40 resultados para SOCIAL-SPATIAL PRACTICE
Management of Private Practice in Health Services Hospitals in Northern Ireland: A Handbook
Sets out a clear core programme of child health contacts that every family can expect.
Code of Practice on Confidentiality of Patient Information
Provides clear information on the practical implementation of supplementary prescribing.
Final Causeway HSS Trust Report on its Public Health Practice Development Pilot, part of the Department's redesign of community nursing project
Issues Paper: Practice Learning
Direct Payments are cash payments made in lieu of social service provisions, to individuals who have been assessed as needing services. Direct Payments increase choice and promote independence. They provide for a more flexible response than may otherwise be possible for the service user and carer. They allow individuals to decide when and in what form services are provided and who provides them, who comes into their home and who becomes involved in very personal aspects of their lives. Direct Payments put real power into the hands of service users and carers, and allow them to take control over their lives. Access to Direct Payments as a means of delivering social services in Northern Ireland has been available since 1996 under the Personal Social Services (Direct Payments) (Northern Ireland) Order 1996. Since then take up of Direct Payments has been limited in number with the majority being accessed in the physical disability programme. åÊ
Community Health Nursing: Current Practice and Possible Futures
A Framework for Setting Standards, Delivering Services and Improving Monitoring and Regulation in the HPSS
A framework for setting standards, delivering services and improving monitoring and regulation in the HPSS åÊ
This good practice guide has been produced by the Equity Commission for Northern Ireland in partnership with the Department of Health, Social Services and Public Safety (DHSSPSNI).
Pre-registration nursing and midwifery education
This document, which has been named Our Duty to Care, is aimed at community and voluntary organisations of any size or type that provide services for children. It offers guidance on the promotion of child welfare and the development of safe practices in work with children. It also gives information on how to recognise signs of child abuse and the correct steps to take within organisations if it is suspected, witnessed or disclosed. The process of reporting suspected or actual child abuse to the health board is described step by step, and guidance is given on how to handle sensitive areas. Download document here