427 resultados para Benzodiazepine usage in Ireland


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Interim Report on Progress of European Working Time Directive Pilot Projects The establishment of the National Implementation Group EWTD and the subsequent commencement of a number of EWTD pilot projects marks a significant stage in the implementation of the European Working Time Directive in Ireland. Click here to download PDF 780kb


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National Office of Suicide Prevention Annual Report 2006 Suicidal behaviour is a major public health problem in Ireland. In particular it is a significant cause of death among young men aged 18 â?" 35, while overall suicide rates in Ireland are lower than the EU average, youth suicide rates are fifth highest. Risk factors for suicide include depression, schizophrenia and alcohol but suicide trends over time in many countries are influenced by major social changes especially those which result in less social cohesion. Click here to download PDF 882kb


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North South Survey of Children’s Height, Weight and Body Mass Index, 2002. As part of a North South Survey of Childrenâ?Ts Oral Health conducted in Ireland in 2001/â?T02 [1], the heights and weights of a representative sample of children and adolescents age 4-16 years was measured. Data were collected by 34 teams of trained and calibrated dentists and dental nurses for 17,518 children aged 4-16 in the Republic of Ireland (RoI) and 2,099 in Northern Ireland (NI). Click here to download PDF 379kb


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Oral Health of Irish Adults 2000 – 2002 Publication of the strategy document - Shaping a Healthier Futureâ?T1 marked a major milestone in the development of the health care delivery system in Ireland. The strategy was underpinned by three key principles: equity, quality of service and accountability. It was emphasised that the benefit to be derived from the health services should be measured in terms of health gain and social gain. Click here to download PDF 5.6mb


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Quality Assurance Standards for Symptomatic Breast Disease Services People in Ireland have a right to expect that medical care be of good quality. They expect that standards of care are consistently high. They expect that access to care is easy, speedy, effective and efficient. Society expects quality of care to measure up to international norms of good practice. Such assurance can be given by auditing the quality of activity. Click here to download PDF 606kb


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Report on the UNGASS Declaration of Commitment on HIV and AIDS The epidemiological development of HIV and AIDS is similar to that experienced in other Western European countries. The condition was originally viewed as an imported virus but this view changed in 1985 when it became clear that the HIV virus had become endemic in Ireland and that Ireland had become part of the global crisis. Click here to download PDF 373kb


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The purpose of this report on seminar proceedings is to provide a focused andaccurate summary of the deliberations of the seminar.The main aim of the seminar was to provide a forum in which to consider the determinants of quality of life of older people at the end-of-life and to identify priority measures and policies to ensure the highest standards of end-of-life care for older people in acute and long-stay settings in Ireland. Download document here


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24.6.2008 National Office of Suicide Prevention Annual Report 2007 Suicidal behaviour remains a significant public health problem in Ireland. Nearly 11,000 self harm presentations were made to our Emergency Departments in 2007. The latest year of occurrence data for 2005 shows the number of recorded suicides at 481, slightly lower than previous years. As our population has increased our overall rate of suicide has reduced, although our rate of youth suicide remains the 5th highest in Europe. However, we should be encouraged by the self harm and year of occurrence suicide data which although not yet indicating significant downward trends are perhaps beginning to reflect the impact of the work undertaken in the last few years. Click here to download PDF 1.8mb


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During the period covered by our last Statement of Strategy, fundamental changes were made to the structures and organisation of our health services. Most notably, the Health Service Executive (HSE) was established, and given statutory responsibility to use the resources available to it in the most beneficial, effective, and efficient manner to improve, promote and protect the health and welfare of the public. The Health Information and Quality Authority (HIQA) was established to help drive continuous improvement in Ireland's health and social care services. Click here to download PDF 464kb


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The Role and Future Development of Meals on Wheels Services Click to download PDF 2.2mb


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This report presents a 4-year plan for HIV and AIDS Education and Prevention in Ireland for the period 2008 - 2012. In developing this plan, the Education and Prevention Sub-Committee of the National AIDS Strategy Committee commissioned the National University of Ireland, Galway, to provide a review of:- international publications and policy developments;- the current situation in Ireland in terms of epidemiology, trends and structures;- evidence of best practice in HIV and AIDS prevention and education Download document here


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This report represents the result of two different strands of work by the Women's Health Council. At the beginning of 2006, due to the recent significant inward migration experienced in Ireland, the Council's board identified the promotion of the health of ethnic minority women as a key area of work in its strategic plan for the period 2007-2009. At the same time, it was also decided that the problem of gender-based violence would also be addressed through a number of research and policy initiatives. This report focuses on a health issuethat marries these two concerns, Female Genital Mutilation/Cutting (FGM/C – see below for definition) and serves as an accompanying document to the recently published Violence Against Women and Health (2007) and the forthcoming study on Ethnic Minority Women and Gender-Based Violence. Download document here


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In 2002 the Minister for Health and Children met with representative organisations from the Advertising Industry, the Association of Advertisers in Ireland (AAI), representing advertisers, the Institute of Advertising Practitioners in Ireland (IAPI), representing the advertising agencies and Drinks Industry Group Ireland (DIGI) representing the Alcohol Drinks Industry. The discussions centred on the Ministerâ?Ts concerns about some of the content, weight of exposure and placement of alcohol advertising. In addition, issues were discussed on activities involved in the sponsorship of, and activities surrounding, music and sports events. Download document here


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This review aims to provide good quality, up-to-date biomedical evidence of the therapies available to women in Ireland to treat breast, cervical and ovarian cancer. This review summarises evidence from guidelines and high quality studies. It should be noted however that scientific evidence is not infallible, and knowledge in this field is constantly evolving. The evidence summarised in this review presents the current consensus. Download document here   Download summary of report


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National Mens Health Policy 2008-2013 Click here to download PDF 1.3mb Reference Document PDF 1.3mb Progress Report PDF 92kb