792 resultados para Northern Ireland, crime fiction, literary translation


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Radon Affected Area potential in Northern Ireland was estimated using a joint mapping method. This method allows variation of radon potential both between and within geological units. The estimates are based on the results of radon measurements and geological information for more than 23,000 homes. Elevated radon potential is presented here as indicative maps based on the highest radon potential for each 1 kilometre square of the Irish grid. The full definitive detail is published as a digital dataset for geographical information systems, which can be licensed. The estimated radon potential for an individual home can be obtained through the Public Health England (PHE) UKradon website. The work was partially funded by the Northern Ireland Environment Agency and was prepared jointly by PHE and the British Geological Survey. This report replaces the 2009 review and atlas (HPA-RPD-061).


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Independent Inquiry into Child Sexual Exploitation (CSE), led by Kathleen Marshall In September 2013, a Ministerial Summit was held on the theme of child sexual exploitation (CSE) in Northern Ireland. The Police Service of Northern Ireland (PSNI) referred to Operation Owl, an investigation of allegations of CSE in Northern Ireland, which had resulted in a number of adults being interviewed and some being arrested. Two weeks later, the then Minister for Health, Social Services and Public Safety, Edwin Poots, announced three actions to address this issue: an ongoing PSNI investigation focusing on 22 children and young people; a thematic review of these cases by the Safeguarding Board for Northern Ireland (SBNI); and an independent, expert-led inquiry into CSE in Northern Ireland, to be commissioned by the Minister for Health, Social Services and Public Safety and the Minister of Justice. The Minister for Education agreed that the Education and Training Inspectorate (ETI) would enjoin the Inquiry in relation to schools and the effectiveness of the statutory curriculum with respect to CSE. The Inquiry was to focus on both children and young people living at home in the community and those living in care. This is an executive summary of the report of this Inquiry.    


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DHSSPS has carried out a review of policy on maternity service provision in Northern Ireland. The review focused on the best available evidence for the care and treatment of mothers-to-be; quality, safety and service sustainability; wider workforce issues; and professional roles and responsibilities. As a result, a draft strategy was developed, which was the subject of a public consultation from 28 September 2011 to 23 January 2012. Following an analysis of the responses to the consultation, the final strategy, A Strategy for Maternity Care in Northern Ireland 2012-2018, was published on 2 July 2012. The Strategy is outcomes focused. The six outcomes are:- give every baby and family the best start in life; effective communication and high-quality maternity care; healthier women at the start of pregnancy (preconception care); effective, locally accessible, antenatal care and a positive experience for prospective parents; safe labour and birth (intrapartum) care with improved experiences for mothers and babies; and appropriate advice, and support for parents and baby after birth The strategy aims to provide women and their partners, HSC staff, commissioners and policy makers with a clear pathway for maternity care in Northern Ireland from pre conceptual care through to postnatal care. Within the document, twenty two objectives have been identified which link to the six outcomes identified above. The HSC Board and Public Health Agency will co-lead on implementation. An action plan will be developed to take account of the outcomes and objectives listed in the document. The Department will receive an annual report on progress towards implementation.


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Consultation Response Report From 24 November 2015 until 14 December 2015 the Department ran a targeted consultation in relation to the HMT requirement to introduce modifications to primary legislation as a result of the introduction of the Firefighters’ Pension Scheme (2015) from 1 April 2015.  


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Statistics and research for the Department of Health, Social Services and Public Safety is provided by Information Analysis Directorate (IAD). This report presents results from the 2014/15 Health Survey Northern Ireland. It includes information on general health, mental health and wellbeing, diet and nutrition, breastfeeding, oral health, medicines, obesity, smoking, and sexual health. Only differences that are statistically significant at the 95% confidence level are reported. The fieldwork for this survey was conducted between April 2014 and March 2015. Results are based on responses from 4,144 individuals, with a response rate of 64% achieved.


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This key facts publication provides an interim update to the NI health & social care inequalities monitoring system (HSCIMS) regional reports which are published every other year. It presents a summary of the latest position and inequality gaps between the most deprived areas and both the least deprived areas and the NI average in addition to a regional comparison with rural areas for a range of health outcomes included within the HSCIMS series, in addition to the health survey Northern Ireland (HSNI).


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Funded by HSC R&D Division, Public Health Agency Why did we start? Potentially new information, especially relating to the characteristics of those who had died by suicide was made available through the Coroner’s Office.  The information made available to us covered deaths that occurred in the years 2005 to the end of 2011. What did we do? First we addressed the descriptive characteristics associated with this group of individuals. These descriptive characteristics included information relating to (1) means by which the death occurred (2) gender, age and employment status of the person (3) prior attempts (4)  alcohol and prescription use around time of death (5) adverse events (6) use of health services and (7) mental and physical health problems. Second we examined area level residential location in terms of Local Government Districts, and Wards within Northern Ireland. To address this area level of analysis, standardised mortality ratios (SMRs) were used.      


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Funded by HSC R&D Division, Public Health Agency Why did we start? Most people who complete suicide are in contact with their family doctors or other services in the months prior to death. A better understanding of the nature of these contacts and the various pathways experienced by suicidal people should reveal the gaps and barriers to effective service provision. We also need better information about the difficulties experienced by family carers, both prior to the death and afterwards. Of particular interest to policy makers in Northern Ireland was a concern that people from rural areas may be at increasing risk of suicide. We were commissioned by the Health and Social Care R&D Division of the Northern Ireland Public Health Agency to address the gaps in our understanding of suicide in NI. What did we do? We undertook a mixed methods study in which we examined the records of 403 people who took their own lives over a two-year period between March 2007 and February 2009. We linked these data to GP records and then examined help-seeking pathways of people and their contacts with services. We did in-depth face-to-face interviews with 72 bereaved relatives and friends who discussed their understanding of the events and circumstances surrounding the death, the experience of seeking help for the family member, the personal impact of the suicide, and use of support services. Additionally, we interviewed 19 General Practitioners about their experiences of managing people who died by suicide.            


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Top Tips for Parents Polish Translation - Your Guide to Positive Parenting


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Top Tips for Parents Portugese Translation - Your Guide to Positive Parenting


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Top Tips for Parents Lithuanian Translation - Your Guide to Positive Parenting


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Top Tips for Parenting Teenagers Polish Translation - Your guide to positive parenting


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Top Tips for Parenting Teenagers - Your guide to positive parenting


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Your Guide to Positive Parenting Teenagers


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Your Guide to Positive Parenting Teenagers