37 resultados para home-dwelling
Guidance on Being an Approved Home Childcarer - a guide for home childcarers
Guidance on Employing an Approved Home Childcarer - a guide for parents
Home Childcarer Approval Scheme Application Form HCC1
Early Years Home Childcare Approval Scheme - frequently asked questions
Report on the Review of the Home Accident Prevention Strategy & Action Plan 2004-09
Tackling Violence at Home Action Plans
Tackling Violence at Home
Arrangements to support continuity of oxygen supply to patients using the NHS home oxygen service in the four countries within the United Kingdom
Home Based Childcare Scheme - Summary Responses on consultation
The overall aim of the strategy is “To reduce the number of accidental deaths and injuries in the home.” OBJECTIVES OF THE STRATEGY The key objectives are: • to reduce home accidents, particularly in those most at risk; • to raise awareness of the causes of home accidents and promote effective preventative measures to reduce such accidents; • to promote and facilitate effective training, skills and knowledge in home accident prevention across all relevant organisations, groups and individuals. These objectives will be met through integrated and effective approaches including: • education and information programmes to promote home safety, and promote a change in public behaviour towards home accident prevention; and • the use of evidence based practice, models of good practice, and by evaluating home accident prevention initiatives. OUTCOMES If successful, implementation of this strategy will lead to a reduction in the number of home accidents and contribute to the outcome “reduction in preventable deaths and diseases and improvement in wellbeing” set out in the Northern Ireland Priorities and Budget 2004-2006.
Response to the Office of Fair Trading on the Care Home Market
Tackling Violence at Home
A Healthier Future: A Twenty Year Vision for Health and Wellbeing in Northern Ireland 2005-2025