78 resultados para short-range transceiver
em Université de Lausanne, Switzerland
Crystallographic data about T-Cell Receptor - peptide - major histocompatibility complex class I (TCRpMHC) interaction have revealed extremely diverse TCR binding modes triggering antigen recognition. Understanding the molecular basis that governs TCR orientation over pMHC is still a considerable challenge. We present a simplified rigid approach applied on all non-redundant TCRpMHC crystal structures available. The CHARMM force field in combination with the FACTS implicit solvation model is used to study the role of long-distance interactions between the TCR and pMHC. We demonstrate that the sum of the coulomb interactions and the electrostatic solvation energies is sufficient to identify two orientations corresponding to energetic minima at 0° and 180° from the native orientation. Interestingly, these results are shown to be robust upon small structural variations of the TCR such as changes induced by Molecular Dynamics simulations, suggesting that shape complementarity is not required to obtain a reliable signal. Accurate energy minima are also identified by confronting unbound TCR crystal structures to pMHC. Furthermore, we decompose the electrostatic energy into residue contributions to estimate their role in the overall orientation. Results show that most of the driving force leading to the formation of the complex is defined by CDR1,2/MHC interactions. This long-distance contribution appears to be independent from the binding process itself, since it is reliably identified without considering neither short-range energy terms nor CDR induced fit upon binding. Ultimately, we present an attempt to predict the TCR/pMHC binding mode for a TCR structure obtained by homology modeling. The simplicity of the approach and the absence of any fitted parameters make it also easily applicable to other types of macromolecular protein complexes.
The spontaneous activity of the brain shows different features at different scales. On one hand, neuroimaging studies show that long-range correlations are highly structured in spatiotemporal patterns, known as resting-state networks, on the other hand, neurophysiological reports show that short-range correlations between neighboring neurons are low, despite a large amount of shared presynaptic inputs. Different dynamical mechanisms of local decorrelation have been proposed, among which is feedback inhibition. Here, we investigated the effect of locally regulating the feedback inhibition on the global dynamics of a large-scale brain model, in which the long-range connections are given by diffusion imaging data of human subjects. We used simulations and analytical methods to show that locally constraining the feedback inhibition to compensate for the excess of long-range excitatory connectivity, to preserve the asynchronous state, crucially changes the characteristics of the emergent resting and evoked activity. First, it significantly improves the model's prediction of the empirical human functional connectivity. Second, relaxing this constraint leads to an unrealistic network evoked activity, with systematic coactivation of cortical areas which are components of the default-mode network, whereas regulation of feedback inhibition prevents this. Finally, information theoretic analysis shows that regulation of the local feedback inhibition increases both the entropy and the Fisher information of the network evoked responses. Hence, it enhances the information capacity and the discrimination accuracy of the global network. In conclusion, the local excitation-inhibition ratio impacts the structure of the spontaneous activity and the information transmission at the large-scale brain level.
DNA sequence variation has been associated with quantitative changes in molecular phenotypes such as gene expression, but its impact on chromatin states is poorly characterized. To understand the interplay between chromatin and genetic control of gene regulation, we quantified allelic variability in transcription factor binding, histone modifications, and gene expression within humans. We found abundant allelic specificity in chromatin and extensive local, short-range, and long-range allelic coordination among the studied molecular phenotypes. We observed genetic influence on most of these phenotypes, with histone modifications exhibiting strong context-dependent behavior. Our results implicate transcription factors as primary mediators of sequence-specific regulation of gene expression programs, with histone modifications frequently reflecting the primary regulatory event.
Nuclear receptors are a major component of signal transduction in animals. They mediate the regulatory activities of many hormones, nutrients and metabolites on the homeostasis and physiology of cells and tissues. It is of high interest to model the corresponding regulatory networks. While molecular and cell biology studies of individual promoters have provided important mechanistic insight, a more complex picture is emerging from genome-wide studies. The regulatory circuitry of nuclear receptor regulated gene expression networks, and their response to cellular signaling, appear highly dynamic, and involve long as well as short range chromatin interactions. We review how progress in understanding the kinetics and regulation of cofactor recruitment, and the development of new genomic methods, provide opportunities but also a major challenge for modeling nuclear receptor mediated regulatory networks.
The following main lithostratigraphic units have been distinguished in the Domes Area. The Kibaran basement complex composed of gneisses, migmatites with amphibolite bands and metagranites is exposed in dome structures; metamorphic features of Kibaran age have been almost completely obliterated by extensive Lufilian reactivation. The post-Kibaran cover sequence is subdivided into the Lower Roan Group consisting of well-preserved quartzites with high Mg content, talc-bearing, extremely foliated schists intercalated with pseudo-conglomerates of tectonic origin and the Upper Roan Group including dolomitic marbles with rare stromatolites, metapelites and a sequence of detrital metasediments, with local volcano-sedimentary components and interlayered banded ironstones. The sediments of the Lower Roan Group are interpreted as continental to lagoonal-evaporitic deposits partly converted into the talc-kyanite + garnet assemblage characteristic of ``white schists''. The dolomites and metapelites of the Upper Roan Group are attributed to a carbonate platform sequence progressively subsiding under terrigenous deposits, whilst the detrital metasediments and BIF may be interpreted as a basinal sequence, probably deposited on oceanic crust grading laterally into marbles. Metagabbros and metabasalts are considered as remnants of an ocean-floor-type crustal unit probably related to small basins. Alkaline stocks of Silurian age intruded the post-Kibaran cover. Significant ancestral tectonic discontinuities promoted the development of a nappe pile that underwent high-pressure metamorphism during the Lufilian orogeny and all lithostratigraphic units. Rb-Sr and K-Ar and U-Pb data indicate an age of 700 Ma for the highest grade metamorphism and 500 Ma for blocking of the K-Ar and Rb-Sr system in micas, corresponding to the time when the temperature dropped below 350-degrees-400-degrees-C and to an age of about 400 Ma for the emplacement of hypabyssal syenitic bodies. A first phase of crustal shortening by decoupling of basement and cover slices along shallow shear zones has been recognized. Fluid-rich tectonic slabs of cover sediments were thus able to transport fluids into the anhydrous metamorphic basement or mafic units. During the subsequent metamorphic re-equilibration stage of high pressure, pre-existing thrusts horizons were converted into recrystallized mylonites. Due to uplift, rocks were re-equilibrated into assemblages compatible with lower pressures and slightly lower temperatures. This stage occurs under a decompressional (nearly adiabatic) regime, with P(fluid) almost-equal-to P(lithostatic). It is accompanied by metasomatic development of minerals, activated by injection of hot fluids. New or reactivated shear zones and mylonitic belts were the preferred conduits of fluids. The most evident regional-scale effect of these processes is the intense metasomatic scapolitization of formerly plagioclase-rich lithologies. Uraninite mineralization can probably be assigned to the beginning of the decompressional stage. A third regional deformation phase characterized by open folds and local foliation is not accompanied by significant growth of new minerals. However, pitchblende mineralization can be ascribed to this phase as late-stage, short-range remobilization of previously existing deposits. Finally, shallow alkaline massifs were emplaced when the level of the Domes Area now exposed was already subjected to exchange with meteoric circuits, activated by residual geothermal gradients generally related to intrusions or rifting. Most of the superficial U-showings with U-oxidation products were probably generated during this relatively recent phase.
Diabetes and the related metabolic syndrome are multi system disorders that result from improper interactions between various cell types. Even though the underlying mechanism remains to be fully understood, it is most likely that both the long and the short distance range cell interactions, which normally ensure the physiologic functioning of the pancreas, and its relationships with the insulin-targeted organs, are altered. This review focuses on the short-range type of interactions that depend on the contact between adjacent cells and, specifically, on the interactions that are dependent on connexins. The widespread distribution of these membrane proteins, their multiple modes of action, and their interactions with conditions/molecules associated to both the pathogenesis and the treatment of the 2 main forms of diabetes and the metabolic syndrome, make connexins an essential part of the chain of events that leads to metabolic diseases. Here, we review the present state of knowledge about the molecular and cell biology of the connexin genes and proteins, their general mechanisms of action, the roles specific connexin species play in the endocrine pancreas and the major insulin-targeted organs, under physiological and patho-physiological conditions.
Eukaryotic genomes are compartmentalized in different structural domains that can affect positively or negatively gene expression. These regions of euchromatin and heterochromatin are characterized by distinct histones marks which can facilitate or repress gene transcription. The chromatin environment represents thus one of the main problems to control gene expression in biotechnological applications or gene therapy, since its expression is affected by the chromatin neighboring its locus of insertion. Some chromatin regions like telomeres are composed of constitutive heterochromatin which leads to the telomeric position effect (TPE) that silences genes adjacent to the telomere. TPE is known to spread by the selfrecruitment of the SIR histone deacetylase complex from the telomere in S.cerevisiae, but the histone marks that are associated to telomeric chromatin in mammalian cells remain mostly unknown. The transcription factor CTF1 has shown antisilencing properties in mammalian cells and also a boundary activity against TPE in yeast cells when fused to the yeast Gal4 DNA binding domain. In the work presented here, we describe a dual-reporter system to assess the boundary activity of proteins such as CTF1 at human telomeres. When located between the two reporter genes, CTF1 shields the telomere distal gene from TPE, while the telomereproximal gene remains silenced by telomeric heterochromatin. The boundary activity of CTF1 is shown to act regardless its function of transcriptional activator, by opposition to the transcriptional activator VP16 which activates indifferently both transgenes. Moreover, this study shows that CTF1 boundary activity is linked to its H3 binding function, as expected from a chromatin remodeler. ChIP experiments showed that histone deacetylation is the main histone modification involved in gene silencing at mammalian cell telomeres. Distinctly to yeast cells, the histone deacetylation signal in human cells extented over a short range along the chromosome. CTF1 may help to block this propagation and therefore to restore histones acetylation level on telomere protected locus. Surprisingly, other histone marks such as trimethyl-H3K9 or trimethyl-H4K20 were found on telomere protected locus, while in another clone, unsilencing of telomere distal transgene was associated with recruitment of the histone variant H2A.Z. Thus, I conclude that CTF1 displays a chromatin boundary function which is independent of its transcriptional activity and therefore exhibit features required for use as chromatin insulator in biotechnological applications. RESUME Les génomes eucaryotes sont compartementalisés en domaines structurels qui peuvent affecter positivement ou négativement l'expression des gènes avoisinants. Ces régions dites d'euchromatine ou d'hétérochromatine sont caractérisées par des modifications posttraductionnelles des histones qui peuvent faciliter ou au contraire inhiber la transcription des gènes qui s'y trouvent. Ainsi, isoler un gène de son environnement chromatinien est problème fréquent lorsqu'il s'agit de contrôler son expression dans le cadre d'applications en biotechnologie ou encore en thérapie génique. Certaines régions de chromatine telles que les télomères sont composées d'hétérochromatine constitutive qui mène au silençage des gènes avoisinants. Cet effet de position télomérique (TPE) est connu dans la levure S.cerevisiae comme se propageant par auto-recrutement du complexe de déacétylation d'histone SIR, alors que peu de modifications de chromatine ont pu être associées à ce phénomène dans les cellules de mammifères. Le facteur de transcription CTF1 a montré des propriétés d'anti-silençage dans les cellules de mammifères, ainsi qu'une activité barrière contre le silençage télomérique dans les cellules de levures lorsqu'il est fusionné au domaine de liaison à l'ADN de la protéine de levure Gal4. Dans le travail présenté ci-après est décrit un système à deux gènes rapporteurs permettant de mesurer l'activité barrière de protéines telles que CTF1 aux télomères humains, et les modifications de chromatine qui y sont associées. Lorsque CTF1 est placé entre les deux gènes rapporteurs, le gène distant du télomère est protégé du silençage qui lui est associé, alors que le gène proche du télomère reste soumis à ce silençage induit par l'hétérochromatine télomérique. L'activité barrière de CTF1 est montrée ici comme agissant indépendamment de son activité transcriptionnelle, par opposition à l'activateur transcriptionnel VP16 qui active indifféremment les deux transgènes. En outre, cette étude appuie l'hypothèse stipulant que CTF1 agisse comme remodeleur chromatinien puisqu'elle démontre que son activité barrière est directement dépendante de son activité de liaison avec l'histone H3. De plus, des expériences d'immuno-précipitation de la chromatine démontrent que la déacétylation des histones est le majeur phénomène intervenant dans le silençage télomérique. Par opposition à la levure, ce signal de déacétylation ne se propage dans les cellules humaines que sur une courte distance le long du chromosome. CTF1 agit ainsi en bloquant cette propagation et en restaurant le niveau d'acétylation des histones sur le locus protégé du télomère. De manière surprenante et inattendue, d'autres modifications d'histones telles que 4 les H3K9 et H4K20 triméthylées sont aussi observées à ce locus, tandis le recrutement du variant H2A.Z peut aussi être suffisant à restaurer l'expression du gène distant du télomère. En terme de cette analyse, CTF1 exhibe ainsi une fonction de barrière chromatinienne qui exclue une activité transcriptionnelle non désirée - propriété qui est requise dans l'établissement des isolateurs visant à permettre le contrôle d'un transgène dans le cadre d'applications en biotechnologies.
Abstract Textual autocorrelation is a broad and pervasive concept, referring to the similarity between nearby textual units: lexical repetitions along consecutive sentences, semantic association between neighbouring lexemes, persistence of discourse types (narrative, descriptive, dialogal...) and so on. Textual autocorrelation can also be negative, as illustrated by alternating phonological or morpho-syntactic categories, or the succession of word lengths. This contribution proposes a general Markov formalism for textual navigation, and inspired by spatial statistics. The formalism can express well-known constructs in textual data analysis, such as term-document matrices, references and hyperlinks navigation, (web) information retrieval, and in particular textual autocorrelation, as measured by Moran's I relatively to the exchange matrix associated to neighbourhoods of various possible types. Four case studies (word lengths alternation, lexical repulsion, parts of speech autocorrelation, and semantic autocorrelation) illustrate the theory. In particular, one observes a short-range repulsion between nouns together with a short-range attraction between verbs, both at the lexical and semantic levels. Résumé: Le concept d'autocorrélation textuelle, fort vaste, réfère à la similarité entre unités textuelles voisines: répétitions lexicales entre phrases successives, association sémantique entre lexèmes voisins, persistance du type de discours (narratif, descriptif, dialogal...) et ainsi de suite. L'autocorrélation textuelle peut être également négative, comme l'illustrent l'alternance entre les catégories phonologiques ou morpho-syntaxiques, ou la succession des longueurs de mots. Cette contribution propose un formalisme markovien général pour la navigation textuelle, inspiré par la statistique spatiale. Le formalisme est capable d'exprimer des constructions bien connues en analyse des données textuelles, telles que les matrices termes-documents, les références et la navigation par hyperliens, la recherche documentaire sur internet, et, en particulier, l'autocorélation textuelle, telle que mesurée par le I de Moran relatif à une matrice d'échange associée à des voisinages de différents types possibles. Quatre cas d'étude illustrent la théorie: alternance des longueurs de mots, répulsion lexicale, autocorrélation des catégories morpho-syntaxiques et autocorrélation sémantique. On observe en particulier une répulsion à courte portée entre les noms, ainsi qu'une attraction à courte portée entre les verbes, tant au niveau lexical que sémantique.
From 2007 to 2010, the emergency-crisis unit of the Couple and Family Consultation Unit -UCCF (West Psychiatric Service, Prangins Psychiatric Hospital, Psychiatric Department of CHUV) has carried out a research about the relevance and usefulness of emergency-crisis, systemic-oriented treatments, for deeply distressed couples and families. Besides epidemiologic data, we present results demonstrating the efficiency of those treatments, both at short-term and at a one year's range. The global impact of such treatments in terms of public health, but also economical issues, make us believe that they should be fully included in the new trend of psychiatric ambulatory care, into the social net.
A large number of parameters have been identified as predictors of early outcome in patients with acute ischemic stroke. In the present work we analyzed a wide range of demographic, metabolic, physiological, clinical, laboratory and neuroimaging parameters in a large population of consecutive patients with acute ischemic stroke with the aim of identifying independent predictors of the early clinical course. We used prospectively collected data from the Acute Stroke Registry and Analysis of Lausanne. All consecutive patients with ischemic stroke admitted to our stroke unit and/or intensive care unit between 1 January 2003 and 12 December 2008 within 24 h after last-well time were analyzed. Univariate and multivariate analyses were performed to identify significant associations with the National Institute of Health Stroke Scale (NIHSS) score at admission and 24 h later. We also sought any interactions between the identified predictors. Of the 1,730 consecutive patients with acute ischemic stroke who were included in the analysis, 260 (15.0%) were thrombolyzed (mostly intravenously) within the recommended time window. In multivariate analysis, the NIHSS score at 24 h after admission was associated with the NIHSS score at admission (β = 1, p < 0.001), initial glucose level (β = 0.05, p < 0.002) and thrombolytic intervention (β = -2.91, p < 0.001). There was a significant interaction between thrombolysis and the NIHSS score at admission (p < 0.001), indicating that the short-term effect of thrombolysis decreases with increasing initial stroke severity. Thrombolytic treatment, lower initial glucose level and lower initial stroke severity predict a favorable early clinical course. The short-term effect of thrombolysis appears mainly in minor and moderate strokes, and decreases with increasing initial stroke severity.
PURPOSE: Self-administered questionnaires continue to be the most widely used type of physical activity assessment in epidemiological studies. However, test-retest reliability and validity of physical activity questionnaires have to be determined. In this study, three short physical activity questionnaires already used in Switzerland and the International Physical Activity Questionnaire (IPAQ) were validated. METHODS: Test-retest reliability was assessed by repeated administration of all questionnaires within 3 wk in 178 volunteers (77 women, 46.1+/-14.8 yr; 101 men 46.8+/-13.2 yr). Validity of categorical and continuous data was studied in a subsample of 35 persons in relation to 7-d accelerometer readings, percent body fat, and cardiorespiratory fitness. RESULTS: Reliability was fair to good with a Spearman correlation coefficient range of 0.43-0.68 for measures of continuous data and moderate to fair with Kappa values between 0.32 and 0.46 for dichotomous measures active/inactive. Total physical activity reported in the IPAQ and the Office in Motion Questionnaire (OIMQ) correlated with accelerometry readings (r=0.39 and 0.44, respectively). In contrast, correlations of self-reported physical data with percent body fat and cardiorespiratory fitness were low (r=-0.26-0.29). Participants categorized as active by the Swiss HEPA Survey 1999 instrument (HEPA99) accumulated significantly more days of the recommended physical activities than their inactive counterparts (4.4 and 2.7 d.wk, respectively, P<0.05). However, compared with accelerometer data, vigorous physical activities were overreported in investigated questionnaires. CONCLUSION: Collecting valid data on physical activity remains a challenging issue for questionnaire surveys. The IPAQ and the three other questionnaires are characterized to inform decisions about their appropriate use.
The CaMir is a questionnaire aimed at measuring attachment cognitions. It is based on subjects' evaluations of past and present attachment experiences and family functioning. It is a widely used tool both in research and in clinical settings. The aim of this study was to develop a short version of CaMir in Spanish (CaMir-R) and to obtain evidence about its validity and reliability in a sample of 676 adolescents (364 female and 312 male) belonging to different groups (clinical, maltreated, and community samples) with an age range between 13 and 19 years (M = 15.62, SD = 1.49). We examined its internal structure, convergent, and decision validity, the relationship between its dimensions and psychopathological symptoms, as well as its internal consistency and temporal stability. The CaMir-R included 7 factors whose internal consistency indexes ranged between 0.60 and 0.85. With the exception of the «Parental Permissiveness» dimension, which did not show good reliability, the results suggest that the CaMir-R provides a valid and reliable assessment of attachment representations and of the conception of family functioning.
Short-TE MRS has been proposed recently as a method for the in vivo detection and quantification of γ-aminobutyric acid (GABA) in the human brain at 3 T. In this study, we investigated the accuracy and reproducibility of short-TE MRS measurements of GABA at 3 T using both simulations and experiments. LCModel analysis was performed on a large number of simulated spectra with known metabolite input concentrations. Simulated spectra were generated using a range of spectral linewidths and signal-to-noise ratios to investigate the effect of varying experimental conditions, and analyses were performed using two different baseline models to investigate the effect of an inaccurate baseline model on GABA quantification. The results of these analyses indicated that, under experimental conditions corresponding to those typically observed in the occipital cortex, GABA concentration estimates are reproducible (mean reproducibility error, <20%), even when an incorrect baseline model is used. However, simulations indicate that the accuracy of GABA concentration estimates depends strongly on the experimental conditions (linewidth and signal-to-noise ratio). In addition to simulations, in vivo GABA measurements were performed using both spectral editing and short-TE MRS in the occipital cortex of 14 healthy volunteers. Short-TE MRS measurements of GABA exhibited a significant positive correlation with edited GABA measurements (R = 0.58, p < 0.05), suggesting that short-TE measurements of GABA correspond well with measurements made using spectral editing techniques. Finally, within-session reproducibility was assessed in the same 14 subjects using four consecutive short-TE GABA measurements in the occipital cortex. Across all subjects, the average coefficient of variation of these four GABA measurements was 8.7 ± 4.9%. This study demonstrates that, under some experimental conditions, short-TE MRS can be employed for the reproducible detection of GABA at 3 T, but that the technique should be used with caution, as the results are dependent on the experimental conditions. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
There is an increasing utilisation of oral creatine (Cr) supplementation among athletes who hope to enhance their performance but it is not known if this ingestion has any detrimental effect on the kidney. Five healthy men ingested either a placebo or 20 g of creatine monohydrate per day for 5 consecutive days. Blood samples and urine collections were analysed for Cr and creatinine (Crn) determination after each experimental session. Total protein and albumin urine excretion rates were also determined. Oral Cr supplementation had a significant incremental impact on arterial content (3.7 fold) and urine excretion rate (90 fold) of this compound. In contrast, arterial and urine Crn values were not affected by the Cr ingestion. The glomerular filtration rate (Crn clearance) and the total protein and albumin excretion rates remained within the normal range. In conclusion, this investigation showed that short-term oral Cr supplementation does not appear to have any detrimental effect on the renal responses of healthy men.