120 resultados para virus-replication

em Université de Lausanne, Switzerland


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Formation of a membrane-associated replication complex, composed of viral proteins, replicating RNA, altered cellular membranes, and other host factors, is a hallmark of all positive-strand RNA viruses. In the case of HCV, RNA replication takes place in a likely endoplasmic reticulum-derived membrane alteration referred to as the "membranous web." In vitro transcription-translation, membrane extraction and flotation analyses, immunofluorescence microscopy, fluorescent in situ hybridization, and RNA metabolic labeling followed by confocal laser scanning microscopy have yielded insights into the structure and function of the HCV replication complex. We describe these techniques and highlight selected results.


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Hepatitis C virus (HCV) replicates its genome in a membrane-associated replication complex (RC). Specific membrane alterations, designated membranous webs, represent predominant sites of HCV RNA replication. The principles governing HCV RC and membranous web formation are poorly understood. Here, we used replicons harboring a green fluorescent protein (GFP) insertion in nonstructural protein 5A (NS5A) to study HCV RCs in live cells. Two distinct patterns of NS5A-GFP were observed. (i) Large structures, representing membranous webs, showed restricted motility, were stable over many hours, were partitioned among daughter cells during cell division, and displayed a static internal architecture without detectable exchange of NS5A-GFP. (ii) In contrast, small structures, presumably representing small RCs, showed fast, saltatory movements over long distances. Both populations were associated with endoplasmic reticulum (ER) tubules, but only small RCs showed ER-independent, microtubule (MT)-dependent transport. We suggest that this MT-dependent transport sustains two distinct RC populations, which are both required during the HCV life cycle.


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Down-regulation of the initial burst of viremia during primary human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection is thought to be mediated predominantly by HIV-specific CD8+ cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTL). This response is associated with major perturbations in the T cell receptor (TCR) repertoire. To investigate the failure of the cellular immune response to adequately control viral spread and replication and to prevent establishment of HIV infection, changes in the TCR repertoire and in the distribution of virus-specific CTL between blood and lymph node were analyzed in three patients with primary infection. By the combined use of clonotype-specific polymerase chain reaction and analysis of the frequency of in vivo activated HIV-specific CTL, it was shown that HIV-specific CTL clones preferentially accumulated in blood as opposed to lymph node. Accumulation of HIV-specific CTL in blood occurred prior to effective down-regulation of virus replication in both blood and lymph node. These findings should provide new insights into how HIV, and possibly other viruses, elude the immune response of the host during primary infection.


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Background and aims: V itamin D is an important modulator o fnumerous c ellular processes, including innate and adaptive immunepathways. A recent large-scale genetic validation study performed withinthe framework of the Swiss Hepatitis C Cohort S tudy has demonstratedan association between t he 1α-hydroxylase promoter single nucleotidepolymorphism CYP27B1-1260 rs10877012 and sustained virologicresponse (SVR) after pegylated interferon-α ( PEG-IFN-α) plus ribavirintreatment of c hronic hepatitis C in patients w ith a p oor-response IL28Bgenotype. This suggests an intrinsic role o f vitamin D signaling in theresponse t o treatment of chronic hepatitis C, especially in patients withlimited sensitivity to IFN-α. In the present study, we investigated theeffect of 1,25-(OH)2 v itamin D3 (calcitriol) alone or in combination withIFN-α on the hepatitis C virus (HCV) life cycle in vitro.Methods: H uh-7.5 cells harboring Con1- or JFH-1-derived HCVreplicons or cell culture-derived HCV were exposed to 0.1-100 nMcalcitriol ± 1 -100 IU/ml IFN-α. The effect on HCV RNA replication andviral particle production was investigated by quantitative r eal-time PCR,immunoblot analyses, and infectivity titration analyses. The expression ofinterferon-stimulated genes (ISGs) and of calcitriol target genes wasassessed by quantitative real-time PCR.Results: Calcitriol had no relevant effect on the viability of Huh-7.5 cells.Calcitriol strongly induced and repressed the expression of the calcitrioltarget genes CYP24A1 and CCNC, respectively, confirming that Huh-7.5cells c an respond to c alcitriol signaling. P hysiological doses of calcitrioldid not significantly a ffect HCV RNA replication or i nfectious particleproduction in vitro, and calcitriol alone h ad no significant effect on theexpression of several ISGs. However, calcitriol in combination with IFN-αsubstantially increased the expression of ISGs compared to IFN-α alone.In addition, calcitriol plus IFN-α s ynergistically inhibited HCV RNAreplication.Conclusions: C alcitriol at physiological concentrations and IFN-α a ctsynergistically on the expression of I SGs and HCV RNA replication i nvitro. Experiments exploring the underlying mechanisms are underway.


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Hepatitis C virus (HCV) is an important human pathogen, persistently infecting more than 170 million individuals worldwide. Studies of the HCV life cycle have become possible with the development of cell culture systems supporting the replication of viral RNA and the production of infectious virus. However, the exact functions of individual proteins, especially of nonstructural protein 4B (NS4B), remain poorly understood. NS4B triggers the formation of specific, vesicular membrane rearrangements, referred to as membranous webs, which have been reported to represent sites of HCV RNA replication. However, the mechanism of vesicle induction is not known. In this study, a panel of 15 mutants carrying substitutions in the highly conserved NS4B C-terminal domain was generated. Five mutations had only a minor effect on replication, but two of them enhanced assembly and release of infectious virus. Ten mutants were replication defective and used for selection of pseudoreversions. Most of the pseudoreversions also localized to the highly conserved NS4B C-terminal domain and were found to restore replication competence upon insertion into the corresponding primary mutant. Importantly, pseudoreversions restoring replication competence also restored heterotypic NS4B self-interaction, which was disrupted by the primary mutation. Finally, electron microscopy analyses of membrane alterations induced by NS4B mutants revealed striking morphological abnormalities, which were restored to wild-type morphology by the corresponding pseudoreversion. These findings demonstrate the important role of the C-terminal domain in NS4B self-interaction and the formation of functional HCV replication complexes.


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Hepatitis C virus (HCV) replicates its genome in a membrane-associated replication complex, composed of viral proteins, replicating RNA and altered cellular membranes. We describe here HCV replicons that allow the direct visualization of functional HCV replication complexes. Viable replicons selected from a library of Tn7-mediated random insertions in the coding sequence of nonstructural protein 5A (NS5A) allowed the identification of two sites near the NS5A C terminus that tolerated insertion of heterologous sequences. Replicons encoding green fluorescent protein (GFP) at these locations were only moderately impaired for HCV RNA replication. Expression of the NS5A-GFP fusion protein could be demonstrated by immunoblot, indicating that the GFP was retained during RNA replication and did not interfere with HCV polyprotein processing. More importantly, expression levels were robust enough to allow direct visualization of the fusion protein by fluorescence microscopy. NS5A-GFP appeared as brightly fluorescing dot-like structures in the cytoplasm. By confocal laser scanning microscopy, NS5A-GFP colocalized with other HCV nonstructural proteins and nascent viral RNA, indicating that the dot-like structures, identified as membranous webs by electron microscopy, represent functional HCV replication complexes. These findings reveal an unexpected flexibility of the C-terminal domain of NS5A and provide tools for studying the formation and turnover of HCV replication complexes in living cells.


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The NS5A protein of HCV is an essential component of the viral RNA replication machinery and may also function in modulation of the host cell environment. The exact function of NS5A in these processes remains unknown. NS5A is a large hydrophilic phosphoprotein protein consisting of three domains. The amino-terminal domain, designated domain I, coordinates a single zinc atom that is required for virus replication. We have determined the X-ray crystallographic structure of the domain I region of NS5A, and the structure sheds some light on the previously reported RNA binding activity observed for NS5A and suggests that the protein functions as a dimer. Here we describe the bacterial expression, purification, crystallization, and structural determination of the amino-terminal domain I of NS5A. The methods described herein should be of use for the generation of domain I for biochemical studies as well as future crystallization studies as antiviral compounds directed against this region of NS5A become available.


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Infection with hepatitis E virus genotype 3 may result in chronic hepatitis in immunocompromised patients. Reduction of immunosuppression or treatment with ribavirin or pegylated interferon-α can result in viral clearance. However, safer and more effective treatment options are needed. Here, we show that sofosbuvir inhibits the replication of hepatitis E virus genotype 3 both in subgenomic replicon systems as well as a full-length infectious clone. Moreover, the combination of sofosbuvir and ribavirin results in an additive antiviral effect. Sofosbuvir may be considered as an add-on therapy to ribavirin for the treatment of chronic hepatitis E in immunocompromised patients.


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Human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) variants resistant to protease (PR) and reverse transcriptase (RT) inhibitors may display impaired infectivity and replication capacity. The individual contributions of mutated HIV-1 PR and RT to infectivity, replication, RT activity, and protein maturation (herein referred to as "fitness") in recombinant viruses were investigated by separately cloning PR, RT, and PR-RT cassettes from drug-resistant mutant viral isolates into the wild-type NL4-3 background. Both mutant PR and RT contributed to measurable deficits in fitness of viral constructs. In peripheral blood mononuclear cells, replication rates (means +/- standard deviations) of RT recombinants were 72.5% +/- 27.3% and replication rates of PR recombinants were 60.5% +/- 33.6% of the rates of NL4-3. PR mutant deficits were enhanced in CEM T cells, with relative replication rates of PR recombinants decreasing to 15.8% +/- 23.5% of NL4-3 replication rates. Cloning of the cognate RT improved fitness of some PR mutant clones. For a multidrug-resistant virus transmitted through sexual contact, RT constructs displayed a marked infectivity and replication deficit and diminished packaging of Pol proteins (RT content in virions diminished by 56.3% +/- 10.7%, and integrase content diminished by 23.3% +/- 18.4%), a novel mechanism for a decreased-fitness phenotype. Despite the identified impairment of recombinant clones, fitness of two of the three drug-resistant isolates was comparable to that of wild-type, susceptible viruses, suggestive of extensive compensation by genomic regions away from PR and RT. Only limited reversion of mutated positions to wild-type amino acids was observed for the native isolates over 100 viral replication cycles in the absence of drug selective pressure. These data underscore the complex relationship between PR and RT adaptive changes and viral evolution in antiretroviral drug-resistant HIV-1.


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The hepatitis C virus (HCV) RNA-dependent RNA polymerase (RdRp), represented by nonstructural protein 5B (NS5B), belongs to a class of integral membrane proteins termed tail-anchored proteins. Its membrane association is mediated by the C-terminal 21 amino acid residues, which are dispensable for RdRp activity in vitro. For this study, we investigated the role of this domain, termed the insertion sequence, in HCV RNA replication in cells. Based on a structural model and the amino acid conservation among different HCV isolates, we designed a panel of insertion sequence mutants and analyzed their membrane association and RNA replication. Subgenomic replicons with a duplication of an essential cis-acting replication element overlapping the sequence that encodes the C-terminal domain of NS5B were used to unequivocally distinguish RNA versus protein effects of these mutations. Our results demonstrate that the membrane association of the RdRp is essential for HCV RNA replication. Interestingly, certain amino acid substitutions within the insertion sequence abolished RNA replication without affecting membrane association, indicating that the C-terminal domain of NS5B has functions beyond serving as a membrane anchor and that it may be involved in critical intramembrane protein-protein interactions. These results have implications for the functional architecture of the HCV replication complex and provide new insights into the expanding spectrum of tail-anchored proteins.


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Nonstructural protein 4B (NS4B) is a key organizer of hepatitis C virus (HCV) replication complex formation. In concert with other nonstructural proteins, it induces a specific membrane rearrangement, designated as membranous web, which serves as a scaffold for the HCV replicase. The N-terminal part of NS4B comprises a predicted and a structurally resolved amphipathic α-helix, designated as AH1 and AH2, respectively. Here, we report a detailed structure-function analysis of NS4B AH1. Circular dichroism and nuclear magnetic resonance structural analyses revealed that AH1 folds into an amphipathic α-helix extending from NS4B amino acid 4 to 32, with positively charged residues flanking the helix. These residues are conserved among hepaciviruses. Mutagenesis and selection of pseudorevertants revealed an important role of these residues in RNA replication by affecting the biogenesis of double-membrane vesicles making up the membranous web. Moreover, alanine substitution of conserved acidic residues on the hydrophilic side of the helix reduced infectivity without significantly affecting RNA replication, indicating that AH1 is also involved in virus production. Selective membrane permeabilization and immunofluorescence microscopy analyses of a functional replicon harboring an epitope tag between NS4B AH1 and AH2 revealed a dual membrane topology of the N-terminal part of NS4B during HCV RNA replication. Luminal translocation was unaffected by the mutations introduced into AH1, but was abrogated by mutations introduced into AH2. In conclusion, our study reports the three-dimensional structure of AH1 from HCV NS4B, and highlights the importance of positively charged amino acid residues flanking this amphipathic α-helix in membranous web formation and RNA replication. In addition, we demonstrate that AH1 possesses a dual role in RNA replication and virus production, potentially governed by different topologies of the N-terminal part of NS4B.


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The STEP HIV vaccine trial, which evaluated a replication-defective adenovirus type 5 (Ad5) vector vaccine, was recently stopped. The reasons for this included lack of efficacy of the vaccine and a twofold increase in the incidence of HIV acquisition among vaccinated recipients with increased Ad5-neutralizing antibody titers compared with placebo recipients. To model the events that might be occurring in vivo, the effect on dendritic cells (DCs) of Ad5 vector alone or treated with neutralizing antiserum (Ad5 immune complexes [IC]) was compared. Ad5 IC induced more notable DC maturation, as indicated by increased CD86 expression, decreased endocytosis, and production of tumor necrosis factor and type I interferons. We found that DC stimulation by Ad5 IC was mediated by the Fcgamma receptor IIa and Toll-like receptor 9 interactions. DCs treated with Ad5 IC also induced significantly higher stimulation of Ad5-specific CD8 T cells equipped with cytolytic machinery. In contrast to Ad5 vectors alone, Ad5 IC caused significantly enhanced HIV infection in DC-T cell cocultures. The present results indicate that Ad5 IC activates a DC-T cell axis that, together with the possible persistence of the Ad5 vaccine in seropositive individuals, may set up a permissive environment for HIV-1 infection, which could account for the increased acquisition of HIV-1 infection among Ad5 seropositive vaccine recipients.


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HCV infection has a severe course of disease in HIV/HCV co-infection and in liver transplant recipients. However, the mechanisms involved remain unclear. Here, we evaluated functional profiles of HCV-specific T-cell responses in 86 HCV mono-infected patients, 48 HIV/HCV co-infected patients and 42 liver transplant recipients. IFN-gamma and IL-2 production and ability of CD4 and CD8 T cells to proliferate were assessed after stimulation with HCV-derived peptides. We observed that HCV-specific T-cell responses were polyfunctional in HCV mono-infected patients, with presence of proliferating single IL-2-, dual IL-2/IFN-gamma and single IFN-gamma-producing CD4+ and dual IL-2/IFN-gamma and single IFN-gamma-producing CD8+ cells. In contrast, HCV-specific T-cell responses had an effector profile in HIV/HCV co-infected individuals and liver transplant recipients with absence of single IL-2-producing HCV-specific CD4+ and dual IL-2/IFN-gamma-producing CD8+ T cells. In addition, HCV-specific proliferation of CD4+ and CD8+ T cells was severely impaired in HIV/HCV co-infected patients and liver transplant recipients. Importantly, "only effector" T-cell responses were associated with significantly higher HCV viral load and more severe liver fibrosis scores. Therefore, the present results suggest that immune-based mechanisms may contribute to explain the accelerated course of HCV infection in conditions of HIV-1 co-infection and liver transplantation.