8 resultados para seashore meadows
em Université de Lausanne, Switzerland
Questions: A multiple plot design was developed for permanent vegetation plots. How reliable are the different methods used in this design and which changes can we measure? Location: Alpine meadows (2430 m a.s.l.) in the Swiss Alps. Methods: Four inventories were obtained from 40 m(2) plots: four subplots (0.4 m(2)) with a list of species, two 10m transects with the point method (50 points on each), one subplot (4 m2) with a list of species and visual cover estimates as a percentage and the complete plot (40 m(2)) with a list of species and visual estimates in classes. This design was tested by five to seven experienced botanists in three plots. Results: Whatever the sampling size, only 45-63% of the species were seen by all the observers. However, the majority of the overlooked species had cover < 0.1%. Pairs of observers overlooked 10-20% less species than single observers. The point method was the best method for cover estimate, but it took much longer than visual cover estimates, and 100 points allowed for the monitoring of only a very limited number of species. The visual estimate as a percentage was more precise than classes. Working in pairs did not improve the estimates, but one botanist repeating the survey is more reliable than a succession of different observers. Conclusion: Lists of species are insufficient for monitoring. It is necessary to add cover estimates to allow for subsequent interpretations in spite of the overlooked species. The choice of the method depends on the available resources: the point method is time consuming but gives precise data for a limited number of species, while visual estimates are quick but allow for recording only large changes in cover. Constant pairs of observers improve the reliability of the records.
Oligotrophic, lowland and montane meadows and pastures in the Jura Mountains have been well studied, but little is known about subalpine pastures and meadows, especially in Western Switzerland. This paper describes the different types of calcicolous, oligotrophic pastures and meadows found in the "Parc jurassien vaudois" (canton of Vaud). Eight plant communities are described: Gentiano-Brometum acinetosum at montane and Alchemillo-Seslerietum prunelletosum at subalpine altitudes, Alchemillo- Seslerietum festucetosum on shallower soil, Sedo-Poetum acinetosum on very shallow soil, Ranunculi- Agrostietum traunsteineretosum on clayey soil on southern exposures, Seslerio-Laserpitietum on steep and stony southern exposed slopes, a Festuca pulchell a and Pulsatilla alpina community on northern exposed scree, and Laserpitio-Calama- grostietum on more stable scree. Many of these meadows and pastures are very species-rich and deserve protection. Two floristic comparisons complete this paper. The first looks at the transition zone between montane pastures (Mesobromion) and subalpine pastures (Seslerion), and sets the limit around 1350 m, with some variation due to aspect and soil. The second compares the main subalpine pasture community (Alchemillo- Seslerietum prunelletosum) in the Jura Mountains with its vicariant (Seslerio-Caricetum sempervirentis) in the Alps.
RÉSUMÉ Une espèce est rarement composée d'une population unique. Parce que les individus ont des capacités de dispersion limitées et que les paysages sont des mosaïques d'habitats, la plupart des espèces sont plutôt composées de sous-populations connectées par la migration. Cette variation spatiale influence directement la distribution de la variabilité génétique dans et entre les populations. Durant ce travail, nous avons abordé certains des processus populationnels qui ont joué un rôle supposé dans l'apparition de nouvelles espèces au sein du genre Trochulus. Plus précisément, nous avons tenté d'évaluer les impacts respectifs de l'isolement passé (facteurs historiques) et présent (facteurs locaux). Nous avons d'abord pu montrer que les faibles capacités de dispersion des escargots terrestres ont directement influencé leur histoire évolutive à toutes les échelles spatiales et temporelles. En réduisant l'effet homogénéisant de la migration, une faible dispersion maintient dans les populations les traces génétiques d'évènements passés. A l'échelle de la distribution globale de Trochulus villosus, ces traces ont permis de reconstruire une histoire faite d'isolements et d'expansions de populations. En combinant des données génétiques avec une modélisation de la niche climatique passée, il a été possible de proposer un scénario significativement meilleur que toutes les hypothèses alternatives que nous avons testées. A l'échelle locale par contre, l'héritage historique est difficile à distinguer de la dynamique actuelle. Ce fut le cas des lignées mitochondriales du complexe sericeus-hispidus : les deux principales lignées étaient phylogénétiquement éloignées, avaient eu des démographies passées différentes et corrélaient avec des différences morphologiques. D'un autre côté, le flux de gène nucléaire était fort, contredisant l'idée de deux espèces cryptiques isolées reproductivement. Pour pouvoir conclure à la présence ou non de deux espèces, il nous a manqué des informations locales sur la dynamique des populations et les conditions écologiques que l'on trouve dans la région d'étude. Enfin, nous avons pu souligner que la connectivité entre populations d'escargots est soumise à la qualité des habitats et à leur organisation spatiale. Les escargots sont dépendants d'un habitat et s'y adaptent, comme l'indiquent la présence de «poils » uniquement sur la coquille d'espèces vivant dans des habitats humides ou la corrélation entre morphologie et habitat au sein du complexe sericeus-hispidus. Logiquement donc, les escargots migrent préférentiellement au travers d'habitats favorables comme l'a montré la réduction de flux de gènes au travers des prairies chez T. villosus (une espèce forestière). De ces données, nous pouvons supposer que les populations d'escargots en particulier, et des espèces à faible dispersion en général, ont de fortes chances d'être affectées par les changements climatiques, avec de probables implications pour leurs histoires évolutives. SUMMARY : Species rarely consists in a single population. Because individuals have limited dispersal abilities, because landscapes are habitat patchworks, most species are made of several subpopulations connected by migration. This spatial variation has consequences on the distribution of genetic diversity within and between populations, creating a structure among the populations. During the present work, we investigated some of the population processes assumed to have played an important role on the speciation within the genus Trochulus. More specifically, we questioned the respective impacts of past (historical factors) or present (local factors) population isolations. We first could show that the poor dispersal abilities of land snails have had profound impacts on their evolutionary histories at all spatial and temporal scales. Low dispersal maintains a strong signature of past events in the populations by minimising the homogenising effects of geneflow. At the scale of Trochulus villosus global distribution, they allowed to retrieve the detailed history of this species population isolations and expansions. Combining a large genetic dataset with paleo-climatic niche modelling ended up with a historical scenario significantly better than all traditional alternatives we tested. At local scale on the contrary, past events become difficult to tease apart from ongoing processes. This was the case for the divergent mitochondria) lineages within the sericeus-hispidus complex: the two principal lineages appeared to be phylogenetically distant, to have experienced different demographic histories and to correlate with morphological differences. On the other hand, nuclear (present day) geneflow was high, contradicting the idea of two reproductively isolated cryptic species. Information on the local population dynamics and environmental conditions are lacking to be able to decide whether past isolation has indeed resulted here in new species. Finally, we emphasised the importance of the habitat types present in a landscape as well as their spatial organisation for the population connectivity of land snails. These species are tightly dependent on a habitat and adapt to it as shown by thé occurrence of hair-like structures only in species living in humid environments or by the correlation between shell morphology and habitat in the sericeus-hispidus complex. As a result, land snails preferentially migrate through favourable habitats: Trochulus villosus, a forest species, had its geneflow significantly reduced across meadows. From these data, we can hypothesise that the populations of land snails in particular and of low dispersing species in general are likely to be strongly affected by the ongoing climate changes, with potential major consequences on their evolutionary histories.
Résumé Les changements climatiques du Quaternaire ont eu une influence majeure sur la distribution et l'évolution des biota septentrionaux. Les Alpes offrent un cadre spatio-temporel bien étudié pour comprendre la réactivité de la flore et le potentiel d'adaptation d'une espèce végétale face aux changements climatiques. Certaines hypothèses postulent une diversification des espèces en raison de la disparition complète de la flore des Alpes et d'un isolement important des espèces dans des refuges méridionaux durant les dernières glaciations (Tabula Rasa). Une autre hypothèse stipule le maintien de poches de résistance pour la végétation au coeur des Alpes (Nunataks). Comme de nombreuses espèces végétales présentant un grand succès écologique semblent avoir réagi aux glaciations par la multiplication de leur génome (autopolyploïdie), leur étude en milieu naturel devrait permettre de comprendre les avantages inhérents à la polyploïdie. Biscutella laevigata est un modèle emblématique de biogéographie historique, diverses études ayant montré que des populations diploïdes sont actuellement isolées dans les zones restées déglacées durant le dernier maximum glaciaire, alors que des tétraploïdes ont recolonisé l'ensemble des zones alpines mises à nu par le retrait des glaciers. Si le contexte périglaciaire semble avoir favorisé ce jeune complexe autopolyploïde, les circonstances et les avantages de cette mutation génomique ne sont pas encore clairs. Y a-t-il eu de multiples événements de polyploïdisation ? Dans quelle mesure affecte(nt)il(s) la diversité génétique et le potentiel évolutif des polyploïdes ? Les polyploïdes ont-ils une grande flexibilité génomique, favorisant une radiation adaptative, ou doivent-ils leur succès à une grande plasticité écologique ? Cette étude aborde ces questions à différentes échelles spatiales et temporelles. L'échelle régionale des Alpes occidentales permet d'aborder les facteurs distaux (aspects historiques), alors que l'échelle locale cherche à appréhender les facteurs proximaux (mécanismes évolutifs). Dans les Alpes occidentales, des populations ont été densément échantillonnées et étudiées grâce à (1) leur cytotype, (2) leur appartenance taxonomique, (3) leur habitat et (4) des marqueurs moléculaires de l'ADN chloroplastique, en vue d'établir leurs affinités évolutives. Á l'échelle locale, deux systèmes de population ont été étudiés : l'un où les populations persistent en périphérie de l'aire de distribution et l'autre au niveau du front actif de colonisation, en marge altitudinale. Les résultats à l'échelle des Alpes occidentales révèlent les sites d'intérêt (refuges glaciaires, principales barrières et voies de recolonisation) pour une espèce représentative des pelouses alpines, ainsi que pour la biodiversité régionale. Les Préalpes ont joué un rôle important dans le maintien de populations à proximité immédiate des Alpes centrales et dans l'évolution du taxon, voire de la végétation. Il est aussi démontré que l'époque glaciaire a favorisé l'autopolyploïdie polytopique et la recolonisation des Alpes occidentales par des lignées distinctes qui s'hybrident au centre des Alpes, influençant fortement leur diversité génétique et leur potentiel évolutif. L'analyse de populations locales en situations contrastées à l'aide de marqueurs AFLP montre qu'au sein d'une lignée présentant une grande expansion, la diversité génétique est façonnée par des forces évolutives différentes selon le contexte écologique et historique. Les populations persistant présentent une dispersion des gènes restreinte, engendrant une diversité génétique assez faible, mais semblent adaptées aux conditions locales de l'environnement. À l'inverse, les populations colonisant la marge altitudinale sont influencées par les effets de fondation conjugués à une importante dispersion des gènes et, si ces processus impliquent une grande diversité génétique, ils engendrent une répartition aléatoire des génotypes dans l'environnement. Les autopolyploïdes apparaissent ainsi comme capables de persister face aux changements climatiques grâce à certaines facultés d'adaptation locale et de grandes capacités à maintenir une importante diversité génétique lors de la recolonisation post-glaciaire. Summary The extreme climate changes of the Quaternary have had a major influence on species distribution and evolution. The European Alps offer a great framework to investigate flora reactivity and the adaptive potential of species under changing climate. Some hypotheses postulate diversification due to vegetation removal and important isolation in southern refugia (Tabula Rasa), while others explain phylogeographic patterns by the survival of species in favourable Nunataks within the Alps. Since numerous species have successfully reacted to past climate changes by genome multiplication (autopolyploidy), studies of such taxa in natural conditions is likely to explain the ecological success and the advantages of autopolyploidy. Early cytogeographical surveys of Biscutella laevigata have shed light on the links between autopolyploidy and glaciations by indicating that diploids are now spatially isolated in never-glaciated areas, while autotetraploids have recolonised the zones covered by glaciers- during the last glacial maximum. A periglacial context apparently favoured this young autopolyploid complex but the circumstances and the advantages of this genomic mutation remain unclear. What is the glacial history of the B. laevigata autopolyploid complex? Are there multiple events of polyploidisation? To what extent do they affect the genetic diversity and the evolutionary potential of polyploids? Is recolonisation associated with adaptive processes? How does long-term persistence affect genetic diversity? The present study addresses these questions at different spatiotemporal scales. A regional survey at the Western Alps-scale tackles distal factors (evolutionary history), while local-scale studies explore proximal factors (evolutionary mechanisms). In the Western Alps, populations have been densely sampled and studied from the (1) cytotypic, (2) morphotaxonomic, (3) habitat point of views, as well as (4) plastid DNA molecular markers, in order to infer their relationships and establish the maternal lineages phylogeography. At the local scale, populations persisting at the rear edge and populations recolonising the attitudinal margin at the leading edge have been studied by AFLPs to show how genetic diversity is shaped by different evolutionary forces across the species range. The results at the regional scale document the glacial history of a widespread species, representative of alpine meadows, in a regional area of main interest (glacial refugia, main barriers and recolonisation routes) and points out to sites of interest for regional biodiversity. The external Alps have played a major role in the maintenance of populations near the central Alps during the Last Glacial Maximum and influenced the evolution of the species, and of vegetation. Polytopic autopolyploidy in different biogeographic districts is also demonstrated. The species has had an important and rapid radiation because recolonisation took place from different refugia. The subsequent recolonisation of the Western Alps was achieved by independent lineages that are presently admixing in the central Alps. The role of the Pennic summit line is underlined as a great barrier that was permeable only through certain favourable high-altitude passes. The central Alps are thus viewed as an important crossroad where genomes with different evolutionary histories are meeting and admixing. The AFLP analysis and comparison of local populations growing in contrasted ecological and historical situations indicate that populations persisting in the external Alps present restricted gene dispersal and low genetic diversity but seem in equilibrium with their environment. On the contrary, populations colonising the attitudinal margin are mainly influenced by founder effects together with great gene dispersal and genotypes have a nearly random distribution, suggesting that recolonisation is not associated with adaptive processes. Autopolyploids that locally persist against climate changes thus seem to present adaptive ability, while those that actively recolonise the Alps are successful because of their great capacity to maintain a high genetic diversity against founder effects during recolonisation.
The human genome encodes the blueprint of life, but the function of the vast majority of its nearly three billion bases is unknown. The Encyclopedia of DNA Elements (ENCODE) project has systematically mapped regions of transcription, transcription factor association, chromatin structure and histone modification. These data enabled us to assign biochemical functions for 80% of the genome, in particular outside of the well-studied protein-coding regions. Many discovered candidate regulatory elements are physically associated with one another and with expressed genes, providing new insights into the mechanisms of gene regulation. The newly identified elements also show a statistical correspondence to sequence variants linked to human disease, and can thereby guide interpretation of this variation. Overall, the project provides new insights into the organization and regulation of our genes and genome, and is an expansive resource of functional annotations for biomedical research.
A published formula containing minimal aortic cross-sectional area and the flow deceleration pattern in the descending aorta obtained by cardiovascular magnetic resonance predicts significant coarctation of the aorta (CoA). However, the existing formula is complicated to use in clinical practice and has not been externally validated. Consequently, its clinical utility has been limited. The aim of this study was to derive a simple and clinically practical algorithm to predict severe CoA from data obtained by cardiovascular magnetic resonance. Seventy-nine consecutive patients who underwent cardiovascular magnetic resonance and cardiac catheterization for the evaluation of native or recurrent CoA at Children's Hospital Boston (n = 30) and the University of California, San Francisco (n = 49), were retrospectively reviewed. The published formula derived from data obtained at Children's Hospital Boston was first validated from data obtained at the University of California, San Francisco. Next, pooled data from the 2 institutions were analyzed, and a refined model was created using logistic regression methods. Finally, recursive partitioning was used to develop a clinically practical prediction tree to predict transcatheter systolic pressure gradient ≥ 20 mm Hg. Severe CoA was present in 48 patients (61%). Indexed minimal aortic cross-sectional area and heart rate-corrected flow deceleration time in the descending aorta were independent predictors of CoA gradient ≥ 20 mm Hg (p <0.01 for both). A prediction tree combining these variables reached a sensitivity and specificity of 90% and 76%, respectively. In conclusion, the presented prediction tree on the basis of cutoff values is easy to use and may help guide the management of patients investigated for CoA.
BACKGROUND: Although intra-retinal tumor has long been staged presurgically according to the Reese-Ellsworth (R-E) system, retinoblastoma differs from other pediatric neoplasms in never having had a widely accepted classification system that encompasses the entire spectrum of the disease. Comparisons among studies that consider disease extension, risk factors for extra-ocular relapse, and response to therapy require a universally accepted staging system for extra-ocular disease. PROCEDURE: A committee of retinoblastoma experts from large centers worldwide has developed a consensus classification that can encompass all retinoblastoma cases and is presented herein. Patients are classified according to extent of disease and the presence of overt extra-ocular extension. In addition, a proposal for substaging considering histopathological features of enucleated specimens is presented to further discriminate between Stage I and II patients. RESULTS: The following is a summary of the classification system developed-Stage 0: Patients treated conservatively (subject to presurgical ophthalmologic classifications); Stage I: Eye enucleated, completely resected histologically; Stage II: Eye enucleated, microscopic residual tumor; Stage III: Regional extension [(a) overt orbital disease, (b) preauricular or cervical lymph node extension]; Stage IV: Metastatic disease [(a) hematogenous metastasis: (1) single lesion, (2) multiple lesions; (b) CNS extension: (1) prechiasmatic lesion, (2) CNS mass, (3) leptomeningeal disease]. A proposal is also presented for substaging of enucleated Stages I and II eyes. CONCLUSIONS: The proposed staging system is the product of an international effort to adopt a uniform staging system for patients with retinoblastoma to cover the whole spectrum of the disease.
Alpine flora and climate change: monitoring of three summits in Valais (Switzerland) during the 20th century Climate change might trigger an upward shift of the flora in the Swiss Alps, especially since these experienced higher change in average than observed on a global scale. Previous investigations in the canton des Grisons (Switzerland) and Austria have revealed an increase of floristic diversity on alpine summits since the beginning of the 20th century. Three summits in Valais were revisited in this study: the Gornergrat (first inventory in 1919), the Torrenthorn (about in 1885) and the Beaufort (about in 1920). Every summit was newly inventoried in 2003 in the framework of the PERMANENT.PLOT.CH project. All showed a strong increase in species richness. On the Gornergrat (3135 m), 16 species were not found anymore, but 35 new ones were observed. The number of species on this exceptionally rich summit rose from 102 to 121. In comparison, the floristic richness increased from 24 to 63 species on the Torrenthorn (2924 m) and from 16 to 48 species on the Beaufort (3048 m). As in previous studies, this increase seems likely to be associated with climate change: the new species prefer, in average, higher temperature conditions than those previously prevailing on the summits. On the Gornergrat and Beaufort, our observations reveal a development of alpine meadows, whereas species typical of rocks and raw soils are predominantly colonising the Torrenthorn. This difference might be related to the important damage caused by wanderers on the vegetation of the Torrenthorn.