395 resultados para Trinity College (Dublin, Ireland)
A feasibility study on the costs and benefits associated with the introduction of dedicated Helicopter Emergency Medical Service (HEMS) was commissioned by the Department of Health and Children, Dublin and the Department of Health, Social Services and Public Safety, Belfast. The study was commissioned on foot of advice by the Cross Border Working Group on Pre-Hospital Care Working Group, one of the Groups established under the “Good Friday Agreement”.
A feasibility study on the costs and benefits associated with the introduction of dedicated Helicopter Emergency Medical Service (HEMS) was commissioned by the Department of Health and Children, Dublin and the Department of Health, Social Services and Public Safety, Belfast. The study was commissioned on foot of advice by the Cross Border Working Group on Pre-Hospital Care Working Group, one of the Groups established under the “Good Friday Agreement”. Click here to download PDF
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Report for Minister Reilly on Beechpark Autism Services & related Service Issues for children with ASD in Dublin North Report for Minister Reilly on Beechpark Autism Services & related Service Issues for children with ASD in Dublin North Click here to download PDF 2MB
14.10.2014 International Working Group Report on the Optimal All-Island Hospital Service for Cardiology and Cardiac Surgery for Congenital Heart Disease in the Republic of Ireland and Northern Ireland. The International Working Group (IWG) visited Belfast and Dublin from April 7- April 11, 2014. The IWG consisted of Dr. John Mayer, Dr. Adrian Moran, Dr. John Sinclair, and Dr. Patricia Hickey. Download the report here. View the Joint Policy Statement by the Minister of Health and Social Services and Public Safety Northern Ireland, Jim Wells and the Minister of Health in the Republic of Ireland, Leo Varadkar on the report here.
This study investigates the impact of poverty and social exclusion on the food, diet and nutrition of people out-of-home in Dublin. The research involved a food frequency survey carried out with 75 people out of home, qualitative interviews with 12 individuals as well as a self-completion questionnaire administered to 18 food service providers in Dublin city. One of the main findings from the study was that the extent and experience of food poverty among homeless people was not only conditioned by income inadequacy and other socio-economic and cultural determinants, but particularly, by access to accommodation, as well as the quality of that accommodation. The report makes a number of practice and policy recommendations to tackle food poverty and homelessness. The qualitative approaches to food poverty employed for use with this sample of people out-of-home aimed to deal in depth with issues around food consumption. Through drawing a sub-sample from those who participated in the survey research (a process of recapture), the authors sought to expand on the survey questionnaire information on food issues. The themes for the Focus Group Discussions (FGDs) emerged from the analysis of the survey questionnaires and 4 key thematic areas were selected. i) Access to cooking, preparation and storage facilities ii) Access, choice and constraints in food purchase and consumption iii) Access to information about healthy diet, food preparation and storage iv) Expectations, cultures, values and choice concerning eating The qualitative aspect of the research enquiry eventually generated one FGD and seven semi-structured interviews representing the views of a total of 12 persons all of whom had completed the initial survey questionnaire.This resource was contributed by The National Documentation Centre on Drug Use.
In this report for the Medico Social Research Board the author provides an overview of the drug problem in Dublin's inner city. On 12-14 July 1982 the author visited the Sean Mac Dermott street area of the inner city, the Eastern Health Board, Coolmine Community, Jervis Street Drug Advisory and Treatment Centre and the Garda drug squad. From these interviews, the author concludes that Dublin's inner city has a serious problem with drug use, in particular the injecting of heroin. Heroin addicts steal on a regular basis to fund their habit, and frequently inject themselves in public spaces of local authority flat complexes. Despite the best efforts of the support services (Social workers, doctors, Gardai and clergy) there is a high prevalence of injecting heroin use. There has also been abuse of prescription services. Addicts frequently seek opiates from a small number of doctors who are willing to prescribe. Drug education is severely lacking or inappropriate, according to the author, and the Garda drug squad is severely over stretched. While cannabis use is said to be prevalent in Dublin's two universities, drug use has been most problematic in the deprived parts of the city. The author presents the drug epidemic, which has developed over the last two years, in moral terms, and wonders if Christian society, in particular the Catholic Church, and the health authorities can do anything to stop the crisis from worsening. Recommendations include; conducting epidemiological surveys to determine the true extent of the problem, cross disciplinary co-operation, greater drug awareness through education, and more rehabilitation units.This resource was contributed by The National Documentation Centre on Drug Use.
This report consists of a number of case histories and taped interviews with drug users in which they speak about their reasons for taking drugs. The author also analyses the drug trafficking scene, which is based on the importation of drugs from London, Northern Ireland, robbery of chemists' shops and forged prescriptions. The author concludes that adequately equipped drug clinics, advisory services and better police precautions all have an important part to play in dealing with the drugs problem. He also concludes the Drug Squad needs to be strengthened and educational programmes about the dangers of drugs need to be introduced into schools.This resource was contributed by The National Documentation Centre on Drug Use.
Second-level school students have been identified by the Minister for health as a priority group for education on AIDS. An education programme was accordingly initiated in 1988 in Community Care Area 1 in South county Dublin. This report evaluates this education intervention by means of pre- and post- intervention questionnaires. The questionnaire examined knowledge and attitudes of students relevant to AIDS. The results showed that the level of knowledge of students living in this area was high prior to intervention. The education programme succeeded in improving some aspects of knowledge and also influenced some attitudes of the students. A study of the epidemiology of Aids in Ireland reveals that the epidemic is at a relatively early stage with a consequent rapid doubling time of 9-10 months. In comparison with most developed countries Ireland has a high proportion of AIDS cases occurring among intravenous drug abusers and directly related to this a high number of HIV infected children. Examination of the literature reveals that behaviour change has occurred most noticeably among the homosexual/bisexual risk group. There is some evidence that the comprehensive programmes can achieve change in the behaviour of intravenous drug abusers. There are very few reports linking behaviour change among adolescents and young adults to education programmes. Much of the available literature relates to changes in knowledge and attitudes. International recommendations on the nature of the ideal health education intervention on AIDS are reviewed. The importance of a comprehensive health education programme which incorporates AIDS education and which commences early in youth is noted. The role of the community physician in relation to education programmes and other aspects of monitoring and management of the AIDS epidemic is discussed.This resource was contributed by The National Documentation Centre on Drug Use.
The Dublin Simon Community Health Audit took place during a one week period from Tuesday October 27th to Monday November 2nd 2009. During this one week period the survey was conducted with representative sample of people using Dublin Simon services to provide a snapshot picture of the presenting needs and issues Dublin Simon Community work with on a daily basis. The information gathered builds up a picture of the complex nature of both homelessness and the physical/mental health needs of those experiencing homelessness. Specifically it looks at the physical health issues, diagnosed and undiagnosed; mental health issues, diagnosed and undiagnosed; and drug and alcohol use of those using Dublin Simon services over this one week period.This resource was contributed by The National Documentation Centre on Drug Use.
Children in care in Ireland have increased by 27% in the last decade. This population is recognized to be among the most vulnerable. This study aims to describe their placement histories, service use and mental health needs. Data was obtained on 174 children (56.5% of eligible sample) with a mean age of 10.83 (SD = 5.04). 114 (65.5%) were in care for three years or more. 29 (16.7%) did not have a SW and 49 (37.7%) had no GP. 50 (28.7%) were attending CAMHS. Long term care, frequent placement changes and residential setting were significantly related with poorer outcomes and increased MH contact. Given the increase in numbers in care and the overall decrease in resource allocation to health and social care, individual care planning and prioritizing of resources are essential.This resource was contributed by The National Documentation Centre on Drug Use.
If we create the space in which children and young people can talk openly and in their own language even upon challenging subjects such as sex, then we are likely to learn more from what they tell usâ?T proposes the final UNICEF Ireland report which examines adolescent perspectives on sexual health and behaviour. Key findings in the report included: 63%, and 1 in 5 sixteen year old respondents, reported that they have had sex; 1 in 5 sexually active respondents reported that they did not use a condom the first time that they had sex; 2 in 5 girls who were sexually active reported that they had consumed alcohol before their first sexual experience, compared to 3 in 10 boys; The majority of respondents (54%) reported that they had watched pornography on the internet, and more than one third of the respondents who had watched pornography on the internet believed that it was accurate or educational; Only 1 in 5 respondents reported that they ever speak to their parents about sex. Noting â?~the broad spectrum from which young people living in Ireland draw down information about sexâ?T the UNICEF Ireland report concludes that â?~we must be sure that when a young person is making decisions about their sexual health and behaviour, every opportunity is afforded them in terms of open discussion, understanding, support, information and adviceâ?T Commenting on the Report, Amel Yucef a Youth Health Coordinator at the Base Youth Centre, Ballyfermot said â?oAs the participants in UNICEF Irelandâ?Ts survey have shown, many young people do not feel equipped with the information and support they need to make informed choices about their sexual health. Providing those supports is a priority for us at the Base.â? The Youth Health Programme, that Amel co-ordinates is a HSE funded initiative which was created to respond to the health needs of young people, as identified by the young people of the Dublin 10 area themselves. The Programme delivers community-based and youth-friendly health responses, based upon a harm-reduction model. The Youth Health Programme works towards building the capacity of young people to access health services, while also encouraging those services to deliver in an accessible and youth-friendly way.This resource was contributed by The National Documentation Centre on Drug Use.
The North Dublin City and County Regional Drugs Task Force invites applications for this once-off funding which will be provided through four pillars by way of a grant up to €3,000 for innovative initiatives: • Prevention, Education & Awareness – to develop programmes and supports in the community which offer information and education in order to generate awareness. • Treatment & Rehabilitation – to develop additional short-term supports for those undertaking treatment for drug misuse or innovative rehabilitative supports. • Research – to undertake local research into drug misuse in North Dublin within the RDTF area. • Supply Reduction – to reduce access to all drugs, in particular those that cause most harm, among young people in neighbourhoods where misuse is most prevalent. Terms and conditions apply. To request an application pack or for more information contact 01 813 1786 orThis resource was contributed by The National Documentation Centre on Drug Use.
Management Framework Agreement between the Department of Education and Skills and City of Dublin ETB
Management Framework Agreement between the Department of Education and Skills and City of Dublin ETB. Provided by the Department of Education and Skills, Ireland.
This resource�has been produced for breastfeeding coordinators and breastfeeding peer support trainers who provide training for peer support volunteers. �� The resource has been distributed by PHA directly to those involved in breastfeeding peer support programmes in Northern Ireland. Further copies can be requested as applicable from Lesley Blackstock at: Lesley.blackstock@hscni.net The CD supports delivery of eight peer support teaching sessions (two hours each), which meet Open College Network NI requirements for certification at Level 2, credit value 3. The resource contains background information, support materials, lesson plans, Powerpoint presentations, DVD clips and worksheets for peer supporters. � Please note this resource is only suitable for individuals involved in delivering breastfeeding peer support in Northern Ireland.�