Key points from the IPH response include: There is growing recognition that the leading causes of illness and death, including heart disease, cancer, respiratory diseases and injuries, may be exacerbated by elements within the built environment which contribute to sedentary lifestyles and harmful environments. IPH call for greater recognition of the links between regional development and health. Health inequalities are the preventable and unjust differences in health status experienced by certain population groups. The RDS has a role to play in tackling health inequalities experienced in Northern Ireland. Supporting a modal shift in transport methods can lead to improved health and reduced health inequalities. The RDS plays an important role in addressing climate change which is identified as a major public health concern for the 21st Century. Creating healthy sustainable places and communities can go hand in hand with reducing the negative impacts of climate change. IPH recognise the RDS is an overarching strategic framework which will be implemented by a range of other agencies. To fully appreciate the potential health impacts of the RDS, IPH call for a Health Impact Assessment to be undertaken to fully determine the links with health and potential impact on health inequalities particularly in relation to the implementation strategy.
Conall McDevitt (SDLP MLA) launched a consultation regarding the introduction of 20mph speed restrictions in residential streets as part of his bid to introduce legislation through a Private Members Bill in the Northern Ireland Assembly. The purpose of the Bill is to increase road safety, particularly for pedestrians and other road users, with additional health and environmental benefits. IPH submitted a response to the Private Members’ Bill regarding the introduction of 20mph speed restriction on smaller residential roads. IPH recognises the potential public health benefits of this proposal in terms of reduced injuries and fatalities in built up areas; more opportunities for walking and cycling (helping to tackle obesity and reduce the risk of diabetes, heart disease and stroke); greater social cohesion among communities and improved mental health; and reduced emissions that contribute to climate change, air and noise pollution.
The overall aim of the strategy is “To reduce the number of accidental deaths and injuries in the home.” OBJECTIVES OF THE STRATEGY The key objectives are: • to reduce home accidents, particularly in those most at risk; • to raise awareness of the causes of home accidents and promote effective preventative measures to reduce such accidents; • to promote and facilitate effective training, skills and knowledge in home accident prevention across all relevant organisations, groups and individuals. These objectives will be met through integrated and effective approaches including: • education and information programmes to promote home safety, and promote a change in public behaviour towards home accident prevention; and • the use of evidence based practice, models of good practice, and by evaluating home accident prevention initiatives. OUTCOMES If successful, implementation of this strategy will lead to a reduction in the number of home accidents and contribute to the outcome “reduction in preventable deaths and diseases and improvement in wellbeing” set out in the Northern Ireland Priorities and Budget 2004-2006.
The Executive in its Programme for Government under the theme “Working for a Healthier People” gave a commitment to promoting public safety by reducing the number of injuries and deaths caused by accidents at home, at work and on the road. An overarching strategy for children and young people is also being developed, which will set out the vision, values and underlying principles, including general safety, for all children and young people and the long-term goals to make that vision a reality. Consultation Document