50 resultados para APSYM 2014
Public Service Agreement 2010 – 2014 (Croke Park Agreement): Departmental Action Plan Click here to download PDF 33KB
This revised Action Plan is designed to support the delivery of the HSEâ?Ts 2012 National Service Plan by facilitating the fast-tracking of measures required to deliver essential health and personal social services across the country within the context of further reductions in funding and staff numbers. The implementation of the National Service Plan, approved by the Minister for Health on 13 January 2012, represents a major challenge to the health services and comes at a time of major reform of the public health system.  Click here to download PDF 161kb
Public Service Agreement 2010-2014 (Croke Park Agreement) Integrated Departmental and Agencies Action Plan 2012 Integrated Departmental and Agencies Action Plan (Jan 2012) PDF 54kb Integrated Departmental and Agencies Action Plan (Oct 2012) PDF 194kb Â
Public Service Agreement 2010-2014 (Croke Park Agreement) – Second Annual Progress, Savings and Productivity Reports for the Department and its Agencies Integrated Annual Progress Report for the Department and its Agencies PDF 327kb Annual Savings Report for the Department’s Agencies PDF 205kb Productivity Report for the Department and its Agencies PDF 205kb
The Programme for Government sets out an agenda of fundamental change for our health services. The Department of Health must lead the implementation of Government policy and, in the course of the coming years, must also remodel itself to meet the challenges inherent in these radical changes. This Statement of Strategy outlines the high-level aims and objectives of the overall health system for the period 2011 to 2014. Click here to download PDF 191kb
Public Service Agreement 2010-2014 (Croke Park Agreement) – Third Annual Progress and Savings Report for the Department and its Agencies  Click here to download Integrated Progress Report on Action Plan for the Department and its Agencies PDF 242KB Click here to download Annual Savings Report for the Department’s Agencies PDF 155KB
 This is a generic policy framework for rare diseases. Its scope is broad and it applies to all rare diseases, which can number up to 8,000 diseases affecting millions of EU citizens. This policy framework envisages a combined approach with our EU partners and Northern Ireland to diagnose and treat people with rare diseases. We must deepen links with facilities and institutions in other countries where specialist services are available that may be absent in Ireland. The plan elaborates on Ireland’s participation in European Reference Networks, which is the networking of knowledge and expertise through reference centres and teams of experts. These links are emphasized in the report to address the care of patients with rare diseases at both national and European levels. Download the report here
National Rare Disease Plan for Ireland 2014-2018 This is a generic policy framework for rare diseases. Its scope is broad and it applies to all rare diseases, which can number up to 8,000 diseases affecting millions of EU citizens. This policy framework envisages a combined approach with our EU partners and Northern Ireland to diagnose and treat people with rare diseases. We must deepen links with facilities and institutions in other countries where specialist services are available that may be absent in Ireland. The plan elaborates on Irelandâ?Ts participation in European Reference Networks, which is the networking of knowledge and expertise through reference centres and teams of experts. These links are emphasized in the report to address the care of patients with rare diseases at both national and European levels. Download the report here Â
5.11.2014 This report was prepared independently by Mr McLoughlin with the support of the health insurers, and the Health Insurance Authority, for consideration by the Minister for Health and the insurers. All parties were very conscious of the importance of respecting competition law when dealing with issues such as prices and costs. The work of the Group has been conducted in two phases, with the first phase report published on 26 December 2013. The Phase 1 report sets out the context, establishment, membership and terms of reference for both phases of the Groups work. The report also outlines the legislative provisions for private health insurance in Ireland, the objectives of both phases of the review and the approach and methodology followed. Phase 2 of the process focused on the compilation and analysis by the Health Insurance Authority (HIA) of claims data to assess the cost drivers for health insurance, the effects of medical technology and innovations on costs, and claims processing issues.The report and submissions from relevant stakeholders which were examined and considered under the Phase 2 Review can be downloaded below. Download the Review of Measures to Reduce Costs in the Private Health Insurance Market 2014 - Independent Report to the Minister for Health and Health Insurance Council here. Submissions received HSE Submission to Pat McLoughlin, Chair of Review Group IHAI submission 11 April 2014 IHCA submission to Chair 1 May 2014 Insurance Ireland submission Society of Actuaries in Ireland submission St. Patricks Mental Health Services submission April 2014 St John of Gods Submission    ÂÂ
Transforming the future for prostate cancer’ sets out five major goals that the Charity believe need to be achieved for people affected by prostate cancer by 2020. These goals will be reached when everyone concerned – people affected by the disease, charities, health professionals, the NHS, researchers and supporters –moves in the same direction with a sense of united purpose. The Prostate Cancer Charity, as the UK’s leading voluntary organisation working with people affected by prostate cancer, has an essential role to play in leading the prostate cancer community to reach these 2020 goals. This document explains what The Prostate Cancer Charity will be doing over the next six years (2008-14) to fulfil this role. It explains where The Prostate Cancer Charity will be providing services directly and where The Prostate Cancer Charity will be working with others to secure the vital improvements we must see in men’s experiences of prostate cancer. The strategy focuses on five major goals:By 2020, significantly more men will survive prostate cancer. By 2020, society will understand the key facts about prostate cancer and will act on that knowledgeBy 2020, African Caribbean men and women will know more about prostate cancer and will act on that knowledgeBy 2020, inequalities in access to high quality prostate cancer services will be reducedBy 2020, people affected by prostate cancer will have their information and support needs addressed effectively.
The Belfast Strategic Partnership, which is led by the Public Health Agency, Belfast Health and Social Care Trust and Belfast City Council, is launching theBelfast Active Travel Action Plan 2014-2020 which aims to build a healthier city by encouraging people to incorporate walking and/or cycling into their daily travel. The travel plan aims to try to make Belfast a more vibrant city where people are healthy, fit, well-connected with one another, and use physical activity as part of their everyday lives.
This report outlines the progress made during the first two years of the implementation of A Fitter Future for All. It is important to acknowledge that whilst the Framework was launched in March 2012, it took time to put in place mechanisms to oversee the co-ordination of the various delivery partners and to establish the Regional Obesity Prevention Implementation Group, and subsequent Action Plans. The implementation of the Framework has been progressing, and steps are underway for completing many of the short term outcomes within the agreed timeframes - 2012 to 2015. However, we also recognise that we need to continue to prioritise this area and we are not complacent about the challenge ahead.
2014 Alzheimer’s Disease Facts and Figures is a statistical resource for U.S. data related to Alzheimer’sdisease, the most common type of dementia, as well as other dementias. It also contains a special reporton women and Alzheimer's. Download the report here.
DES has commenced a review of education in the Gaeltacht with a view to identifying options for educational provision in primary and post-primary schools in Gaeltacht areas of varying linguistic profiles as well as clarifying the Department’s policy with regard to teaching through Irish in such schools. The review will also look at the impact of pre-school provision on primary education in Gaeltacht areas. Furthermore, the review will identify support measures for teachers’ practice that would be required to improve teaching through Irish in Gaeltacht schools. This review will complement the implementation of the Gaeltacht Act 2012.
he first ever strategy for the Further Education and Training (FET) sector is being launched by the Minister for Education and Skills, Ruair�_ Quinn T.D., and Minister of State for Training and Skills Ciarn Cannon T.D. The overall aim of the Strategy is to develop a world-class integrated system of further education and training in Ireland, which will promote economic development and meet the needs of all citizens. The new strategy was developed by SOLAS with assistance from the ESRI which was commissioned to carry out evidence based research and assist in the development of the Strategy. Five high level strategic goals have been identified: -Skills for the Economy: to address the current and future needs of learners, jobseekers, employers and employees and to contribute to national economic development -Active Inclusion: to support the active inclusion of people of all abilities in society with special reference to literacy and numeracy -Quality Provision: to provide high quality education and training programmes and to meet the appropriate national and international quality standards -Integrated Planning and Funding: FET provision will be planned and funded on the basis of objective analysis of needs and evidence of social and economic impact -Standing of FET: to ensure a valued learning path leading to agreed employment, career, developmental, personal and social options. The Strategy follows a radical overhaul of the structure of the sector by the Government which includes the streamlining of 33 existing VECs into 16 Education and Training Boards (ETBs), the abolition of F́S and creation of SOLAS, the Further Education and Training Authority. Speaking at the launch in the Chester Beatty li