25 resultados para saturação por bases

em Université de Lausanne, Switzerland


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Pyochelin (Pch) and enantiopyochelin (EPch) are enantiomeric siderophores, with three chiral centers, produced under iron limitation conditions by Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Pseudomonas fluorescens , respectively. After iron chelation in the extracellular medium, Pch-Fe and EPch-Fe are recognized and transported by their specific outer-membrane transporters: FptA in P. aeruginosa and FetA in P. fluorescens . Structural analysis of FetA-EPch-Fe and FptA-Pch-Fe, combined with mutagenesis and docking studies revealed the structural basis of the stereospecific recognition of these enantiomers by their respective transporters. Whereas FetA and FptA have a low sequence identity but high structural homology, the Pch and EPch binding pockets do not share any structural homology, but display similar physicochemical properties. The stereospecific recognition of both enantiomers by their corresponding transporters is imposed by the configuration of the siderophore's C4'' and C2'' chiral centers. This recognition involves specific hydrogen bonds between the Arg91 guanidinium group and EPch-Fe for FetA and between the Leu117-Leu116 main chain and Pch-Fe for FptA. FetA and FptA are the first membrane receptors to be structurally described with opposite binding enantioselectivities for their ligands, giving insights into the structural basis of their enantiospecificity.


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The assessment of medical technologies has to answer several questions ranging from safety and effectiveness to complex economical, social, and health policy issues. The type of data needed to carry out such evaluation depends on the specific questions to be answered, as well as on the stage of development of a technology. Basically two types of data may be distinguished: (a) general demographic, administrative, or financial data which has been collected not specifically for technology assessment; (b) the data collected with respect either to a specific technology or to a disease or medical problem. On the basis of a pilot inquiry in Europe and bibliographic research, the following categories of type (b) data bases have been identified: registries, clinical data bases, banks of factual and bibliographic knowledge, and expert systems. Examples of each category are discussed briefly. The following aims for further research and practical goals are proposed: criteria for the minimal data set required, improvement to the registries and clinical data banks, and development of an international clearinghouse to enhance information diffusion on both existing data bases and available reports on medical technology assessments.


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Obesity is an increasingly serious health problem, and is highly associated with insulin-resistance and dyslipidemia. The mechanisms involved in the development of this disorder are still poorly understood, although significant progress has been recently made in the elucidation of their molecular basis. The major causes leading to obesity are defects in the regulation of fat metabolism. Several mutations identified in different animal models have unveiled the roles of a number of genes in the regulation of energy balance. These dicoveries, together with the fact that some of these mutations have been found in humans, have lead to the conclusion that obesity is due to nutritional or environmental factors, but also involves genetic factors. A number of important peripheric factors participate in the regulation processes, such as the adipocyte-specific hormone leptin, and the nuclear homone receptors PPARs. A general scheme can now be drawn which includes some key factors and their respective interactions.


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La dysplasie pseudorhumatoïde progressive (PPRD) est une arthropathie non- inflammatoire causée par des mutations récessives du gène WISP3. Elle se manifeste pendant la petite enfance avec une raideur progressive des articulations et des douleurs. Les patients sont référées habituellement aux rhumatologues pédiatres et aux orthopédistes, et seulement dans un deuxième temps, vers les généticiens et/ou experts dans les dysplasies osseuses. Pour cette raison le diagnostic clinique, qui repose sur les signes radiologiques typiques et l'expérience clinique, est souvent retardé et les patients peuvent recevoir des traitements anti-inflammatoires et immunosuppresseurs innécessaires. Nous reportons ici une large série de patients atteints de PPRD avec confirmation du diagnostic au niveau moléculaire, et nous soulignons les caractéristiques cliniques et radiologiques de la maladie. Il existe une fenêtre d'âge dans laquelle les signes radiologiques sont spécifiquement reconnaissables. Des anomalies spondyloépiphyseales très légères peuvent apparaître avant l'âge de 9 ans et une perte de cartilage non-spécifique qui ressemble à une ostéoarthrite avancée est présente chez les jeunes adultes. Les articulations interphalangiennes sont les premières à être atteintes, suivis par les genoux et les hanches. L'atteint de la colonne arrive chez les enfants plus grands et dans l'adolescence. Une cyphose est fréquente et une scoliose survienne chez une minorité de patients. Des signes d'ostéoarthrite avancée comme des formations ostéophytiques et/ou des calcifications périarticulaires sont observés chez les jeunes adultes atteints de PPRD et peuvent être responsables d'une certaine inflammation secondaire. L'analyse moléculaire du gène WISP3 par séquençage de l'ADN génomique permet de confirmer le diagnostic dans la plupart des cas. Néanmoins, des splicings alternatives causés par des mutations introniques peuvent être détectés dans le cDNA des fibroblastes. Dans le cas où l'analyse génomique ne montre aucune mutation chez un individu présentant les signes et symptômes typiques de la maladie, une biopsie de peau est indiquée pour analyse moléculaire du cDNA. La prise en charge de la PPRD est symptomatique et largement insatisfaisante. Le remplacement des articulations les plus atteintes est souvent nécessaire dès l'adolescence afin de diminuer les douleurs et maintenir la mobilité.


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La pose d'un cathéter veineux central est un geste fréquent dans un service de médecine interne. En suivant la formation des médecins-assistants, nous nous sommes aperçus que certaines questions, doutes ou craintes concernant cette procédure nous sont régulièrement adressées: «Est-ce qu'un cathéter sous-clavier peut être posé avec une thrombocytopénie modérée?»; «Quel site de ponction présente le moins de risques pour le patient?»; «Après combien de jours un cathéter doit-il être changé?». Cet article se propose de répondre à ces questions et à d'autres, en partant d'une mini-revue de la littérature actuelle. Central venous catheterization is a frequently performed procedure in internal medicine units. Residents in training frequently share the same questions, doubts and fears about this procedure : "Should I perform a subclavian catheterization in a patient with mild thrombopenia?"; "Which site has the lesser complication rate?"; "After how long does a catheter need to be replaced?". This mini-review of the current literature tries to answer this and other questions


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In severe forms of Diamond-Blackfan anemia, preimplantation genetic diagnosis (PGD) of histocompatibility leukocyte antigen-compatible embryos for enabling the next sibling in the family to be a stem-cell transplantation donor constitutes the sole lasting cure capable of terminating the enduring need for iterative transfusions. We report here an open collaboration between two renowned institutions to provide a family desiring this treatment even though they resided where the preimplantation genetic diagnosis procedure is banned.


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The physiological processes that maintain body homeostasis oscillate during the day. Diurnal changes characterize kidney functions, comprising regulation of hydro-electrolytic and acid-base balance, reabsorption of small solutes and hormone production. Renal physiology is characterized by 24-h periodicity and contributes to circadian variability of blood pressure levels, related as well to nychthemeral changes of sodium sensitivity, physical activity, vascular tone, autonomic function and neurotransmitter release from sympathetic innervations. The circadian rhythmicity of body physiology is driven by central and peripheral biological clockworks and entrained by the geophysical light/dark cycle. Chronodisruption, defined as the mismatch between environmental-social cues and physiological-behavioral patterns, causes internal desynchronization of periodic functions, leading to pathophysiological mechanisms underlying degenerative, immune related, metabolic and neoplastic diseases. In this review we will address the genetic, molecular and anatomical elements that hardwire circadian rhythmicity in renal physiology and subtend disarray of time-dependent changes in renal pathology.


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The development of new drug delivery systems to target the anterior segment of the eye may offer many advantages: to increase the biodisponibility of the drug, to allow the penetration of drug that cannot be formulated as solutions, to obtain constant and sustained drug release, to achieve higher local concentrations without systemic effects, to target more specifically one tissue or cell type, to reduce the frequency of instillation and therefore increase the observance and comfort of the patient while reducing side effects of frequent instillation. Several approaches are developed, aiming to increase the corneal contact time by modified formulation or reservoir systems, or by increasing the tissue permeability using iontophoresis. To date, no ocular drug delivery system is ideal for all purposes. To maximize treatment efficacy, careful evaluation of the specific pathological condition, the targeted Intraocular tissue and the location of the most severe pathology must be made before selecting the method of delivery most suitable for each individual patient.