45 resultados para Hospitals and clinics


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Food and Nutritional Care in Hospitals. Guidelines for Preventing Under-Nutrition in Acute Hospitals Click here to download PDF 1.3mb


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This Value for Money and Policy Review (VFM&PR) of the Economic Cost and Charges Associated with Private and Semi-Private Treatment Services in Public Hospitals was initiated by the Department of Health and Children in June 2009 and was conducted under the auspices of the Governmentâ?Ts Value for Money & Policy Review Initiative 2009-2011. The Review was overseen by an independently chaired National Steering Group comprised of senior representatives from the Department of Health and Children, the Department of Finance, and the Health Service Executive (HSE). Download document here Download Explanatory Note  


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This report sets out a revised costing methodology and an estimate of the gap which currently exists between private and semi-private bed charges and the average economic cost. While the Steering Group considers the costing methodology proposed as an improvement on the approach taken in previous years and a good overall approximation of the difference on average between economic costs and current charges, it recognises that the current charging regime does not take sufficient account of the variation between different categories of patient. Download document here Note to Readers


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Management of Private Practice in Health Services Hospitals in Northern Ireland: A Handbook


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In 2003/2004 the Department of Health, Social Services and Public Safety commissioned a value for money follow-up audit of Anaesthetics, Pain Relief and Critical Care (APRCC) services at twelve Trusts and covering fourteen hospital sites. The original study had reported in 1999/2000. Detailed follow-up reports, together with action plans have been agreed locally with Trusts. The objectives of the follow-up review were to: • Ascertain the progress made in implementing recommendations from the original study; • Provide data to compare performance across Trusts in areas such as: - Pre-operative assessments; - Organisation of post-operative pain relief; - Organisation of chronic pain services; - Levels of admissions to critical care units; - Occupancy in critical care units; and åÊ • Assess the extent of progress made by Trusts in the implementation of the Chief Medical Officer’s (CMO) recommendations from ‘Facing the Future –Building on the Lessons of Winter 1999/2000’. To enable comparisons across Trusts, data was collected for the financial year 2002/2003. In addition, relevant findings from the Audit Commission’s Acute Hospitals Portfolio have also been included. The Acute Hospital Portfolio is a collection of reviews that are undertaken at acute and specialist Trusts. They focus on key service areas and are reported along the key performance criteria of patient experience, efficiency and capacity. åÊ


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] The Mental Treatment Act 1945 requires the inspection of every public psychiatric hospital and unit at least once a year, and of every private hospital and the Central Mental Hospital twice a year. These inspections were carried out on both announced and unannounced visits. In recent years, the number of un-announced visits has increased. The general format of an announced visit is that the Inspectorate, before beginning the inspection, meets with senior members of the service being inspected, bringing with it the statistical returns made by that service to the Department of Health and Children at the end of the preceding year and a copy of the health boardâ?Ts service plan in respect of the service.   Download document here


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Guidelines on the Provision of Structured Car Parking Facilities at Acute Hospitals These guidelines have been developed to ensure that any future developments for car parking facilities are consistent with Department policy and deliver value for money. They are intended to assist acute hospitals in ensuring that best practice is followed at all stages in the provision and management of structured car parking facilities. Click here to download PDF 23kb


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Monaghan General Hospital – Proposals for further and future development The Independent Review Panel recommended a review of the existing protocol for emergency obstetric cases presenting at Hospitals such as Monaghan which have no on-site obstetric expertise, and the implementation of a revised protocol. They also recommended that each maternity incident should be reviewed by a multidisciplinary team from the Cavan Monaghan Group. Click here to download PDF 49kb Appendix PDF 2.5mb


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Report of the Inspector of Mental Hospitals for 2002 The Mental Treatment Act, 1945 requires the inspection of every public psychiatric hospital and unit at least once a year, and of every private hospital and the Central Mental Hospital twice a year. These inspections were carried out on both announced and unannounced visits. In recent years, the number of unannounced visits has increased. Click here to download PDF 2.1mb


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The EHLASS survey was set up in April 1986 as a five-year demonstration project. The objective was to monitor home and leisure accidents in a harmonised manner, throughout the EU, to determine their causes, the circumstances of their occurrence, their consequences and, most importantly, to provide information on consumer products involved. Armed with accurate information, it was felt that consumer policy could be directed at the most serious problems andthe best use could be made of available resources.   Data collection systems were set up for the collection of EHLASS data in the casualty departments of selected hospitals in each of the member states. The information was subsequently gathered together by the European Commission in Brussels. Extensive analysis was undertaken on 778,838 accidents reported throughout the EU. Centralised analysis of EHLASS data proved problematic due to lack of  co-ordination in data quality. In 1989 it was decided that each member state should  produce its own annual EHLASS report in a harmonised format specified by the European Commission. This report is the ninth such report for Ireland. Download the Report here


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The report details some general matters affecting the psychiatric services at the time of inspection and highlights the main developments envisaged in the psychiatric services in each health board. The report then proceeds to deal with each individual service. Each health board is allocated a separate chapter, with a chapter also being devoted to registered psychiatric hospitals. Finally there is a presentation of the latest statistical information on the psychiatric services Download the Report here


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This project arises from the need for an enhanced focus on workforce planning having regard, in particular, to the availability of sufficient nurses now and in the future. For a country which historically has had an abundance of nurses, the recruitment difficulties now being experienced by the health services are unprecedented. Up to the mid 1990s, there was a surplus of registered nurses here and other countries sent recruitment teams to Ireland in order to address their own shortages. As will be seen in this report, the concern of the professional interest groups at the time was the high levels of unemployment among nurses. The conventional wisdom was that the health services were training too many nurses for the jobs available. However, there has been a sea change in the situation over the past five years and the stage has now been reached where Irish health care agencies, particularly the major acute Dublin hospitals, are actively seeking to recruit nurses from abroad. Download the Report here


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The National Council on Ageing and Older People (NCAOP) and the Irish Hospice Foundation (IHF) are pleased to present this report, End-of-Life Care for Older People in Acute and Long-Stay Care Settings in Ireland. The report details the results of research that focuses, for the first time in Ireland, on the quality oflife and quality of care at the end-of-life for older people in various care settings including acute hospitals, public extended care units, private nursing homes, voluntary nursing homes and welfare homes. The report provides a new model for care at the end-of-life which goes beyond specialist palliative care provision to embrace a compassionate approach that supports older people who are living with, or dying from, progressive, chronic and life-threatening conditions, and attends to all their needs: physical, psychological,social and spiritual. Download document here