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The National Drugs Strategy 2009-16 is a cross cutting area of public policy and service delivery. It is based upon a co-ordinated approach across the full range of Government Departments and Agencies involved in delivering drugs policy. The overall objective of the Strategy is to tackle the harm caused to individuals, families and communities as a result of problem drug and alcohol use through the five pillars of supply reduction, prevention, treatment, rehabilitation and research. The progress achieved across the 63 Actions of the National Drugs Strategy by Government Departments and Agencies is reported here. Click here to download PDF 295kb  


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First Annual Progress Report September 2012 – September 2013 The National Carers' Strategy, which was published in 2012, sets the strategic direction for future policies, services and supports provided by Government Departments and agencies for carers. It is a Cross-Departmental Strategy that sets out; This is the first Annual Report on implementation for the period of September 2012 â?" September 2013. Download Report


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Drugs misuse continues to be one of the most significant challenges facing our country.   It is highly destructive and has devastating effects on individuals, relationships, families, communities and society in general. Implementation of the National Drugs Strategy 2009-2016, which sets out Government policy in dealing with the drugs problem, is being pursued across a range of Government Departments and Agencies.  Solid progress is being made across the 63 Actions of the Strategy, which are based around the five pillars of supply reduction, prevention, treatment, rehabilitation and research. The Oversight Forum on Drugs, which is Chaired by Minister Mr Alex White, meets on a quarterly basis and reviews the implementation of the Strategy. The 2013 Annual Progress Report on the implementation of the actions of the National Drugs Strategy is available here.


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The National Carers' Strategy, which was published in 2012, sets the strategic direction for future policies, services and supports provided by Government Departments and agencies for carers. It is a Cross-Departmental Strategy that sets out; This is the first Annual Report on implementation for the period of September 2012 â?" September 2013.Download the National Carers’ Strategy Annual Report 2013 here


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The Research Strategy for Nursing and Midwifery in Ireland (Department of Health and Children, 2003) was a response to the Commission on Nursing's (Government of Ireland, 1998: p114) suggestion that a national strategy be developed to guide and support the emerging need for the professions of nursing and midwifery to develop a research base as a fundamental to practice. The Commission itself had found a dearth of published Irish nursing and midwifery research (Government of Ireland, 1998; Condell, 1998) due to a lack of policy direction and funding availability. Download document here


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Transforming the future for prostate cancer’ sets out five major goals that the Charity believe need to be achieved for people affected by prostate cancer by 2020. These goals will be reached when everyone concerned – people affected by the disease, charities, health professionals, the NHS, researchers and supporters –moves in the same direction with a sense of united purpose. The Prostate Cancer Charity, as the UK’s leading voluntary organisation working with people affected by prostate cancer, has an essential role to play in leading the prostate cancer community to reach these 2020 goals. This document explains what The Prostate Cancer Charity will be doing over the next six years (2008-14) to fulfil this role. It explains where The Prostate Cancer Charity will be providing services directly and where The Prostate Cancer Charity will be working with others to secure the vital improvements we must see in men’s experiences of prostate cancer. The strategy focuses on five major goals:By 2020, significantly more men will survive prostate cancer. By 2020, society will understand the key facts about prostate cancer and will act on that knowledgeBy 2020, African Caribbean men and women will know more about prostate cancer and will act on that knowledgeBy 2020, inequalities in access to high quality prostate cancer services will be reducedBy 2020, people affected by prostate cancer will have their information and support needs addressed effectively.


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This report outlines the strategic need for, and benefits of, personal and public involvement to all levels of Health and Social Care Research and Development Division activity.


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This review of the Breastfeeding strategy for Northern Ireland, was led by the Breastfeeding Strategy Review Group and carried out by the PHA. It aimed to examine progress on the recommendations of the document and potential barriers to implementation, by consulting widely with key stakeholders. A number of suggestions on the way forward towards formulating a new strategy also emerged.


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Issued jointly by the Health and Social Care Board and Public Health AgencyThe Health and Social Care Board and the Public Health Agency have today launched, for public consultation, a new Community Development Strategy.The consultation period will run for 12 weeks from Friday 10 June until Friday 2 September 2011.The Board and Agency want to see strong, resilient communities where everyone has good health and wellbeing, places where people look out for each other and have community pride in where they live.Residents from deprived areas in Northern Ireland experience;lower life expectancy;higher rates of emergency admission to hospital;higher rates of lung cancer;higher rates of suicide; andhigher rates of smoking and alcohol related deaths.The kinds of health and social care issues which can be improved by community development approaches include depression; isolation; falls amongst elderly people; child protection; teenage pregnancy; childhood asthma; postnatal depression; drug and alcohol abuse; and ultimately also long term conditions such as obesity, diabetes and cancer.The Board and Agency seek a number of benefits from implementing this strategy such as; a reduction in health and wellbeing inequalities, which also means addressing the social factors that affect health; strengthening partnership working with service users, the community and voluntary sectors and other organisations; strengthening families and communities; supporting volunteering and making best use of our resources.John Compton, Chief Executive of the Health and Social Care Board said: "Community development is an important way to improving health and wellbeing - driving a message that 'prevention is better than cure' between different groups and communities, and helping to ensure the most effective use of the health and social care budget."Now more than ever we need to work in partnership with families and communities to achieve better health and wellbeing for those living in Northern Ireland.No one organisation can meet this challenge on its own and strong partnerships are needed. "Chief Executive of the Public Health Agency, Eddie Rooney added: "Every health and social care organisation should incorporate a community development approach into their programmes, and this strategy assists them to do so."The Board and Agency have jointly held pre-consultation workshops over the past few months across Northern Ireland on their Community Development Strategy and have engaged widely with the community and voluntary sectors. We are now keen to receive feedback from individuals, families and the wider community as your views are very important to us - they will help shape the future of community development across the province," he said.The draft Community Development Strategy, as well as information on how you can respond, can be found in the attachments below.


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The third annual Improving Outcomes: A Strategy for Cancer report, in partnership with NHS England and Public Health England, reports on: significant developments in cancer screening - particularly on the first phase of introducing Bowel Scope Screening (BSS) activity to promote earlier diagnosis of symptomatic cancers through the Be Clear on Cancer campaigns and the associated work with primary and secondary care progress in ensuring better access for all to the best possible treatment significant developments in the collection and reporting of new datasets and the analysis of information to drive improvements and inform patients


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The Bush administration announced its 2006 National Drug Control Strategy in the first city to legalize marijuana, a decision that wasn't entirely coincidental. John P. Walters, director of the Office of National Drug Control Policy, who selected a youth drug treatment center here as the site for the announcement, said Denver represented 'a model of what we see and what we're trying to face'. The 2006 strategy calls for a continuation of the Bush administration's balance of reducing demand through, among other things, drug-prevention campaigns, and reducing supply by securing the Mexican border. Mr. Walters described the strategy, implemented in 2001, as a success, pointing to studies showing that overall teenage drug use has dropped since then by 19 per cent. Use of methamphetamine, LSD and steroids also have declined, he said.This resource was contributed by The National Documentation Centre on Drug Use.


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The Mid-Term Review1 of the National Drugs Strategy 2001–2008, published on 2 June 2005, recommends a number of additions and amendments to the existing Strategy, including making rehabilitation a new, ‘fifth’ pillar of the Strategy. The Steering Group that oversaw the Review, and the extensive consultation process on which it is based, found that the aims and objectives of the Strategy are fundamentally sound. While what has been achieved varies from action to action, progress has been made across the four pillars of supply reduction, prevention, treatment and research, and in the co-ordination of the institutional structures of the Strategy. The Review recommends the addition of eight new actions, the replacement of nine of the existing actions and amendments to a further eight. It also recommends revisions to the Strategy’s key performance indicators, reflecting new developments and data availability. The recommendations serve to ‘re-focus and re-energise’ the Strategy in the remaining period up to 2008.This resource was contributed by The National Documentation Centre on Drug Use.


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Workforce planning identifies the composition of the workforce required to deliver health service goals. It encompasses a range of human resource activities aimed at the short, medium and long-term. Workforce planning that is integrated with service and financial planning offers the best opportunity for linking human resource decisions to the strategic goals for the health services. Systems and structures are required to support and develop workforce planning activities


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CARDI's submission to the Department of Health on the National Dementia Strategy is available here:CARDI: Development of a National Strategy on Dementia


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The submission from the Irish Society of Physicians in Geriatric Medicine to the Minister for Health and Children for the National Dementia strategy is available to read here