employment are the strongest overall predictors of loneliness. Respondents who are widowed are about five times more likely to feel lonely than those who are married or cohabiting, while 17% of respondents aged 65 and over report being often lonely.��SLAN 2007 highlights the significance of loneliness and social support to mental health. It proposes community-based interventions, including community development approaches and strategies to promote community involvement as a way to tackle such social and health inequities at local level. The report also highlights the importance of implementing the recommendations of the policy document A Vision for Change. It says that protection and promotion of the future health and well-being of the Irish population requires the implementation of effective cross-sectoral policies that will help create and maintain a mentally healthy society, with consequent health, economic and social benefits for all.����SLAN is commissioned by the Department of Health and Children and involved face-to-face interviews with 10,364 respondents aged 18 years and over.��
This is a study concerned with community based services aimed at smokers living on a low income and/or black and minority ethnic groups.