384 resultados para click-beetles
Food & Nutrition Guidelines for Primary Schools The Government has identified school children as one group to be given priority during the planning and delivery of programmes and initiatives for good health throughout life. In the Governmentâ?Ts National Health Promotion Strategy 2000/2005, the two major objectives for children are: Click here to download PDF 458kb
From Vision to Action: strengthening the nursing contribution to public health The starting point for this report is a belief that public health is everybodyâ?Ts business. This is reflected in recent policies in Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland where improvements in health services are recommended as one part of the many measures that are needed to create environments for healthy living. Click here to download PDF 890kb
Guidelines on the Provision of Structured Car Parking Facilities at Acute Hospitals These guidelines have been developed to ensure that any future developments for car parking facilities are consistent with Department policy and deliver value for money. They are intended to assist acute hospitals in ensuring that best practice is followed at all stages in the provision and management of structured car parking facilities. Click here to download PDF 23kb
Healthy Ageing in Ireland, Policies, Practice and Evaluation The National Council on Ageing and Older People (NCAOP) is pleased to present this report, which provides a comprehensive overview of current practice in the promotion of healthy ageing in Ireland. The Council considers â?~healthy ageingâ?T to be a positive concept relating to personal development and the exercise of personal choice. Healthy ageing therefore includes activities that influence social and environmental changes, which promote health, well-being and activities that prevent illness. Click here to download PDF 515kb
Implementation of Recommendations of the Commission on Nursing – Third Annual Progress Report of the Monitoring Committee This is the third annual report of the Monitoring Committee established by the Minister for Health and Children to oversee progress in the implementation of the recommendations contained in the Report of the Commission on Nursing A Blueprint for the Future. It outlines the further progress made during 2002 in achieving targets set out in the Priority Action Plan for 2002 and 2003 agreed between the Department of Health and Children and the Nursing Alliance. Click here to download PDF 50kb
Long-Stay Activity Report 2002 This report presents data collected through a survey of long-stay units in 2002. The aim of the survey is to provide statistics on the number of beds available for long-term care, how the beds are used and the types of patients who occupy these beds. Click here to download PDF 420kb
Men and Domestic Violence: What research tells us In late 2000, the Department of Health and Children, in conjunction with the North Eastern Health Board, commissioned Kieran McKeown Limited, Social and Economic Consultants to prepare a literature review of research carried out in other jurisdictions Click here to download PDF 578kb Background Note PDF 10kb Peer Review 1 PDF 21kb Peer Review 2 PDF 17kb
Monaghan General Hospital – Proposals for further and future development The Independent Review Panel recommended a review of the existing protocol for emergency obstetric cases presenting at Hospitals such as Monaghan which have no on-site obstetric expertise, and the implementation of a revised protocol. They also recommended that each maternity incident should be reviewed by a multidisciplinary team from the Cavan Monaghan Group. Click here to download PDF 49kb Appendix PDF 2.5mb
National Standards for Foster Care The vast majority of children in the care of the state now live with foster carers. A substantial number of these children are cared for by their extended family in relative foster care. Fostering services depend on families and individuals in the community who are willing to share their homes and lives with children and young people whose parents are unable to care for them. Foster carers also share their lives with a range ofprofessionals with whom they work in partnership. Click her to download PDF 925bk Children’s Version PDF 1.65mb
North South Survey of Children’s Oral Health 2002 This report presents the results of the first contemporaneous North South study of the oral health of children and adolescents on the island of Ireland. The last National Survey of Childrenâ?Ts Oral Health in the Republic of Ireland was carried out in 1984. The present study describes the oral health experience of children and adolescents in Ireland today. The results are of interest to the public, to policymakers and to service providers and will be of assistance in the evaluation of current oral health services and the planning of services for the next decade. Click here to download PDF 666kb
Nurses’ and Midwives’ Understanding and Experiences of Empowerment in Ireland With the recently launched national health strategy (Department of Health and Children, 2001) and a tightening fiscal policy there is a requirement for a more innovative use of existing resources dedicated to healthcare in Ireland. Nurses and midwives, one of the largest professional groups within the health service, will play a critical role in developing this â?onewâ?Âù health service. Click here to download PDF 745kb
Performance-Related Awards: Health Boards Scheme This progress report to September 2003 on the performance-related awards scheme for senior health board management has been prepared by the Committee for Performance Awards for the Health Board Scheme, in line with the recommendation in Report No. 38 of the Review Body for Higher Remuneration in the Public Sector, to contribute to the Review Bodyâ?Ts consideration at its next general review (para 13.4). Click here to download PDF 93kb
Report of the Inspector of Mental Hospitals for 2002 The Mental Treatment Act, 1945 requires the inspection of every public psychiatric hospital and unit at least once a year, and of every private hospital and the Central Mental Hospital twice a year. These inspections were carried out on both announced and unannounced visits. In recent years, the number of unannounced visits has increased. Click here to download PDF 2.1mb
Report of the National Task Force on Medical Staffing (Hanly report) Patients deserve the best possible care that the Irish health services can deliver. At present, most frontline medical care in hospitals is delivered by non-consultant hospital doctors (NCHDs), the majority of whom work excessively long hours. Patients have limited access to consultant care. NCHDs will soon be required by law to work fewer hours. This will have significant benefits for both doctors and patients. Click here to download PDF 1.7mb
Research Strategy for Nursing and Midwifery in Ireland The Report of the Commission on Nursing (1998, para. 6.77) recommended that the Nursing Policy Division in the Department of Health and Children, in consultation with the appropriate bodies, draw up a national strategy for nursing and midwifery research. In response to the above, the Chief Nursing Officer at the Department of Health and Children convened a consultative committee to prepare a research strategy for nursing and midwifery in Ireland. This committee was representative of those with a core interest in nursing and midwifery research. Click here to download PDF 501kb