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This booklet provides an overview of selected key trends in health in Ireland in recent years. Tables and graphs are presented which summarise information on demographics, on health status and on health care in order to give a quick reference guide in major areas of health and health services. The past decade has been a time of rapid change in many aspects of life in Ireland. The evidence presented in this booklet reflects this period of change with respect to health. Download document here
Health in Ireland, Key Trends 2009 Click here to download PDF 2mb
This edition of Health in Ireland: Key Trends provides an overview of significant trends in health and the health services during the past decade. The aim is to reflect the main areas of health and health care and to highlight selected topics of growing concern and/or where new data has become available. Click here to download 2.03MB PDF
The purpose of Health in Ireland, Key Trends 2011, as with previous editions, is to provide summary data on the main areas of health and health care over the past decade. It also aims to highlight selected trends and topics of growing concern and to include new data where it becomes available. A further objective is to assess ourselves and our progress in the broader EU context. With these goals in mind, the booklet is divided into six chapters ranging from population, life expectancy and health status through to health care delivery, staffing and costs. Click here to download PDF 2.26MB
Health in Ireland, Key Trends 2012 provides summary statistics on health and health care over the past decade. It also aims to highlight selected trends and topics of growing concern and to include new data where it becomes available. Â Click here to download PDF 2.7mb
The HBSC is a cross-sectional study conducted in collaboration with the World Health Organization (WHO) Regional Office for Europe. It runs every 4 years and in 2010 there were 43 participating countries and regions collecting data on the health behaviours, health outcomes and contexts of childrenâ?Ts lives. The Irish survey has been carried out by the Health Promotion Research Centre, NUI Galway since 1998 and brings together all the data (relating to almost 40,000 Irish children) collected over this period to examine the key trends and patterns between 1998 and 2010. In terms of risky behaviour, the survey reports that in 2010 12% of Irish children said they were smoking compared to 21% in 1998. 28% reported that they had been drunk compared to 29% in 1998. 8% reported that they had used cannabis compared to 10% in 1998. In terms of positive behaviour, seat-belt wearing rates have doubled (82%) amongst children since 1998 and 33% reported that their health was excellent compared to 28% in 1998. High rates of life satisfaction (76%) and reported happiness (91%) continue. Click here to download The HBSC Ireland Trends Report 1998 – 2010 PDF 958KB
Health in Ireland, Key Trends 2013 provides summary statistics on health and health care over the past ten years. It also highlights selected trends and topics of growing concern and includes new data which has become available during the course of the year. An important objective is to assess ourselves and our progress in the broader EU context. The booklet is divided into six chapters ranging across population, life expectancy and health status through to health care delivery, staffing and costs. Overall, the picture which emerges is of continuing progress, but at a reduced rate, set in a context of very ignificant financial constraints. Rapid ageing of the population in conjunction with lifestyle-related health threats present major challenges now and for the future in sustaining and further improving health and health services in Ireland Click here to download PDF 3.2MB
This is the fourth annual report to the EMCDDA from the Norwegian Institute for Alcohol and Drug Research (SIRUS) on the drugs situation in Norway. The report has been drawn up in accordance with the new reporting guidelines introduced by the EMCDDA this year. We have endeavoured to follow these as consistently as possible, with the main focus on “new developments” and substantial changes in epidemiology, legislation and organisation. To allow readers to obtain more background information the report contains a number of references to the national report for 2003, and occasional references to the report for 2002.This resource was contributed by The National Documentation Centre on Drug Use.
This is a 2006 national report to the EMCDDA, using 2005 data. It is compiled by the Reitox national focal point and covers epidemiology, policing, strategy, drugs markets, drug-related infectious diseases, drug-related death and problem drug use in Norway.This resource was contributed by The National Documentation Centre on Drug Use.
Despite a dramatic reduction since the late 1960s, cardiovascular disease remains the largest cause of death in Australia.Cardiovascular disease mortality: trends at different ages examines recent data to determine if the observed decrease in cardiovascular disease deaths since the 1960s is shared across disease sub-types and among different population groups.This report includes information on the past and recent trends of key cardiovascular diseases such as coronary heart disease and stroke, and describes how trends vary on the basis of age group and sex. International trends are also presented for comparison.The analyses presented in this report help to better understand what is driving the observed decrease in cardiovascular disease deaths, and are a useful resource for policy makers, researchers and health professionals interested in cardiovascular diseases.
The trends in the variance of length of life, and in the variance of length of adult life in particular, are not well understood, while world inequality in length of adult life has remained stagnant. This��research��from the National Bureau of Economic Research (US)��examines life-span inequality in a broad, balanced panel of 180 rich and poor countries observed in 1970 and 2000. While the share of inequality within countries has decreased over time, inequalities between different countries have unambiguously increased. �� ��
Breastfeeding has important health benefits for both mother and child. Breastfed babies are less likely to report with gastric, respiratory and urinary tract infections and allergic diseases, while they are also less likely to become obese in later childhood. Improving breastfeeding initiation has become a national priority, and a national target has been set ̢?oto deliver an increase of two percentage points per annum in breastfeeding initiation rate, focusing especially on women from disadvantaged areas̢?. Despite improvements in data quality in previous years, it still remains difficult to construct an accurate and reliable picture of variations and trends in breastfeeding in the East Midlands. It is essential that nationally standardised data collection systems are put in place to enable effective and accurate monitoring and evaluation of breastfeeding status both at a local and national level.
This is an analysis of health trends and inequalities in the East Midlands covering the period 1995 - 2006. Focusing on high-level health indicators, the report gives an overview of health in the East Midlands and evaluates regional trends in relation to national PSA targets. For the first time the report includes obesity prevalence data (adults and children) highlighting the growing importance of obesity within public health. The report also covers: - Life expectancy at birth - Mortality rate from circulatory disease in people aged under 75 - Mortality rate from cancer in people aged under 75 - Mortality rate from accidents in people of all ages - Suicide rate in people of all ages - Teenage pregnancy rate - Prevalence of cigarette smoking in people aged 16 and over (male/female)
This is an analysis of health trends and inequalities in the East Midlands covering the period 1995 - 2007. Focusing on high-level health indicators, the report gives an overview of health in the East Midlands and evaluates regional trends.
A report published in 2002, Monitoring the State of the East Midlands. Sustainable Development Objectives and Targets for the East Midlands. Health Indicators, proposed a set of seven high-level health indicators for monitoring health status and health inequalities in the Region. The report also proposed a number of health improvement and health inequality reduction targets drawn from key national and regional strategy documents including Saving Lives: Our Healthier Nation and The East Midlands Integrated Regional Strategy. These relate to: - Life expectancy at birth. - Teenage pregnancy rate. - Mortality rate from circulatory disease in people aged under 75. - Mortality rate from cancer in people aged under 75. - Mortality rate from accidents in people of all ages. - Suicide rate in people of all ages. - Prevalence of cigarette smoking in people aged 16 and over. Progress towards these targets will indicate that the twin aims of the regional public health strategy Investment for Health - to improve health and to reduce health inequalities - are being achieved. This report updates these indicators with the latest available data. At the time of writing, data were available for years up to and including 2003 for most indicators. Please note that the latest data are provisional at this stage.