200 resultados para Postoperative Care.
The development of day care services within Northern Ireland began in earnest in the 1970s. Initially this form of care was designed to provide sheltered workshops for adults with learning disabilities, but as the concept of day care developed, other user groups began to be catered for, with older people becoming the predominate group. Defining Day Care by Sessional Inspector Helen McVicker - December 2004
A Workforce Learning Strategy for the Northern Ireland Health and Social Care Services 2009-2014
Standards to improve the nutritional care and food experience of patients in hospital.
This document sets out a framework for the governance of research conducted by or on behalf of the Health & Personal Social Services (HPSS)
Audit of Intermediate Care Executive Summary
Audit of Intermediate Care Final Report - October 2006
Consent (Consent to Examination Treatment or Care)
Social Services Inspection Final Report for Craigavon & Banbridge - fieldwork inspection 14-25 Nov 2005
Craigavon & Banbridge Community HSS Trust's final report on Primary Care Mental Health Services Triage Pilot Scheme. Part of the Department's redesign of community nursing project.