28 resultados para Ongoing concessions


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The Department of Health, Social Services and Public Safety invited submissions on the development of a new ten-year Breastfeeding Strategy for Northern Ireland 2012-2022 between May and September 2012. The draft Breastfeeding Strategy 2012 – 2022 proposes further action in relation to breastfeeding and aims to protect, promote, support and normalise breastfeeding within the population of Northern Ireland. Key points from IPH response IPH welcomes the commitment by the Department of Health, Social Services and Public Safety to develop a comprehensive long-term strategy to support women in Northern Ireland to breastfeed. The timeframe provides scope for developing clear long-term targets and actions and the embedding of breastfeeding culture into allied services, policies and programmes throughout Northern Ireland. The draft strategy’s recognition of the potential of breastfeeding as a means for tackling health inequalities forms a central theme of the IPH submission IPH welcomes the success achieved to date in improving breastfeeding. However, it is clear that the overall breastfeeding rate in Northern Ireland still lags behind the rest of the UK. Inequalities in breastfeeding rates remain an ongoing concern. IPH emphasises the importance of integrating the actions of the breastfeeding strategy with the strategic direction of overall public health policy in particular the forthcoming Fit and Well policy framework and early years strategies. IPH welcomes the inclusion of stipulations regarding weaning practices as an important component of the vision and one which, if achieved, will maximize the benefits from improving breastfeeding rates and duration.


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This paper proposes the creation of a new local body to support the initial and ongoing education, practice and performance of Nurses, Midwives and Health Visitors with the primary purpose of enhancing public protection. åÊ


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The development of a children’s hospice is not seen as a priority by the respondents in this study, some of whom raised concerns regarding accessibility and cost. There is a degree of ambiguity however, regarding the role of ‘hospice’ in paediatric palliative care with some respondents associating it only with end-of-life care. There is a substantial need for ongoing education, training and development of healthcare professionals caring for children with life-limiting conditions. Palliative care services currently provided to children in Ireland with life-limiting conditions are seen to be inequitable, differing significantly according to diagnosis (malignant versus nonmalignant) and according to geographic location. This poses challenges, particularly for parents of children with non-malignant diseases. Both families and professionals often deem the physical environment for adolescents in hospitals unsuitable. The difficulties encountered in the transition from children’s services to adult services have been identified as an issue for adolescents. The provision of bereavement support varies between services. Professionals have identified the need for a broader range of bereavement services.


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The Primary Care Steering Group met on the 23rd and 24th September 2003 to discuss the ongoing implementation of the Primary Care Strategy in the context of the Health Service Reform Programme and to make recommendations in this regard to the Secretary General of the Department of Health & Children. At the outset the steering group acknowledges that the reform programme provides significant opportunity for the successful implementation of the primary care strategy. The implementation phase of ten project Primary Care Teams (PCTs) has to-date provided valuable information in relation to current barriers to successful implementation which may now be addressed within the overall reform process. Key themes arising from the discussions formed the basis for the recommendations which are considered by the steering group to be critical elements in achieving successful reform.


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It gives me great pleasure to accept the invitation to address this conference on “Meeting the Challenges of Cultural Diversity in the Irish Healthcare Sector” which is being organised by the Irish Health Services Management Institute in partnership with the National Consultative Committee on Racism and Interculturalism. The conference provides an important opportunity to develop our knowledge and understanding of the issues surrounding cultural diversity in the health sector from the twin perspectives of patients and staff. Cultural diversity has over recent years become an increasingly visible aspect of Irish society bringing with it both opportunities and challenges. It holds out great possibilities for the enrichment of all who live in Ireland but it also challenges us to adapt creatively to the changes required to realise this potential and to ensure that the experience is a positive one for all concerned but particularly for those in the minority ethnic groups. In the last number of years in particular, the focus has tended to be on people coming to this country either as refugees, asylum seekers or economic migrants. Government figures estimate that as many as 340,000 immigrants are expected in the next six years. However ethnic and cultural diversity are not new phenomena in Ireland. Travellers have a long history as an indigenous minority group in Ireland with a strong culture and identity of their own. The changing experience and dynamics of their relationship with the wider society and its institutions over time can, I think, provide some valuable lessons for us as we seek to address the more numerous and complex issues of cultural diversity which have arisen for us in the last decade. Turning more specifically to the health sector which is the focus of this conference, culture and identity have particular relevance to health service policy and provision in that The first requirement is that we in the health service acknowledge cultural diversity and the differences in behaviours and in the less obvious areas of values and beliefs that this often implies. Only by acknowledging these differences in a respectful way and informing ourselves of them can we address them. Our equality legislation – The Employment Equality Act, 1998 and the Equal Status Act, 2000 – prohibits discrimination on nine grounds including race and membership of the Traveller community. The Equal Status Act prohibits discrimination on an individual basis in relation to the nine grounds while for groups it provides for the promotion of equality of opportunity. The Act applies to the provision of services including health services. I will speak first about cultural diversity in relation to the patient. In this respect it is worth mentioning that the recognition of cultural diversity and appropriate responses to it were issues which were strongly emphasised in the public consultation process which we held earlier this year in the context of developing National Anti-Poverty targets for the health sector and also our new national health strategy. Awareness and sensitivity training for staff is a key requirement for adapting to a culturally diverse patient population. The focus of this training should be the development of the knowledge and skills to provide services sensitive to cultural diversity. Such training can often be most effectively delivered in partnership with members of the minority groups themselves. I am aware that the Traveller community, for example, is involved in in-service training for health care workers. I am also aware that the National Consultative Committee on Racism and Interculturalism has been involved in training with the Eastern Regional Health Authority. We need to have more such initiatives. A step beyond the sensitivity training for existing staff is the training of members of the minority communities themselves as workers in our health services. Again the Traveller community has set an example in this area with its Primary Health Care Project for Travellers. The Primary Health Care for Travellers Project was established in 1994 as a joint partnership initiative with the Eastern Health Board and Pavee Point, with ongoing technical assistance being provided from the Department of Community Health and General Practice, Trinity College, Dublin. This project was the first of its kind in the country and has facilitated The project included a training course which concentrated on skills development, capacity building and the empowerment of Travellers. This confidence and skill allowed the Community Health Workers to go out and conduct a baseline survey to identify and articulate Travellers’ health needs. This was the first time that Travellers were involved in this process; in the past their needs were assumed. The results of the survey were fed back to the community and they prioritised their needs and suggested changes to the health services which would facilitate their access and utilisation. Ongoing monitoring and data collection demonstrates a big improvement in levels of satisfaction and uptake and ulitisation of health services by Travellers in the pilot area. This Primary Health Care for Travellers initiative is being replicated in three other areas around the country and funding has been approved for a further 9 new projects. This pilot project was the recipient of a WHO 50th anniversary commemorative award in 1998. The project is developing as a model of good practice which could inspire further initiatives of this type for other minority groups. Access to information has been identified in numerous consultative processes as a key factor in enabling people to take a proactive approach to managing their own health and that of their families and in facilitating their access to health services. Honouring our commitment to equity in these areas requires that information is provided in culturally appropriate formats. The National Health Promotion Strategy 2000-2005, for example, recognises that there exists within our society many groups with different requirements which need to be identified and accommodated when planning and implementing health promotion interventions. These groups include Travellers, refugees and asylum seekers, people with intellectual, physical or sensory disability and the gay and lesbian community. The Strategy acknowledges the challenge involved in being sensitive to the potential differences in patterns of poor health among these different groups. The Strategic aim is to promote the physical, mental and social well-being of individuals from these groups. The objective of the Strategy on these issues are: While our long term aim may be to mainstream responses so that our health services is truly multicultural, we must recognise the need at this point in time for very specific focused responses particularly for groups with poor health status such as Travellers and also for refugees and asylum seekers. In the case of refugees and asylum seekers examples of targeted services are screening for communicable diseases – offered on a voluntary basis – and psychological support services for those who have suffered trauma before coming here. The two approaches of targeting and mainstreaming are not mutually exclusive. A combination of both is required at this point in time but the balance between them must be kept under constant review in the light of changing needs. A major requirement if we are to meet the challenge of cultural diversity is an appropriate data and research base. I think it is important that we build up our information and research data base in partnership with the minority groups themselves. We must establish what the health needs of diverse groups are; we must monitor uptake of services and how well we are responding to needs and we must monitor outcomes and health status. We must also examine the impact of the policies in other sectors on the health of minority groups. The National Health Information Strategy, currently being developed, and the recently published National Strategy for Health Research – Making Knowledge Work for Health provide important frameworks within which we can improve our data and research base. A culturally diverse health sector workforce – challenges and opportunities The Irish health service can benefit greatly from successful international recruitment. There has been a strong non-national representation amongst the medical profession for more than 30 years. More recently there have been significant increases in other categories of health service workers from overseas. The Department recognises the enormous value that overseas recruitment brings over a wide range of services and supports the development of effective and appropriate recruitment strategies in partnership with health service employers. These changes have made cultural diversity an important issue for all health service organisations. Diversity in the workplace is primarily about creating a culture that seeks, respects, values and harnesses difference. This includes all the differences that when added together make each person unique. So instead of the focus being on particular groups, diversity is about all of us. Change is not about helping “them” to join “us” but about critically looking at “us” and rooting out all aspects of our culture that inappropriately exclude people and prevent us from being inclusive in the way we relate to employees, potential employees and clients of the health service. International recruitment benefits consumers, Irish employees and the overseas personnel alike. Regardless of whether they are employed by the health service, members of minority groups will be clients of our service and consequently we need to be flexible in order to accommodate different cultural needs. For staff, we recognise that coming from other cultures can be a difficult transition. Consequently health service employers have made strong efforts to assist them during this period. Many organisations provide induction courses, religious facilities (such as prayer rooms) and help in finding suitable accommodation. The Health Service Employers Agency (HSEA) is developing an equal opportunities/diversity strategy and action plans as well as training programmes to support their implementation, to ensure that all health service employment policies and practices promote the equality/diversity agenda to continue the development of a culturally diverse health service. The management of this new environment is extremely important for the health service as it offers an opportunity to go beyond set legal requirements and to strive for an acceptance and nurturing of cultural differences. Workforce cultural diversity affords us the opportunity to learn from the working practices and perspectives of others by allowing personnel to present their ideas and experience through teamwork, partnership structures and other appropriate fora, leading to further improvement in the services we provide. It is important to ensure that both personnel units and line managers communicate directly with their staff and demonstrate by their actions that they intend to create an inclusive work place which doesn´t demand that minority staff fit. Contented, valued employees who feel that there is a place for them in the organisation will deliver a high quality health service. Your conference here today has two laudable aims – to heighten awareness and assist health care staff to work effectively with their colleagues from different cultural backgrounds and to gain a greater understanding of the diverse needs of patients from minority ethnic backgrounds. There is a synergy in these aims and in the tasks to which they give rise in the management of our health service. The creative adaptations required for one have the potential to feed into the other. I would like to commend both organisations which are hosting this conference for their initiative in making this event happen, particularly at this time – Racism in the Workplace Week. I look forward very much to hearing the outcome of your deliberations. Thank you.


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Thank you Chairman I would like to extend a warm welcome to our keynote speakers, David Byrne of the European Commission, Derek Yach from the World Health Organisation, and Paul Quinn representing Congressman Marty Meehan who sends his apologies. When we include the speakers who will address later sessions, this is, undoubtedly, one of the strongest teams that have been assembled on tobacco control in Europe. The very strength of the team underlines what I see as a shift – a very necessary shift – in the way we perceive the tobacco issue. For the last twenty years, we have lived out a paradox. It isn´t a social side issue. I make no apology for the bluntness of what I´m saying, and will come back, a little later, to the radicalism I believe we need to bring – nationally – to this issue. For starters, though, I want to lay it on the line that what we´re talking about is an epidemic as deadly as any suffered by human kind throughout the centuries. Slower than some of those epidemics in its lethal action, perhaps. But an epidemic, nonetheless. According to the World Health Organisation tobacco accounted for just over 3 million annual deaths in 1990, rising to 4.023 million annual deaths in 1998. The numbers of deaths due to tobacco will rise to 8.4 million in 2020 and reach roughly 10 million annually by 2030. This is quite simply ghastly. Tobacco kills. It kills in many different ways. It kills increasing numbers of women. It does its damage directly and indirectly. For children, much of the damage comes from smoking by adults where children live, study, play and work. The very least we should be able to offer every child is breathable air. Air that doesn´t do them damage. We´re now seeing a global public health response to the tobacco epidemic. The Tobacco Free Initiative launched by the World Health Organisation was matched by significant tobacco control initiatives throughout the world. During this conference we will hear about the experiences our speakers had in driving these initiatives. This Tobacco Free Initiative poses unique challenges to our legal frameworks at both national and international levels; in particular it raises challenges about the legal context in which tobacco products are traded and asks questions about the impact of commercial speech especially on children, and the extent of the limitations that should be imposed on it. Politicians, supported by economists and lawyers as well as the medical profession, must continue to explore and develop this context to find innovative ways to wrap public health considerations around the trade in tobacco products – very tightly. We also have the right to demand a totally new paradigm from the tobacco industry. Bluntly, the tobacco industry plays the PR game at its cynical worst. The industry sells its products without regard to the harm these products cause. At the same time, to gain social acceptance, it gives donations, endowments and patronage to high profile events and people. Not good enough. This model of behaviour is no longer acceptable in a modern society. We need one where the industry integrates social responsibility and accountability into its day-to-day activities. We have waited for this change in behaviour from the tobacco industry for many decades. Unfortunately the documents disclosed during litigation in the USA and from other sources make very depressing reading; it is clear from them that any trust society placed in the tobacco industry in the past to address the health problems associated with its products was misplaced. This industry appears to lack the necessary leadership to guide it towards just and responsible action. Instead, it chooses evasion, deception and at times illegal activity to protect its profits at any price and to avoid its responsibilities to society and its customers. It has engaged in elaborate ´spin´ to generate political tolerance, scientific uncertainty and public acceptance of its products. Legislators must act now. I see no reason why the global community should continue to wait. Effective legal controls must be laid on this errant industry. We should also keep these controls under review at regular intervals and if they are failing to achieve the desired outcomes we should be prepared to amend them. In Ireland, as Minister for Health and Children, I launched a comprehensive tobacco control policy entitled “Towards a Tobacco Free Society“. OTT?Excessive?Unrealistic? On the contrary – I believe it to be imperative and inevitable. I honestly hold that, given the range of fatal diseases caused by tobacco use we have little alternative but to pursue the clear objective of creating a tobacco free society. Aiming at a tobacco free society means ensuring public and political opinion are properly informed. It requires help to be given to smokers to break the addiction. It demands that people are protected against environmental tobacco smoke and children are protected from any inducement to experiment with this product. Over the past year we have implemented a number of measures which will support these objectives; we have established an independent Office of Tobacco Control, we have introduced free nicotine replacement therapy for low-income earners, we have extended our existing prohibitions on tobacco advertising to the print media with some minor derogations for international publications. We have raised the legal age at which a person can be sold tobacco products to eighteen years. We have invested substantially more funds in health promotion activities and we have mounted sustained information campaigns. We have engaged in sponsorship arrangements, which are new and innovative for public bodies. I have provided health boards with additional resources to let them mount a sustained inspection and enforcement service. Health boards will engage new Directors of Tobacco Control responsible for coordinating each health board´s response and for liasing with the Tobacco Control Agency I set up earlier this year. Most recently, I have published a comprehensive Bill – The Public Health (Tobacco) Bill, 2001. This Bill will, among other things, end all forms of product display and in-store advertising and will require all retailers to register with the new Tobacco Control Agency. Ten packs of cigarettes will be banned and transparent and independent testing procedures of tobacco products will be introduced. Enforcement officers will be given all the necessary powers to ensure there is full compliance with the law. On smoking in public places we will extend the existing areas covered and it is proposed that I, as Minister for Health and Children, will have the powers to introduce further prohibitions in public places such as pubs and the work place. I will also provide for the establishment of a Tobacco Free Council to advise and assist on an ongoing basis. I believe the measures already introduced and those additional ones proposed in the Bill have widespread community support. In fact, you´re going to hear a detailed presentation from the MRBI which will amply illustrate the extent of this support. The great thing is that the support comes from smokers and non-smokers alike. Bottom line, Ladies and Gentlemen, is that we are at a watershed. As a society (if you´ll allow me to play with a popular phrase) we´ve realised it´s time to ´wake up and smell the cigarettes.´ Smell them. See them for what they are. And get real about destroying their hold on our people. The MRBI survey makes it clear that the single strongest weapon we have when it comes to preventing the habit among young people is price. Simple as that. Price. Up to now, the fear of inflation has been a real impediment to increasing taxes on tobacco. It sounds a serious, logical argument. Until you take it out and look at it a little more closely. Weigh it, as it were, in two hands. I believe – and I believe this with a great passion – that we must take cigarettes out of the equation we use when awarding wage increases. I am calling on IBEC and ICTU, on employers and trade unions alike, to move away from any kind of tolerance of a trade that is killing our citizens. At one point in industrial history, cigarettes were a staple of the workingman´s life. So it was legitimate to include them in the ´basket´ of goods that goes to make up the Consumer Price Index. It isn´t legitimate to include them any more. Today, I´m saying that society collectively must take the step to remove cigarettes from the basket of normality, from the list of elements which constitute necessary consumer spending. I´m saying: “We can no longer delude ourselves. We must exclude cigarettes from the considerations we address in central wage bargaining. We must price cigarettes out of the reach of the children those cigarettes will kill.” Right now, in the monthly Central Statistics Office reports on consumer spending, the figures include cigarettes. But – right down at the bottom of the page – there´s another figure. Calculated without including cigarettes. I believe that if we continue to use the first figure as our constant measure, it will be an indictment of us as legislators, as advocates for working people, as public health professionals. If, on the other hand, we move to the use of the second figure, we will be sending out a message of startling clarity to the nation. We will be saying “We don´t count an addictive, killer drug as part of normal consumer spending.” Taking cigarettes out of the basket used to determine the Consumer Price Index will take away the inflation argument. It will not be easy, in its implications for the social partners. But it is morally inescapable. We must do it. Because it will help us stop the killer that is tobacco. If we can do it, we will give so much extra strength to health educators and the new Tobacco Control Association. This new organisation of young people who already have branches in over fifteen counties, is represented here today. The young adults who make up its membership are well placed to advise children of the dangers of tobacco addiction in a way that older generations cannot. It would strengthen their hand if cigarettes move – in price terms – out of the easy reach of our children Finally, I would like to commend so many public health advocates who have shown professional and indeed personal courage in their commitment to this critical public health issue down through the years. We need you to continue to challenge and confront this grave public health problem and to repudiate the questionable science of the tobacco industry. The Research Institute for a Tobacco Free Society represents a new and dynamic form of partnership between government and civil society. It will provide an effective platform to engage and mobilise the many different professional and academic skills necessary to guide and challenge us. I wish the conference every success.


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1. Summary of Main Progress Achieved in the Six Month Period April 2011 to September 2011 ICT services and Accounts/Finance services are being provided by the Department to the new Department of Children and Youth Affairs on an ongoing basis.A Special Delivery Unit, as provided for in the Programme for Government, is currently being established.A survey of all staff workloads is currently underway to verify that all staff are appropriately deployed and utilised.   Click here to download PDF 46KB


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This Study was jointly commissioned by the Department of Health and Children in Ireland and the Department of Health, Social Services and Public Safety in Northern Ireland. The main purpose of the Study is to develop a strategic framework for taking forward on a North-South basis future collaborative work in health and social care and in planning and delivering health and social care services, as may be appropriate. The Study sets out examples of current North-South cooperation and Identifies a number of potential areas within which further collaborative work may benefit people living in each jurisdiction. A participative approach was adopted in conducting this work and the outcome represents the collective views of key professionals and managers in both healthcare systems. While North-South collaboration on health related issues is not new, what this Study provides is a structured approach to its ongoing development, with clearly identified areas for further cooperation and explicit roles and responsibilities for Departments and Agencies in both jurisdictions.   Click here to download PDF 213KB


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Engaging the community through a health column in the local press under the direction of the Southern HSSB. Outcome: This ongoing project is working towards promoting health care in the wider community and enabling the general public to better understand the range of services offered by community pharmacy. The health column is publicised in the local press across the SHSSB area and has worked to increase people's awareness of health and has focused on local needs and information, linking in with national and local health promoting campaigns


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This project will build on previous work carried out over the last 3 years. There are 4 main aspects: - intergenerational work focusing on the development of a vegetable garden with pharmacy input on health advice - develop and promote the lunch club which has been very successful to date and has targeted people previously not accessing support or community services in the village - annual health fair - local carer’s advice centre to provide practice information and signposting services. This last aspect is the result of ongoing identification of the need to support carers over the last 2 years of the BCPP project. This project will be driven forward by a lay health worker working closely with the pharmacist Outcome: The project built on previous work. Some of the work included: health fayre, intergenerational garden, and luncheon club. Results from questionnaires showed that the project increased people's awareness of the causes of ill-health and how they might deal with them. People now see the pharmacist as a local and not just as someone dispensing medicine.


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AMH, founded in 1963, one of the largest regional voluntary sector organization in NI, has provided a range of services for people with mental health difficulties and learning disabilities. AMH Ards offers a range of person centred activities eg training in IT, administration, catering, literacy and numeracy, crafts etc. They have completed 2 Level 2 applications. This Level 3 application will endeavor to build on the success of the second project, encouraging and building capacity for people to identify their own health needs, enable them to benefit from a range of support services, including pharmacy available to them. In addition, it will continue to educate and involve pharmacists in the road to mental health recovery. 4 programmes (7 weeks long ï¿_ 3 with the pharmacist) will be delivered each year (2 at each of the centers in Ards and Bangor). This more formal programme will be supplemented by ongoing support, staff training (2 sessions) and 4 informal drop in sessions and more general health events. At all of these sessions, the pharmacists will either lead on or attend.


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The Public Health Agency is using National Breastfeeding Awareness Week (NBAW) to emphasise the message that breastfeeding is the healthiest option for both you and your baby and that by deciding to breastfeed, you will be giving your child the best possible start in life. NBAW runs from 19-25 June and highlights the fact that any period of breastfeeding, however short, will benefit your baby.Breast milk is different to formula milk as it contains antibodies that cannot be manufactured in formula. Antibodies help protect babies from infection and stimulate their immune system.Northern Ireland has the lowest breastfeeding rate in the UK, with an average of 63% of women breastfeeding their baby at birth. Janet Calvert, Regional Breastfeeding Coordinator at the PHA, said: "This is an issue that clearly needs addressed, as breastfeeding has many important health benefits for both mother and baby. These include a reduced risk of ear, chest, kidney and stomach infections and less risk of childhood diabetes and obesity."Breastfeeding can also significantly reduce the risk of hospital admission of children for gastroenteritis and chest infections. The health benefits for mothers who choose to breastfeed include a reduced risk of developing illnesses such as breast cancer, ovarian cancer and osteoporosis."There are other benefits as well as those to your health. Breastfeeding is free - you don't have to buy formula, bottles, teats, sterilising equipment etc. Breast milk is always available, with the right ingredients, at the right temperature, so it's easier to feed at night or on the go.The PHA recognises the importance of breastfeeding to health and the need to ensure that mothers get off to a good start with breastfeeding. It is vital that mothers get the right support and encouragement from their family and friends should they decide to breastfeed. Breastfeeding can be difficult at the start and mothers need reassurance while they learn."There are many local initiatives in the community to improve breastfeeding support. These include improving support in the health service and through Sure Start programmes, which work in areas of need to help ensure children get the best start in life," Janet added."Mother to mother peer support programmes are in place in many areas and are working with expectant and new mothers to help them breastfeed for longer. There are also 70 breastfeeding support groups, which provide ongoing support for breastfeeding mothers throughout Northern Ireland. "The PHA is also working to improve attitudes to breastfeeding in public through the Breastfeeding Welcome Here scheme, which began in 2005 and now has over 200 businesses and public facilities signed up to support and welcome breastfeeding families. All these initiatives, along with support from partners and family, are vital to help expectant and new mothers stay with breastfeeding."Health Minister Edwin Poots said: "There is clear evidence that breastfeeding offers health benefits for both babies and mothers. We know that breast milk gives baby the best start in life by providing all the nutrients and protection a baby needs for the first six months of life. That is why my Department is committed to promoting and supporting breastfeeding".For further information on breastfeeding visit www.breastfedbabies.org.uk


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A major, ongoing Public Health Agency led consultation exercise has identified 12 recommendations to improve the lives of the 48,000 people, and their carers, who experience neurological conditions across Northern Ireland. These recommendations will form the basis of an action plan to improve service delivery and support for those experiencing a range of conditions, such as epilepsy, Huntington's Disease, Parkinson's Disease, progressive supranuclear palsy (PSP) and multiple sclerosis (MS).The recommendations cover four areas:accurate information and diagnosis;control and choice, particularly self-management and person-centred services;day-to-day living and independence, including finance, employment, social life and ability to get out and about;emotional and psychological impact on individuals and families, eg the support available to deal with stress, fear, frustration, isolation, loss and vulnerability associated with living with a neurological condition.The report was launched at a regional workshop, held in Cookstown (today) and co-ordinated through the Neurological Conditions Network, which was established to develop this work.Speaking before the workshop, Health Minister Edwin Poots said: "Neurological conditions give rise to complex needs, which require support from a wide range of professionals. They also change lives, both for those directly affected and for their families and carers, and it is so important not to lose sight of this if we are to successfully address the challenges in tackling neurological conditions."Last week, I visited the home of Beth McCune, who suffers from motor neurone disease. I was invited to see for myself the daily challenges faced by Beth and her husband and carer, Arthur, and to hear of their experiences. While I was struck by their courage and patience, this visit underlined again for me the severe life-changing impact of the disease."At present, there are some 48,000 people in Northern Ireland living with neurological conditions. It was in recognition of the needs of men and women like Beth that my department requested the establishment of the Neurological Conditions Network and provided the necessary funding to support it."Michelle Tennyson, PHA Assistant Director and Chair of the Neurological Conditions Network, said: "This detailed engagement exercise was undertaken to get the views and quality of life experiences of those affected by these conditions. We tried to ensure everyone who wanted to contribute could, by providing support through helplines, the internet and face-to-face events. I am honoured that so many people have trusted us with their experiences to help us make a difference and was privileged to be invited into the home of Beth and Arthur McCune for the same reason."The recommendations cover a range of conditions and their implementation will need cooperation and action from professionals, service users, voluntary organizations and others, across many sectors and agencies. The network is looking forward to delivering on these challenging new ways of working to improve the lives of all those affected by neurological conditions."The workshop attracted service users and carers along with delegates from across Northern Ireland's community, voluntary and statutory sectors.If you have a neurological condition, or care for someone who does, and want to share your experiences, please go to: www.publichealth.hscni.net/ncnsurveyYou can also contact Julie Mawhinney, Tel: 028 9032 1313.


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As we face a difficult economic climate, in which inequalities may worsen, the PHA faces many challenges in its efforts to improve the health of the population. One such challenge is the issue of obesity. Recently, in the Draft Programme for Government and, again today, in anticipation of the publication of the Consultation on the Review of Health and Social Care Services in Northern Ireland, the specific issue of obesity has been highlighted in the media.The PHA is committed to playing a lead role in tackling this major health issue and has been systematically examining the evidence of best practice and effectiveness to ensure that investment and working in partnership will bring clear benefits. A welcome consequence of any success would be a reduction in the impact of the physical, and emotional costs of obesity related ill-health to individuals - and the financial costs to an overstretched healthcare system.A multi-facetted approach to tackling obesity is required for Northern Ireland. This will mean working across government departments, looking at relevant legislation, taxation, food standards and labelling, as well as supporting a raft of programmes within education, workplace, and at the local community level."The prevalence of overweight and obesity has risen dramatically in recent years in Northern Ireland and is now the norm to be overweight, rather than the exception. The Northern Ireland Health and Social Wellbeing Survey (2010-11) indicated that 36% of adults are overweight and a further 23% are obese; this means that approximately 3 in 5 adults in Northern Ireland carry excess weight. A similar proportion of males and females were obese (23%) however males were more likely to be overweight (44%) than females (30%).Data from the Northern Ireland Health and Wellbeing Survey (2010-11) reported that 27% of children aged 2-15 years are obese or overweight. The findings presented here are based on the guidelines put forward by the International Obesity Task Force. Using this approach, 8% of children were assessed as obese, with similar results for boys (8%) and girls (9%). Obesity has serious implications for health and wellbeing and is associated with an increased risk of heart disease and stroke, type 2 diabetes, some cancers, respiratory problems and joint pain.Evidence indicates that being obese can reduce life expectancy by up to 9 years; and it can impact on emotional and psychological well-being and self-esteem, especially among young people.Obesity also impacts on wider society through economic costs, loss of productivity and increased demands on our health and social care system. It is estimated that obesity in Northern Ireland is resulting in 260,000 working days lost each year with a cost to the local economy of £500 million.The good news is that the intentional loss of significant weight (approx 10kg) in overweight and obese adults has been shown to confer significant health benefits, decreased morbidity and may also reduce obesity-related mortality.Key programmes and interventions are undertaken by the PHA in order to prevent and reduce overweight and obesity. The programmes/interventions are supported by significant ongoing work at local level. Examples include:the promotion of breastfeeding; local programmes to increase awareness of good nutrition and develop cooking skills, for example 'Cook It!'; promotion of more active lifestyles, for example, Walking for Health' and 'Teenage Kicks'; development of community allotment schemes; programmes for primary school children, for example Skip2bfit and Eat, Taste and Grow; and sports and other recreation, for example 'Active Belfast'. The PHA's multi media campaign 'It all adds up!' to encourage children to become more active and understand the importance of keeping fit, in a fun and exciting way, ran until October 2011. It encouraged parents and carers to go to the website www.getalifegetactive.com and download the PHA logbook It all adds up! to plan activities as a family. The logbook helped children and parents plan and keep track of their participation in physical activity at school, home and in the community. PHA is currently developing a public information campaign and other supportive work to increase public awareness of obesity as well as to provide advice and support for those who want to make real changes. The campaign development is well underway and is anticipated for launch in late Spring 2012. Like many common health problems, people living in disadvantaged circumstances suffer most and the PHA is committed to tackling this aspect of health inequality. The good news is that even a modest weight loss, of 1-1 Â_ stones, can help to reduce the risk of many of the health problems resulting from being overweight or obese. Information on losing weight through healthier eating and being more active can be found on the PHA websites - www.enjoyhealthyeating.info and www.getalifegetactive.com . These websites provide help and advice for anyone who wants to improve their eating habits and fitness levels, by making small, sustainable, healthy changes to their lifestyle. The PHA leaflet, Small changes, big benefits is also available to download from the PHA website, 'Publications' section.


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Health Minister Edwin Poots today marked the roll-out of a ground-breaking hi-tech scheme which will enable more patients to monitor their health in their own homes. Following funding of £18m from the Department of Health, the newly named Centre for Connected Health and Social Care (CCHSC), part of the Public Health Agency, worked in partnership with business consortium TF3to establish the innovative Telemonitoring NI service. The service is now being delivered by the TF3 consortium in partnership with the Health and Social Care Trusts.Remote telemonitoring combines technology and services that enable patients with chronic diseases to test their vital signs such as pulse, blood pressure, body weight, temperature, blood glucose and oxygen levels at home on a daily basis. The service will now be rolled out to 3,500 patients across Northern Ireland per annum for a period of six years.Mr Poots today visited the home of Larne pensioner Michael Howard who has Chronic Pulmonary Obstructive Disorder (COPD) to hear how Telemonitoring NI has changed his life.During the visit Mr Poots said: "Chronic diseases such as heart disease, diabetes and COPD affect around three quarters of people over the age of 75. This is the generation from whom transport and mobility pose the biggest problems. The Telemonitoring NI service will allow thousands to monitor their vital signs without having to leave their own homes."It means that patients are able to understand and manage their condition better. Many say it has improved their confidence and given them peace of mind. With a health professional monitoring each patient's health on a daily basis, there is less need for hospital admission. Carers are also better informed with the pro-active support provided. It means earlier intervention in, and the prevention of, deterioration of condition, acute illness and hospital admissions."Telemonitoring NI is an excellent example of how the Health Service can innovateusing modern technology to deliver a better service for our patients."Eddie Ritson, Programme Director of CCHSC, PHA, said: "The roll-out of Telemonitoring NI represents a significant step towards providing quality care for the growing number of people with heart disease, stroke, some respiratory conditions and diabetes who want to live at home while having their conditions safely managed."This new service will give people more information which combined with timely advice will enable patients to gain more control over their health while supporting them to live independently in their own homes for longer."A patient will take their vital sign measurements at home, usually on a daily basis. and these will automatically be transmited to the Tf3 system. The resulting readings are monitored centrally by a healthcare professional working in the Tf3 triage team. If the patient's readings show signs of deterioration to an unacceptable level, they will be contacted by phone by a nurse working in a central team and if appropriate a healthcare professional in the patient's local Trust will be alerted to enable them to take appropriate action."Families and carers will also benefit from the reassurance that chronic health conditions are being closely monitored on an ongoing basis. The information collected through the service can also be used by doctors, nurses and patients in making decisions on how individual cases should be managed. "Using the service, Mr Howard, 71, who has emphysema - a long-term, progressive disease of the lungs that primarily causes shortness of breath - monitors his vital signs using the new technology every weekday morning. The information is monitored centrally and if readings show signs of deterioration to an unacceptable level, Mr Howard's local healthcare professional is alerted."Taking my readings is such a simple process but one that gives me huge benefits as it is an early warning system to me and also for the specialist nurses in charge of my care. Without the remote telemonitoring I would be running back and forward to the GPs' surgery all the time to have things checked out," he explained."Having my signs monitored by a nurse means any changes in my condition are dealt with immediately and this has prevented me from being admitted to hospital - in the past I've had to spend six days in hospital any time I'm admitted with a chest infection."The telemonitoring is not only reassuring for me, it also gives me more control over managing my own condition and as a result I have less upheaval in my life, and I'm less of a cost to the health care system. Most importantly, it gives me peace of mind and one less thing to worry about at my age."Patients seeking further information about the new telemonitoring service should contact their healthcare professional.