105 resultados para Young parents
Cantonese Translation
Developing Services for Children and Young People with Complex Physical Healthcare Needs (PDF 353KB)
Your Guide to Positve Parenting, Top Tips for Parenting Teenagers and Happy Homes Poster
Appendices to Complex Needs Report
Departmental review of nursing services in order to ensure that they are facilitated to fully support and respond to children with complex needs and their families, and for them to work in partnership with other professions and agencies.
Future of Fertility Services in Northern Ireland (From People to Parents)
The Fit Futures: Focus on Food, Activity and Young People report
(Drugs, Solvents and Alcohol)
Proposed Consultation on Implementation of the EC Directive on the Protection of Young People at Work (94/33)
A Secondary Analysis of Drug and Alcohol Use Surveys - Final Report
The evaluation was commissioned by the Department of Health and Children and undertaken by the Centre for Social and Educational Research, Dublin Institute of Technology. The content of the report relates from the Initiativeâ?Ts launch in July 1999 to June 2002.The Initiative sought to provide a range of additional support services for teen parents during pregnancy, until their children reached 2 years of age. Download document here
This document, which has been named Our Duty to Care, is aimed at community and voluntary organisations of any size or type that provide services for children. It offers guidance on the promotion of child welfare and the development of safe practices in work with children. It also gives information on how to recognise signs of child abuse and the correct steps to take within organisations if it is suspected, witnessed or disclosed. The process of reporting suspected or actual child abuse to the health board is described step by step, and guidance is given on how to handle sensitive areas. Download document here