49 resultados para Health risk assessment.


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Published by Public Health, April 2009 IPH recently coordinated and was guest editor for a minisymposium on Health Impact Assessment for the journal, Public Health. Three aricles contributed to the minisymposium which included an article from IPH on how HIA can contribute to healthy public policy. An article reviewing the right to the highest attainable standard of health from Paul Hunt and Gillian MacNaughton and a review of the strengths and weakneses of quantitiative methods used in HIA from Emer O'Connell and Fintan Hurley. The minisymposium evolved from the 8th International HIA conference ‘Healthy Public Policy – is Health Impact Assessment the Cornerstone’ hosted by IPH.


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IPH commissioned a review of HIA work in 2009 to detail progress and achievements of HIA from 2001.  This included an assessment of current levels of HIA awareness and activity and suggestions for the direction of future work.


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The Institute of Public Health in Ireland (IPH) was requested by the Department of Health (RoI) to undertake a Health Impact Assessment (HIA) of a proposed tax on sugar sweetened drinks (SSDs) in 2012. The public health priority for this proposal was to consider the potential of such a tax to address the problem of overweight and obesity in Ireland. The HIA was overseen by the Special Action Group on Obesity (SAGO) and guided by a steering group. The HIA process involved a population profile, a stakeholder consultation event and a literature review. This information, paralleled by a modelling exercise undertaken by Dr. Mike Rayner and his team in the University of Oxford was presented to the steering group to inform their conclusions.


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The Institute of Public Health in Ireland (IPH) was requested by the Department of Health to undertake a Health Impact Assessment (HIA) of a proposed tax on sugar sweetened drinks (SSDs) in 2012. The public health priority for this proposal was to consider the potential of such a tax to address the problem of overweight and obesity in Ireland. The HIA was overseen by the Special Action Group on Obesity (SAGO) and guided by a steering group. The HIA process involved a population profile, a stakeholder consultation event and a literature review. This information, paralleled by a modelling exercise undertaken by Dr. Mike Rayner and his team in the University of Oxford was presented to the steering group to inform their conclusions.  This is the Technical Report.


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Proposed Sugar Sweetened Drinks Tax: Health Impact Assessment (HIA)   Click here to download Background to the Health Impact Assessment on Sugar Sweetened Drink PDF 49KB Click here to download Proposed Sugar Sweetened Drinks Tax: Health Impact Assessment (HIA) PDF 9.22MB Click here to download Proposed Sugar Sweetened Drinks Tax: Health Impact Assessment (HIA) Technical Report PDF 19.2MB


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Planners, policy makers and practitioners across all sectors in England use a range of approaches to assess health needs, inform decisions and assess impact. Use of these approaches can lead to improved health outcomes and reduced inequalities through auditing provision, access and outcomes. Five main approaches are used by local, regional and national government, voluntary agencies and the NHS: ۢ Health needs assessment (HNA) ۢ Health impact assessment (HIA) ۢ Integrated impact assessment (IIA) ۢ Health equity audit (HEA) ۢ Race equality impact assessment (REIA)


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This publication is a companion to Addressing inequalities through health impact assessment (Taylor et al., 2003a), which described what a focus on inequalities could achieve, offered case study examples, and outlined promising practice. This bulletin discusses recent publications and presents a further two case studies that attempt to address health inequalities through the use of HIA. .


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Health needs assessment is a systematic approach to improving the health of the population by ensuring that health services are delivered efficiently and in a manner that reduces inequalities.


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(WHIASU) A basic guide to conducting a HIA. 1. Health impact assessment is a tool that can help organisations to assess the possible consequences of their decisions on people۪s health and well-being, thereby helping to develop more integrated policies and programmes. 2. This document has been developed as a practical guide to health impact assessment. It is designed to meet the needs of a variety of organisations by explaining the concept, the process and its flexibility, and by providing templates that can be adjusted to suit. 3. The Welsh Assembly Government is committed to developing the use of health impact assessment in Wales as a part of its strategy to improve health and wellbeing and to reduce health inequalities. This practical guide has been prepared by the Welsh Health Impact Assessment Support Unit, which was established by the Welsh Assembly Government to encourage and support organisations and groups in Wales to use the approach. 4. The development and use of health impact assessment will contribute to the ongoing development and implementation of local health, social care and wellbeing strategies, which is a joint statutory responsibility for Local Health Boards and local authorities. It can also contribute to Community Strategies which, given their overarching nature and breadth and depth, can address social, economic and environmental determinants of health, and to the implementation of Communities First, the Welsh Assembly Government۪s crosscutting regeneration programme. 5. The development of Health Challenge Wales as the national focus for improving health in Wales reinforces efforts to prevent ill health. Tools such as health impact assessment can help organisations and groups in all sectors to identify ways in which they can help people to improve their health.


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This tool is designed to assess the health risks of housing and the residential environment at the scale of a neighbourhood, housing stock or administrative area. For each health risk, the tool enables a judgement to be recorded about the level of health risk attributable to unhealthy or unsafe housing conditions, and for this to be compared with the adequacy of local practice in mitigating the risk.


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The Minister for Health and Children established the Task Force on Sudden Cardiac Death (SCD) in the Autumn of 2004, with the following terms of reference:1) Define SCD and describe its incidence and underlying causes in Ireland.2) Advise on the detection and assessment of those at high risk of SCD and their relatives.3) Advise on the systematic assessment of those engaged in sports and exercise for risk of SCD.4) Advise on maximizing access to basic life support (BLS) and automated external defibrillators (AEDs) and on:- appropriate levels of training in BLS and use of AEDs, and on the maintenance of that training- priority individuals and priority groups for such training- geographic areas and functional locations of greatest need- best practice models of first responder scheme and public access defibrillation, and- integration of such training services.5) Advise on the establishment and maintenance of surveillance systems, including a registry of SCD and information systems to monitor risk assessment, and training and equipment programmes.6) Advise and make recommendations on other priority issues relevant to SCD in Ireland.7) Outline a plan for implementation and advise on monitoring the implementation of recommendations made in the Task Force’s report. In undertaking its work the Task Force was mindful of national health policy, relevant national strategies and of the recently reformed structures for health service delivery in Ireland. Read the Report (PDF, 1.66mb)


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The PHA, supported by the Institute of Public Health in Ireland (IPH) and other agencies and individuals, has completed a health impact assessment (HIA) on the Cardiovascular Service Framework (CVSFW) for Northern Ireland.The CVSFW is the first in a series of service frameworks developed in Northern Ireland to guide HSC provision from prevention and health improvement over early intervention in communities and general practice into hospital and other institutional settings towards rehabilitation, palliative care and end of life.The CVSFW is relevant to everyone who has a part in HSC services for health improvement, hypertension, hyperlipidaemia, diabetes, heart disease, cerebrovascular disease (stroke), peripheral vascular disease and renal disease. This includes patients, carers, families, communities, voluntary and statutory service providers, policy makers and researchers. There are many determinants which impact on cardiovascular disease. Individual lifestyles are major contributors and smoking remains one of the biggest risk factors for the disease alongside sedentary lifestyles and alcohol consumption. Circumstances experienced during the early years influence health and wellbeing into adulthood. Breastfeeding can help protect against obesity, while physical activity and eating habits developed from a young age often form lifelong patterns of behaviour. Living and working conditions also impact on health. Type of job, level of control and employment conditions are major factors. Educational achievement and income are also powerful influences on health. The environment where we live can provide access to open and green space, which plays an important part in physical activity patterns alongside available transport infrastructure. As well as physical health impacts, all of these factors also influence mental health and emotional wellbeing.


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The Official Food Safety laboratories have a critical role in ensuring food safety and public health for the whole population of the Republic of Ireland. These public health laboratories are made up of 7 microbiological testing laboratories and 3 chemical or Public Analyst’s laboratories. The laboratories are regionally based and offer an accredited (INAB) service to 10 health boards thus spanning the country. The role of the laboratories is to test food for compliance with the relevant legislation and guidelines, identify food-borne hazards and disease outbreaks, provide essential risk assessment information for national and international needs, provide a food testing service for consumers and a water testing service on a national basis. They also participate in dedicated National and EU surveys under the auspices of the Food Safety Authority of Ireland (FSAI). There has been significant investment and development in food-related public health protection in Ireland in recent years. However, there are still a number of issues that have the potential to impact on these laboratories in delivering a fully effective public health service in a cost efficient manner. Building on what has been achieved to date, this strategic review identifies those issues to be addressed in order to ensure (1) a cost effective national co-ordinated food safety laboratory service, (2) that future laboratory service needs are accounted for in the delivery of their Public Health role, and (3) that this Service meets both national and international requirements and standards.


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A proposal to pilot nursing assessment of self harm in Accident and Emergency Departments (A&E) was developed by key stakeholders in nurse education and suicide prevention in the South East and submitted to the National Council for the Professional Development of Nursing and Midwifery in April 2002.The proposal included the introduction of a suicide intent scale. Following an initial training programme, a suicide intent scale was utilised by nursing staff in A&E and the Medical Assessment Unit (MAU),Wexford General Hospital and evaluated over a period of nine months. Four months into the study the National Suicide Research Foundation (NSRF) was invited to collaboratively prepare a successful submission to the Health Research Board (HRB) as part of ‘Building Partnerships for a Healthier Future Research Awards 2004’. The NSRF undertook independent scientific evaluation of the outcomes of the suicide awareness programme. The study is in line with priorities determined by Reach Out, the National Strategy for Action on Suicide Prevention 2005-2014 (HSE, 2005) and the HSE-South East Suicide Prevention Programme through raising nursing staff awareness of the public health issue of suicide/deliberate self harm and by improving the efficiency and quality of nursing services offered to persons who present to acute hospitals with deliberate self harm. The study findings indicate evidence to positively support nursing assessment of DSH using a suicide intent scale in terms of assessing behavioural characteristics of individual clients and their suicide risk. Enhanced confidence levels of nursing personnel in caring for suicidal clients was demonstrated by staff who participated in an education programme related to risk assessment and specifically the use of a suicide intent scale.This resource was contributed by The National Documentation Centre on Drug Use.


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The Institute of Public Health in Ireland (IPH) has produced a series of reviews which look at the health impacts of identified subject areas. Four reviews have been produced in the areas of employment, transport, the built environment and education. All reviews may be found at http://www.publichealth.ie/ireland/hiaresources. This resource supplements the ‘Health Impacts of Eduvation’ report. It highlights a number of organisations whose work considers issues relevant to the relationship between health and education.