21 resultados para Other Economics
Alzheimer’s Australia recently commissioned research group Access Economics to model different scenarios for the supply of aged care, to identify strategies to increase consumer choice and to promote service flexibility, and to identify funding options for a sustainable aged care system into the future. The report, Caring places: planning for aged care and dementia 2010-2050, found that the number of people with dementia will quadruple by 2050 to nearly 1 million.Caring places: planning for aged care and dementia 2010-2050
In September 2005 the Government received recommendations fromthe School Meals Review Panel (SMRP) on school lunches and on a number of wider issues concerning food in schools. In response to that report Turning the Tables the newly-established School Food Trust (SFT) was commissioned to advise Ministers on standards for food in school other than lunch.The DfES consulted widely on the recommendations of the SMRP andon a more limited basis on the advice of the SFT. Reports on the responses to each of those consultations are available at: www.dfes.gov.uk/consultations/conresults.cfm?consultationId=1319Having considered responses to those consultations and taken intoaccount the many representations the Department has received on theseissues from a range of stakeholders, the Secretary of State for Education and Skills has arrived at final decisions on the standards. These standards will apply to school lunches and other food provided in all local authority maintained schools in England.
This poster promotes breastfeeding and aims to encourage the general public to support breastfeeding mothers, rather than being embarrassed or offended by breastfeeding. It carries the strapline: Breastfeeding mums need your support - because every baby deserves the best.
This workbook aims to help people who use alcohol or drugs to think about the importance of eating well and find ways to achieve a more balanced diet.
Prevent the spread of infections by ensuring: routine immunisation, high standards of personal hygiene and practice, particularly handwashing, and maintaining a clean environment. �
This publication details the nutritional standards for other food and drinks in schools that are adhered to by all grant-aided schools. It explains why the nutritional standards have been introduced�and offers practical advice on how to implement them.Nutritional standards for other food and drinks in schools: a guide for implementation is also available in Irish, on request.