427 resultados para Benzodiazepine usage in Ireland


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The prioritising health impacts tool provides a framework for prioritising health impacts.


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The forming recommendation tool provides a template to record the recommendations and how they will be implemented by the decision-maker


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This tool provides a template to monitor the implementation of the HIA recommendations by identified decision-makers


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The HIA Forum provides an opportunity for those with an interest in HIA to meet, share experiences, hear about new developments and consider how to progress HIA. 2009 HIA Forum events focused on how HIA can and is being used to support healthier communties.


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This presentation provided an overview of Health Impact Assessment


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This presentation provided an overview of Health Impact Assessment


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Presentation which considers how HIA can be used as a tool to support healthier communities


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This document describes Health Impact Assessment (HIA) and the steps involved in HIA.  It gives advice based on the experience of HIA practitioners and provides tools to help carry out these steps and adapt HIA to local circumstances. This guidance manual explains what Health Impact Assessment (HIA) is and the stages involved in conducting it. It has been revised and updated based on the experience of HIA practitioners and includes new tools which have been developed to assist each step of the HIA process. It aims to provide a user friendly and practical framework to guide policy-makers and practitioners in undertaking HIA. All HIA tools contained in this guidance and further information on HIA may be found at http://www.publichealth.ie/hia


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IPH conducted a rapid HIA appraisal in response to the consultation on DSD Draft Regeneration Framework. The Department for Social Development (DSD) has developed a Draft Regeneration Framework for the North West Quarter Part 2 area of Belfast City Centre, to be known as the Northside Urban Village. The Framework, which outlines the vision for the redevelopment of an inner city area of Belfast was released for public consultation in April 2008. In responding to this consultation, the Institute of Public Health in Ireland (IPH) conducted a Health Impact Assessment (HIA) in order to assess how the proposed Framework might impact on the health of those living in or close to the area as well as the wider Belfast population. The key recommendations which resulted from this process have been presented to the Department. This paper presents an overview of the HIA conducted.


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This review is the third in the series and illustrates how the built environment impacts on health. It also highlights the unequal distribution of these impacts on different sections of the population. We hope it will help inform debate about the links between the built environment and health and be a useful resource for those working to influence public policy for health at local and national level across the island. The review has an extensive reference list. To supplement the health impacts of the built environment review a 'sources of information' list has been developed which highlights a number of organisations whose work considers issues relevant to the relationship between health and the built environment.


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This introductory brief has been written as a response to a request for information on HIA and waste management, with particular reference to incineration. EU legislation forms the basis for much of Irish waste management policy. Waste Management – Taking Stock and Moving Forward (2004) sets targets for increased prevention and minimisation, encourages reuse and gives preference to recovery and recycling, which is in line with the EU’s Sixth Environmental Action Plan (2002). In the area of waste incineration, the Waste Incineration Directive (2000/76/EC) has been transposed into Irish law and sets operating requirements for the incineration of waste.


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Fuel poverty is a significant threat to public health with its links to heart disease, respiratory illness and mental health. People on low incomes are most likely to live in fuel poverty. The Fuel Poverty Strategy, which was launched 23 November, 2004, needed to be adequately resourced to help reduce the devastating effects of health inequalities in our society, according to the Institute of Public Health in Ireland. The Institute of Public Health recently completed research which showed that locally based projects are an effective way of improving the energy efficiency of homes. The findings from the research conducted by the Institute of Public Health showed that local fuel poverty interventions can reduce fuel poverty and improve health: - The energy efficiency of homes were significantly improved - There was a statistically significant increase in levels of benefit uptake - People reported spending less on fuel after intervention - There were significant reductions in the presence of condensation, mould and damp, which is where we have the strongest evidence of links to ill-health - There was a significant reduction in the number of illnesses (associated with fuel poverty) reported by those who received the heating conversion and insulation - People reported reductions in the use of health services after intervention


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Cooperation and Working Together (CAWT), the cross border health and social care partnership has been working with the Departments of Health to progress a three year cross border obesity prevention and management project aimed at families. They have been successful in securing funding from the EU INTERREG IVA programme. A planning workshop focussing on this will be held on Friday 26 June 2009.


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The World Health Organization reports that overweight and obesity have reached epidemic proportions globally and estimates that approximately 1.6 billion adults and at least 20 million children under the age of five are overweight or obese. It is accepted that being overweight or obese increases the risk of health conditions such as heart disease, stroke, diabetes and some cancers and has significant impacts on a wide range of other factors including education, employment and emotional wellbeing. This conference aimed to present a multisectoral audience with the latest developments in overweight and obesity prevention and management. This presentation was given by Dr. Kevin Balanda, Institute of Public Health in Ireland. The Institute of Public Health in Ireland (IPH) is leading the development of an All-Ireland obesity observatory The obesity observatory development is being undertaken in collaboration with: - HRB Centre for Health and Diet Research ヨ UCC /UCD - Centre of Excellence for Public Health (NI) - QUB Projected outcomes: Adequate sample size Data to be sought and recorded Usefulness of a database in influencing policy Value to clinicians in management of obesity


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Lessons from the Decent Food for All(DFfA) Intervention