52 resultados para rough turning

em Université de Lausanne, Switzerland


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An African oxalogenic tree, the iroko tree (Milicia excelsa), has the property to enhance carbonate precipitation in tropical oxisols, where such accumulations are not expected due to the acidic conditions in these types of soils. This uncommon process is linked to the oxalate-carbonate pathway, which increases soil pH through oxalate oxidation. In order to investigate the oxalate-carbonate pathway in the iroko system, fluxes of matter have been identified, described, and evaluated from field to microscopic scales. In the first centimeters of the soil profile, decaying of the organic matter allows the release of whewellite crystals, mainly due to the action of termites and saprophytic fungi. In addition, a concomitant flux of carbonate formed in wood tissues contributes to the carbonate flux and is identified as a direct consequence of wood feeding by termites. Nevertheless, calcite biomineralization of the tree is not a consequence of in situ oxalate consumption, but rather related to the oxalate oxidation inside the upper part of the soil. The consequence of this oxidation is the presence of carbonate ions in the soil solution pumped through the roots, leading to preferential mineralization of the roots and the trunk base. An ideal scenario for the iroko biomineralization and soil carbonate accumulation starts with oxalatization: as the iroko tree grows, the organic matter flux to the soil constitutes the litter, and an oxalate pool is formed on the forest ground. Then, wood rotting agents (mainly termites, saprophytic fungi, and bacteria) release significant amounts of oxalate crystals from decaying plant tissues. In addition, some of these agents are themselves producers of oxalate (e.g. fungi). Both processes contribute to a soil pool of "available" oxalate crystals. Oxalate consumption by oxalotrophic bacteria can then start. Carbonate and calcium ions present in the soil solution represent the end products of the oxalate-carbonate pathway. The solution is pumped through the roots, leading to carbonate precipitation. The main pools of carbon are clearly identified as the organic matter (the tree and its organic products), the oxalate crystals, and the various carbonate features. A functional model based on field observations and diagenetic investigations with δ13C signatures of the various compartments involved in the local carbon cycle is proposed. It suggests that the iroko ecosystem can act as a long-term carbon sink, as long as the calcium source is related to non-carbonate rocks. Consequently, this carbon sink, driven by the oxalate carbonate pathway around an iroko tree, constitutes a true carbon trapping ecosystem as defined by ecological theory.


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Assessment of locomotion through simple tests such as timed up and go (TUG) or walking trials can provide valuable information for the evaluation of treatment and the early diagnosis of people with Parkinson's disease (PD). Common methods used in clinics are either based on complex motion laboratory settings or simple timing outcomes using stop watches. The goal of this paper is to present an innovative technology based on wearable sensors on-shoe and processing algorithm, which provides outcome measures characterizing PD motor symptoms during TUG and gait tests. Our results on ten PD patients and ten age-matched elderly subjects indicate an accuracy ± precision of 2.8 ± 2.4 cm/s and 1.3 ± 3.0 cm for stride velocity and stride length estimation compared to optical motion capture, with the advantage of being practical to use in home or clinics without any discomfort for the subject. In addition, the use of novel spatio-temporal parameters, including turning, swing width, path length, and their intercycle variability, was also validated and showed interesting tendencies for discriminating patients in ON and OFF states and control subjects.


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Turning biases have been associated with unbalanced hemispheric dopaminergic activity, and this activity has been correlated with cue-directed behaviors. Moreover, a sexual differentiation in hippocampal dopaminergic receptors following learning has been shown. In humans, pointing responses towards the starting point is commonly used to assess the accuracy of direction estimation after locomotion. Thus, it may be of interest for the field of spatial cognition to explore human sex differences in spontaneous turning bias when a body rotation is required. To this end, male and female blindfolded subjects were guided in a linear displacement and asked to rotate in order to point in the direction of the starting position. The main finding was a massive difference between men and women. 80% of women showed a turning bias to the right when 69% of men showed a bias to the left. Moreover, these preferences were not correlated with handedness. These results suggest basic preferences associated to sex might influence male and female performance in spatial cognition. They also suggest experimental procedures may be biased in favor of male or female strategies. Therefore, such preferences should be considered in order to gain further insight into the development of more balanced procedures.


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The thoracolumbar junctional region (T10-L1) of the spine is a transitional zone, where more than half of the thoracic and lumbar fractures occur. In this presentation the origin of the pathoanatomical changes in the thoracolumbar junctional region of the spine is discussed in view of the previous studies. These studies refer to a torsional force contributing to the formation of the degenerative changes, especially in the facet joints. Degenerative changes anteriorly and posteriorly do not concur in the thoracolumbar junctional region. Only a weak concurrence is found between disc degeneration and spondylosis, which refer to differences in their pathomechanisms. A strong concurrence between the degenerative changes at different levels, especially anteriorly, reflects factors causing overall degeneration in the thoracolumbar junctional region.


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Molecular docking is a computational approach for predicting the most probable position of ligands in the binding sites of macromolecules and constitutes the cornerstone of structure-based computer-aided drug design. Here, we present a new algorithm called Attracting Cavities that allows molecular docking to be performed by simple energy minimizations only. The approach consists in transiently replacing the rough potential energy hypersurface of the protein by a smooth attracting potential driving the ligands into protein cavities. The actual protein energy landscape is reintroduced in a second step to refine the ligand position. The scoring function of Attracting Cavities is based on the CHARMM force field and the FACTS solvation model. The approach was tested on the 85 experimental ligand-protein structures included in the Astex diverse set and achieved a success rate of 80% in reproducing the experimental binding mode starting from a completely randomized ligand conformer. The algorithm thus compares favorably with current state-of-the-art docking programs. © 2015 The Authors. Journal of Computational Chemistry Published by Wiley Periodicals, Inc.


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La douleur est fréquente en milieu de soins intensifs et sa gestion est l'une des missions des infirmières. Son évaluation est une prémisse indispensable à son soulagement. Cependant lorsque le patient est incapable de signaler sa douleur, les infirmières doivent se baser sur des signes externes pour l'évaluer. Les guides de bonne pratique recommandent chez les personnes non communicantes l'usage d'un instrument validé pour la population donnée et basé sur l'observation des comportements. A l'heure actuelle, les instruments d'évaluation de la douleur disponibles ne sont que partiellement adaptés aux personnes cérébrolésées dans la mesure où ces personnes présentent des comportements qui leur sont spécifiques. C'est pourquoi, cette étude vise à identifier, décrire et valider des indicateurs, et des descripteurs, de la douleur chez les personnes cérébrolésées. Un devis d'étude mixte multiphase avec une dominante quantitative a été choisi pour cette étude. Une première phase consistait à identifier des indicateurs et des descripteurs de la douleur chez les personnes cérébrolésées non communicantes aux soins intensifs en combinant trois sources de données : une revue intégrative des écrits, une démarche consultative utilisant la technique du groupe nominal auprès de 18 cliniciens expérimentés (6 médecins et 12 infirmières) et les résultats d'une étude pilote observationnelle réalisée auprès de 10 traumatisés crâniens. Les résultats ont permis d'identifier 6 indicateurs et 47 descripteurs comportementaux, vocaux et physiologiques susceptibles d'être inclus dans un instrument d'évaluation de la douleur destiné aux personnes cérébrolésées non- communicantes aux soins intensifs. Une deuxième phase séquentielle vérifiait les propriétés psychométriques des indicateurs et des descripteurs préalablement identifiés. La validation de contenu a été testée auprès de 10 experts cliniques et 4 experts scientifiques à l'aide d'un questionnaire structuré qui cherchait à évaluer la pertinence et la clarté/compréhensibilité de chaque descripteur. Cette démarche a permis de sélectionner 33 des 47 descripteurs et valider 6 indicateurs. Dans un deuxième temps, les propriétés psychométriques de ces indicateurs et descripteurs ont été étudiés au repos, lors de stimulation non nociceptive et lors d'une stimulation nociceptive (la latéralisation du patient) auprès de 116 personnes cérébrolésées aux soins intensifs hospitalisées dans deux centres hospitaliers universitaires. Les résultats montrent d'importantes variations dans les descripteurs observés lors de stimulation nociceptive probablement dues à l'hétérogénéité des patients au niveau de leur état de conscience. Dix descripteurs ont été éliminés, car leur fréquence lors de la stimulation nociceptive était inférieure à 5% ou leur fiabilité insuffisante. Les descripteurs physiologiques ont tous été supprimés en raison de leur faible variabilité et d'une fiabilité inter juge problématique. Les résultats montrent que la validité concomitante, c'est-à-dire la corrélation entre l'auto- évaluation du patient et les mesures réalisées avec les descripteurs, est satisfaisante lors de stimulation nociceptive {rs=0,527, p=0,003, n=30). Par contre la validité convergente, qui vérifiait l'association entre l'évaluation de la douleur par l'infirmière en charge du patient et les mesures réalisés avec les descripteurs, ainsi que la validité divergente, qui vérifiait si les indicateurs discriminent entre la stimulation nociceptive et le repos, mettent en évidence des résultats variables en fonction de l'état de conscience des patients. Ces résultats soulignent la nécessité d'étudier les descripteurs de la douleur chez des patients cérébrolésés en fonction du niveau de conscience et de considérer l'hétérogénéité de cette population dans la conception d'un instrument d'évaluation de la douleur pour les personnes cérébrolésées non communicantes aux soins intensifs. - Pain is frequent in the intensive care unit (ICU) and its management is a major issue for nurses. The assessment of pain is a prerequisite for appropriate pain management. However, pain assessment is difficult when patients are unable to communicate about their experience and nurses have to base their evaluation on external signs. Clinical practice guidelines highlight the need to use behavioral scales that have been validated for nonverbal patients. Current behavioral pain tools for ICU patients unable to communicate may not be appropriate for nonverbal brain-injured ICU patients, as they demonstrate specific responses to pain. This study aimed to identify, describe and validate pain indicators and descriptors in brain-injured ICU patients. A mixed multiphase method design with a quantitative dominant was chosen for this study. The first phase aimed to identify indicators and descriptors of pain for nonverbal brain- injured ICU patients using data from three sources: an integrative literature review, a consultation using the nominal group technique with 18 experienced clinicians (12 nurses and 6 physicians) and the results of an observational pilot study with 10 traumatic brain injured patients. The results of this first phase identified 6 indicators and 47 behavioral, vocal and physiological descriptors of pain that could be included in a pain assessment tool for this population. The sequential phase two tested the psychometric properties of the list of previously identified indicators and descriptors. Content validity was tested with 10 clinical and 4 scientific experts for pertinence and comprehensibility using a structured questionnaire. This process resulted in 33 descriptors to be selected out of 47 previously identified, and six validated indicators. Then, the psychometric properties of the descriptors and indicators were tested at rest, during non nociceptive stimulation and nociceptive stimulation (turning) in a sample of 116 brain-injured ICLI patients who were hospitalized in two university centers. Results showed important variations in the descriptors observed during the nociceptive stimulation, probably due to the heterogeneity of patients' level of consciousness. Ten descriptors were excluded, as they were observed less than 5% of the time or their reliability was insufficient. All physiologic descriptors were deleted as they showed little variability and inter observer reliability was lacking. Concomitant validity, testing the association between patients' self report of pain and measures performed using the descriptors, was acceptable during nociceptive stimulation (rs=0,527, p=0,003, n=30). However, convergent validity ( testing for an association between the nurses' pain assessment and measures done with descriptors) and divergent validity (testing for the ability of the indicators to discriminate between rest and a nociceptive stimulation) varied according to the level of consciousness These results highlight the need to study pain descriptors in brain-injured patients with different level of consciousness and to take into account the heterogeneity of this population forthe conception of a pain assessment tool for nonverbal brain-injured ICU patients.


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Background Alzheimer's disease (AD) is the leading form of dementia worldwide. The Aß-peptide is believed to be the major pathogenic compound of the disease. Since several years it is hypothesized that Aß impacts the Wnt signaling cascade and therefore activation of this signaling pathway is proposed to rescue the neurotoxic effect of Aß. Findings Expression of the human Aß42 in the Drosophila nervous system leads to a drastically shortened life span. We found that the action of Aß42 specifically in the glutamatergic motoneurons is responsible for the reduced survival. However, we find that the morphology of the glutamatergic larval neuromuscular junctions, which are widely used as the model for mammalian central nervous system synapses, is not affected by Aß42 expression. We furthermore demonstrate that genetic activation of the Wnt signal transduction pathway in the nervous system is not able to rescue the shortened life span or a rough eye phenotype in Drosophila. Conclusions Our data confirm that the life span is a useful readout of Aß42 induced neurotoxicity in Drosophila; the neuromuscular junction seems however not to be an appropriate model to study AD in flies. Additionally, our results challenge the hypothesis that Wnt signaling might be implicated in Aß42 toxicity and might serve as a drug target against AD.


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What genotype should the scientist specify for conducting a database search to try to find the source of a low-template-DNA (lt-DNA) trace? When the scientist answers this question, he or she makes a decision. Here, we approach this decision problem from a normative point of view by defining a decision-theoretic framework for answering this question for one locus. This framework combines the probability distribution describing the uncertainty over the trace's donor's possible genotypes with a loss function describing the scientist's preferences concerning false exclusions and false inclusions that may result from the database search. According to this approach, the scientist should choose the genotype designation that minimizes the expected loss. To illustrate the results produced by this approach, we apply it to two hypothetical cases: (1) the case of observing one peak for allele xi on a single electropherogram, and (2) the case of observing one peak for allele xi on one replicate, and a pair of peaks for alleles xi and xj, i ≠ j, on a second replicate. Given that the probabilities of allele drop-out are defined as functions of the observed peak heights, the threshold values marking the turning points when the scientist should switch from one designation to another are derived in terms of the observed peak heights. For each case, sensitivity analyses show the impact of the model's parameters on these threshold values. The results support the conclusion that the procedure should not focus on a single threshold value for making this decision for all alleles, all loci and in all laboratories.


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Business cycle theory is normally described as having evolved out of a previous tradition of writers focusing exclusively on crises. In this account, the turning point is seen as residing in Clément Juglar's contribution on commercial crises and their periodicity. It is well known that the champion of this view is Schumpeter, who propagated it on several occasions. The same author, however, pointed to a number of other writers who, before and at the same time as Juglar, stressed one or another of the aspects for which Juglar is credited primacy, including the recognition of periodicity and the identification of endogenous elements enabling the recognition of crises as a self-generating phenomenon. There is indeed a vast literature, both primary and secondary, relating to the debates on crises and fluctuations around the middle of the nineteenth century, from which it is apparent that Juglar's book Des Crises Commerciales et de leur Retour Périodique en France, en Angleterre et aux États-Unis (originally published in 1862 and very much revised and enlarged in 1889) did not come out of the blue but was one of the products of an intellectual climate inducing the thinking of crises not as unrelated events but as part of a more complex phenomenon consisting of recurring crises related to the development of the commercial world - an interpretation corroborated by the almost regular occurrence of crises at about 10-year intervals.


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A child's natural gait pattern may be affected by the gait laboratory environment. Wearable devices using body-worn sensors have been developed for gait analysis. The purpose of this study was to validate and explore the use of foot-worn inertial sensors for the measurement of selected spatio-temporal parameters, based on the 3D foot trajectory, in independently walking children with cerebral palsy (CP). We performed a case control study with 14 children with CP aged 6-15 years old and 15 age-matched controls. Accuracy and precision of the foot-worn device were measured using an optical motion capture system as the reference system. Mean accuracy±precision for both groups was 3.4±4.6cm for stride length, 4.3±4.2cm/s for speed and 0.5±2.9° for strike angle. Longer stance and shorter swing phases with an increase in double support were observed in children with CP (p=0.001). Stride length, speed and peak angular velocity during swing were decreased in paretic limbs, with significant differences in strike and lift-off angles. Children with cerebral palsy showed significantly higher inter-stride variability (measured by their coefficient of variation) for speed, stride length, swing and stance. During turning trajectories speed and stride length decreased significantly (p<0.01) for both groups, whereas stance increased significantly (p<0.01) in CP children only. Foot-worn inertial sensors allowed us to analyze gait spatiotemporal data outside a laboratory environment with good accuracy and precision and congruent results with what is known of gait variations during linear walking in children with CP.


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This study describes the validation of a new wearable system for assessment of 3D spatial parameters of gait. The new method is based on the detection of temporal parameters, coupled to optimized fusion and de-drifted integration of inertial signals. Composed of two wirelesses inertial modules attached on feet, the system provides stride length, stride velocity, foot clearance, and turning angle parameters at each gait cycle, based on the computation of 3D foot kinematics. Accuracy and precision of the proposed system were compared to an optical motion capture system as reference. Its repeatability across measurements (test-retest reliability) was also evaluated. Measurements were performed in 10 young (mean age 26.1±2.8 years) and 10 elderly volunteers (mean age 71.6±4.6 years) who were asked to perform U-shaped and 8-shaped walking trials, and then a 6-min walking test (6MWT). A total of 974 gait cycles were used to compare gait parameters with the reference system. Mean accuracy±precision was 1.5±6.8cm for stride length, 1.4±5.6cm/s for stride velocity, 1.9±2.0cm for foot clearance, and 1.6±6.1° for turning angle. Difference in gait performance was observed between young and elderly volunteers during the 6MWT particularly in foot clearance. The proposed method allows to analyze various aspects of gait, including turns, gait initiation and termination, or inter-cycle variability. The system is lightweight, easy to wear and use, and suitable for clinical application requiring objective evaluation of gait outside of the lab environment.


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Abstract : GABA, the primary inhibitory neurotransmitter, and its receptors play an important role in modulating neuronal activity in the central nervous system and are implicated in many neurological disorders. In this study, GABAA and GABAB receptor subunit expression was visualized by immunohistochemistry in human auditory areas TC (= primary auditory area), TB, and TA. Both hemispheres from nine neurologically normal subjects and from four patients with subacute or chronic stroke were included. In normal brains, GABAA receptor subunit (α1, α2, & β2/3) labeling produced neuropil staining throughout all cortical layers as well as labeling fibers and neurons in layer VI for all auditory areas. Densitometry profiles displayed differences in GABAA subunit expression between primary and non-primary areas. In contrast to the neuropil labeling of GABAA subunits, GABAB1 and GABAB2 subunit immunoreactivity was revealed on neuronal somata and proximal dendritic shafts of pyramidal and non-pyramidal neurons in layers II-III, more strongly on supra- than in infragranular layers. No differences were observed between auditory areas. In stroke cases, we observed a downregulation of the GABAA receptor α2 subunit in granular and infragranular layers, while the other GABAA and the two GABAB receptor subunits remained unchanged. Our results demonstrate a strong presence of GABAA and GABAB receptors in the human auditory cortex, suggesting a crucial role of GABA in shaping auditory responses in the primary and non-primary auditory areas. The differential laminar and area expression of GABAA subunits that we have found in the auditory areas and which is partially different from that in other cortical areas speaks in favor of a fine turning of GABA-ergic transmission in these different compartments. In contrast, GABAB expression displayed laminar, but not areal differences; its basic pattern was also very similar to that of other cortical areas, suggesting a more uniform role within the cerebral cortex. In subacute and chronic stroke, the selective GABAA α2 subunit downregulation is likely to influence postlesional plasticity and susceptibility to medication. The absence of changes in the GABAB receptors suggests different regulation than in other pathological conditions, such as epilepsy, schizophrenia or bipolar disorder, in which a downregulation has been reported. Résumé : GABA, le principal neurotransmetteur inhibiteur, et ses récepteurs jouent un rôle important en tant que modulateur de l'activité neuronale dans le système nerveux central et sont impliqués dans de nombreux désordres neurologiques. Dans cette étude, l'expression des sous-unités des récepteur GABAA et GABAB a été visualisée par immunohistochimie dans les aires auditives du cortex humains: le TC (= aire auditif primaire), le TB, et le TA. Les deux hémisphères de neuf sujets considérés normaux du point de vue neurologique et de quatre patients ayant subis un accident cérébro-vasculaire et se trouvant dans la phase subaiguë ou chronique étaient inclues. Dans les cerveaux normaux, les immunohistochimies contre les sous-unités α1, α2, & β2/3 du récepteur GABAA ont marqué le neuropil dans toutes les couches corticales ainsi que les fibres et les neurones de la couche VI dans toutes les aires auditives. Le profile densitométrique montre des différences dans l'expression des sous-unités du récepteur GABAA entre les aires primaires et non-primaires. Contrairement au marquage de neuropil par les sous-unités du recepteur GABAA, 1'immunoréactivité des sous-unités GABAB1 et GABAB2 a été révélée sur les corps cellulaires neuronaux et les dendrites proximaux des neurones pyramidaux et non-pyramidaux dans les couches II-III et est plus dense dans les couches supragranulaires que dans les couches infragranulaires. Aucune différence n'a été observée entre les aires auditives. Dans des cas lésionnels, nous avons observé une diminution de la sous-unité α2 du récepteur GABAA dans les couches granulaires et infragranulaires, alors que le marquage des autres sous-unités du récepteur GABAA et des deux sous-unités de récepteur GABAB reste inchangé. Nos résultats démontrent une présence forte des récepteurs GABAA et GABAB dans le cortex auditif humain, suggérant un rôle crucial du neurotransmetteur GABA dans la formation de la réponse auditive dans les aires auditives primaires et non-primaires. L'expression différentielle des sous-unités de GABAA entre les couches corticales et entre les aires auditives et qui est partiellement différente de celle observée dans d'autres aires corticales préconise une modulation fine de la transmission GABA-ergic en ces différents compartiments. En revanche, l'expression de GABAB a montré des différences laminaires, mais non régionales ; son motif d'expression de base est également très semblable à celui d'autres aires corticales, suggérant un rôle plus uniforme dans le cortex cérébral. Dans les phases subaiguë et chronique des accidents cérébro-vasculaires, la diminution sélective de la sous-unité α2 du recepteur GABAA est susceptible d'influencer la plasticité et la susceptibilité postlésionnelle au médicament. L'absence de changement pour les récepteurs GABAB suggère que le récepteur est régulé différemment après un accident cerebro-vasculaire par rapport à d'autres conditions pathologiques, telles que l'épilepsie, la schizophrénie ou le désordre bipolaire, dans lesquels une diminution de ces sous-unités a été rapportée.