29 resultados para Bech, Henning: When men meet


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This booklet aims to increase a child's experience of healthy food from an early age and encourages a positive attitude towards a healthy diet. You and your child can decide together which end of the book to start with - Sally's story or Sammy's story. The idea is that you then read the other story, and finish with the fun, fold-out section in the middle, where Sammy realises the error of his ways and devotes himself to a lifetime of healthy lunches with his new friend Sally!


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Increasing attention has been paid to the burden of ill-health experienced by men in many Western countries. In Europe and internationally, the Republic of Ireland has been leading the way by developing a national policy for men’s health. In most countries around the world, women now have a longer life expectancy than men. Similarly, on the island of Ireland, in spite of recent increases in men’s life expectancy, men continue to have higher death rates at all ages and from all leading causes of death. In Northern Ireland, in 2010, men’s life expectancy at birth was 77.08 years (81.53 years for women), while in the Republic of Ireland, figures published in 2009 revealed that men’s life expectancy at birth was 76.8 years (compared to 81.6 years for women). Key health issues for men include circulatory diseases, cancers and respiratory diseases. In relation to food and health, obesity has been highlighted as a major concern in relation to men’s health. While physiological difference between men and women explain some of the variation in the rate and/or onset of disease (e.g., protective effects of oestrogen in relation to the onset of cardiovascular diseases), other factors, such as socio-cultural influences, which are the main focus of this report, also play an important role. It is acknowledged that men and women experience different influences and motivations with respect to their knowledge and attitudes of and behaviours towards food and health. The purpose of this report is therefore not to compare men with women or to encourage men to model themselves on women in relation to their food and health behaviour. Rather, the goal is to provide recommendations to improve communications, resources, interventions, education and services targeted at boys and men in relation to food.


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The Homeless Agency recently launched its action plan to eliminate long-term homelessness and the need to sleep rough in Dublin by 2010. This article will discuss the elements of the plan that relate to homeless individuals with addiction problems in the context of the wider policy framework on drugs and homelessness. The plan contains three strategic aims, relating to prevention, local access to quality homeless services and long-term housing options with support when required. The plan contains 10 core actions (high priority) that cover more than one strategic aim and 74 additional actions (lower priority). Individuals with mental health problems, addictions (alcohol and drugs) and dual diagnosis (addiction and mental health) needs have been identified as needing healthcare and other interventions as part of the strategic aim to prevent homelessness and reduce the risk of becoming homeless. As part of the development of the action plan, a total of 105 men, women and children, both current and past users of homeless services, were interviewed. The principal immediate causes of their becoming homeless were identified by those interviewed as family breakdown, and alcohol, heroin and mental health problems. Several studies have shown the prominent role played by drug use in exposing individuals and families to homelessness in Ireland.This resource was contributed by The National Documentation Centre on Drug Use.


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Excessive drinking contributes significantly to social problems, physical and psychological illness, injury and death. Hidden effects include increased levels of violence, accidents and suicide. Most alcohol-related harm is caused by excessive drinkers whose consumption exceeds recommended drinking levels, not the drinkers with severe alcohol dependency problems. One way to reduce consumption levels in a community may be to provide a brief intervention in primary care over one to four sessions. This is provided by healthcare workers such as general physicians, nurses or psychologists. In general practice, patients are routinely asked about alcohol consumption during registration, general health checks and as part of health screening (using a questionnaire). They tend not to be seeking help for alcohol problems when presenting. The intervention they are offered includes feedback on alcohol use and harms, identification of high risk situations for drinking and coping strategies, increased motivation and the development of a personal plan to reduce drinking. It takes place within the time-frame of a standard consultation, 5 to 15 minutes for a general physician, longer for a nurse.A total of 29 controlled trials from various countries were identified, in general practice (24 trials) or an emergency setting (five trials). Participants drank an average of 306 grams of alcohol (over 30 standard drinks) per week on entry to the trial. Over 7000 participants with a mean age of 43 years were randomised to receive a brief intervention or a control intervention, including assessment only. After one year or more, people who received the brief intervention drank less alcohol than people in the control group (average difference 38 grams/week, range 23 to 54 grams). For men (some 70% of participants), the benefit of brief intervention was a difference of 57 grams/week, range 25 to 89 grams (six trials). The benefit was not clear for women. The benefits of brief intervention were similar in the normal clinical setting and in research settings with greater resources. Longer counselling had little additional benefit.This resource was contributed by The National Documentation Centre on Drug Use.


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 The latest results from the study paint a picture of how these families are faring across a range of areas in their lives including their health, family life and financial and economic circumstances. In general the findings show that three-year-olds in Ireland are in good health with a few notable public health and related issues (including overweight and obesity), there is overall stability in family structures over the short term and that the recession has had a substantial effect on families with young children over the last number of years. These are the first longitudinal findings from the study. The first wave of fieldwork with the families of the Infant Cohort included approximately 11,100 nine-month-olds, their parents and carers. Interviews began in September 2008 and were completed in March 2009. Interviews for the second round of interviews with this cohort took place between January and August 2011. A total of 90% of the original sample of nine-month-olds were successfully re-interviewed. (A full download of the results released today, presented in three briefing documents can be found by clicking here. Key findings include: Health â?¢ Most of the children were described as being in good health; 75% were rated as very healthy and a further 23% were rated as healthy, but a few minor problems. Girls were more likely to be reported as very healthy (78%) compared with boys (72%). â?¢ One in four or almost one quarter of three-year-old children were overweight (19%) or obese (6%). â?¢ Childrenâ?Ts weight was related to household social class. 5% of children in families in the professional/managerial group were classified as obese at three years of age compared with 9% of those in the most disadvantaged social class group. However, at least one-fifth of children in every social class were overweight. â?¢ Childrens consumption of energy-dense foods such as crisps, sweets, chips, and non-diet fizzy drinks increased as parental education fell. 63% of children whose mother had a lower secondary education or less ate at least one portion of crisps compared with 36% of those from degree-level backgrounds, although consumption of biscuits/chocolates was over 70% for both groups of children. â?¢ Two-thirds (66%) of three-year-olds had received at least one course of antibiotics in the 12 months preceding the interview. Children with a full medical card (35% of the sample) or a GP-only medical card (5% of the sample) were more likely to have received a course of antibiotics than â?¢ Children with a full medical card received a higher number of antibiotic courses on average (2.6) compared with those without a medical card (2.1). â?¢ Just under 16% of three-year-old children were reported as having at least one longstanding illness, condition or disability. The most commonly reported illness types included Asthma (5.8%), Eczema/Skin allergies (3.9%) and Food/digestive allergies (1.2%) Family Life and Childcare â?¢ While the overall distribution of family structure was stable, there have been transitions from one-parent families to two-parent families and vice-versa over the 27 months between interview â?" approximately 2 to 3 percent in each direction. â?¢ 50% of three year olds were in some form of non-parental childcare for eight or more hours a week. The most common form used was centre-based childcare which almost tripled between nine months and three years, from 11% to 30%. â?¢ A similar percentage of grandparents were caring for children at both nine months and three years, 12% and 11% respectively. A total of 10% of three-year-olds were being minded by a childminder, an increase of 3 percentage points from when the children were nine months of age. â?¢ Children who were in some form of non-parental childcare were spending an average of 23 hours a week in their main type of childcare. â?¢ At time of interview the vast majority of mothers reported that they had regular contact with the Study Childâ?Ts grandparents (91%). In offering support to parents, grandparents were most likely to babysit (50%), and buy clothes (40%) at least on a monthly basis. One-parent families were more likely than two-parent families to receive financial support from grandparents with just under one-third (66%) of one-parent families receiving financial support from grandparents at least once every three months. â?¢ The most frequently used discipline technique was â?~discussing or explaining why the behaviour was wrongâ?T, with 63% of mothers saying they always did this. â?¢ 12% of mothers said they used â?~smackingâ?T as a form of discipline now and again and less than 1% used â?~smackingâ?T as a form of discipline more frequently. Over half reported that they never smacked the Study Child. Financial and Economic Circumstances â?¢ Just over half (53%) of mothers of three-year-olds worked outside the home, 38% said they were on home duties and 6% said they were unemployed. â?¢ The biggest change in terms of the work status of three-year-oldsâ?T parents was an increase in the percentage of unemployed fathers â?" 6% when the child was nine months rising to almost 14% when s/he was three years of age. â?¢ 61% of families of three-year-olds reported experiencing difficulties in making â?~ends meetâ?T. This was a substantial increase from 44% in the first round of interviews when the children were nine-months-old. â?¢ Almost two thirds (63%) of all families with three-year-olds reported that the recession had had a very significant or significant effect on them. â?¢ The most frequently recorded effects were: a reduction in wages (63%); canâ?Tt afford luxuries (54%), social welfare reduction (53%) and canâ?Tt afford/cut back on basics (32%). Growing Up in Ireland is a Government funded study tracking the development of two nationally representative cohorts of children: an Infant Cohort which was interviewed initially at nine months and subsequently at three years of age; and a Child Cohort which was interviewed initially at nine years and subsequently at 13 years of age. The study is being conducted by a consortium of researchers led by the Economic and Social Research Institute (ESRI) and Trinity College Dublin. For Further Information Please Contact: Jillian Heffernan Communications Officer, Growing Up in Ireland Tel: 01 896 3378 Mobile: 087 9016880This resource was contributed to our repository by the National Documentation Centre on Drug Use.


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Community garden project and allotments aims to increase community involvement, participation and activity in the locality.  We have a number of family groups (parents and children) working together. It is a lot of fun and a great way to meet new people from the area, get out of the house a few hours a week and be part of a really nice community group. We see our garden somewhat like a Co-op. Everyone is welcome to join us, we meet up at least three times a week and do the jobs around the garden together – mainly around vegetables and some fruit trees but we are interested in flowers and other things as well. We have a garden sale every Thursday between 12pm-2pm. We sell all organic produce grown in the garden and make our own jams to sell weekly also. At the end of the season we all share the crops, vegetables and fruits if there is any left after the sale on Thursday. Contact: Kevin Dunne, 087 272 4537. Email: communitygardens@ballyfermotpartnership.ie   Dublin City Council via Cherry Orchard Regeneration Board Initiative Type Community Food Growing Projects Location Dublin 10 Target Groups Children ( 4-12 years) Children (0-4 years) Children (13-18 years) Lone parents Men Older people Unemployed Funding Dublin City Council via Cherry Orchard Regeneration Board Website https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCxED179ZBWiRa251UQh4l1A Connect with this Initiative Facebook


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Life expectancy by educational attainment is a very important indicator of socio-economic inequalities in health. Based on the available data for a selection of EU Member States and Norway, a systematic relationship between educational attainment and mortality can be observed: at any age, life expectancy is less among persons with the lowest educational attainment and increases with educational level.Large differences in life expectancy by educational attainment can be observed among Member States. Moreover, these differences are more pronounced for men than for women.


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This paper was commissioned by Alzheimer's Australia to promote an informed discussion about the issues affecting lesbians or gay men with dementia or caring for someone with dementia. It addresses the issues associated with the interaction between service providers and lesbian and gay men with dementia and their family carers, including the complexity of family relationships and barriers that may affect care provision and quality of life.The focus of this paper is on lesbian and gay seniors, including their same-sex partners. Not all people with dementia are seniors; however younger lesbians and gay men living with dementia may have a number of similar concerns and needs to those of lesbian and gay seniors. This paper also includes information about the needs of younger lesbians and gay men who are supporting a heterosexual family member living with dementia.Some issues and concerns identified in this paper are shared by transgender people, as well as additional specific issues such as the impact of medical interventions on ageing, including surgical changes and hormone treatments over a long period of time. This paper encompasses the needs of those members of the transgender community to the extent to which they identify themselves as gay or lesbian, but does not address the specific needs of transgender people.This paper seeks to contextualise the issues involved and inform readers by way of discussion and case examples.Full paper available at: http://www.apo.org.au/node/23373


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The Spearhead Intervention Tool has been commissioned by the Department of Health through the Association of Public Health Observatories (APHO). This version of the tool has been updated with latest data for 2005-07. The tool is designed to assist commissioners in Spearhead Primary Care Trusts (PCTs) with their Local Delivery Planning (LDP) and commissioning and to assist Spearhead Local Authorities (LAs) with the delivery of Local Area Agreements (LAAs). It highlights key issues for Spearhead PCTs and LAs to consider in order to achieve the life expectancy element of the Government̢?Ts Public Service Agreement (PSA) on health inequalities by 2010.


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This third and final report of the CEMACH national diabetes programme comes at an important time in the national drive to improve services for women with diabetes in pregnancy. The National Service Framework (NSF) for Diabetes requires the NHS to develop, implement and monitor policies that seek to empower and support women with diabetes to optimise the outcomes of their pregnancy. The CEMACH report shows that, whilst progress has been made in improving services for women with diabetes and their babies, there is much still to be done to meet the standards recommended by the NSF. Too many women continue to be poorly prepared for pregnancy in the critical areas of glycaemic control and folic acid supplementation. The report underlines the need for an increased focus on diabetes preconception care services and the development of strategies to educate women with diabetes of childbearing age. The growing proportion of women with type 2 diabetes during pregnancy, many of whom are from minority ethnic groups, presents an additional challenge for health services in developing responsive and accessible services.This CEMACH report has identifi ed several areas of good clinical practice during pregnancy in women with pre-existing diabetes. However, there continue to be areas where there is room for improvement, including antenatal fetal surveillance, glycaemic control during labour and delivery and postnatal diabetes care. The National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence (NICE) is currently in the fi nal stages of development of its new guideline for the management of diabetes in pregnancy. This guideline, when taken together with the CEMACH report, will provide local health services with an unprecedented wealth of material on which to base their development of improved services for women with diabetes in pregnancy.��


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A short report using the experiences of young suicidal men to inform mental health care services.�


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This leaflet is given to all men who have attended screening through the Northern Ireland Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm (AAA) Screening Programme and been diagnosed with a large AAA.The leaflet provides: background information on the AAA screening programme; details on what a large AAA is; information on the process of referral to a team of vascular specialists;details on the operation to treat a large AAA;important information on the symptoms of a ruptured AAA;lifestyle advice that may help those men diagnosed with an AAA. Men who have been diagnosed with a large AAA will be invited to meet a team of vascular specialists for further assessment within two or three weeks of their scan. Following additional medical tests, the patient may be offered surgery to treat the large AAA. Those men assessed as unsuitable for an operation will continue to be monitored within the vascular service.


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Effective safeguarding children practice depends upon information sharing, collaboration and understanding between families, agencies and professionals. Nurses are required to work in partnership with other disciplines and agencies to safeguard and promote the health and wellbeing of children and young people. This includes working in partnership with the guardian ad litem (guardian) appointed by the court when making decisions regarding the best interests of a child or young person.This guidance replaces previous regional guidance. Regional implementation will ensure that information held by nurses is shared with the guardian in a consistent, timely and appropriate manner, so that informed decisions can be made in the best interests of children and young people.


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The Northern Ireland Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm (AAA) Screening Programme began in June 2012 and offers AAA screening to all men aged 65 and over in Northern Ireland. All men in their 65th year receive an invite in the post. All men aged over 65 who have not been screened can request an appointment. The aim of the AAA screening programme is to reduce AAA-related mortality by providing systematic, population-based screening.� This poster was sent out to all GPs, GP practice managers and pharmacies as part of a professional information pack in the run-up to the launch of the programme. The poster is also distributed to relevant voluntary organisations and charities as a means of raising awareness among the target population.