46 resultados para Outpatient Clinics


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This poster is part of an extension of the cleanyourhands campaign, aimed at preventing the spread of healthcare associated infections (HCAIs) in community healthcare settings including primary care and dental services, residential and nursing homes (including independent sector homes), hospices and independent clinics/hospitals. It is designed for pump dispenser areas to heighten awareness of protecting patients from avoidable infections by cleaning of hands. Due to licensing restrictions, this poster is not available for download. Limited numbers are available from local HSC Trusts (Belfast HSCT and South Eastern HSCT on 028 9056 5862; Southern HSCT on 028 3741 2887; Northern HSCT on 028 2563 5575; Western HSCT on 028 7186 5127).


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This reversible poster is part of an extension of the cleanyourhands campaign, aimed at preventing the spread of healthcare associated infections (HCAIs) in community healthcare settings including primary care and dental services, residential and nursing homes (including independent sector homes), hospices and independent clinics/hospitals. It is designed for pump dispenser or handwashing areas to heighten awareness of protecting patients from avoidable infections by cleaning of hands using proper techniques.


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This leaflet is part of an extension of the cleanyourhands campaign, aimed at preventing the spread of healthcare associated infections (HCAIs) in community healthcare settings including primary care and dental services, residential and nursing homes (including independent sector homes), hospices and independent clinics/hospitals. It is designed to remind staff of their power to help protect patients from avoidable infections by cleaning their hands using proper techniques. Due to licensing restrictions, this leaflet is not available for download. Limited numbers are available from local HSC Trusts (Belfast HSCT and South Eastern HSCT on 028 9056 5862; Southern HSCT on 028 3741 2887; Northern HSCT on 028 2563 5575; Western HSCT on 028 7186 5127).


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This leaflet is part of an extension of the cleanyourhands campaign, aimed at preventing the spread of healthcare associated infections (HCAIs) in community healthcare settings including primary care and dental services, residential and nursing homes (including independent sector homes), hospices and independent clinics/hospitals. It is designed to heighten awareness in patient/relative waiting areas of how healthcare staff can help protect patients from avoidable infections by cleaning their hands using proper techniques. Due to licensing restrictions, this leaflet is not available for download. Limited numbers are available from local HSC Trusts (Belfast HSCT and South Eastern HSCT on 028 9056 5862; Southern HSCT on 028 3741 2887; Northern HSCT on 028 2563 5575; Western HSCT on 028 7186 5127).


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This leaflet is part of an extension of the cleanyourhands campaign, aimed at preventing the spread of healthcare associated infections (HCAIs) in community healthcare settings including primary care and dental services, residential and nursing homes (including independent sector homes), hospices and independent clinics/hospitals. It describes the campaign and outlines the campaign resources. Due to licensing restrictions, this folder is not available for download. Limited numbers are available from local HSC Trusts (Belfast HSCT and South Eastern HSCT on 028 9056 5862; Southern HSCT on 028 3741 2887; Northern HSCT on 028 2563 5575; Western HSCT on 028 7186 5127).


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This book provides information on many aspects of pregnancy and a list of useful organisations. It is available to first time expectant mothers through primary care services (antenatal clinics, GPs or health visitors).


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This book provides information on caring for children up to five years old and contact details for useful organisations. It is available to new parents through primary care services (antenatal clinics, GPs or health visitors).


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The objective of this study is to determine the extent of the problem of poly-drug (multiple-drug) use among patients receiving methadone. The study investigated levels and patterns of cocaine and cannabis use in opiate dependent patients receiving methadone treatment. This research also examines risks associated with injecting cocaine. A total number of 851 methadone patients receiving treatment for opiate related problems participated in the survey from a total number of 1082 patients receiving treatment in these clinics. This figure accounts for 80.1%. Participants reported the frequency and intensity of cocaine and cannabis use. Data collected showed that 42% of the methadone patients are using cannabis on a daily basis and that 77.47% had a history of cocaine use. The figure of cocaine use is an important indicator of the level and extent of cocaine use. It is valuable from a public health perspective to assess needs, and to plan and evaluate services. The survey concluded that cocaine abuse is emerging as a problem in the Irish drug sceneThis resource was contributed by The National Documentation Centre on Drug Use.


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This report consists of a number of case histories and taped interviews with drug users in which they speak about their reasons for taking drugs. The author also analyses the drug trafficking scene, which is based on the importation of drugs from London, Northern Ireland, robbery of chemists' shops and forged prescriptions. The author concludes that adequately equipped drug clinics, advisory services and better police precautions all have an important part to play in dealing with the drugs problem. He also concludes the Drug Squad needs to be strengthened and educational programmes about the dangers of drugs need to be introduced into schools.This resource was contributed by The National Documentation Centre on Drug Use.


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The recent publication of two controlled trials on boceprevir and three on telaprevir heralds a new era for hepatitis C therapy. Bocreprevir and telaprevir are protease inhibitors which act directly on the hepatitis C virus to inhibit replication and are referred to as direct acting antiviral agents (DAAâ?Ts). They are the first 2 such agents to be licensed but it is hoped that many more will soon follow. These are very important studies and represent a major advance in treatment for patients with chronic hepatitis C virus infection. To appreciate their significance it is important to be aware of some of the clinical features of hepatitis C virus infection. Firstly, hepatitis C exposure leads to chronic infection in approximately 70% of patients. Over time (years or decades) this may lead to chronic hepatitis, cirrhosis, liver failure and hepatocellular carcinoma. The speed of progression depends on a number of co-factors. Patients who are male, drink alcohol, are overweight, diabetic or co-infected with HIV have more rapid progression to cirrhosis8. In contrast young, non-drinking females progress more slowly... Many patients with hepatitis C attend drug treatment clinics. This group rarely receive anti-viral therapy but represents the bulk of the population at risk for complications of chronic hepatitis C. It has been shown that antiviral treatment in drug treatment centres, linked to methadone treatment, is very effective in ensuring compliance. As the drug treatment infrastructure already exists, widening its remit to include hepatitis C treatment should be cost effective. A recent large study from the United States confirmed that it is possible to provide effective anti-viral therapy for hepatitis C in primary care settings, provided there is appropriate back-up.


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The Summer School aims to enable and foster a climate of inquiry for critical thinking, quantitative analysis and explore existing relevant data sources. We aim to develop the concepts and tools associated with quantitative research related to child health and wellbeing. Building on participants’ existing knowledge of research, policy and practice, we will focus on the quantitative skills necessary to mine and critique relevant national databases, conduct basic quantitative research and apply these skills to work. The SPSS workshops will provide  participants with a basic understanding of a statistical programme for analysing empirical data and the open clinics will allow participants to discuss their own research issues with experts.


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As was the case in 2010 when the National Institutes of Health issued a consensus statement on the prevention of Alzheimer’s and other dementias, there remains a lack of firm evidence for dementia prevention. Because of the difficulties in studying this phenomenon, no modifiable risk factors for dementia have been definitively established, and no pharmaceutical or nutritional supplements been proven to prevent Alzheimer’s disease or cognitive decline. However, longitudinal observational studies have identified several factors associated with dementia. A recent review article summarizes the current epidemiological evidence about Alzheimer’s and other dementias, and presents three ongoing large scale randomized control trials (RCTs) that focus on preventing dementia. The review argues that there is substantial evidence for many factors that, in combination, might reduce the risk of, or delay the onset of, dementia. Although no specific cure for dementia exists, and no specific pathway between risk factor and disease onset has been identified, several cardiovascular, stress, toxicity, and psychosocial variables have been repeatedly associated with dementia. Protective factors, such as high education, physical exercise, and not smoking cigarettes, have been identified as well. Intervention studies that account for these multiple factors may well identify strategies for preventing or delaying dementia. However, the protective effects and risk factors suggested by observational data have yet to be assessed in RCT research. The role of such factors in reducing or increasing the risk for dementia needs to be more specifically defined. Three ongoing RCT studies in Europe show promise in this area, as they target multiple risk and protective factors by promoting healthy lifestyle changes and medical treatment of vascular diseases. These are: FINGER, a Finnish trial involving 1,200 older adults at risk for dementia. This intervention features nutritional guidance, physical activity, cognitive and social engagement, and medical management of risk factors. Participants were involved in previous, intensive observational studies of vascular health and health behavior, so FINGER will provide a level of relevant information about its research subjects that is normally impossible for clinical RCTs to attain;MAPT, a multicenter study of 1,680 frail older adults in France. This study will compare the efficacy of omega-3 dietary supplementation with a multidomain training intervention that involves physical and cognitive training. The study will include follow-up assessments after five years;PreDIVA, a Dutch study of 3,534 community dwelling participants between 70 and 78 years old, recruited from primary care clinics. This study will compare standard medical care with a multicomponent vascular health intervention. The study will last for six years and measure both dementia and disability outcomes. These studies are an important step in dementia research, using earlier observational studies as the basis for rigorously assessed interventions. Although a cure for dementia has not been identified, this new research may identify preventive strategies against dementia. �� Source: Mangialasche F, Kivipelto M, et al. (2012). Dementia prevention: current epidemiological evidence and future perspective. Alzheimer’s Research and Therapy 4:6.


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This poster draws attention to the health risks of chlamydia for women and advises on the use of condoms as a method of protection from sexually transmitted infections (STIs). It also provides contact details for the�Genito Urinary Medicine (GUM) clinics in Northern Ireland.


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This poster draws attention to the health risks of chlamydia for men and advises on the use of condoms as a method of protection from sexually transmitted infections (STIs). It also provides contact details for the Genito Urinary Medicine (GUM) clinics in Northern Ireland.


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This poster provides advice on the use of condoms as a method of protection from sexually transmitted infections (STIs). It also provides contact details for the�Genito Urinary Medicine (GUM) clinics in Northern Ireland.