557 resultados para Northern Indiana Public Service Company.


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This poster highlights the fact that cigarette smoke breathed in by the mother reaches her unborn baby and directs women to the Smokers' Helpline.


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Framework for commissioning needs-led and opportunity-led research


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Guidance Notes for Training Courses on Conducting Systematic Reviews, 2011.


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This quarterly report provides epidemiological data on C. difficile in Northern Ireland, and includes key points, a comprehensive�overview of all C. diff infections, rates, trends, age-specific information�and statistical process control charts. The report also provides information on surveillance methods and data for each hospital and Health and Social Care Trust in Northern Ireland.


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This quarterly report provides epidemiological data on�S. aureus�in Northern Ireland, including overall infection�figures as well as those specific to MRSA and MSSA. The report highlights key points, rates, trends and statistical process control charts. The report also provides information on surveillance methods and data for each hospital and Health and Social Care Trust in Northern Ireland


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The Public Health Agency Annual report 2010-2011 provides background information about the PHA, highlights the achievements during the�2010-2011 financial year and provides an overview of work undertaken in priority areas for each directorate within the organisation.The summary financial accounts are presented in the operating and financial review section of the report and members of the PHA board are detailed within the report also.


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The eighth Report of the Confidential Enquiries into Maternal Deaths in the UK investigates the deaths of 261 women who died in the triennium 2006-08, from causes directly or indirectly related to pregnancy. The full Report is available for purchase or download from the Centre for Maternal and Child Enquiries (CMACE; www.cmace.org.uk). Although every maternal death is a tragedy, particularly where avoidable factors were identified by the Enquiry process, the overall picture is encouraging. The maternal death rate in the UK continues to decline despite increasing pressures on maternity services and a changing maternal population. For the first time there has been a reduction in the inequalities gap between women living in different socio-economic circumstances, and timely production of guidelines and tools appears to have helped clinical staff to deliver improved clinical care.


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This report is the fifth annual perinatal mortality surveillance report conducted under the auspices of the Confidential Enquiry into Maternal and Child Health (CEMACH). CEMACH was established in 2003 as the successor organisation to two previous national confidential enquiries, the Confidential Enquiry into Maternal Deaths (CEMD) and the Confidential Enquiry into Stillbirths and Deaths in Infancy (CESDI). The programme of national confidential enquiries was started by CEMD in 1952 and by CESDI from 1992. Since its inception in 2003, CEMACH has successfully extended its remit to encompass a new national enquiry into child health and research on a wide range of relevant topics that include morbidity as well as mortality.


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This is thenfirst report of a national confi dential enquiry specifi cally focussed on child deaths. Confidential enquiries have already contributed to major improvements in obstetrics, neonatal, and perioperative care in the United Kingdom (UK). However they are time consuming and require extensive collaboration between various professional groups as well as the attention of a dedicated full-time research team. Hence, when planning a confidential enquiry in a new patient group, it is pertinent to investigate both feasibility and utility at its outset.ficant contribution to child health in the UK.


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CMACE provides information on perinatal deaths at local, regional and national level for health careproviders, commissioners and policy makers. This UK report complements the perinatal mortality reports which CMACE produces for the UK nations separately, Strategic Health Authorities (SHAs) in England and maternity providers.


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The CMACE report Perinatal Mortality 2009 completes a decade of reports from CMACE and its predecessor organizations CESDI and CEMACH. As in previous years, the findings are both heartening and challenging.During the last decade the United Kingdom has seen a dramatic 16%increase in the number of births to just over 790,000 in 2009. Despite promising improvements, there were still 6,600 babies who died during pregnancy or in the first 4 weeks of life in 2009. The impact on mothers and families from such tragedies cannot be overestimated.�


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The findings in this report are based on stillbirths and neonatal deaths with a date of birth between 1 January 2008 and 31 December 2008 notified to AWPS/CMACE and reported to the Office for National Statistics (ONS). For maternity provider rates, denominators are based on live births reported to AWPS/CMACE by hospitals. For country rates, denominators are based on live births reported to ONS and NISRA-GRO.Perinatal mortality rates for 2008 are assigned to a geographical area. Country specific findings are derived using maternal postcode of residence. Findings for maternity providers within Northern Ireland are derived using the place of death, and any deaths at home are allocated to the maternity provider that provided the care at the time of death.


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The findings in this report are based on stillbirths and neonatal deaths with a date of birth between 1 January 2009 and 31 December 2009 notified to CMACE and reported to the Office for National Statistics (ONS). For Trust rates, denominators are based on live births reported to CMACE by hospitals. For Strategic Health Authority (SHA) and country rates, denominators are based on live births reported to ONS and Northern Ireland Statistics and Research Agency (NISRA).Perinatal mortality rates for 2009 are assigned to a geographical area and are derived using maternal postcode of residence. Findings for Trusts are derived using the place of death, and any deaths at home are allocated to the Trusts that provided the care at the time of death.


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The PHA Corporate Business Plan 2011-2012 is based on the four core goals and the common themes from the Corporate Strategy 2011-2015 and sets out a corporate picture of how the goals will be taken forward in year one (2011-2012) in line with existing AMT and board direction.�All Directorates were involved in developing the Corporate Business Plan and it reflects the content of each of the Directorate business plans.�It identifies a number of measurable indicators taken from the DHSSPS Commissioning Directions 2011-2012, as well as from each of the Directorate business plans.The Corporate Business Plan was approved by AMT on 1 November and by the PHA board on 17 November. Quarterly monitoring reports on progress against the indicators will be brought to the PHA board.


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This aide memoire leaflet and poster is designed for health professionals working with parents who have mental health issues, including substance misuse, to help them think beyond the individual and consider their children or family members. Involving the family is likely to lead to improved recovery rates.