172 resultados para Health of men in Ireland
SLÃÅN: Injuries in Ireland – Findings from National Population Surveys Click to download PDF 982kb
Palliative Care For Children With Life-Limiting Conditions In Ireland- A National Policy Click here to download PDF 1.30MB
MEAS (Mature Enjoyment of Alcohol in Society Limited) is an alcohol social responsibility organisation committed to tackling the problems of alcohol abuse and misuse. A registered charity, MEAS works in partnership with Government, with other appropriate bodies, including An Garda Siochana, the Road Safety Authority and local authorities and with the alcohol industry to promote the responsible marketing, retailing and use of alcohol in Irish society. Click here to download PDF 176kb
A major challenge facing societies across the world today is population ageing. The fact that people are living longer and the notable improvements in the overall quality of life and well-being of older people today needs to be celebrated. However, population ageing will inevitably result in an increase in disability and a very significant increase in the incidence of age-related health problems especially Alzheimer's disease and the related dementias. Click here to download PDF 2.5mb
 Drug Use in Ireland and Northern Ireland 2010/2011 Drug Prevalence Survey: Cocaine Results Bulletin 4 Download the report here  Â
9.2.2006 This is a publication of The National Council on Ageing and Older People On 17 May 2005, the National Council on Ageing and Older People (NCAOP) held a national conference in Tullamore, Co. Offaly, on the theme, Towards an Age Friendly Society in Ireland.The conference aimed to focus discussion on the kind of society we want to achieve for older people in Ireland. This report chronicles the proceedings of that conference. Read the report (PDF, 675kb) Â
Although prevention is the primary aim of cancer control, early diagnosis and effective treatment are also central to reducing disability and death from cancer. Research in Ireland and internationally has shown major differences between women in the stage (extent) of their cancer when first diagnosed, in access to screening, and in the type of treatment received. These factors have also been shown to determine the rate of cure of cancers and the length of survival for those not cured. Many countries, including Ireland, have developed cancer policies in the past decade, with the aim of improving access, and ensuring that all cancer patients have appropriate, and evidence-based, treatment. These changes have major implications for women in Ireland, for example in the provision of breast and cervical screening programmes and in the expansion of specialist treatment centres for breast cancer. This is a publication of the Women’s Health Council. Read the report (PDF, 1.37mb) Read the Summary (PDF, 120kb)
This report is a Value for Money (VFM) evaluation, conducted by the National Hospitals Office (NHO) of the Health Service Executive (HSE) on the allocation and utilisation of funding for expenditure in the Southern Hospitals Group (SHG) in 2006. The SHG consists of nine hospitals in the HSE South region. The 2006 expenditure for the SHG covered by the evaluation was 590.1 million. Performance trends were studied over the period 2004 to 2006. Download document here Value for Money & Policy Review of Allocation & Utilisation of Funding in Acute Services in the Southern Hospitals Group (in 2006) – Department of Health and Children Response & Implementation Plan
This is Ireland's third biennial State of the Nation's Children report. These reports,which provide the most up-to-date data on all indicators in the National Set of Child Well-Being Indicators, aim to:- chart the well-being of children in Ireland;- track changes over time;- benchmark progress in Ireland relative to other countries;- highlight policy issues arising. Download document here
To address diet and lifestyle issues and improve the health of the over 50s in Gilford. Outcome: Health related issues for example heart disease, osteoporosis and diabetes were raised and members became more aware of their health, lifestyle and specifically diet through individual consultations with pharmacist and nutritionist and through group sessions. The pharmacist has worked well with the GP and is broadening links with other support agencies eg CAB. The GP / Pharmacist relationship has strengthened.
The MHFA Manual is the basis of the MHFA Northern Ireland training programme. It has been adapted from the original MHFA programme deveoped in Australia. The manual gives an overview of mental health in Northern Ireland, outlines the MHFA action plan, explores in detail the MHFA approach to major mental health problems, and provides an in-depth resource section with details of related organisations and sources of help.
This leaflet provides more detailed information in a question and answer format about the HPV vaccine offered to girls in Year 9 which can help protect against cervical cancer.
Over the last decade Belfast has experienced significant political, economic and social change. As a consequence, the population of greater Belfast has increased substantially over the past decade. This has been as a result of both natural change and net migration gain. This report covers the following issues legislation on immigration, work, health & social services and social security entitlements; health issues; migrant health priorities identified at the Stakeholder Workshop held in April 2010.
The principal aim of this study was to describe general practitioners management of patients with acute infectious gastroenteritis
Briefing 9 - Understanding the economics of investments in the social determinants of health This document, commissioned by Public Health England, and written by the UCL Institute of Health Equity, examines how to use measures of economic investment to improve and increase local investment in the social determinants of health. The paper provides information to support decision-making on actions to address the social determinants of health and the development of business cases for investment. It supplements the evidence reviews in this series, which include information on the economic impacts of actions on health inequalities, and should help the reader to be an intelligent customer and commissioner of economic analyses and to understand their limitations. The paper covers: - The rationale for understanding, measuring and taking into account the economic impact of decisions and interventions that impact on the social determinants of health.- The benefits and limitations of various ‘economic measures of impact’ – commonly used terms which can be confusing, sometimes leading to misinterpretation of which measure of economic impact is appropriate for what purpose.- What is currently known about the economic impact of intervening in the social determinants of health.- Good practice and further resources which will support better decisions. The briefing is available to download above. This document is part of a series. An overview document which provides an introduction to this and other documents in the series, and links to the other topic areas, is available on the ‘Local Action on health inequalities’ project page. A video of Michael Marmot introducing the work is also available on our videos page.