57 resultados para 1900-2002


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Priorities For Action 2002/03


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Volume 1: Programme of Care


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Regional Advisory Committee on Cancer (RACC) was established in 1997 to carry forward the recommendations of the Campbell Report of 1996 and to provide advice to the Department of Health and Social Services on the future development of cancer services. The Committee meets twice a year and its membership (Appendix I) is an indication of the wide range of interests involved in Cancer Care across the community. This report records some of the key developments in cancer services over the last 3 years. åÊ Significant progress has been made toward developing a high quality and integrated cancer care network. All five Cancer Units are now operational with chemotherapy and outpatient services for the most common forms of cancer are delivered from these locations. Agreement to the start of the new Cancer Centre, at the Belfast City Hospital, currently estimated to cost å£58m, is expected shortly. As a temporary expedient two additional therapy machines will be installed in Belvoir Park Hospital to increase capacity while the building of the new Cancer Centre proceeds. åÊ To deliver high quality cancer care the workforce needs to continue to expand. This requires increasing investment in the training of professional staff in the context of an already difficult HPSS labour market. The development of the five Cancer Units has increased staff mobility in the short-term, drawing skilled staff away from the centre who have been difficult to replace. At the same time increasing numbers of patients are being offered effective therapies at both the Cancer Units and the Centre. åÊ This report contains a review of selected developments in cancer care. The first section introduces the Memorandum of Understanding and the Tripartite Agreement between the National Cancer Institute of the USA and the Health Departments both North and South. This is a unique international partnership, which promises to bring very significant advantages to both the service and research communities across the Island. åÊ åÊ åÊ


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Summary of Statistical Results


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This assessment tool is designed to assess the registered nursing needs of a person needing long-term care. The tool is designed to encapsulate a systematic approach to assessment whilst at the same time embracing professional decision-making that takes place in the relationship between a nurse and another person. For this reason, the tool takes the assessment through a staged approach, moving from a general ‘narrative’ based assessment of ‘domains’ of care need, to a focused assessment of risk and complexity. åÊ


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Traveller Health A National Strategy 2002-2005 Travellers are a distinct minority group of Irish people. They differ from the general population in many respects including their life-style, their culture and their treatment by society. In the Ireland of today, the Traveller community continues to experience high levels of social exclusion and disadvantage â?" a situation which requires an urgent, planned response. Click here to download PDF 831kb


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The framework within which the Office of the CMO will operate for 2002 is that of the Departmentâ?Ts corporate implementation plan for the Strategy. The Office will contribute to the achievement of the objectives of the Department with regard to the Strategy, by participating in  relevant agreed activities so as to achieve the first national goal of better health for everybody.The stakeholders identified in the Strategy consultation process are those with whom appropriate linkages and communications need to be  established and managed if the Strategy is to be implemented effectively. Download document here


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The four key principles guiding the development of the Health Strategy (2001): Quality and Fairness: A Health System for You are equity, people-centredness, quality and accountability. High quality statistical data are fundamental to the delivery of each of these. Relevant, accurate and accessible information should inform all health decisions. This includes information for the public as well as data required to enable evidence-based service delivery and evaluation, policy formulation and the measurement of health gain.This compendium of health statistics brings together data from a wide variety of sources on demography, health status and the delivery of health services. It provides a broad overview of health in Ireland as well as serving as a resource and reference for those interested in particular aspects of health and the health services. Download document here


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Long-Stay Activity Report 2002 This report presents data collected through a survey of long-stay units in 2002. The aim of the survey is to provide statistics on the number of beds available for long-term care, how the beds are used and the types of patients who occupy these beds. Click here to download PDF 420kb


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North South Survey of Children’s Oral Health 2002 This report presents the results of the first contemporaneous North South study of the oral health of children and adolescents on the island of Ireland. The last National Survey of Childrenâ?Ts Oral Health in the Republic of Ireland was carried out in 1984. The present study describes the oral health experience of children and adolescents in Ireland today. The results are of interest to the public, to policymakers and to service providers and will be of assistance in the evaluation of current oral health services and the planning of services for the next decade. Click here to download PDF 666kb


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Report of the Inspector of Mental Hospitals for 2002 The Mental Treatment Act, 1945 requires the inspection of every public psychiatric hospital and unit at least once a year, and of every private hospital and the Central Mental Hospital twice a year. These inspections were carried out on both announced and unannounced visits. In recent years, the number of unannounced visits has increased. Click here to download PDF 2.1mb


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