426 resultados para Ageing in Ireland


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Blood pressure is the force exerted on artery walls as the heart pumps blood through the body. Hypertension, or high blood pressure, occurs when blood pressure is constantly higher than the pressure needed to carry blood through the body. The Chronic Conditions Hub is a website that brings together information on chronic health conditions. It allows you to easily access, manage and share relevant information resources. The Chronic Conditions Hub includes the Institute of Public Health in Ireland’s (IPH) estimates and forecasts of the number of people living with chronic conditions. On the Chronic Conditions Hub you will find:- A Briefing for each condition - Detailed technical documentation - Detailed national and sub-national data that can be downloaded or explored using online data tools - A prevalence tool that allows you to calculate prevalence figures for your population data


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Blood pressure is the force exerted on artery walls as the heart pumps blood through the body. Hypertension, or high blood pressure, occurs when blood pressure is constantly higher than the pressure needed to carry blood through the body. This document details how the IPH uses a systematic and consistent method to produce prevalence data for hypertension on the island of Ireland.


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Musculoskeletal conditions (MSCs) are a group of diseases that affect the body’s bones, joints, muscles and the tissues that connect them. Common MSCs include back pain, rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis, osteoporosis, and spinal disorders. MSCs are the most common cause of severe long term pain and physical disability in developed countries. They significantly affect the psychosocial wellbeing of individuals as well as their families and carers. They are responsible for substantial costs to the health and social care system and the economy. They are a leading cause of absence from work and lost productivity at work. MSCs comprise a diverse group of conditions. Some have a specific medical diagnosis (eg rheumatoid arthritis) but others have no clear medical diagnosis (eg back pain). Risk factors for the development and progression of MSCs include age, sex, family history, obesity, physical inactivity, injury and biomechanical occupational health issues.


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Musculoskeletal conditions (MSCs) are a group of diseases that affect the body’s bones, joints, muscles and the tissues that connect them. Common MSCs include back pain, rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis, osteoporosis, and spinal disorders. MSCs are the most common cause of severe long term pain and physical disability in developed countries. They significantly affect the psychosocial wellbeing of individuals as well as their families and carers. They are responsible for substantial costs to the health and social care system and the economy. They are a leading cause of absence from work and lost productivity at work. MSCs comprise a diverse group of conditions. Some have a specific medical diagnosis (eg rheumatoid arthritis) but others have no clear medical diagnosis (eg back pain). Risk factors for the development and progression of MSCs include age, sex, family history, obesity, physical inactivity, injury and biomechanical occupational health issues. This document details the methods used to calculate the estimates and forecasts.


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This consultation was intended to test public opinion on proposed changes to the law regulating the sale of alcohol in Northern Ireland. The proposed changes relate to-    regulating the sale of alcohol in supermarkets and off-sales premises-    regulating the sale of alcohol in pubs and other on-sales premises-    regulating private member clubs-    codes of practice Key points from IPH response -    IPH welcomes the opportunity to submit our views on this review of regulations related to the sale and supply of alcohol in Northern Ireland. IPH notes that the reduction of alcohol-related harm is a stated aim of the review. -    International evidence clearly supports the role of regulation of the sale and supply of alcohol in reducing alcohol consumption and in reducing alcohol-related harm. -    The consultation document does not present any meaningful estimation of the scale or nature of potential positive or negative effects on alcohol-related harm arising from the proposed changes. On this basis, IPH recommends that a Health Impact Assessment should be conducted on the proposed regulations. -    IPH shares the concerns raised in respect of increases in the number of people drinking at home and the availability of large volumes of low cost alcohol in supermarkets. In this regard, we welcome the proposals to enhance the regulation of sale of alcohol in mixed trading premises by more stringent structural separation measures and restricted advertising. -    IPH wishes to emphasise the importance of the work underway to explore the introduction of minimum unit pricing of alcohol on the island of Ireland as this measure will be significant in enhancing the proposals on regulating sale of alcohol in mixed trading premises -    In light of evidence of increased alcohol consumption and harm associated with increased hours and days of sale of alcohol, IPH does not support the proposal to introduce additional late opening hours or extended drinking up time.


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The Urban Regeneration and Community Development Policy Framework for Northern Ireland sets out for DSD and its partners, clear priorities for urban regeneration and community development programmes, both before and after the operational responsibility for these is transferred to councils under the reform of local government. Four policy objectives have been developed, which will focus on the underlying structural problems in urban areas and also help strengthen community development throughout Northern Ireland. The policy objectives are as follows: Policy Objective 1 – To tackle area-based deprivation: Policy Objective 2 – To strengthen the competitiveness of our towns and cities: Policy Objective 3 – To improve linkages between areas of need and areas of opportunity: and Policy Objective 4 –To develop more cohesive and engaged communities. Key points from IPH response Urban regeneration and community development provide a basis for addressing the social determinants of health and reducing inequalities in health. This policy framework presents an opportunity for coherence and complementarity with ‘Fit and Well - Changing Lives’ as part of government’s overall approach to tackling health inequalities. It is now well established that a focus on early years’ interventions and family support services yields significant returns, so prioritising action in these areas is essential. Defined action plans on child poverty are essential if this policy framework is to make a real and lasting difference in deprived urban areas. Development of the environmental infrastructure to improve health in deprived areas should be supported by well-planned monitoring and evaluation. Linking the policy framework to economic development and local community plans will enhance effectiveness in the areas of education, job creation, commercial investment and access to services, which in turn are critical for the economic growth and stability of urban communities. Community profile data and health intelligence (as available through IPH Health Well) could usefully inform central and local government in terms of resource allocation and targeted service delivery.


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Enhanced tobacco control policies and programmes are an important component of any strategic approach to improving population health and tackling health inequalities. The consultation on standardised packaging of tobacco products in the UK is particularly timely in view of the recent publication of the Ten Year Tobacco Strategy for Northern Ireland (DHSSPS, 2012). In this strategy the Department expressed its support for the introduction of further measures to reduce the influence of tobacco advertising and promotion upon children e.g. the introduction of plain packaging for cigarettes and hand rolling tobacco.  IPH key points •    The extent of tobacco-related harm across the island of Ireland and across the UK is unacceptable. Increasingly comprehensive and effective tobacco-control interventions are required. •    IPH recommends the adoption of option 2: require standardised packaging of tobacco products. •    IPH acknowledges that as plain packaging has not yet been introduced in any country, it is not possible at this time to accurately forecast the extent and nature of this intervention on population level health outcomes in the UK context. •    The proposed approach appears comprehensive in addressing the direct and indirect ways in which elements of tobacco packaging can promote brand appeal and can portray impressions in respect of tobacco-related harm. Consideration should be given to include specific provisions relating to roll-your-own (RYO) tobacco packaging. Any approach needs to be regularly reviewed to take into account attempts to bypass restrictions and evaluate responses in respect of consumer choices. •    IPH considers that the introduction of plain packaging has the potential to support the achievement of the goals set out in the Ten Year Tobacco Control Strategy for Northern Ireland ( DHSSPS, 2012). •    Among children in Northern Ireland who reported trying their first cigarette, around one quarter were aged 11 or under and three quarters were 14 or under when they did so (DHSSPS, 2012).  The very young age of these children is concerning on many levels including their susceptibility to sophisticated branding and marketing techniques linked to tobacco packaging.


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From 2016, it will be mandatory for most pre-packed food to carry nutrition labelling.  This provides an opportunity to review the provision of additional nutrition labelling that is provided voluntarily on the front of packs.  The Governments across the UK are committed to the provision of nutritional information to help consumers make better informed food choices. Key points from IPH response Obesity and related chronic conditions are already very prevalent and are expected to increase over the next decade, placing greater financial burden on health care services. Helping consumers to make informed choices about their diet is an important aspect of tackling obesity. Providing clear consistent and easy to understand front of pack (FoP) nutrition information is important in helping consumers to make healthy choices. IPH would support FoP nutrition information using the traffic light labelling scheme and High/Medium/Low text. FoP nutrition labelling should be supported by a public information campaign to educate consumers about portion sizes and recommended daily intakes of fat, sugar and salt. IPH would support a nutrition labelling approach which empowers and enables consumers to take responsibility for their own health through informed dietary choices. The FoP traffic light labelling scheme has the potential to encourage healthier product formulation as manufacturers pursue market share. This in turn would contribute to wider availability of healthier products.


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Conall McDevitt (SDLP MLA) launched a consultation regarding the introduction of 20mph speed restrictions in residential streets as part of his bid to introduce legislation through a Private Members Bill in the Northern Ireland Assembly.  The purpose of the Bill is to increase road safety, particularly for pedestrians and other road users, with additional health and environmental benefits. IPH submitted a response to the Private Members’ Bill regarding the introduction of 20mph speed restriction on smaller residential roads.  IPH recognises the potential public health benefits of this proposal in terms of reduced injuries and fatalities in built up areas; more opportunities for walking and cycling (helping to tackle obesity and reduce the risk of diabetes, heart disease and stroke); greater social cohesion among communities and improved mental health; and reduced emissions that contribute to climate change, air and noise pollution.


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The remit of the Institute of Public Health in Ireland (IPH) is to promote cooperation for public health between Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland in the areas of research and information, capacity building and policy advice. Our approach is to support Departments of Health and their agencies in both jurisdictions, and maximise the benefits of all-island cooperation to achieve practical benefits for people in Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland. The Department of Health is developing a Health and Wellbeing policy to improve the health of the population and reduce health inequalities by addressing causes of preventable illnesses. The Policy Framework is at an advanced stage with a number of background analytical documents prepared and published on the Department website to allow views to be incorporated into final drafts.  IPH responded to the consultation call in 2011 and we welcome the placement of these supporting documents on the Department website with the request for additional comments.


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IPH responded to the consultation on potential new indicators for the 2013/14 Quality and Outcomes Framework (QOF) in the UK. The 20 potential new indicators relate to chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), heart failure, coronary heart disease, diabetes, depression, hypertension, rheumatoid arthritis, asthma and cancer. The consultation asked people to consider whether there were any barriers to the implementation of the care described by any of the indicators; whether there were potential unintended consequences to the implementation of any of the indicators; whether there was potential for differential impact (in respect of age, disability, gender reassignment, pregnancy and maternity, race, religion or belief, sex and sexual orientation); and whether the indicators may have an adverse impact in different groups in the community.”


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The Social Investment Fund aims to reduce poverty, unemployment and physical deterioration in areas through area based interventions of significant scale which will be delivered in partnership with communities. The fund will encourage communities, statutory agencies, businesses and departments to work together in a coordinated way, reducing duplication, sharing best practice and enhancing provision for the benefits of those communities most in need. IPH calls for a consideration of health to be included in the Social Investment Fund.  Each of the four objectives of the programme will have the potential to positively impact on health by increasing education attainment and skill levels, tackling deprivation, increasing community support and enhancing the physical regeneration of communities.  IPH also call for greater clarification on the links with other area based partnerships.


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IPH welcomes this European Review conducted by the Marmot Review Team which aims to inform action on social determinants of health and health equity within the forthcoming health policy for the European region, Health 2020. IPH calls for clear mandates supporting whole-of-government approaches to address social determinants and outlines some of the specific challenges and opportunities within the current Ireland and Northern Ireland policy landscape.


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The Amendment to Policy HS 3 of PPS 12 furthers the Minister’s commitment to meeting the distinctive accommodation needs of travellers. The existing policy HS 3 contained in PPS 12 provides for grouped housing, serviced sites, and transit sites for travellers within, adjoining or in close proximity to settlements. However, outside settlements there is only limited provision for grouped housing and transit sites – not serviced sites. This amendment provides policy for serviced sites for travellers outside settlements.


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The Department of Health (Republic of Ireland) is developing a public health policy, which aims to improve the health of the population and reduce health inequalities by addressing the causes of preventable illnesses.  The aim is to develop a policy for a healthier population for all ages and all sectors in society.  To succeed in developing and implementing a first-class public health policy, in which everyone is encouraged to play a part in protecting and improving the nation’s health, a consultation process was put in place  to ensure wide engagement.