334 resultados para salt-stress
em Université de Lausanne, Switzerland
Sphingomonas wittichii RW1 is a dibenzofuran and dibenzodioxin-degrading bacterium with potentially interesting properties for bioaugmentation of contaminated sites. In order to understand the capacity of the microorganism to survive in the environment we used a genome-wide transposon scanning approach. RW1 transposon libraries were generated with around 22 000 independent insertions. Libraries were grown for an average of 50 generations (five successive passages in batch liquid medium) with salicylate as sole carbon and energy source in presence or absence of salt stress at -1.5 MPa. Alternatively, libraries were grown in sand with salicylate, at 50% water holding capacity, for 4 and 10 days (equivalent to 7 generations). Library DNA was recovered from the different growth conditions and scanned by ultrahigh throughput sequencing for the positions and numbers of inserted transposed kanamycin resistance gene. No transposon reads were recovered in 579 genes (10% of all annotated genes in the RW1 genome) in any of the libraries, suggesting those to be essential for survival under the used conditions. Libraries recovered from sand differed strongly from those incubated in liquid batch medium. In particular, important functions for survival of cells in sand at the short term concerned nutrient scavenging, energy metabolism and motility. In contrast to this, fatty acid metabolism and oxidative stress response were essential for longer term survival of cells in sand. Comparison to transcriptome data suggested important functions in sand for flagellar movement, pili synthesis, trehalose and polysaccharide synthesis and putative cell surface antigen proteins. Interestingly, a variety of genes were also identified, interruption of which cause significant increase in fitness during growth on salicylate. One of these was an Lrp family transcription regulator and mutants in this gene covered more than 90% of the total library after 50 generations of growth on salicylate. Our results demonstrate the power of genome-wide transposon scanning approaches for analysis of complex traits.
Many organelles exist in an equilibrium of fragmentation into smaller units and fusion into larger structures, which is coordinated with cell division, the increase in cell mass, and envi¬ronmental conditions. In yeast cells, organelle homeostasis can be studied using the yeast vacuole (lysosome) as a model system. Yeast vacuoles are the main compartment for degrada¬tion of cellular proteins and storage of nutrients, ions and metabolites. Fission and fusion of vacuoles can be induced by hyper- and hypotonic shock in vivo, respectively, and have also been reconstituted in vitro using isolated vacuoles. The conserved serine/threonine kinase TOR (target of rapamycin) is a central nutrient sensor and regulates cell growth and metabolism. In yeast, there are two TOR proteins, Torlp and Tor2p, which are part of larger protein complexes, TORCI and TORC2. Only TORCI is rapamycin-sensitive. Disregulation of TOR signaling is linked to a multitude of diseases in humans, e.g. cancer, neurodegenerative diseases and metabolic syndrome. It has been shown that TORCI localizes to the vacuole membrane, and recent findings of our laboratory demonstrated that TORCI positively regulates vacuole fragmentation. This suggests that the fragmentation machinery should contain target proteins phosphorylated by TORCI. I explored the rapamycin-and fission-dependent vacuolar phosphoproteome during frag¬mentation, using a label-free mass-spectrometry approach. I identified many vacuolar factors whose phosphorylation was downregulated in a TORCI- and fission-dependent manner. Among them were known protein complexes that are functionally linked to fission or fusion, like the HOPS, VTC and FAB1 complexes. Hence, TORCI-dependent phosphorylations might positively regulate vacuole fission. Several candidates were chosen for detailed microscopic analysis of in vivo vacuole frag-mentation, using deletion mutants. I was able to identify novel factors not previously linked to fission phenotypes, e.g. the SEA complex, Pib2, and several vacuolar amino acid transporters. Transport of neutral and basic amino acids across the membrane seems to control vacuole fission, possibly via TORCI. I analyzed vacuolar fluxes of amino acids in wildtype yeast cells and found evidence for a selective vacuolar export of basic amino acids upon hyperosmotic stress. This leads me to propose a model where vacuolar export of amino acids is necessary to reshape the organelle under salt stress. - Le nombre et la taille de certaines organelles peut être déterminé par un équilibre entre la fragmentation qui produit des unités plus petites et la fusion qui génère des structures plus larges. Cet équilibre est coordonné avec la division cellulaire, l'augmentation de la masse cellulaire, et les conditions environnementales. Dans des cellules de levure, l'homéostasie des organelles peut être étudié à l'aide d'un système modèle, la vacuole de levure (lysosome). Les vacuoles constituent le principal compartiment de la dégradation des protéines et de stockage des nutriments, des ions et des métabolites. La fragmentation et la fusion des vacuoles peuvent être respectivement induites par un traitement hyper- ou hypo-tonique dans les cellules vivantes. Ces processus ont également été reconstitués in vitro en utilisant des vacuoles isolées. La sérine/thréonine kinase conservée TOR (target of rapamycin/cible de la rapamycine) est un senseur de nutriments majeur qui régule la croissance cellulaire et le métabolisme. Chez la levure, il existe deux protéines TOR, Torlp et Tor2p, qui sont les constituants de plus grands complexes de protéines, TORCI et TORC2. TORCI est spécifiquement inhibé par la rapamycine. Une dysrégulation de la signalisation de TOR est liée à une multitude de maladies chez l'homme comme le cancer, les maladies neurodégénératives et le syndrome métabolique. Il a été montré que TORCI se localise à la membrane vacuolaire et les découvertes récentes de notre laboratoire ont montré que TORCI régule positivement la fragmentation de la vacuole. Ceci suggère que le mécanisme de fragmentation doit être contrôlé par la phosphorylation de certaines protéines cibles de TORCI. J'ai exploré le phosphoprotéome vacuolaire lors de la fragmentation, en présence ou absence de rapamycine et dans des conditions provoquant la fragmentation des organelles. La méthode choisie pour réaliser la première partie de ce projet a été la spectrométrie de masse différentielle sans marquage. J'ai ainsi identifié plusieurs facteurs vacuolaires dont la phosphorylation est régulée d'une manière dépendante de TORCI et de la fragmentation. Parmi ces facteurs, des complexes protéiques connus qui sont fonctionnellement liées à fragmentation ou la fusion, comme les complexes HOPS, VTC et FAB1 ont été mis en évidence. Par conséquent, la phosphorylation dépendante de TORCI peut réguler positivement la fragmentation des vacuoles. Plusieurs candidats ont été choisis pour une analyse microscopique détaillée de la fragmentation vacuolaire in vivo en utilisant des mutants de délétion. J'ai été en mesure d'identifier de nouveaux facteurs qui n'avaient pas été encore associés à des phénotypes de fragmentation tels que les complexes SEA, Pib2p, ainsi que plusieurs transporteurs vacuolaires d'acides aminés. Le transport des acides aminés à travers la membrane semble contrôler la fragmentation de la vacuole. Puisque ces transporteurs sont phosphorylés par TORCI, ces résultats semblent confirmer la
Pseudomonas fluorescens CHA0 is an effective biocontrol agent of root diseases caused by fungal pathogens. The strain produces the antibiotics 2,4-diacetylphloroglucinol (DAPG) and pyoluteorin (PLT) that make essential contributions to pathogen suppression. This study focused on the role of the sigma factor RpoN (sigma54) in regulation of antibiotic production and biocontrol activity in P. fluorescens. An rpoN in-frame-deletion mutant of CHAO had a delayed growth, was impaired in the utilization of several carbon and nitrogen sources, and was more sensitive to salt stress. The rpoN mutant was defective for flagella and displayed drastically reduced swimming and swarming motilities. Interestingly, the rpoN mutant showed a severalfold enhanced production of DAPG and expression of the biosynthetic gene phlA compared with the wild type and the mutant complemented with monocopy rpoN+. By contrast, loss of RpoN function resulted in markedly lowered PLT production and plt gene expression, suggesting that RpoN controls the balance of the two antibiotics in strain CHA0. In natural soil microcosms, the rpoN mutant was less effective in protecting cucumber from a root rot caused by Pythium ultimum. Remarkably, the mutant was not significantly impaired in its root colonization capacity, even at early stages of root infection by Pythium spp. Taken together, our results establish RpoN for the first time as a major regulator of biocontrol activity in Pseudomonas fluorescens.
BACKGROUND: Nitrosative stress takes place in endothelial cells (EC) during corneal acute graft rejection. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the potential role of peroxynitrite on corneal EC death. METHODS: The effect of peroxynitrite was evaluated in vivo. Fifty, 250, and 500 microM in 1.5 microL of the natural or denatured peroxynitrite in 50 microM NaOH, 50 microM NaOH alone, or balanced salt solution were injected into the anterior chamber of rat eyes (n=3/group). Corneal toxic signs after injection were assessed by slit-lamp, in vivo confocal imaging, pachymetry, and EC count. The effect of peroxynitrite was also evaluated on nitrotyrosine and leucocyte elastase inhibitor/LDNase II immunohistochemistry. Human corneas were incubated with peroxynitrite and the effect on EC viability was evaluated. A specific inducible nitric oxide synthase inhibitor (iNOS) was administered systemically in rats undergoing allogeneic corneal graft rejection and the effect on EC was evaluated by EC count. RESULTS: Rat eyes receiving as little as 50 microM peroxynitrite showed a specific dose-dependent toxicity on EC. We observed an intense nitrotyrosine staining of human and rat EC exposed to peroxynitrite associated with leucocyte elastase inhibitor nuclear translocation, a noncaspase dependent apoptosis reaction. Specific inhibition of iNOS generation prevented EC death and enhanced EC survival of the grafted corneas. However, inhibition of iNOS did not have a significant influence on the incidence of graft rejection. CONCLUSION: Nitrosative stress during acute corneal graft rejection in rat eyes induces a noncaspase dependent apoptotic death in EC. Inhibition of nitric oxide production during the corneal graft rejection has protective effects on the corneal EC survival.
Active protein-disaggregation by a chaperone network composed of ClpB and DnaK + DnaJ + GrpE is essential for the recovery of stress-induced protein aggregates in vitro and in Escherichia coli cells. K-glutamate and glycine-betaine (betaine) naturally accumulate in salt-stressed cells. In addition to providing thermo-protection to native proteins, we found that these osmolytes can strongly and specifically activate ClpB, resulting in an increased efficiency of chaperone-mediated protein disaggregation. Moreover, factors that inhibited the chaperone network by impairing the stability of the ClpB oligomer, such as natural polyamines, dilution, or high salt, were efficiently counteracted by K-glutamate or betaine. The combined protective, counter-negative and net activatory effects of K-glutamate and betaine, allowed protein disaggregation and refolding under heat-shock temperatures that otherwise cause protein aggregation in vitro and in the cell. Mesophilic organisms may thus benefit from a thermotolerant osmolyte-activated chaperone mechanism that can actively rescue protein aggregates, correctly refold and maintain them in a native state under heat-shock conditions.
The term water stress refers to the effects of low water availability on microbial growth and physiology. Water availability has been proposed as a major constraint for the use of microorganisms in contaminated sites with the purpose of bioremediation. Sphingomonas wittichii RW1 is a bacterium capable of degrading the xenobiotic compounds dibenzofuran and dibenzo-p-dioxin, and has potential to be used for targeted bioremediation. The aim of the current work was to identify genes implicated in water stress in RW1 by means of transposon mutagenesis and mutant growth experiments. Conditions of low water potential were mimicked by adding NaCl to the growth media. Three different mutant selection or separation method were tested which, however recovered different mutants. Recovered transposon mutants with poorer growth under salt-induced water stress carried insertions in genes involved in proline and glutamate biosynthesis, and further in a gene putatively involved in aromatic compound catabolism. Transposon mutants growing poorer on medium with lowered water potential also included ones that had insertions in genes involved in more general functions such as transcriptional regulation, elongation factor, cell division protein, RNA polymerase β or an aconitase.
Salt and heat stresses, which are often combined in nature, induce complementing defense mechanisms. Organisms adapt to high external salinity by accumulating small organic compounds known as osmolytes, which equilibrate cellular osmotic pressure. Osmolytes can also act as "chemical chaperones" by increasing the stability of native proteins and assisting refolding of unfolded polypeptides. Adaptation to heat stress depends on the expression of heat-shock proteins, many of which are molecular chaperones, that prevent protein aggregation, disassemble protein aggregates, and assist protein refolding. We show here that Escherichia coli cells preadapted to high salinity contain increased levels of glycine betaine that prevent protein aggregation under thermal stress. After heat shock, the aggregated proteins, which escaped protection, were disaggregated in salt-adapted cells as efficiently as in low salt. Here we address the effects of four common osmolytes on chaperone activity in vitro. Systematic dose responses of glycine betaine, glycerol, proline, and trehalose revealed a regulatory effect on the folding activities of individual and combinations of chaperones GroEL, DnaK, and ClpB. With the exception of trehalose, low physiological concentrations of proline, glycerol, and especially glycine betaine activated the molecular chaperones, likely by assisting local folding in chaperone-bound polypeptides and stabilizing the native end product of the reaction. High osmolyte concentrations, especially trehalose, strongly inhibited DnaK-dependent chaperone networks, such as DnaK+GroEL and DnaK+ClpB, likely because high viscosity affects dynamic interactions between chaperones and folding substrates and stabilizes protein aggregates. Thus, during combined salt and heat stresses, cells can specifically control protein stability and chaperone-mediated disaggregation and refolding by modulating the intracellular levels of different osmolytes.
In rats, neonatal treatment with monosodium L-glutamate (MSG) induces several metabolic and neuroendocrine abnormalities, which result in hyperadiposity. No data exist, however, regarding neuroendocrine, immune and metabolic responses to acute endotoxemia in the MSG-damaged rat. We studied the consequences of MSG treatment during the acute phase response of inflammatory stress. Neonatal male rats were treated with MSG or vehicle (controls, CTR) and studied at age 90 days. Pituitary, adrenal, adipo-insular axis, immune, metabolic and gonadal functions were explored before and up to 5 h after single sub-lethal i.p. injection of bacterial lipopolysaccharide (LPS; 150 microg/kg). Our results showed that, during the acute phase response of inflammatory stress in MSG rats: (1) the corticotrope-adrenal, leptin, insulin and triglyceride responses were higher than in CTR rats, (2) pro-inflammatory (TNFalpha) cytokine response was impaired and anti-inflammatory (IL-10) cytokine response was normal, and (3) changes in peripheral estradiol and testosterone levels after LPS varied as in CTR rats. These data indicate that metabolic and neroendocrine-immune functions are altered in MSG-damaged rats. Our study also suggests that the enhanced corticotrope-corticoadrenal activity in MSG animals could be responsible, at least in part, for the immune and metabolic derangements characterizing hypothalamic obesity.
The determination of characteristic cardiac parameters, such as displacement, stress and strain distribution are essential for an understanding of the mechanics of the heart. The calculation of these parameters has been limited until recently by the use of idealised mathematical representations of biventricular geometries and by applying simple material laws. On the basis of 20 short axis heart slices and in consideration of linear and nonlinear material behaviour we have developed a FE model with about 100,000 degrees of freedom. Marching Cubes and Phong's incremental shading technique were used to visualise the three dimensional geometry. In a quasistatic FE analysis continuous distribution of regional stress and strain corresponding to the endsystolic state were calculated. Substantial regional variation of the Von Mises stress and the total strain energy were observed at all levels of the heart model. The results of both the linear elastic model and the model with a nonlinear material description (Mooney-Rivlin) were compared. While the stress distribution and peak stress values were found to be comparable, the displacement vectors obtained with the nonlinear model were generally higher in comparison with the linear elastic case indicating the need to include nonlinear effects.
The relationship between metabolism and reactive oxygen species (ROS) production by the mitochondria has often been (wrongly) viewed as straightforward, with increased metabolism leading to higher generation of pro-oxidants. Insights into mitochondrial functioning show that oxygen consumption is principally coupled with either energy conversion as ATP or as heat, depending on whether the ATP-synthase or the mitochondrial uncoupling protein 1 (UCP1) is driving respiration. However, these two processes might greatly differ in terms of oxidative costs. We used a cold challenge to investigate the oxidative stress consequences of an increased metabolism achieved either by the activation of an uncoupled mechanism (i.e. UCP1 activity) in the brown adipose tissue (BAT) of wild-type mice or by ATP-dependent muscular shivering thermogenesis in mice deficient for UCP1. Although both mouse strains increased their metabolism by more than twofold when acclimatised for 4 weeks to moderate cold (12°C), only mice deficient for UCP1 suffered from elevated levels of oxidative stress. When exposed to cold, mice deficient for UCP1 showed an increase of 20.2% in plasmatic reactive oxygen metabolites, 81.8% in muscular oxidized glutathione and 47.1% in muscular protein carbonyls. In contrast, there was no evidence of elevated levels of oxidative stress in the plasma, muscles or BAT of wild-type mice exposed to cold despite a drastic increase in BAT activity. Our study demonstrates differing oxidative costs linked to the functioning of two highly metabolically active organs during thermogenesis, and advises careful consideration of mitochondrial functioning when investigating the links between metabolism and oxidative stress.
BACKGROUND: Although long-term implications of cancer in childhood or adolescence with regard to medical conditions are well documented, the impact on mental health and on response to stress, which may be an indicator of psychological vulnerability, is not yet well understood. In this study, psychological and physiological responses to stress were examined.¦PROCEDURE: Fifty-three participants aged 18-39 years (n = 25 survivors of childhood or adolescence cancer, n = 28 controls) underwent an experimental stress test, the Trier Social Stress Test (TSST). Participants were asked to provide repeated evaluations of perceived stress on visual-analogical scales and blood samples were collected before and after the TSST to measure plasma cortisol.¦RESULTS: The psychological perception of stress was not different between the two groups. However, the cancer survivors group showed a higher global plasma cortisol level as well as higher amplitude in the response to the TSST. The global cortisol level in cancer survivors was increased when depression symptoms were present. The subjective perception of stress and the plasma cortisol levels were only marginally correlated in both groups.¦CONCLUSIONS: It is suggested that the exposure to a life-threatening experience in childhood/adolescence increases the endocrine response to stress, and that the presence of depressive symptoms is associated with an elevation of plasma cortisol levels. A better knowledge of these mechanisms is important given that the dysregulations of the stress responses may cause psychological vulnerability. Pediatr Blood Cancer 2012; 59: 138-143. © 2011 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
Objective : The announcement, prenatally or at birth, of a cleft lip and/or palate represents a challenge for the parents. The purpose of this study is to identify parental working internal models of the child (parental representations of the child and relationship in the context of attachment theory) and posttraumatic stress disorder symptoms in mothers of infants born with a cleft. Method : The study compares mothers with a child born with a cleft (n = 22) and mothers with a healthy infant (n = 36). Results : The study shows that mothers of infants with a cleft more often experience insecure parental working internal models of the child and more posttraumatic stress symptoms than mothers of the control group. It is interesting that the severity or complexity of the cleft is not related to parental representations and posttraumatic stress disorder symptoms. The maternal emotional involvement, as expressed in maternal attachment representations, is higher in mothers of children with a cleft who had especially high posttraumatic stress disorder symptoms, as compared with mothers of children with a cleft having fewer posttraumatic stress disorder symptoms. Discussion : Mothers of children with a cleft may benefit from supportive therapy regarding parent-child attachment, even when they express low posttraumatic stress disorder symptoms.
BACKGROUND: Low 24-hour urine volume (24 UV) may be a significant risk factor for decline in kidney function. We therefore aimed to study associated markers and possible determinants of 24 UV in a sample of the Swiss population. METHODS: The cross-sectional Swiss Salt Study included a population-based sample of 1535 (746 men and 789 women) individuals from three linguistic regions of Switzerland. Data from 1300 subjects were available for the present analysis. 24 UV was measured using 24-hour urine collection. Determinants of 24 UV were identified using multivariable linear regression models. RESULTS: In bivariate analysis, 24 UV was higher in women compared to men (2000 ml/24 h [interquartile range (IQR): 1354, 2562] versus 1780 ml/24 h [IQR: 1244, 2360], p = 0.002). In multivariable regression analyses, independent associated markers of 24 UV were female sex (β = 280, 95% confidence interval [CI]: 174, 386, p < 0.0001), fluid intake (β = 604, 95% CI: 539, 670, p < 0.0001), sodium excretion (β = 4.2, 95% CI: 3.4, 4.9, p < 0.0001) age (β = 6.6, CI: 3.4, 9.7, p < .0001), creatinine clearance (β = 2.4, CI: 0.2, 4.6, p = 0.04), living in the German-speaking part of Switzerland (β = 124, CI: 29, 219, p = 0.01), alcohol consumption (β = 41, CI: 9, 73, p = 0.01 for increasing categories of alcohol consumption), body mass index (β = -32, CI: -45, -18, p < 0.0001), current smoking (β = -146, CI: -265, -26, p = 0.02), and consumption of meat and cold cut (β = -56, CI: -108, -5, p = 0.03). CONCLUSION: In this large population-based, cross-sectional study, we found several strong and independent correlates for 24 UV. These findings may be important to improve our understanding in the development of chronic kidney disease.
Prior research on school dropout has often focused on stable person- and institution-level variables. In this research, we investigate longitudinally perceived stress and optimism as predictors of dropout intentions over a period of four years, and distinguish between stable and temporary predictors of dropout intentions. Findings based on a nationally representative sample of 16e20 year-olds in Switzerland (N ¼ 4312) show that both average levels of stress and optimism as well as annually varying levels of stress and optimism affect dropout intentions. Additionally, results show that optimism buffers the negative impact of annually varying stress (i.e., years with more stress than usual), but not of stable levels of stress (i.e., stress over four years). The implications of the results are discussed according to a dynamic and preventive approach of school dropout.