18 resultados para bounded gaps
These reports summarise progress against Department of Health inequality targets for 2010 in the following areas: Infant mortality; life expectancy at birth for males and for females; cancer (premature mortality rate) and all circulatory diseases (premature mortality rate). Key facts Infant mortality The inequality gap in the infant mortality rate has reduced for the second consecutive period, though not yet by a sufficient amount to meet the target, based on the trend since the current socio economic classifications were introduced in 2001. Life expectancy at birth (males and females) The inequality gaps in male and female life expectancy at birth have both increased since the baseline. If current trends continue, the target would not be met. Cancer mortality The inequality gap in cancer mortality has declined since the baseline (despite a slight increase in the latest period), and the minimum requirement for the 2010 target has already been met. All circulatory diseases mortality The inequality gap in circulatory disease mortality has declined, and is on track to meet the target.
In January 2012, in a direct response to specific skills shortages for people with high-level ICT skills, the Department of Education and Skills published a joint Government–industry ICT Action Plan aimed at building the supply of high-level ICT graduates. One of the key measures in the Plan was the roll-out, from March 2012, of more than 800 places on intensive NFQ level 8 higher diploma ICT skills conversion programmes by higher education providers in partnership with industry. In recognition of the ICT and software development skills shortages that continue to exist, a second phase of the ICT Skills Programme was rolled-out in late 2012, with the Higher Education Authority requesting proposals from higher education providers for a further round of specialist programmes aimed at addressing identified ICT and software development skills gaps. From spring 2013, a number of higher education providers are again offering a number of Level 8 Conversion Programmes, in collaboration with industry partners, which will provide graduates from other skills areas with the opportunity to up-skill or re-skill through a 1 year full-time HDip Conversion Programme in core computing/programming, software and data analysis.
Mary Black, Assistant Director for Health and Social Wellbeing Improvement in the Public Health Agency, established the Belfast Drug and Alcohol Working Group in early 2010 to undertake a scoping exercise of drugs and alcohol services in Belfast, and to produce a report outlining their findings and making some recommendations as to how services could be better promoted, targeted, co-ordinated and ultimately improved.� This report is the culmination of a series of meetings and workshops (from June to November 2010) where members considered all of the available information in the context of what they, and the organisations they represent, consider to be the gaps and areas which could be improved upon for PHA to consider when taking forward alcohol and drug work and services over the next 5-year period (i.e. 2011-2016).� The report takes a systematic approach to scoping and compiling evidence on: funding of drug and alcohol services; information and awareness-raising; education and prevention; treatment and support; services for vulnerable groups; workforce development; skilling up and supporting of communities; reducing availability; tackling substance related crime; and coordination and information sharing. Each section of the report ends with an analysis of the gaps and recommendations for action, with all of the recommendations presented in a tabular format in Section 13.