22 resultados para Socio-economic Performance
Injury mortality and morbidity among children aged 0-14 varies substantially depending on the child's age, gender, socio-economic group, cultural and/or ethnic group, and where they live. This report describes and seeks to understand these variations and explains why each factor is associated with injury risk. It then highlights how a range of intervention studies have attempted to address these inequalities.
Life expectancy by socio-economic status is an important measure of health inequality. This article presents proposed changes in the methods used to estimate life expectancy by social class using the ONS Longitudinal Study.
This report, focusing on child health, is the fifth in a series of reports commissioned by the CMO and produced by the Association of Public Health Observatories. It examines geographical and socio-economic variations in indicators of child health in the English regions.
These reports summarise progress against Department of Health inequality targets for 2010 in the following areas: Infant mortality; life expectancy at birth for males and for females; cancer (premature mortality rate) and all circulatory diseases (premature mortality rate). Key facts Infant mortality The inequality gap in the infant mortality rate has reduced for the second consecutive period, though not yet by a sufficient amount to meet the target, based on the trend since the current socio economic classifications were introduced in 2001. Life expectancy at birth (males and females) The inequality gaps in male and female life expectancy at birth have both increased since the baseline. If current trends continue, the target would not be met. Cancer mortality The inequality gap in cancer mortality has declined since the baseline (despite a slight increase in the latest period), and the minimum requirement for the 2010 target has already been met. All circulatory diseases mortality The inequality gap in circulatory disease mortality has declined, and is on track to meet the target.
Immigration is a relatively new phenomenon in Ireland. Between 8 and 10% of students in Irish schools have an immigrant background representing many countries, cultures and languages. Their education outcomes are, on average, similar to their Irish-born peers. Irish schools experienced a rapid increase in the inflow of immigrant students only in recent years, and the main focus of migrant education is first-generation immigrants. Currently about 10% of students in primary schools and about 8% of students in post-primary schools have immigrant backgrounds. Unlike most other OECD countries, first-generation immigrant students in Ireland, on average, achieve education outcomes similar to their Irish-born peers, possibly because the socio-economic backgrounds of these students are similar to or higher than those of their Irish-born peers.
The rationale for this review centres solely on the need to broaden access to third-level education in order to improve equity and social justice. It is founded on the Government’s social and economic policy objective of reducing and eliminating educational disadvantage, and increasing participation at third level by lower socio-economic groups. The Agreed Programme for Government of June 2002 commits the Government to building a caring and inclusive society and to achieving real and sustained social progress. Similar commitments are reflected in the National Development Plan, the National Anti-Poverty Strategy, the National Children’s Strategy and successive national partnership agreements, including Sustaining Progress. Tackling educational disadvantage is a core principle of social justice. The issues of educational disadvantage and social inclusion, therefore, are key priorities for the Government and, since taking up office, the Minister for Education and Science has emphasised his commitment to improving participation and achievement at every level of education. The need for interventions throughout the education system is well recognised. It is well established that addressing educational disadvantage requires intervention in the context of a continuum of provision from early childhood through to adulthood. Successive governments, of all political persuasions, have recognised this fact and have introduced a range of initiatives at pre-primary, primary and post-primary levels aimed at increasing pupil retention and achievement. These initiatives are currently being reviewed in order to ensure that individuals are enabled to obtain the appropriate supports they require to maximise the benefit they derive from the education system.
The eighth Report of the Confidential Enquiries into Maternal Deaths in the UK investigates the deaths of 261 women who died in the triennium 2006-08, from causes directly or indirectly related to pregnancy. The full Report is available for purchase or download from the Centre for Maternal and Child Enquiries (CMACE; www.cmace.org.uk). Although every maternal death is a tragedy, particularly where avoidable factors were identified by the Enquiry process, the overall picture is encouraging. The maternal death rate in the UK continues to decline despite increasing pressures on maternity services and a changing maternal population. For the first time there has been a reduction in the inequalities gap between women living in different socio-economic circumstances, and timely production of guidelines and tools appears to have helped clinical staff to deliver improved clinical care.