245 resultados para dementia care
The Conference, which took place on 4th June 1999 in the Royal Marine Hotel, Dun Laoghaire, marked the publication of the Councilâ?Ts latest report â?" An Action Plan for Dementia. The Action Plan takes as its guiding principle the recognition of the individuality of the person with dementia and of his or her needs. It outlines an approach to developing available, accessible and high quality services in the context of existing resources and public expenditure constraints. Its aim is to describe a best practice model of dementia care in Ireland â?" a model which may inform and guide policy makers and others involved in planning service provision, and which may give support and assistance to those who endeavour to provide flexible services at the local level. Download the Report here
A major challenge facing societies across the world today is population ageing. The fact that people are living longer and the notable improvements in the overall quality of life and well-being of older people today needs to be celebrated. However, population ageing will inevitably result in an increase in disability and a very significant increase in the incidence of age-related health problems especially Alzheimer's disease and the related dementias. Click here to download PDF 2.5mb
Dementia is a progressive condition that largely affects older people, impacting on their memory, language, ability to communicate, mood and personality. The course of the illness may be gradual and sometimes subtle, as is classically the case in Alzheimerâ?Ts disease. While dementia is a medical condition, recent insights from the psychosocial, sociopolitical and public health perspectives have focused attention on the human, social and economic implications of the disease.  Click here to download PDF 2.7mb
Dementia services have moved up the agenda in recent years, highlighted by the publication of the National Dementia Strategy in February 2009. The Health Foundation's improvement report on dementia care hopes to bring together data, research and good practice, with an assessment of the current quality gap.Background to The Health Foundation's Improvement Reports in 2010. At the end of 2009 the Health Foundation agreed a new research and development strategy with the following aims:To make a significant contribution to strengthening the evidence base on how to improve quality in the health care systems of the UK To ensure that this body of knowledge, and a commitment to developing the knowledge shapes our work programmes To promote the use of this evidence base by decision makers at all levels in the health care system Improvement reports will aim to engage the reader by presenting best practice evidence alongside data on current performance and introducing commentary and debate, interpretation about possible next steps and case studies.�� They will build on the success of the chart books produced to date: Bridging the Quality Gap in Stroke services�۪ Quality in healthcare in England, Wales, Scotland, Northern Ireland: an intra-UK chart book�۪, together with Bridging the Quality Gap in Heart Failure�۪ to be published early 2010. Improvement reports will be dynamic and flexible through use of a mix of print products and pages on the Health Foundation�۪s website.
This brand new market briefing adds to the growing national debate on the future of dementia care services, making use of a unique and extensive L&B survey (2008) of over 6,000 care homes in the UK which provide care for people with dementia. It builds on the findings of the Alzheimer’s Society’s Dementia UK report (2007) and the national strategy for dementia Living Well with Dementia (2009) to identify market opportunities and provide essential guidance and information with regard to planning and developing new and existing services.Key issues, facts and figures highlighted in the report include:Dementia care is a multi-billion pound market in the UK and this market is set to grow considerably.��Dementia care in care homes dominates the sector in terms of current market value.��The use of dementia home care – though significantly smaller than the equivalent market in care homes – is set to rise markedly in the future.A significant proportion of residents for whom dementia is a known cause of admission are receiving care in settings which are not dedicated to dementia care.The new national dementia strategy for England, Living Well with Dementia should provide the strongest impetus yet for growth in the market for specialist dementia care.Growing awareness surrounding inappropriate use of anti-psychotic drugs on people with dementia in care homes may have a major operational impact on some homes if controls are increased and could substantially increase costs.Despite evidence of increasing dementia specialisation, there are, as yet, no organisations to emerge with full service dementia expertise and integrated care pathways.The supply of dedicated dementia services varies dramatically by region and locality, reflecting local and regional priorities and commissioning strategies.The design and layout of care homes for people with dementia is key and there is an increasing consensus around what constitutes best practice and ‘dementia friendly design’ .Care home fees for dementia are generally higher than fees for frail elderly residents.The report is essential reading for senior executives and managers within any organisation committed to, or considering involvement in, the dementia care sector, including for-profit, 'third sector' and public sector agencies.For further information, please contact:��Market ReportsTel.��020 7833 9123 orEmail��info@laingbuisson.co.uk��Download Full Brochure including Order Form��Download Contents and Tables�� Featured item on home page:��no��
A new guide on dementia�� in Ireland was launched June 19 by Minister of State at the Department of Health Kathleen Lynch. The guide was developed to disseminate to the public, and in lay man's terms, the key findings contained in a report entitled 'Creating Excellence in Dementia Care: A Research Review to inform Ireland's National Dementia Strategy.' The new guide is a joint collaboration between�� the Living with Dementia programme, Trinity College Dublin, and the Irish Centre for Social Gerontology (ICSG), NUI Galway. The research work was funded by The Atlantic Philanthropies and supported by the Department of Health.Access the guide here: http://livingwithdementia.tcd.ie/assets/pdf/Future_Dementia_Care_in_Irel...
The International Longevity Centre - UK��launched a new paper (Wednesday, 6th July 2011). The last taboo: A guide to dementia, sexuality, intimacy and sexual behaviour in care homes, provides care home workers and managers with information and practical advice on this complex, controversial and sensitive issue.The need for affection, intimacy and relationships for people with dementia in care homes has too often been ignored and side-lined in policy and practice. The onset of old age or a cognitive impairment does not erase the need for affection, intimacy and/or relationships. While the issues involved can be complex, controversial and sensitive and may challenge our own beliefs and value system, it is essential that we understand more about them to foster a more person-centred approach to dementia care. Care home residents with dementia often have complex care needs and trying to understand and respond to the more intimate and sexual aspects of a resident’s personality can be challenging.Aimed at care home workers and managers, the guide not only provides essential information on this aspect of dementia care but offers practical advice to support current work-based practices. Set out in an accessible and easy-to-read format, this guide includes case studies, questions, suggestions and a self assessment quiz to promote easy learning. It also provides a possible pathway for care home managers to develop a guiding policy on sexual expression in dementia.The guide for care staff is summarised in 10 key points:1. Some residents with dementia will have sexual or sensual needs.2. Affection and intimacy contribute to overall health and wellbeing for residents.3. Some residents with dementia will have the capacity to make decisions about their needs.4. If an individual in care is not competent to decide, the home has a duty of care towards the individual to ensure they are protected from harm.5. There are no hard and fast rules. Assess each situation on an individual basis6. Remember not everyone with dementia is heterosexual.7. Inappropriate sexual behaviour is not particularly common in dementia.8. Confront your own attitudes and behaviour towards older people and sex generally.9. Communicate – look at how you can improve communication with your colleagues, managers, residents and carers on this subject10. Look after yourself and remember your own needs as a care professional��The full paper is available: The Last Taboo
The current prevalence of dementia and its associated economic and social burden presents a challenge for the configuration of dementia care services at present and it is clear that this challenge will become ever more urgent as a consequence of population ageing. IPH supports the development of a Dementia Strategy in Ireland that is comprehensive and holistic. We recommend that the strategy encompasses aspects of prevention as well as optimal management at all stages of the disease. IPH considers that a social determinants of health approach that focuses on the prevention of disease and disability could form an important strand of the strategy. Key points from IPH response IPH would emphasise the following key priorities for inclusion in the Dementia Strategy. Adoption of a public health approach as set out by WHO (2011) and the development of an implementation plan and structures to support the Strategy A commitment to primary, secondary and tertiary prevention of dementia. Resourcing of a programme of research to support primary, secondary and tertiary prevention of dementia to ensure a systematic approach to generate an evidence-base and disseminate pertinent findings in the Irish context. Emphasis should be placed on high quality research specifically to:enhance information systems on dementia at a national level A life course approach to tackle the social determinants of dementia and ill-health in later life. Supporting carers for people with dementia
This Symposium, hosted by Dementia Services Information and Development Centre, opened up debate on formal and informal care for people with dementia living in the community and in residential care. ��It also discussed recent research findings on dementia care in Ireland and the United States.Click the link to view the following presentation slides:Professor Steve Zarit - Caregiving at a Cross-Roads; Bridging the Gap between Science and PracticeProfessor Eamon O'Shea - Costing Care for People with Dementia in IrelandDr Caroline O'Nolan - Longterm Residential Care for People with Dementia in Ireland: New Findings from a National SurveyDr Ana Diaz - "I Have a Good Life, I just want to Keep it"; Subjective Understandings and Objective Evaluations of Quality of Life after Diagnosis of DementiaProfessor Charles Normand - Burdens and Paradoxes in Caregiving
This report gives a comprehensive and up-to-date review of Alzheimer's disease biomarkers. Recent years have seen significant advances in this field. Whilst considerable effort has focused on A�_ and tau related markers, a substantial number of other molecules have been identified, that may offer new opportunities.This Report : Identifies 60 candidate Alzheimer's (AD) biomarkers and their associated studies. Of these, 49 are single species or single parameters, 7 are combinations or panels and 4 involve the measurement of two species or parameters or their ratios. These include proteins (n=34), genes (n=11), image-based parameters (n=7), small molecules (n=3), proteins + genes (n=2) and others (n=3). Of these, 30 (50%) relate to species identified in CSF and 19 (32%) were found in the blood. These candidate may be classified on the basis of their diagnostic utility, namely those which i) may allow AD to be detected when the disease has developed (48 of 75†= 64%), ii) may allow early detection of AD (18 of 75† = 24%) and iii) may allow AD to be predicted before the disease has begun to develop (9 of 75†= 12%). † Note: Of these, 11 were linked to two or more of these capabilities (e.g. allowed both early-stage detection as well as diagnosis after the disease has developed).Biomarkers: AD biomarkers identified in this report show significant diversity, however of the 60 described, 18 (30%) are associated with amyloid beta (A�_) and 9 (15%) relate to Tau. The remainder of the biomarkers (just over half) fall into a number of different groups. Of these, some are associated with other hypotheses on the pathogenesis of AD however the vast majority are individually unique and not obviously linked with other markers. Analysis and discussion presented in this report includes summaries of the studies and clinical trials that have lead to the identification of these markers. Where it has been calculated, diagnostic sensitivity, specificity and the capacity of these markers to differentiate patients with suspected AD from healthy controls and individuals believed to be suffering from other neurodegenerative conditions, have been indicated. These findings are discussed in relation to existing hypotheses on the pathogenesis of the AD and the current drug development pipeline. Many uncertainties remain in relation to the pathogenesis of AD, in diagnosing and treating the disease and many of the studies carried out to identify disease markers are at an early stage and will require confirmation through larger and longer investigations. Nevertheless, significant advances in the identification of AD biomarkers have now been made. Moreover, whilst much of the research on AD biomarkers has focused on amyloid and tau related species, it is evident that a substantial number of other species may provide important opportunities.Purpose of Report: To provide a comprehensive review of important and recently discovered candidate biomarkers of AD, in particular those with potential to reliably detect the disease or with utility in clinical development, drug repurposing, in studies of the pathogenesis and in monitoring drug response and the course of the disease. Other key goals were to identify markers that support current pipeline developments, indicate new potential drug targets or which advance understanding of the pathogenesis of this disease.Drug Repurposing: Studies of the pathogenesis of AD have identified aberrant changes in a number of other disease areas including inflammation, diabetes, oxidative stress, lipid metabolism and others. These findings have prompted studies to evaluate some existing approved drugs to treat AD. This report identifies studies of 9 established drug classes currently being investigated for potential repurposing.Alzheimer’s Disease: In 2005, the global prevalence of dementia was estimated at 25 million, with more than 4 million new cases occurring each year. It is also calculated that the number of people affected will double every 20 years, to 80 million by 2040, if a cure is not found. More than 50% of dementia cases are due to AD. Today, approximately 5 million individuals in the US suffer from AD, representing one in eight people over the age of 65. Direct and indirect costs of AD and other forms of dementia in the US are around $150 billion annually. Worldwide, costs for dementia care are estimated at $315 billion annually. Despite significant research into this debilitating and ultimately fatal disease, advances in the development of diagnostic tests for AD and moreover, effective treatments, remain elusive.Background: Alzheimer's disease is the most common cause of dementia, yet its clinical diagnosis remains uncertain until an eventual post-mortem histopathology examination is carried out. Currently, therapy for patients with Alzheimer disease only treats the symptoms; however, it is anticipated that new disease-modifying drugs will soon become available. The urgency for new and effective treatments for AD is matched by the need for new tests to detect and diagnose the condition. Uncertainties in the diagnosis of AD mean that the disease is often undiagnosed and under treated. Moreover, it is clear that clinical confirmation of AD, using cognitive tests, can only be made after substantial neuronal cell loss has occurred; a process that may have taken place over many years. Poor response to current therapies may therefore, in part, reflect the fact that such treatments are generally commenced only after neuronal damage has occurred. The absence of tests to detect or diagnose presymptomatic AD also means that there is no standard that can be applied to validate experimental findings (e.g. in drug discovery) without performing lengthy studies, and eventual confirmation by autopsy.These limitations are focusing considerable effort on the identification of biomarkers that advance understanding of the pathogenesis of AD and how the disease can be diagnosed in its early stages and treated. It is hoped that developments in these areas will help physicians to detect AD and guide therapy before the first signs of neuronal damage appears. The last 5-10 years have seen substantial research into the pathogenesis of AD and this has lead to the identification of a substantial number of AD biomarkers, which offer important insights into this disease. This report brings together the latest advances in the identification of AD biomarkers and analyses the opportunities they offer in drug R&D and diagnostics.��
Good Practice Guidance
The Alzheimer Society of Ireland in conjunction with St. Luke’s Home has published a report ‘Continuing to care for people with dementia’ which explores Irish family carers’ experience of their relative’s transition to a nursing home.�� The report was researched and written by Professor Murna Downs, Bradford Dementia Group, University of Bradford. The full report is available below:Continuing to care for people with dementia����
Alzheimer’s Australia recently commissioned research group Access Economics to model different scenarios for the supply of aged care, to identify strategies to increase consumer choice and to promote service flexibility, and to identify funding options for a sustainable aged care system into the future. The report, Caring places: planning for aged care and dementia 2010-2050, found that the number of people with dementia will quadruple by 2050 to nearly 1 million.Caring places: planning for aged care and dementia 2010-2050
End of life care standards for people with dementiaThis project, funded under Call 1 of CARDI’s Grants Programme and led by Dr Suzanne Cahill, School of Social Work and Social Policy, Trinity College Dublin, highlights the need for guaranteed standards of care for older people with dementia at the end of their lives.The research recommends the introduction of standards as a matter of urgency because of the huge increases in the number of people affected, and the number likely to be affected in the future. It is estimated that the number of people with dementia in the Republic of Ireland will rise from 44,000 to 104,000 by 2036 and in Northern Ireland from 16,000 to 47,000 in 2051.The research draws attention to the importance of agreeing new standards in Ireland, North and South, by proposing guidelines to develop policies and practices that can reflect the best available throughout the world.Research Team:•������ Dr Suzanne Cahill, School of Social Work and Social Policy, Trinity College Dublin•������ Ms Daphne Doran, Quality Initiatives, Belfast•������ Dr Max Watson, University of Ulster and Northern Ireland HospiceResearch briefingFull report��
Dementia UK, as a member of the Dying Matters coalition, contributed to a new leaflet that discusses how to begin conversations around end of life care for people with dementia. Aimed at GPs and families who have recently received a dementia diagnosis, this leaflet provides at-a-glance information about having this very necessary conversation and includes information about when to talk about it and tips about what to say. Download the leaflet