28 resultados para Pharmacy assisted support service for street drinkers


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This service Aims: To provide a multi-component weight management service that supports sustainable behaviour change and weight loss in adults 16 years and over with a BMI 28. To enable patients to develop the necessary personal attributes for their own long term weight management and to understand the impact of their weight on their health and co-morbidities. Objectives: To provide an evidence based, multi-component tier 2 weight management service that improves patients knowledge and skills for effective and sustainable weight loss helps patients identify their own facilitators for positive behaviour change and to address underlying barriers to long-term behaviour changeincreases patients self-efficacy and confidence in their ability to address their weight To be an integral part of the tiered approach to weight management services for the population of Stockton. To ensure equitable service provision across Stockton-on-Tees. To provide intensive group based service, one-to-one support and maintenance support. To support the service user to develop and review a personalised goal setting plan phase 2 and at discharge after phase 2. To ensure a smooth transition from the service (tier2) to tier 1 services to ensure continuity of care for service users.Recruit referrals using a variety of and appropriate methods. To establish a single point of contact for referrals into the service.Continually promote the service across a range of mediums and liaise and work in partnership with key interdependencies (refer to 2.4) To establish a robust database and data collection system in line with information governance. To ensure the access criteria, care pathway and referral process is clearly understood by all health care professionals and those who may refer into the service. To establish close links with, and signpost and/or enable service users to access suitable services where patient needs indicate this. This may include access to Tees Time to Talk (IAPT) for psychological therapies; Specialist Weight Management Service; physical activity programmes; Tier 1 services; and primary care. To provide the necessary venues, equipment and assets needed to deliver the programme, ensuring due regard is given to the quality and safety of all materials used. To collect and provide data in quarterly reports to the Commissioner to allow for continued monitoring and evaluation of the service in line with the Standard Evaluation Framework (available at www.noo.org.uk/core/SEF) and as specified by the Commissioner.


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The aim of this intervention is to educate, inform and empower patients to safely lose and manage their weight. It strives for Patients to lose an agreed amount of weight, with the help and support of the MoreLife team.


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The aim of the intervention is to offer tailored advice, motivation, and practical support to individuals who want to adopt a healthier lifestyle. The objectives are to support clients in setting goals and planning behaviour change


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The aim of this intervention is to increase the accessibility of appropriate evidence based support to people who are clinically obese to enable them to make lifestyle changes that will lead to weight loss. Objectives1. Identify patients whose lifestyle put them at risk of obesity and poor health outcomes and provide them with advice and support along with signposting to specific services and activities. 2. Identify patients who are overweight or obese and offer them a structured multi-component programme of support for them to loose weight. 3. Through the use of software collect data to monitor outcomes at individual and practice levels.


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The aim of this intervention is to offer support to overweight and obese patients, particularly those with co-morbidities to make changes to lifestyle in food habits and physical activity.


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The Fáiltiú service provides information and advice on rights, entitlements and options to homeless people, or those at risk of homelessness. The objectives of this evaluation were to assess the information needs of users of the service, how effectively they were being met, and how they could be improved. Two focus groups of staff members and service users gave their views on the design and implementation of the research at the outset of the project. A screening questionnaire identified 78 people who used the Fáiltiú service in a specified time period, of whom 40 participated in the evaluation by giving their views on the service. The study reviewed the literature on homelessness, attempted to define the term, and examined the characteristics of homeless people and relevant Irish social policy. The conclusions reached were: users of the Fáiltiú service are marginalized in a number of ways and share characteristics related to poverty and social exclusion, such as poor educational qualifications, high levels of unemployment and experience of prison; their needs are multi-dimensional and include accommodation, financial, social and medical support, and access to employment and training services: the service needs to respond to these needs in a holistic way.This resource was contributed by The National Documentation Centre on Drug Use.


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The key element of the HSE South’s Programme is to enhance and develop community mental health services in Carlow, Kilkenny and South Tipperary, to enable the service user to remain in the community to the greatest extent possible. HSE South has prioritised the implementation of the change programme and has allocated more than €20m capital funding and over €1.75m revenue funding to support this comprehensive development programme. Speaking at the briefings Mr. Pat Healy, Regional Director of Operations, HSE South said, “When this plan is delivered, clients will have access to the highest standards of services in all three counties, which should significantly improve these clients’ treatment programmes and quality of life. The National Service Users Executive are supporting the change programme, which is of immense importance to HSE South. The programme heralds the enhancement and development of community mental health services, the closure of old long stay institutions, the separation of North and South Tipperary acute inpatient mental health services and development of appropriate acute inpatient services, for the extended catchment area, in line with the national strategy for mental health “A Vision for Change”. The programme also acts on recommendations of the Mental Health Commission.”This resource was contributed by The National Documentation Centre on Drug Use.


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This report provides, for the first time, a snapshot of the meals-on-wheels service in Ireland and gives a unique insight into client and provider perceptions of the service. The research findings underline the dual importance of the service for clients, who noted that it is a vital source of both nutritious meals and social contact and connectivity to the wider community. From a supply side perspective, the research findings point to the wide organisational diversity that exists within the service and the critical role that volunteers play, as well as highlighting difficulties that many services currently experience.


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The National Diabetes Audit (NDA) is a national audit service sponsored by the Healthcare Commission. Available since April 2004, it enables routine data collection, analysis and feedback of diabetes related data for all adults and children with diabetes in England.


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There has been growing concern that the quality of public services can be affected by the nature and scale of problems in deprived neighbourhoods and that poor services can contribute to a widening gap۪ between deprived and non-deprived neighbourhoods. There is also an increased emphasis within national policy on the quality of neighbourhood environments the so-called liveability۪ agenda. This report explores the challenges of delivering street scene۪ environmental services such as street sweeping and refuse collection in deprived and less deprived areas and examines the gap in environmental amenity between these different neighbourhoods. It also contributes to our understanding of the interplay between poor services and neighbourhood decline. The research involved a telephone survey of chief officers in local authority environmental service departments across the UK and detailed case studies of policy and practice in environmental service provision in four local authorities with significant levels of deprivation. Each case study involved work in three neighbourhoods within the authority two deprived and one less deprived as well as focus groups with residents and frontline environmental operatives, interviews with senior council staff and observation on the ground


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Scope The Education Strategy for the Children Detention School Service September 2010-2013 has been operating in draft form from 2008 and has evolved to the document it is now. It constitutes the Department of Education and Skills’ (DES) overarching strategy on educational services for children placed in children detention schools and provides an outline of the Department’s role in this sector and provides the broad parameters which inform educational provision in the education facilities attached to these detention schools. Background In December 2005, following a review carried out by the Department of Justice and Law Reform, the Government approved a programme of Youth Justice reforms specifically designed to restructure the youth justice service in Ireland into a more modern and streamlined service.


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We want to know what you think about the AHP services for your child. We will also seek views of AHPs and teachers who work with your children and we will use them all to inform our decisions. This phase of the review is focusing on current AHP services for children/young people with a statement of special educational needs enrolled in mainstream schools and learning support centres/units attached to a mainstream school.


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Summary Interim Report on Findings and Interim Themes from Phase 1 of the review of Allied Health Professions (AHP) support for children/young people with a statement of special educational needs (SEN)This interim report is outlining the service principles agreed by the Project Board and the themes identified throughout engagement and information gathering.