30 resultados para Domestic violence against children and teenagers


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This document, which has been named Our Duty to Care, is aimed at community and voluntary organisations of any size or type that provide services for children. It offers guidance on the promotion of child welfare and the development of safe practices in work with children. It also gives information on how to recognise signs of child abuse and the correct steps to take within organisations if it is suspected, witnessed or disclosed. The process of reporting suspected or actual child abuse to the health board is described step by step, and guidance is given on how to handle sensitive areas. Download document here


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Department of Health and Children Sectoral Plan in respect of health and personal social services provision for people with disabilities, as provided for in the Disability Act 2005. Read the Report (PDF, 448kb)


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This paper examines the evidence linking obesity and disability in children and young people. It looks at a range of impairments or health conditions associated with disability and explores the main obesity-related chronic health conditions that can develop during childhood and adolescence. It also highlights: inequalities experienced by children and young people in relation to obesity and disability implications for policy, practice and research survey data on obesity and limiting long-term illness or disability


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Public Health England today launches 2 new resources for local authorities on preventing accidents to children and young people in the home and on the road. The reports show whilst the number of children and young people killed or seriously injured continues to fall in England there are still significant numbers of deaths and emergency admissions from preventable causes. On average each year between 2008 to 2012, 525 children and young people under 25 died and there were more than 53,700 admissions to hospital. The reports highlight actions local partners can take to reduce accidents including improving safety for children travelling to and from school and using existing services like health visitors and children’s centres. The Reducing unintentional injuries in and around the home among children under 5 Years and the Reducing unintentional injuries on the roads among children and young people under 25 reports include an analysis of data between 2008 to 2012. Key findings from the reports include: home injuries (under 5 years of age): an average of 62 children died each year between 2008 and 2012 these injuries result in an estimated 40,000 emergency hospital admissions among children of this age each year 5 injury types should be prioritised for the under-fives: choking; suffocation and strangulation; falls; poisoning; burns and scalds; and drowning hospital admission rate for unintentional injuries among the under-fives is 45% higher for children from the most deprived areas compared with children from the least deprived Road traffic injuries (under 25 years of age) there were 2,316 deaths recorded by the police among road users under the age of 25 years, an average of 463 under 25s each year there were 68,657 admissions to hospital as a result of road traffic injuries, an average of 13,731 each year in total there were 322,613 casualties of all severities recorded by the police, an average of 64,523 each year the rate of fatal and serious injuries for 10to 14 year olds was significantly greater for children from the 20% most deprived areas (37 per 100,000) compared with those from the most affluent areas (10 per 100,000)


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The Children and Family Weight Management Team aims to help overweight children and their families to achieve and maintain a healthy weight. Aimed primarily at children, the service offers a programme of advice and support to families who are committed to making healthy lifestyle changes. Adult family members who seek personal weight management support may be signposted to appropriate local services.


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Evidence Review 2 - Building children and young people's resilience in schools Briefing 2 - Building children and young people's resilience in schools This pair of documents, commissioned by Public Health England, and written by the UCL Institute of Health Equity, address the role of schools in building children and young people’s resilience and capabilities. They provide a summary of evidence about the effect of resilience on health, the unequal distribution of resilience and its contribution to levels of health inequalities. The review outlines the potential actions that can be taken in schools in order to build resilience for all children and young people and reduce inequalities in resilience. Throughout, a social determinants approach to resilience is taken. Children and young people’s individual characteristics are seen as shaped by, and related to, inequities in power, money and resources, and the conditions in which they are born, grow, live, and in which they will work and age. Family and community resilience are highly significant and similarly shaped by wider social and economic factors. The full evidence review and a shorter summary briefing are available to download above. This document is part of a series. An overview document which provides an introduction to this and other documents in the series, and links to the other topic areas, is available on the ‘Local Action on health inequalities’ project page. A video of Michael Marmot introducing the work is also available on our videos page.


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Portugese action plan against drugs.This resource was contributed by The National Documentation Centre on Drug Use.


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  Date: Friday, 14 June 2013   Time:10:30 – 13.30 Location: G13, Western Gateway Building, University College Cork The children's Research Network for Ireland and Northern Ireland in conjunction with the Children and Young People Research Cluster at the Institute for Social Sciences in the 21st Century at UCC are holding a workshop on ethics, consent and participation in research with children and young people. The event will explore some of the complex ethical issues involved in conducting research with children and young people, from the perspectives of researchers, children, families and service-providers.  


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The current trend in infant mortality in the East compared with the UK as a whole, the contribution of different causes to the total number of deaths, and PCT-specific information on 8 years of combined data.


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This report first describes the prevalence of mental disorders among 5- to 16-year olds in 2004 and notes any changes since the previous survey in 1999. It then provides profiles of children in each of the main disorder categories (emotional, conduct, hyperkinetic and autistic spectrum disorders) and , where the sample size permits, profiles subgroups within these categories.


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This project is a 6 x weekly food and activity programme using the local sports centre as a venue. Overweight/obese children, together with a parent / carer and sibling were recruited. A lifestyle pre-course assessment was made with each child, resulting in 5 individual goals. Evaluation was based on attendance; individual goals; post course questionnaire; anthropometric measurements and a food diary. Follow up at 4/52,3/12 and 6/12.


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A compendium of facts and figures on the health status and the determinants of the health of children and young people in South East England


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IPH developed this report for the Centre for Effective Services (CES). The report explores learning from evaluations of 10 programmes operated as part of the Prevention and Early Intervention Initative funded by Atlantic Philanthropies and others. The report provides insights into the outcomes of prevention and early intervention initiatives relevant to early child development, school-based programmes and the integration of child services. A briefing paper is also available.