557 resultados para Northern Indiana Public Service Company.


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Your views matter - if you have heart failure, or are close to someone who does, please complete our survey by 31st�March 2012 (link below).Heart failure is a common condition affecting at least 20,000 people in Northern Ireland. The aim of this survey is to find out how to increase the confidence of people living with heart failure so they have a better quality of life, and can work in partnership with health care professionals and support services in managing their condition. The findings of this survey will be used to help improve services.Your views are important and we would encourage you to complete the survey. It should only take around 20 minutes. Participation is confidential which means that your identity will not be revealed. You are asked for your age, the first part of you post code and which GP practice you are registered with. This is so the results for different age groups and for different large geographical areas (i.e. Health & Social Care Trust areas) can be compared.� Results will not be examined by individual GP practice.Participation is voluntary i.e. taking part in the study is your decision. Whether you participate or not will have no effect on the medical care you receive from your GP practice or elsewhere. None of the health care professionals involved in your care will know if you participate or not: neither will they see your individual response.Whether you are an adult or a young person living with heart failure, or a partner, care giver, son, daughter, relative or friend, we would like you to share your experiences. This will help us to develop existing services in Northern Ireland to better meet your needs.You can share your experience by completing the survey online, clicking this�link:�http://sg.sensemaker-suite.com/CopewithconfidenceThe survey should be completed by 31st�March 2012.�If you have any queries about the survey, or you would like to request a paper copy to complete, please contact the Public Health Agency (028) 9032 1313 and ask for extension 2487 or email us at copewithconfidence@hscni.netPlease note that the survey team can only assist in survey related questions and will not able to answer questions about heart failure, its treatment or services provided.The Northern Ireland Chest Heart & Stroke Association and The British Heart Foundation can provide information about support available to people with heart failure. Their contact details are:.�Northern Ireland Chest Heart and Stroke Association:� www.nichsa.com, telephone (028) 9032 0184.�British Heart Foundation:� www.bhf.org.uk, telephone 0300 330 3311


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A short report using the experiences of young suicidal men to inform mental health care services.�


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The posters highlight some signs and symptoms that indicate that something is having a negative effect on your mental health and promote the website www.mindingyourhead.info� as a source of help for anyone finding it difficult coping with their feelings.


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This quarterly report provides epidemiological data on�S. aureus�in Northern Ireland, including overall infection�figures as well as those specific to MRSA and MSSA. The report highlights key points, rates, trends and statistical process control charts. The report also provides information on surveillance methods and data for each hospital and Health and Social Care Trust in Northern Ireland


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This report presents the initial results from the first specific study on the use of drugs, alcohol and cigarettes within the Northern Ireland Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgendered (LGB&T) community. Data was gathered from an internet survey of 941 LGB&T people and qualitative research with 37 participants. This work was funded by the Public Health Agency.


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Information and advice on Listeria.


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This leaflet is given to all men who have attended screening through the Northern Ireland Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm (AAA) Screening Programme and been diagnosed with a small AAA.The leaflet provides: �background information on the AAA screening programme; details on what a small AAA is; information on the monitoring process to regularly check the size of the AAA;lifestyle advice that may help those men diagnosed with an AAA. �Men who have been diagnosed with a small AAA will be invited to a monitoring scan once a year, unless their AAA increases in size to a medium AAA, at which point they will be invited to a monitoring scan once every three months.


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This leaflet is given to all men who have attended screening through the Northern Ireland Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm (AAA) Screening Programme and been diagnosed with a medium AAA.The leaflet provides: background information on the AAA screening programme; details on what a medium AAA is; information on the monitoring process to regularly check the size of the AAA;lifestyle advice that may help those men diagnosed with an AAA. Men who have been diagnosed with a medium AAA will be invited to a monitoring scan once every three months, unless their AAA increases in size to a large AAA, at which point they will be referred to a team of vascular specialists for further assessment and the possible offer of surgery.


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This quarterly report provides epidemiological data on C. difficile in Northern Ireland, and includes key points, a comprehensive�overview of all C. diff infections, rates, trends, age-specific information�and statistical process control charts. The report also provides information on surveillance methods and data for each hospital and Health and Social Care Trust in Northern Ireland.


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This quarterly report provides epidemiological data on�S. aureus�in Northern Ireland, including overall infection�figures as well as those specific to MRSA and MSSA. The report highlights key points, rates, trends and statistical process control charts. The report also provides information on surveillance methods and data for each hospital and Health and Social Care Trust in Northern Ireland


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This poster focuses on the effects of speed. The poster message is 'Three points for speed' and then lists three of the effects: 1. Extreme tiredness 2. Disturbed sleep 3. Paranoia. It also provides contact details for the National Drugs Helpline. Tel: 0800 776600.


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This leaflet highlights the health risks of cocaine use, such as heart attack, brain haemorrhage and liver damage. It also looks at the social implications of cocaine use, including trouble with the police and debt


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This poster informs about the danger of date rape stating: 'Date rape is on the increase in Northern Ireland and someone somewhere sees you as a victim. Never leave your drink unattended and you won't be a sitting duck'. It also provides contact details for the National Drugs Helpline. Tel: 0800 776600.


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This poster informs about the danger of dehydration caused by taking Ecstasy stating: 'Ecstasy makes you dehydrate and dancing makes you sweat, so if you're doing both sip about a pint of water an hour, have the odd sugary drink and take breaks from dancing'. It also provides contact details for the National Drugs Helpline. Tel: 0800 776600.


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This poster informs about the dangers of taking cocaine stating: 'Cocaine is highly addictive. It's also a local anaesthetic. So you keep doing it but you can't feel it. Gross, but it happens'. It also provides contact details for the National Drugs Helpline. Tel: 0800 776600.