35 resultados para Pre-primary education


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Irish Travellers are an indigenous minority who, according to historical evidence, have been part of Irish society for centuries. They have a long shared history, value system, language, customs and traditions that make them a group recognised by themselves and others as distinct. This distinctive life-style and culture, based on a nomadic tradition, sets them apart from the settled population. The history of the Traveller community includes a struggle to uphold their distinct cultural identity and to maintain a nomadic way of life. For the purposes of this report it is accepted that Travellers have shared a nomadic tradition and a means of communication, beliefs, values and practices distinct from the majority culture.


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This research aimed to explore the sexual attitudes, beliefs and behaviours of early school leavers and how a group of young people, without the advantage of completing post-primary education, deal with the complicated issues of constructing, defining and experiencing sexual practice.This resource was contributed by The National Documentation Centre on Drug Use.


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Over the last five years, the Department of Education and Skills (DES) has continued to fulfil the commitments set out in its implementation plan under the 20-Year Strategy for Irish on a phased and systematic basis. This report gives an insight into the progress made during this period under the following headings: Interdepartmental High-Level Group Gaeltacht education Curriculum development O Primary level O Post-primary level Assessment COGG - Support services and resources Teacher education Links with the use of the language outside of school O Irish language colleges Exemptions from Irish Provision for Irish-medium schools Policy for Irish in the public service.


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The objective of Government policy in relation to Irish is to increase on an incremental basis the use and knowledge of Irish as a community language. Specifically, the Government’s aim is to ensure that as many citizens as possible are bilingual in both Irish and English. It is an integral component of the Government’s Irish language policy that close attention be given to its place in the Gaeltacht, particularly in light of research which indicates that the language’s viability as a household and community language in the Gaeltacht is under threat. The aim of Government policy is also to: increase the number of families throughout the country who use Irish as the daily language of communication; provide linguistic support for the Gaeltacht as an Irish-speaking community and to recognise the issues which arise in areas where Irish is the household and community language; ensure that in public discourse and in public services the use of Irish or English will be, as far as practical, a choice for the citizen to make and that over time more and more people throughout the State will choose to do their business in Irish; and ensure that Irish becomes more visible in our society, both as a spoken language by our citizens and also in areas such as signage and literature


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This Country Background Report (CBR) on the teaching career in Ireland forms part of the major OECD study “Attracting, Developing and Retaining Effective Teachers.” Similar reports are being submitted from twenty six other countries. Nine of these countries are also engaged on ‘thematic’ studies of the teaching career, involving site visits by external reviewers appointed by the OECD. The format of the CBRs follows a common pattern, set out by the OECD in its Design and Implementation Plan. This is to facilitate comparative analysis of sub-themes of the reports. Thus, each CBR involves six chapters. The first two – “the national context” and “school system and the teaching force”– are intended to provide succinct overviews of these themes in line with queries posed in the OECD documentation. Each of the other four chapters is designed on a common format – identification of policy concerns; data, trends and factors; policy initiatives and their impact. Specific questions are posed regarding data, trends and factors. The same questions may be posed in relation to more than one sub-theme which gives rise to some repetition in the report, but is important for the comparative analysis.


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Among the key points of the Digital Strategy are: Dedicated multi-annual funding to schools to invest in technology Build on the successful roll-out of high-speed broadband to every second-level school by investing in high-speed wifi networks in every school Integration of digital skills in the curriculum and in assessment Develop opportunities for students to take an in-depth ICT course at Leaving Cert, as well as embedding digital skills within other subjects Promotion of the use of e-portfolios at primary and post-primary level Provide enhanced digital content to schools, including working with cultural institutions, sporting bodies and other to expand this range of resources Embed ICT skills as part of initial teacher education and ongoing training for teachers


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The Department of Education and Skills is developing a new Digital Strategy for Schools to be completed during 2015. The Digital Strategy for Schools will set out how Department of Education and Skills’ priorities can be delivered and facilitated by the use of technology in education. The development of the Strategy is of critical importance to Ireland if it is to realise the potential of ICT in schools and prepare our young people to live, learn and work in the 21st century. The Department of Education and Skills has partnered with the Department of Children and Youth Affairs (DCYA) to seek the views of young people through a structured consultation process informed by DCYA expertise in consulting with young people.


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The Gender Equality Unit of the Department of Education and Science (DES) has produced this resource for primary schools entitled Equal Measures, which consists of a manual and a DVD. The manual contains four separate booklets. These booklets have been developed to assist teachers, parents, pupils, the school community and boards of management in formulating a gender equality policy and in promoting gender equality in primary school.


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The Framework for Junior Cycle (The Framework) was published in October 2012. It is based on the National Council for Curriculum and Assessment’s advice to the Department as set out in Towards a Framework for Junior Cycle (November 2011) and on research into education for our young people aged 12 to 15 / 16 years. The Framework document can be downloaded from www.education.ie and www.ncca. The mission of the Department of Education and Skills (DES) is “to enable learners to achieve their full potential and contribute to Ireland’s economic, social and cultural development”. By placing students at the centre of the educational experience, the DES wants to ensure that junior cycle education will improve learning experiences and outcomes. The implementation of the Framework for Junior Cycle will enable post-primary schools to provide a quality, inclusive and relevant education with improved learning outcomes for all students, including those with special educational needs


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This document, the Framework for Junior Cycle (2015), outlines the key educational changes that the Department of Education and Skills (DES) is putting in place for young people in the first three years of their post-primary education. It builds on and advances the vision for junior cycle reform that was outlined in the Framework for Junior Cycle (2012). The Framework for Junior Cycle (2015) incorporates a shared understanding of how teaching, learning and assessment practices should evolve to support the delivery of a quality, inclusive and relevant education that will meet the needs of junior cycle students, both now and in the future. This shared understanding is informed by engagement with stakeholders and by national and international research.


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The Framework for Junior Cycle (The Framework) was published in October 2012. It is based on the National Council for Curriculum and Assessment’s advice to the Department as set out in Towards a Framework for Junior Cycle (November 2011) and on research into education for our young people aged 12 to 15 / 16 years. The Framework document can be downloaded from www.education.ie and www.ncca.


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Learning is changing. A pivotal force in bringing about this change is the use of information and communications technology (ICT) which provides richer, more immediate, world-relevant educational resources and opportunities. When used well, ICT enriches learning and enhances teaching. It invigorates classroom activities and is a powerful motivational tool that encourages learners to progress in more personalised and self-directed ways. Ireland has achieved rapid change and growth in the past decade, but to sustain this we must prepare the next generation for the knowledge society in which they will live. The challenge we face is to ensure that the emphasis on ICT in schools shifts, in the immediate future, from technology provision to a focus on its deliberate use by the learner. Fostering personal creativity has always been a desirable educational value. The pursuit of creativity and inventiveness are now pivotal skills in a knowledge economy and the embedding of ICT in learning can greatly facilitate their development. Web 2.0 will facilitate greater interactivity and enable greater levels of user-generated content. It is crucial that young people acquire the ICT and related skills to support these new opportunities.


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Literacy and Numeracy for Learning and Life is the national strategy to improve literacy and numeracy standards among children and young people in the education system. This strategy seeks to address significant concerns about how well our young people are developing the literacy and numeracy skills that they will need to participate fully in the education system, to live satisfying and rewarding lives, and to participate as active and informed citizens in our society.


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In July 2011 the Minister for education launched Literacy and Numeracy for Learning and Life – the national strategy to improve literacy and numeracy among children and young people. The strategy was developed following an extensive consultation process and contributions from individuals, schools, groups and organisations. This leaflet gives a flavour of the key parts of the Strategy with access to the full document on the Department’s website.


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Report of the Steering Committee on the Establishment of the Teaching Council. Provided by the Department of Education and Skills, Ireland.