34 resultados para Food and beverages
Many of us start the New Year with the best of intentions to lose weight, get fitter and eat well. It's that sense of new possibilities and fresh beginnings that can also help motivate changes in lifestyle. The Public Health Agency advises that making small changes to your own and your family's lifestyle can have a significant impact on improving overall health. Taking time to reflect, and making a plan, can all help. Choosing healthier food and increasing your physical activity will help maintain a healthy weight and prevent unwanted weight gain, which can have serious implications for a person's physical and mental health as it is associated with an increased risk of heart disease, stroke, type 2 diabetes, some cancers, respiratory problems, joint pain and depression.What can I do to improve my health?Make 1 or 2 small changes at a time - don't try to change your lifestyle radically or all at once as you're more likely to fail. Small changes in what you eat, or how active you are, are easier to make and more likely to be maintained.Mary Black, Assistant Director of Health and Wellbeing Improvement, PHA, said: "The New Year brings a time when many people reflect on their lives and very often eating more healthily is one of things they identify for change. I recommend setting a couple of small, achievable targets that can then be continued in the long term, for example:Eat breakfast everyday;Eat an extra portion of vegetables every day;Swap deep fried chips for oven chips;Choose fruit for between-meal snacks instead of a biscuit or bun;Begin to enjoy a hot drink on its own without feeling the need to have something sweet at the same time.Be active. Any sort of activity will be good for you. Think about how you can be more active each day. This doesn't have to involve running a marathon or joining a gym. Some suggestions include:· Go for walks with the children/family or friends. It's free! Walk on your lunch break;· Take the stairs instead of the elevator or escalator;· Park further away and walk to work/school;· Get off the bus a stop earlier and walk the rest;· Minimise the amount of time you are sitting down - take breaks from the computer at work or watching TV at home and walk around;· Children and adults can build up to the recommended daily activity levels in 10 minute sessions rather than doing it all in one session.Adults need at least 30 minutes, five days a week of moderate physical activity and children need 60 minutes of physical activity every day.Mary continued "It's easy for people to get into the habit of spending their spare time sitting down - watching TV, playing computer games, listening to their MP3 players - but being active will help you maintain a healthy weight and generally make you feel better. It can also improve your mood, reduce anxiety and protect against depression."It is what you do most of the time that really matters, so if you eat too much or don't exercise on any one day, don't worry too much - just accept it and get back to your new way of eating and being more active as soon as possible.
Food and nutrition are key determinants of health. What people eat, and how much they eat, influences how healthy they are, and even how long they live. Food poverty arises when people lack the money or other resources needed to eat a healthy diet. The overarching objective of Healthy Food for All is to end food poverty on the island of Ireland.
This Summary Report describes the methods used and the main findings with regard to food and beverage consumption, nutrient intakes, and anthropometric, physical activity and attitudinal data from the North/South Ireland Food Consumption Survey (NSIFCS). This survey investigated habitual food and beverage consumption, lifestyle, health indicators and attitudes to food and health in a representative sample (n=1379) of the 18-64 year old adult population in the Republic of Ireland and Northern Ireland during 1997-1999.
Increasing attention has been paid to the burden of ill-health experienced by men in many Western countries. In Europe and internationally, the Republic of Ireland has been leading the way by developing a national policy for men’s health. In most countries around the world, women now have a longer life expectancy than men. Similarly, on the island of Ireland, in spite of recent increases in men’s life expectancy, men continue to have higher death rates at all ages and from all leading causes of death. In Northern Ireland, in 2010, men’s life expectancy at birth was 77.08 years (81.53 years for women), while in the Republic of Ireland, figures published in 2009 revealed that men’s life expectancy at birth was 76.8 years (compared to 81.6 years for women). Key health issues for men include circulatory diseases, cancers and respiratory diseases. In relation to food and health, obesity has been highlighted as a major concern in relation to men’s health. While physiological difference between men and women explain some of the variation in the rate and/or onset of disease (e.g., protective effects of oestrogen in relation to the onset of cardiovascular diseases), other factors, such as socio-cultural influences, which are the main focus of this report, also play an important role. It is acknowledged that men and women experience different influences and motivations with respect to their knowledge and attitudes of and behaviours towards food and health. The purpose of this report is therefore not to compare men with women or to encourage men to model themselves on women in relation to their food and health behaviour. Rather, the goal is to provide recommendations to improve communications, resources, interventions, education and services targeted at boys and men in relation to food.
Results of the National Health and Lifestyle Surveys: SLaN [Survey of Lifestyle, Attitudes and Nutrition] and HBSC [Health Behaviour in School-Aged Children] Two baseline surveys of health related behaviours among adults and schoolgoing young people were carried out across the Republic of Ireland in 1998 and again in 2002. The main aims of these surveys are to: - Produce reliable data of a representative cross-section of the Irish population in order to inform the Department of Health and Children's policy and programme planning. - Maintain a survey protocol which will enable lifestyle factors to be remeasured so that trends can be identified and changes monitored to assist national and regional setting of priorities in health promotion activities. In keeping with the health and lifestyle surveillance system of many European countries a number of related factors were measured in both surveys. These include general health, smoking, use of alcohol and other substances, food and nutrition, exercise and accidents. This work was commissioned by the Health Promotion Unit, Department of Health and Children and carried out at the Centre for Health Promotion Studies, National University of Ireland, Galway.This resource was contributed by The National Documentation Centre on Drug Use.
Two baseline surveys of health related behaviours among adults and school-going young people were carried out across the Republic of Ireland in 1998 and again in 2002. The main aims of these surveys are to: - Produce reliable data of a nationally representative cross-section of the Irish population in order to inform the Department of health and Children's policy and programme planning. - Maintain a survey protocol which will enable lifestyle factors to be re-measured so that trends can be identified and changes monitored to assist national and regional setting of priorities in health promotion activities. This report focuses on these two cross-sectional studies, SLaN (Survey of Lifestyles, Attitudes and Nutrition) adults aged 18+ years and HBSC (health Behaviour in School-aged Children) school-going children aged 10-17 years. In keeping with the health and lifestyle surveillance system of many European countries a number of related factors were measured in both surveys. These include general health, smoking, use of alcohol and other substances, food and nutrition, exercise and accidents. This report presents the findings for the same topics at a regional level with some demographic analysis. It must be noted that the aim of the survey was to establish patterns in health and lifestyle at a national level. The significance therefore of findings at the regional level is to identify potential variations that may merit further investigation. This work was commissioned by the health Promotion Unit, Department of health and Children and carried out at the Centre for health Promotion Studies, national University of Ireland, Galway, and at the Department of Public health Medicine and Epidemiology, Woodview House, Belfield, national University of Ireland, Dublin.This resource was contributed by The National Documentation Centre on Drug Use.
A new community kitchen and community garden are nearing the end of development. The area around the kitchen is designated for the community garden and is being developed this year. Running in conjunction with a school leavers programme, the garden will be an inclusive area for young people with disabilities. The community kitchen is expected to be used by the refugee centre and also local schools. Private fundraising and County Council grants Initiative Type Community Food Centres Community Food Growing Projects Location Tipperary Funding Private fundraising and County Council grants
A group devised by our families for our families. Southern Trust Initiative Type Nutrition Education and Training Programmes Location Armagh Target Groups Families Funding Southern Trust Partner Agencies Early Years
Our aim is to provide affordable sites for growing food across the city of Kilkenny and to provide education to families, individuals and community groups around growing food. Kilkenny Local Authorities Initiative Type Community Food Growing Projects Location Kilkenny Funding Kilkenny Local Authorities Partner Agencies Carlow Kilkenny Leader Partnership Future Proof Kilkenny GIY Kilkenny Local Authorities
This project forms part of Groundwork NIâ?Ts Sharing our Space programme, which aims to transform derelict, unwelcoming & underused sites into shared facilities. Peace III, SEUPB Initiative Type Community Food Growing Projects Location Antrim Funding Peace III, SEUPB Partner Agencies Colin Neighbourhood Partnership
Fatima Groups United Project aims to address food poverty, ill-health related to bad nutrition, lack of education and awareness around nutrition among local residents and to explore how the CFI can become sustainable. Their objectives are: Part of theCFI Programme 2013-2015 Initiative Type Nutrition Education and Training Programmes Location Dublin 8 Partner Agencies safefood
Blanchardstown Good Food Cooperative aims to establish a Good Food Network in Dublin 15 to raise awareness of and seek to reduce food poverty. Part of theCFI Programme 2013-2015 Initiative Type Nutrition Education and Training Programmes Location Dublin 15 Partner Agencies safefood Website http://www.bap.ie/food-thought
The Food Garden Project is unique in bringing these two community groups together to work towards enhancing the participants' understanding of nutrition, healthy eating and self-sufficiency through growing fruit and vegetables and developing cookery skills. The Food Garden Projectâ?Ts aim is to support participants to grow, prepare and cook a range of fruit and vegetables throughout the year. There is also an emphasis on transferring these skills to their home life. The aim of the Food Garden Project is to support very marginalised and vulnerable individuals to grow, prepare and cook a range of healthy organic fruit and vegetables throughout the year. There is an emphasis on transferring these skills to their home life. A support worker and a cookery instructor assist the participants in learning how to grow produce and prepare healthy meals using the food products harvested from their community garden.  Part of theDemonstration Programme 2010-2012 Initiative Type Community Food Growing Projects Nutrition Education and Training Programmes Location Louth Target Groups Homeless people People with physical sensory and intellectual disability
This is a statistical bulletin from the Information Centre which presents a range of information on obesity, physical activity and diet, drawn together from a variety of sources. The topics covered include: overweight and obesity prevalence among adults and children physical activity levels among adults and children trends in purchases and consumption of food and drink, and energy intake health outcomes of being obese hospital admissions and prescriptions dispensed related to obesity. The bulletin also summarises government plans and targets in this area, as well as providing sources of further information and links to relevant documents.
This statistical report presents a range of information on obesity, physical activity and diet, drawn together from a variety of sources. The topics covered include: Overweight and obesity prevalence among adults and children; Physical activity levels among adults and children; Trends in purchases and consumption of food and drink and energy intake; and Health outcomes of being overweight or obese. refer to the resource