57 resultados para 2000-2015
Food safety research is an important function within legislative remit, and is an area that the organisation has been active in since its inception.
Over the last five years, the Department of Education and Skills (DES) has continued to fulfil the commitments set out in its implementation plan under the 20-Year Strategy for Irish on a phased and systematic basis. This report gives an insight into the progress made during this period under the following headings: Interdepartmental High-Level Group Gaeltacht education Curriculum development O Primary level O Post-primary level Assessment COGG - Support services and resources Teacher education Links with the use of the language outside of school O Irish language colleges Exemptions from Irish Provision for Irish-medium schools Policy for Irish in the public service.
Among the key points of the Digital Strategy are: Dedicated multi-annual funding to schools to invest in technology Build on the successful roll-out of high-speed broadband to every second-level school by investing in high-speed wifi networks in every school Integration of digital skills in the curriculum and in assessment Develop opportunities for students to take an in-depth ICT course at Leaving Cert, as well as embedding digital skills within other subjects Promotion of the use of e-portfolios at primary and post-primary level Provide enhanced digital content to schools, including working with cultural institutions, sporting bodies and other to expand this range of resources Embed ICT skills as part of initial teacher education and ongoing training for teachers
The Department of Education and Skills is developing a new Digital Strategy for Schools to be completed during 2015. The Digital Strategy for Schools will set out how Department of Education and Skills’ priorities can be delivered and facilitated by the use of technology in education. The development of the Strategy is of critical importance to Ireland if it is to realise the potential of ICT in schools and prepare our young people to live, learn and work in the 21st century. The Department of Education and Skills has partnered with the Department of Children and Youth Affairs (DCYA) to seek the views of young people through a structured consultation process informed by DCYA expertise in consulting with young people.
This document, the Framework for Junior Cycle (2015), outlines the key educational changes that the Department of Education and Skills (DES) is putting in place for young people in the first three years of their post-primary education. It builds on and advances the vision for junior cycle reform that was outlined in the Framework for Junior Cycle (2012). The Framework for Junior Cycle (2015) incorporates a shared understanding of how teaching, learning and assessment practices should evolve to support the delivery of a quality, inclusive and relevant education that will meet the needs of junior cycle students, both now and in the future. This shared understanding is informed by engagement with stakeholders and by national and international research.
Ireland, as a small, open European economy, relies fundamentally on international engagement. An internationalised education system in Ireland has a crucial role to play in maintaining Ireland’s international profile and attractiveness by educating the next generation of leaders, entrepreneurs and decision-makers in our partner-countries, by giving our own students the intercultural expertise demanded in the global economy, and by enhancing the direct link with Ireland for members of our global diaspora who choose to come home to study. The High-Level Group on International Education takes the view that, from a national perspective, the most compelling rationale for internationalisation is investment in future global relationships: with students educated in Ireland who will become our advocates overseas, with educational institutions that will be the research and teaching partners of the future, and with the countries that will be Ireland’s next trading and business partners
Ireland, as a small, open European economy, relies fundamentally on international engagement. An internationalised education system in Ireland has a crucial role to play in maintaining Ireland’s international profile and attractiveness by educating the next generation of leaders, entrepreneurs and decision-makers in our partner-countries, by giving our own students the intercultural expertise demanded in the global economy, and by enhancing the direct link with Ireland for members of our global diaspora who choose to come home to study. The High-Level Group on International Education takes the view that, from a national perspective, the most compelling rationale for internationalisation is investment in future global relationships: with students educated in Ireland who will become our advocates overseas, with educational institutions that will be the research and teaching partners of the future, and with the countries that will be Ireland’s next trading and business partners. Internationalisation also provides a means of enhancing the quality of learning, teaching and research in Ireland and makes a significant contribution to our broader ambition as a global innovation hub.
Ireland's International Education Strategy 2010 - 2015: Investing in Global Relationships Summary Report - Arabic. Provided by the Department of Education and Skills, Ireland.
Ireland's International Education Strategy 2010 - 2015: Investing in Global Relationships Summary Report - Chinese. Provided by the Department of Education and Skills, Ireland.
Ireland's International Education Strategy 2010 - 2015: Investing in Global Relationships Summary Report - Korean. Provided by the Department of Education and Skills, Ireland.
Ireland's International Education Strategy 2010 - 2015: Investing in Global Relationships Summary Report - Portuguese. Provided by the Department of Education and Skills, Ireland.
Ireland's International Education Strategy 2010 - 2015: Investing in Global Relationships Summary Report - Russian. Provided by the Department of Education and Skills, Ireland.
Ireland's International Education Strategy 2010 - 2015: Investing in Global Relationships Summary Report - Spanish. Provided by the Department of Education and Skills, Ireland.
The PHA Corporate Strategy has been developed with input from staff across the PHA and taking account of feedback from external stakeholders.� It is a high level document, setting out the direction for the PHA over the next few years, and will be supported by the annual PHA Corporate Business Plan, Directorate Business Plans and the Joint Commissioning Plan.� The Strategy was approved by the PHA board at the November 2011 board meeting.�The PHA Corporate strategy sets out the role, direction and priorities of the PHA for the next four years, taking account of the requirements of the Comprehensive Spending Review.The goals set out in this strategy�are supported by annual plans detailing how the goals will be achieved.The strategy outlines the following:protecting health;improving health and wellbeing;improving quality and safety;improving early detection.
This Business Plan sets out the key priorities and actions that will be progressed by the Public Health Agency (PHA) in 2014/15. The PHA believes that these actions will have the biggest impact on improving levels of health and social wellbeing, protecting the health of the community, and ensuring patients continue to receive high quality and safe treatment and care services.The business plan is available to download below.