66 resultados para private life
The Quality of Life of Older People with a Disability in Ireland For many years the National Council on Ageing and Older People (NCAOP) has advocated the importance of meaningful consultation with older people in order to inform public policy and facilitate the development of services to meet their needs. This research study was commissioned to present a picture of quality of life in older age for people with a disability in Ireland and was grounded in consultation with them. It is the first such study to be undertaken here. Click here to download PDF 1.9mb
The purpose of this report on seminar proceedings is to provide a focused andaccurate summary of the deliberations of the seminar.The main aim of the seminar was to provide a forum in which to consider the determinants of quality of life of older people at the end-of-life and to identify priority measures and policies to ensure the highest standards of end-of-life care for older people in acute and long-stay settings in Ireland. Download document here
Palliative Care For Children With Life-Limiting Conditions In Ireland- A National Policy Click here to download PDF 1.30MB
Independent Report to the Minister for Health and Health Insurance Council Click here to download PDF 179KB Â
An Act to protect human life during pregnancy; to make provision for reviews at the instigation of a pregnant woman of certain medical opinions given in respect of pregnancy; to provide for an offence of intentional destruction of unborn human life; to amend the Health Act 2007; to repeal sections 58 and 59 of the Offences Against the Person Act 1861; and to provide for matters connected therewith. Click here to download PDF 296KB
Preliminary draft of regulations to be made under the Protection of Life During Pregnancy Bill, 2013
Preliminary draft of regulations to be made under the Protection of Life During Pregnancy Bill, 2013 Preliminary draft of Regulations to be made under the Protection of Life During Pregnancy Bill, 2013. It is the intention to bring these Regulations into effect when the Bill is enacted. The Regulations are as follows: Click here to download The Protection of Life During Pregnancy Act 2013 (Certification Regulations) PDF 466KB Click here to download The Protection of Life During Pregnancy Act 2013 (Application for Review of Medical Opinion) PDF 219KB Click here to download The Protection of Life During Pregnancy Act 2013 (Notifications) PDF 180KB
This report was prepared independently by Mr McLoughlin with the insurers support, for consideration by the Minister for Health and the insurers. All parties were very conscious of the importance of respecting competition law when dealing with issues such as prices and costs. The Phase 1 report contains 32 recommendations under 9 headings as follows: Most of the recommendations in the Phase 1 report could be implemented on an administrative basis, while a small number, if adopted, would require legislation. Some of the key recommendations to drive down costs are can be summarised as follows: Controlling costs in private health insurance Care settings and use of resources Age structure of the market Clinical audit and utilisation management Industry approach to private psychiatry Fraud, waste and abuse Chronic disease management Claims processing Admission and discharge procedures and processes. Most of the recommendations in the Phase 1 report could be implemented on an administrative basis, while a small number, if adopted, would require legislation.
This Value for Money and Policy Review (VFM&PR) of the Economic Cost and Charges Associated with Private and Semi-Private Treatment Services in Public Hospitals was initiated by the Department of Health and Children in June 2009 and was conducted under the auspices of the Governmentâ?Ts Value for Money & Policy Review Initiative 2009-2011. The Review was overseen by an independently chaired National Steering Group comprised of senior representatives from the Department of Health and Children, the Department of Finance, and the Health Service Executive (HSE). Download document here Download Explanatory Note Â
This report sets out a revised costing methodology and an estimate of the gap which currently exists between private and semi-private bed charges and the average economic cost. While the Steering Group considers the costing methodology proposed as an improvement on the approach taken in previous years and a good overall approximation of the difference on average between economic costs and current charges, it recognises that the current charging regime does not take sufficient account of the variation between different categories of patient. Download document here Note to Readers
Provision for risk equalisation was first made in the Health Insurance Act, 1994, section 12 of which empowered the Minister to prescribe a scheme for risk equalisation. A Risk Equalsiation Scheme was introduced in 2003. In December 2005, the Minister decided, on the Authorityâ?Ts recommendation, which referred to risks now materialising, to commence risk equalisation payments under the Scheme as from 1 January 2006, but in the event the relevant legislation was overturned by the Courts in 2008. Download document here
5.11.2014 This report was prepared independently by Mr McLoughlin with the support of the health insurers, and the Health Insurance Authority, for consideration by the Minister for Health and the insurers. All parties were very conscious of the importance of respecting competition law when dealing with issues such as prices and costs. The work of the Group has been conducted in two phases, with the first phase report published on 26 December 2013. The Phase 1 report sets out the context, establishment, membership and terms of reference for both phases of the Groups work. The report also outlines the legislative provisions for private health insurance in Ireland, the objectives of both phases of the review and the approach and methodology followed. Phase 2 of the process focused on the compilation and analysis by the Health Insurance Authority (HIA) of claims data to assess the cost drivers for health insurance, the effects of medical technology and innovations on costs, and claims processing issues.The report and submissions from relevant stakeholders which were examined and considered under the Phase 2 Review can be downloaded below. Download the Review of Measures to Reduce Costs in the Private Health Insurance Market 2014 - Independent Report to the Minister for Health and Health Insurance Council here. Submissions received HSE Submission to Pat McLoughlin, Chair of Review Group IHAI submission 11 April 2014 IHCA submission to Chair 1 May 2014 Insurance Ireland submission Society of Actuaries in Ireland submission St. Patricks Mental Health Services submission April 2014 St John of Gods Submission    ÂÂ
The findings of Pinnock and colleagues’ study on the longitudinal perspectives of people with severe chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) have implications for other non-malignant conditions.To read the 'BMJ' news article in full.
This project intends to build on the success in equipping individuals with mental health problems, who are obese, with the skills necessary to make healthier lifestyle choices.Particpants will work as a group and support each other. A range of sessions were held on health issues of importance to clients (stress, exercise, mental health) through information workshops, training, pharmacy clinics, cooking etc. For the participants involved in the project their confidence has grown and they are able to share their learning with others at the centre. The clients are aware of other services and how to access them. The pharmacist role played a visit to the doctors to help clients get the best out of their appointment. The mental health of those involved has also imporved and has spurred them on to make changes in their overall lifestyle.
The project aims to target older peoples local needs and create awareness of health issues and healthier lifestyles in later years. Five information sessions (medicine, stress management, role of the pharmacist etc) were held with older people. The pharmacist offered 1-1 support and group work was also built into the sessions. The pharmacist is now more aware of older people's needs and the future services they can provide. Older people are now better informed about their health and wellbeing. The project has empowered them to be more independent and have a greater rapport with their pharmacist. 65 older people benefited from the project. The pharmacist is now signposting older people to the Active
This leaflet explains the benefits of regular physical activity. It aims to dispel the myths surrounding exercise and the excuses people make for not exercising, as well as providing tips and advice on how to be more active.