99 resultados para AALISABETH domotica assistenza anziano patologie prevenzione automatico alimentazione lifestyle
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Two baseline surveys of health related behaviours among adults and school-going young people were carried out across the Republic of Ireland in 1998. The main aims of the surveys were to: Produce reliable baseline data for a representative cross-section of the Irish population which will inform the Department of Health and Childrenâ?Ts future policy and programme planning Establish a survey protocol which will enable lifestyle factors to be re-measured so that trends can be identified and changes monitored to assist national and regional setting of priorities in health promotion activities. Download the Report here
The general purpose of the Report is: To make a contribution to the debate on issues relevant to the development of public health policy. To describe aspects of the health status of the Irish people by reference to certain indicators of mortality and lifestyle. To identify particular factors which are relevant to the major disease entities affecting the Irish population. To identify a specific theme of particular contemporary relevance to health in Ireland Download the Report here
SLÃÂÅN 2007: Dietary Habits of the Irish Population The third national Survey of Lifestyle, Attitudes and Nutrition (SLÃÂÅN) was conducted in 2007, following previous surveys in 1998 and 2002. The 2007 SLÃÂÅN survey involved a nationally representative sample of 10,364 respondents (62% response rate), of whom 9,223 (89%) completed a standard Willett Food Frequency Questionnaire adapted for use in the Irish population. Click here to download PDF 4mb
This is the third national Survey of Lifestyle, Attitudes and Nutrition (SLÃÂÅN) in Ireland, conducted in 2007 using face-to-face interviews with adults aged 18 years or over, interviewed at home addresses. SLÃÂÅN 2007 follows on from two previous surveys using postal questionnaires in 1998, involving 6,539 respondents with a 62% response rate, and in 2002, involving 5,992 respondents with a 53% response rate. Click here to download PDF 875kb
SLÃÅN 2007 Survey of Lifestyle, Attitudes and Nutrition in Ireland. One Island - One Lifestyle
Health in Ireland, Key Trends 2013 provides summary statistics on health and health care over the past ten years. It also highlights selected trends and topics of growing concern and includes new data which has become available during the course of the year. An important objective is to assess ourselves and our progress in the broader EU context. The booklet is divided into six chapters ranging across population, life expectancy and health status through to health care delivery, staffing and costs. Overall, the picture which emerges is of continuing progress, but at a reduced rate, set in a context of very ignificant financial constraints. Rapid ageing of the population in conjunction with lifestyle-related health threats present major challenges now and for the future in sustaining and further improving health and health services in Ireland Click here to download PDF 3.2MB
This project intends to build on the success in equipping individuals with mental health problems, who are obese, with the skills necessary to make healthier lifestyle choices.Particpants will work as a group and support each other. A range of sessions were held on health issues of importance to clients (stress, exercise, mental health) through information workshops, training, pharmacy clinics, cooking etc. For the participants involved in the project their confidence has grown and they are able to share their learning with others at the centre. The clients are aware of other services and how to access them. The pharmacist role played a visit to the doctors to help clients get the best out of their appointment. The mental health of those involved has also imporved and has spurred them on to make changes in their overall lifestyle.
This project will promote and introduce a healthier lifestyle for people over 50 through healthy eating, exercise and self-help in the Atticall and surrounding area. The project will focus on local produce and give participants an opportunity to cook and taste samples of their own 'healthy food'. The Pharmacist will attend these sessions to give diet realted talks and anwer any queries people may have.
To help encourage, facilitate and empower people to adopt healthy lifestyles and to raise awareness of obesity and its causes in order to reduce its prevalence within the target community. Outcome Through Health Classes, Leaflets and Posters, people have developed their knowledge and understanding of obesity. The relationship between members of the community and the pharmacist has also developed as as has the Pharmacists links with GPs, Dieticians, Leisure Centre Management etcï_… All participants thought the healthy weight challenge was a good idea, made them more aware of health and the pharmacy was able to offer advice, information, support and health checks. regular monitoring also helped have a positive impact on participants desire to lose weight and also had positive impact on their efforts to have healthier lifestyle.
The Community Development and Health Network (CDHN) aim to end health inequalities using a community development approach - campaigning, influencing policy and developing best practice work which shows that communities, both geographical and of interest & identity, can define their own health needs and design and implement preventative and radical solutions. It believes that health is affected by more than access to health services, individual lifestyle choices and our own genetic make-up. These other factors can include poverty, the environment, education, living and working conditions, housing, access to food and social and community networks. This resource is part of the Public Health Advocacy Website Collection.
This project focuses on individuals learning more about their health and wellbeing and developing action plans that they will take responsibility for. This will allow participants to examine and challenge issues which impact on their mental and physical health, including medicines. This project will involve users, staff, pharmacist and other providers. Like all projects this is a 2 way learning process, the staff will be use the pharmacy as a resource and the pharmacist will gain more awareness of health issues and the impact of living with mental health issues.
This is their 3rd BCPP project and is a Level 3. Previous projects highlighted the complex health issues facing those with significant mental health problems. From their successful partnership, the pharmacist now sits on their steering group. This project will build upon previous work and aims to provide people with the skills to make healthier lifestyle choices. Participants, the pharmacist and other providers will work in partnership to design a programme that will focus on the participants supporting each other and relaying their learning to others in the centre.
This project will promote health awareness and encourage a more pro-active approach to looking after your health for12-16 year olds. Although focusing on young people, the approach being used hopes to cascade the information- the young people will take what their understanding into the home and the wider community. In order to reach their objectives they will carry out workshops with the youth in ways that will grab their attention and encourage a ‘change of lifestyles’ for example; painting murals relating to health issues etc. An information day was held as was an art project and several workshops, 1 of which allowed students to make a video on the role of the pharmacist. Results showed teenagers found it beneficial to get information on areas of health that they wanted to increase their awareness in. The project also identified a determination amongst staff to become more aware of the dangers of smoking and the project gave them a means of empowerment to help students who smoke to stop. All those involved in the project either through the information day, workshops or the art project felt it was tangible and was a sensitive wasy to deal with teenge health problems. The project created an understanding of why there is a need to take a communtiy response to such problems.
To enhance the health and well-being of members in the Craigavon and Cullyhanna communities. To identify and forge links between both community groups, Trust bodies etc, To offer members of both communities the opportunity to receive information and attend sessions on relevant health related issues. Outcomes - Pharmacists have introduced channels of communication between themselves, community groups and other statutory agencies. - Health benefits through information sessions have been delivered and tailored to meet the needs of local population groups. - The pharmacist has developed group working skills and how to link with others working outside the dispensary environment. - There has also been the opportunity to meet the needs of ethnic minorities in the Craigavon area