36 resultados para East Pakistan
The current trend in infant mortality in the East compared with the UK as a whole, the contribution of different causes to the total number of deaths, and PCT-specific information on 8 years of combined data.
A collection of Health Profiles for the East of England
This document sets out the role of physical activity, not just in terms of its known health benefits (prevention of obesity), but also its wider social contribution. Physical activity is a cross cutting agenda and needs to involve a variety of organisations working in partnership with the health sector.
Pilot approaches that will be used in the Phase 2 of National Health Inequalities Intervention Tool, due to be launched early 2008.
This report focuses on inequalities in primary care as indicated by the Quality and Outcomes Framework.
This framework outlines how the East of England will tackle the rise in the proportion of the population who are overweight and provide treatment for obesity.
An overview of infant health in the East of England. Includes: infant mortality - distribution by deprivation, geographical variation, inequality in social class; breastfeeding; perinatal mortality - effects of education ; causes of death in infancy; vital statistics - births and deaths in infancy.
This issue examines the trends, variation and inequality in life expectancy at local authority level within the East of England and considers the implications of achieving the national inequality target for life expectancy improvements.
This is the first in a planned series of reports on the subject of cancer inequalities in the South East region. This report focuses on inequalities in cancer incidence, mortality and survival for the four most common cancers (lung, colorectal, breast and prostate cancer) across the South East region in relation to deprivation and geographical distribution. The report is aimed at Cancer Networks and Primary Care Trusts and is intended to inform the debate about priorities for reducing inequalities in the cancer burden and in outcomes for cancer patients in local communities in the South East region.
A strategy is being developed across the South East based on five major themes - inequalities, older adults, children, workforce, and sustainable communities. This presentation looks at the steps being taken to develop this strategy and gives more detail on the expected outcomes.
The leaflet contains a list of 'key' public health knowledge and information resources and contacts. Last updated August 2007.
This collection contains a number of factsheets which have been produced by the Department of Health South East (the Department's presence in the region based in the Government Office for the South East) to promote understanding and awareness of key public health issues affecting the health of the population of the region. The factsheets are not policy documents, but are intended to promote good practice among the wider public health workforce in the NHS, Local Authorities and the voluntary and community sector. Each factsheet contains an overview of the extent and impact of the health issue, as well as a summary of the evidence-base regarding 'what works' to improve health. If you would like any further information on the factsheets, please contact Jo Nurse, Consultant in Public Health (jo.nurse@dh.gsi.gov.uk).
A compendium of facts and figures on the health status and the determinants of the health of children and young people in South East England
The aim of the project was to analyse available data from routine sources and local health surveys to compare health and health-related behaviour in the populations of South East England and North France focusing particularly on health inequalities and social cohesion. The project compared the availability and accessibility of health-related programmes in each country.
This is a brief document that uses information from the Health Survey of England 2006 cited in the paper "Statistics on Obesity, Physical Activity and Diet, 2008" to provide an updated account of obesity in the East Midlands. This document presents figures on the prevalence of individuals in each BMI category for males and females in the East Midlands and the other GORs (Government Office Regions) of England. It also looks at the prevalence of obesity in different age groups for children in the different GORs.