557 resultados para Northern Indiana Public Service Company.
Revised Consolidated Salary Scales for New Entrants effective from 1 January 2011 Click here to download PDF 5.65MB
CONSOLIDATED SALARY SCALES IN ACCORDANCE WITH CLAUSE 2.31 OF THE HADDINGTON ROAD AGREEMENT These scales must be read in conjunction with Department of Health Circular 3/2014 With reference to Clause 2.31 of the Haddington Road Agreement (HRA) which addresses the remuneration of new entrant grades who entered the Public Service on or after 1 January 2011 and were subject to Department of Health Circular 2/2011 dated 24 March 2011.  New entrants to health sector recruitment grades, who were subject to the 2011 reduced pay rates will be assimilated to the revised/merged incremental payscale as and from 1 November 2013. Download the document here
This leaflet is used to support the Northern Ireland breast screening programme and explains the importance of screening in detecting breast cancer.
This booklet takes smokers through the stages of stopping smoking as well as answers common questions smokers ask about smoking
This report explains the purpose of the PHA, its vision for public health and wellbeing, and the values that underpins its work.
This leaflet provides advice and information on drugs and clubbing, on planning ahead for a night out, dancing and drugs, looking after your friends, drugs and the law and first aid information.
This is an introductory update to the Mental Health and Children's Services Project of the HSCB
This poster is part of an extension of the cleanyourhands campaign, aimed at preventing the spread of healthcare associated infections (HCAIs) in community healthcare settings including primary care and dental services, residential and nursing homes (including independent sector homes), hospices and independent clinics/hospitals. It is designed to heighten awareness among staff in clinical/treatment areas of their power to help protect patients from avoidable infections by cleaning their hands. Due to licensing restrictions, this poster is not available for download. Limited numbers are available from local HSC Trusts (Belfast HSCT and South Eastern HSCT on 028 9056 5862; Southern HSCT on 028 3741 2887; Northern HSCT on 028 2563 5575; Western HSCT on 028 7186 5127).
This poster is part of an extension of the cleanyourhands campaign, aimed at preventing the spread of healthcare associated infections (HCAIs) in community healthcare settings including primary care and dental services, residential and nursing homes (including independent sector homes), hospices and independent clinics/hospitals. It is designed to heighten awareness among staff in clinical/treatment areas of their power to help protect patients from avoidable infections by cleaning their hands. Due to licensing restrictions, this poster is not available for download. Limited numbers are available from local HSC Trusts (Belfast HSCT and South Eastern HSCT on 028 9056 5862; Southern HSCT on 028 3741 2887; Northern HSCT on 028 2563 5575; Western HSCT on 028 7186 5127).
This leaflet explains the benefits of blood spot screening for the newborn
A guide for parents on discussing solvents with their teenagers
What is TB (tuberculosis)? TB is a serious but curable infectious disease. It usually affects the lungs but it can affect other parts of the body. What are the symptoms? Any of the following symptoms may occur: . Cough . Phlegm . High temperature . Sweating at night . Weight loss . Fatigue / general tiredness . Swollen glands If you are concerned that you might have TB, or develop any of these symptoms, please visit your family doctor for advice. How do you catch TB? It is usually spread through the air from someone with the infectious type of TB. The germ gets into the air when that person coughs, sneezes or spits. Who can get TB? Anyone can get TB but it is difficult to catch. It mainly depends on the amount of time that is spent in contact with someone with infectious TB. What if I have been in close contact with someone with infectious TB? If you are identified as a contact at risk from TB then you will be invited for screening. Initial screening consists of a skin test to determine if your immune system recognises TB. The skin test is called the Mantoux test, the result of which needs to be read 48 hours later. People who have a positive skin test and / or evidence of TB infection found on chest X-ray, or who are unwell will be investigated further by a specialist doctor and may be treated with a course of anti-TB medication. How is TB treated? TB is curable. Treatment consists of a long course of different types of specialist antibiotics. What happens next? If you have been identified as a close contact of the case, you will be invited for screening by the accompanying letter. Otherwise, you will have received a general information letter, and have not been identified as requiring screening at this time.
This booklet provides advice on the BCG (Bacillus Calmette-Guerin) vaccination which offers protection against tuberculosis (TB)
This booklet provides the facts about the MMR vaccine against measles, mumps and rubella
This booklet contains the facts about the vaccine against diphtheria, tetanus, whooping cough (pertussis) and polio, and the MMR booster given to children before they start school