67 resultados para Primary attention to health
IPH welcomes the Regulator’s Social Action Plan as one of a range of policy measures needed to tackle escalating fuel poverty in Northern Ireland. The Social Action Plan relates to how energy suppliers and networks respond to the needs of vulnerable customers. The submission discusses the definition of vulnerable customers used by energy suppliers and calls for special consideration of householders with multiple vulnerabilities. IPH also calls for special attention to be paid to the development of appropriate social tarrifs and supports for debt management. Key messages • The Institute of Public Health in Ireland (IPH) views this social action plan as a welcome contribution to the range of policy measures needed to tackle escalating fuel poverty in Northern Ireland. • The activities and ethos of energy suppliers plays a significant role in alleviating fuel poverty and the threats posed to health when living in a cold, damp and energy inefficient home. • IPH shares the view of the World Health Organisation that more evidence is needed to demonstrate the real impact of corporate social responsibility in the provision of goods and services vital to health and well-being, such as fuel and water.
The Institute of Public Health in Ireland welcomes the opportunity to comment on the Northern Ireland Housing Executive (NIHE), Review of Housing and Health – Towards a Shared Agenda policy. The Institute aims to improve health in Ireland, North and South by working to combat health inequalities and influence public policies in favour of health. The Institute recognises the potential health impacts linked with housing and welcome the proactive approach NIHE is adopting. By identifying the wider determinants of health, the NIHE acknowledges that as a statutory organization they have a major role to play in contributing to improved health for Northern Ireland. There are many causal pathways linking housing to health and due to the nature of social housing, a number of vulnerable groups, for example those on a low income or the Travelling Community are subject to NIHE policies. Overall the policy outlines a number of key recommendations. The Institute advise that the Implementation Plan which will incorporate the recommendations should outline targets which can be measurable, for example, under Objective 1 which identifies the reduction of fuel poverty. We recommend that key targets are outlined to show what action the NIHE has set in accordance to measure a reduction in fuel poverty.
A Position Paper for the Professions Allied to Medicine Patients with cancer are living longer due to early diagnosis and better treatment. In recent years there has been increasing attention to issues related to the quality of life of patients with cancer and a recognition of the potential for habilitation and rehabilitation. As a result, PAMs as members of the multi-disciplinary team are now more actively involved with patients diagnosed with cancer during all phases of their disease. Each person’s life possesses a unique blend of psychological, social, economic and physical factors and comprehensive care requires the needs of the whole person to be addressed. This requires patients and carers having timely access to the most appropriate range of professional skills that will allow individual patients and their carers to retain control of their lives and associated circumstances for as long as possible. It also requires professions, in all locations, to work in a collaborative patient centred manner that affords the best outcome for patients. The need has been highlighted for a multi-professional approach to the delivery of cancer services in “Investing for the Future” and “A Framework for the Multi-professional Contribution to Cancer Care in Northern Ireland”. This need has also been highlighted in the PAM Strategy document. åÊ
The primary purpose of the Cross-Border conference was the pooling of experience and expertise in relation to health promotion initiatives currently being implemented in Northern Ireland and in the Republic. The main focus of the conference was the identification of effective health promotion strategies and projects designed to achieve health gain and social gain for older people in both parts of the island Download the Report here
This project will promote health awareness and encourage a more pro-active approach to looking after your health for12-16 year olds. Although focusing on young people, the approach being used hopes to cascade the information- the young people will take what their understanding into the home and the wider community. In order to reach their objectives they will carry out workshops with the youth in ways that will grab their attention and encourage a ‘change of lifestyles’ for example; painting murals relating to health issues etc. An information day was held as was an art project and several workshops, 1 of which allowed students to make a video on the role of the pharmacist. Results showed teenagers found it beneficial to get information on areas of health that they wanted to increase their awareness in. The project also identified a determination amongst staff to become more aware of the dangers of smoking and the project gave them a means of empowerment to help students who smoke to stop. All those involved in the project either through the information day, workshops or the art project felt it was tangible and was a sensitive wasy to deal with teenge health problems. The project created an understanding of why there is a need to take a communtiy response to such problems.
This report draws attention to the extent of sexual ill health in England and the wide variation of levels of this ill health between different communities. It highlights relevant policy and initiatives underway to tackle sexual health across England.
Health in Ireland Key Trends gives us insights into trends in demographics, population health, hospital and primary care and health service employment and expenditure. The presentation of trend data over the last decade in the 2015 report highlights the many significant achievements that Ireland has made in terms of key outcomes relating to the health and wellbeing of the population. However, it also highlights the challenges that persist in terms of the accessibility of timely healthcare and in the context of financial constraints. In the last decade alone, there has been an increase of two and a half years in life expectancy. These gains are driven largely by reductions in mortality rates from principal causes of deaths such as those from heart disease and cancer. Another striking feature is the growth in the number of people aged over 65. Each year this cohort increases by 20,000 people. This trend is set to continue into the future and will have implications for future planning and health service delivery. Ireland will see the largest proportional increases in the population aged 85 years and older. Ageing of the population in conjunction with lifestyle-related health threats continue to present major challenges now and into the future in sustaining and further improving health and health services in Ireland. Although difficult to quantify, the contribution of modern health services to these improvements in health outcomes and in life expectancy have been significant. Ireland’s fertility rates are still among the highest in Europe but the birth rate has fallen to its lowest rate for the last decade. However, Ireland currently has the highest proportion of children and young people in our population among EU countries.
To support each of the IPH series of Health Impact Reviews, a sources of information report is now avalable for each of the four reports. These provide links to organisations who have conducted a wealth of information related to health and either employment, transport, education or the built environment.
The economic recession with its accompanying rise in unemployment rates is linked to extremely adverse effects for men’s mental health. This research report Facing the Challenge – The Impact of the Recession and Unemployment on Men’s Health in Ireland identifies a strong expectation of increased mental health problems for men given the very strong correlation between unemployment and male mental ill health. The report is the result of a research and consultation process carried out, in Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland, by Nexus Research Co-operative on behalf of IPH. 93% of frontline organisations, North and South, in contact with unemployed men linked health challenges to unemployment and recession and all organisations surveyed noted adverse health challenges for men they work with. In addition to health challenges being higher for unemployed men, they were also very high for men who saw themselves as being threatened with unemployment. The organisations surveyed and the men who were interviewed identified the challenges to health as:• High levels of stress or anxiety• Dependency on or over-use of alcohol/other drugs• Deterioration in physical health• Development of conflict in family or close personal relationships• Isolation (including sharing or communicating problems)• A reluctance to approach services or seek help
On 17 November 2011, the First Minister and deputy First Minister published the draft Programme for Government 2011-2015 for consultation. IPH recognise that health is influenced by a wide range of social determinants, including economic, biological, environmental and cultural factors such as housing, the environment, income, employment and access to education and health services . Improvements to health can be achieved through a well-designed PfG which addresses the economy, creates safer communities and delivers efficient public services. IPH welcome this opportunity to submit our views to the Northern Ireland Executive on the Draft Programme for Government 2011-15. Key points from the IPH response include: • Northern Ireland has a poor population health status in key areas when compared to other regions in the United Kingdom and in the Republic of Ireland. IPH support and particularly welcome allocation of an increased proportion of the Northern Ireland budget to public health. • IPH endorses the perspective in the PfG that good population health makes a central contribution to economic and social development. However we would welcome greater acknowledgement of the links between social deprivation and health outcomes. • IPH welcomes the adoption of a social determinants of health approach to improving population health and tackling health inequalities which is in line with current health policy and recent policy developments across the United Kingdom and internationally (See report of the Commission on the Social Determinants of Health (CSDH))
Alcohol–related harm is an increasing public health concern and contributor to health inequalities on this island. IPH considered this consultation on powers to restrict alcohol promotions as a significant development towards harmonised all island regulations to tackle excessive alcohol consumption.
In 2011, the National Energy Retrofit Programme will build upon existing energy saving programmes in both the domestic and non-domestic sectors. This consultation focused on key design considerations. IPH agree with the commitment to deliver a National Energy Retrofit Programme as a sustainable means of securing energy savings and reducing energy poverty and the nations carbon footprint. The IPH response highlighted the significant benefit to health and would support the use of Health Impact Assessment
A Protocol for Ensuring Equitable Access to Health and Social Care Services
Stroke can strike anyone, any age, anytime. Today in Northern Ireland around 4000 people each year have their lives and the lives of their families dramatically changed by stroke. A significant number of these could be avoided by simple lifestyle changes. More exercise, less alcohol and more attention to diet can make a major difference. Cutting down or cutting out smoking will make the most significant lifestyle contribution to a reduction in stroke and the enormous personal impact that it brings. åÊThese recommendations seek to make improvements in the key areas of prevention; treatment and rehabilitation of stroke patients in a modern health service setting. The accompanying standards outline the levels to which we must aspire, in the delivery of these services. åÊ
The Inequalities Monitoring System comprises a basket of indicators which are monitored over time to assess area differences in morbidity, utilisation of and access to health and social care services in Northern Ireland. Inequalities between the 20% most deprived electoral wards and Northern Ireland as a whole are measured with deprived areas identified from an update of the Noble Income domain for current ward boundaries. Results for 20% most rural areas were also compared against Northern Ireland overall using population density from the 2001 Census of Population as a measure of rurality. This report is the first annual update of the baseline results presented in Chapter 8 of Equality and Inequalities in Health and Social care in Northern Ireland – A Statistical Overview (DHSSPS 2004) which focused on 2001/2002. The morbidity and utilisation data in this report are the latest available while the locations of services for the accessibility analysis will be updated in subsequent years åÊ