135 resultados para Blind People
March 2004 - main findings, key recommendations and the way forward
June 2004 - study to examine service provision, early identification, information and support, co-ordination of services and strategic planning
Social Services Inspection Final Report for Craigavon & Banbridge - fieldwork inspection 14-25 Nov 2005
Sperrin Lakeland Trust inspection
Down Lisburn Health And Social Services Trust Eastern Health And Social Services Board Fieldwork Inspection: 31st May 2005 - 10th June 2005 (Final Report April 2006)
The Fit Futures: Focus on Food, Activity and Young People report
A Strategic Framework for the Development of Primary Health and Social Care for Individuals, Families and Communities in Northern Ireland
Proposed Consultation on Implementation of the EC Directive on the Protection of Young People at Work (94/33)
Guidance on Discharge from Hospital and the Continuing Care in the Community of People with a Mental Disorder who could Represent a Risk of Serious Physical Harm to Themselves or Others
A Strategic Framework for the Development of Primary Health and Social Care
Rehabilitation Services for Older People - Regional Report
Represent a Risk of Serious Physical Harm to Themselves or Others
A Secondary Analysis of Drug and Alcohol Use Surveys - Final Report
This study provides, for the first time, a systematic review of how health and social services are currently being delivered to older people with the purpose of identifying models of best practice within a Care Management framework. The research allows the voices of a wide range of health and social service providers to comment individually about how care is currently delivered in Ireland. In addition, the research provides them with an opportunity to express how they feel about Care and Case Management as a model for the planning, co-ordination and delivery of services and its feasibility in an Irish context Download the Report here