3 resultados para video arcade game

em Université de Lausanne, Switzerland


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INTRODUCTION: Although long-term video-EEG monitoring (LVEM) is routinely used to investigate paroxysmal events, short-term video-EEG monitoring (SVEM) lasting <24 h is increasingly recognized as a cost-effective tool. Since, however, relatively few studies addressed the yield of SVEM among different diagnostic groups, we undertook the present study to investigate this aspect. METHODS: We retrospectively analyzed 226 consecutive SVEM recordings over 6 years. All patients were referred because routine EEGs were inconclusive. Patients were classified into 3 suspected diagnostic groups: (1) group with epileptic seizures, (2) group with psychogenic nonepileptic seizures (PNESs), and (3) group with other or undetermined diagnoses. We assessed recording lengths, interictal epileptiform discharges, epileptic seizures, PNESs, and the definitive diagnoses obtained after SVEM. RESULTS: The mean age was 34 (±18.7) years, and the median recording length was 18.6 h. Among the 226 patients, 127 referred for suspected epilepsy - 73 had a diagnosis of epilepsy, none had a diagnosis of PNESs, and 54 had other or undetermined diagnoses post-SVEM. Of the 24 patients with pre-SVEM suspected PNESs, 1 had epilepsy, 12 had PNESs, and 11 had other or undetermined diagnoses. Of the 75 patients with other diagnoses pre-SVEM, 17 had epilepsy, 11 had PNESs, and 47 had other or undetermined diagnoses. After SVEM, 15 patients had definite diagnoses other than epilepsy or PNESs, while in 96 patients, diagnosis remained unclear. Overall, a definitive diagnosis could be reached in 129/226 (57%) patients. CONCLUSIONS: This study demonstrates that in nearly 3/5 patients without a definitive diagnosis after routine EEG, SVEM allowed us to reach a diagnosis. This procedure should be encouraged in this setting, given its time-effectiveness compared with LVEM.


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Le self est une notion polysémique qui fait l'objet d'un consensus relatif dans plusieurs domaines, dont la psychologie du développement. Elle rend compte de la faculté de s'éprouver le même au fil du temps et de distinguer le « je » qui regarde du « moi » regardé. C'est le garant d'un sens de soi plus ou moins cohérent au fil du temps, en dépit des changements qui surviennent au cours de la vie. Le self combine des processus de réflexivité et d'intersubjectivité. Nous en avons analysé trois composantes fonctionnelles : la mémoire de travail, la mémoire épisodique et la narration, à partir d'un protocole expérimental témoignant de son ontogenèse chez des enfants de 6 à 9 ans (n=24 répartis en deux groupes de 6‐7 et 8-9 ans). Nous avons créé le « jeu informatique du lutin » qui propose un parcours semiorienté dans un monde imaginaire. C'est une narration de soi, opérant la mise en sens des temporalités et des espaces auxquels les événements se réfèrent. Deux semaines après cette « aventure », on recueille la narration des souvenirs épisodiques de cette histoire. Nous avons également utilisé un test de mémoire de travail visuospatiale non verbale. Des différences développementales affectent les dimensions narratives de la mémoire de l'épisode du jeu, comme l'efficacité de la mémoire de travail visuospatiale. Ces développements témoignent d'une augmentation de « l'épaisseur temporelle de la conscience» entre 6 et 9 ans. L'épaisseur de la conscience renvoie fondamentalement à la faculté du self de vivre le temps dans une cyclicité incluant le passé, le présent et le futur anticipé. Le développment observé élargit les possibilités de mettre en lien des mémoires et des scénarios futurs, tout comme les mises en sens des relations aux autres et à soi-­même. Self is a polysemic concept of common use in various scientific fields, among which developmental psychology. It accounts for the capacity to maintain the conviction to be « oneself », always the same through circumstances and throughout my life. This important function contributes in maintaining coherence and some sorte of Ariadne's thread in memory. To analyse the ontogeny of the self, we have focused upon three components : working memory, episodic memory and narration in children aged between 6 and 9 years. We used a non verbal working memory task. It was completed by a video game specially designed for our purpose, in which children were engaged in moving an elf in a landscape changing through seasons, in order to deliver a princess from a mischievous wizard. Two weeks after the game, the children had to tell what happened while they moved the elf. It is a self-narrative that creates a link‐up of temporality and spaces to which the events refer. The narrated episode was assessed for its coherence and continuity dimensions. Developmental differences affect the narrative dimensions of the memory of the episode of the game, as the effectiveness of visuospatial working memory. These developments show an increase in "temporal thickness of consciousness" between 6 and 9 years. The thickness of consciousness basically refers to the ability of the self to live in a cyclical time including past, present and anticipated future. The observed development broadens the possibilities to link memories and future scenarios, like setting sense of relations with others and with oneself.